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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 56, Issue 5 / 1998
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article WHO establishment 50th anniversary and Mr. Hiroshi Nakajima
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 561-561, 1998.

Japanese Article Noninvasive measurement of the oxygen dynamics in the peripheral tissue
Shun Katsumura kernel
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 563-568, 1998.

Japanese Article Improved stage of infarction wall motion in AMI:Association between the presence or absence of mismatchin myocardial scintigrams of Tl & BMIPP and CK release pattern
Masato KURIHARA, Masahiro ABE, Toshihiro ABE, Yoshikazu NAGAI, Chiharu IBUKIYAMA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 569-575, 1998.

Japanese Article Combined anti-cancer drug and hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Kiyoteru SHIMA, Harubumi KATO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 576-585, 1998.

Japanese Article Relationship between neurofibrillary tangles and β protein immunoreactivity in brainstem with Alzheimer's disease
Takahiko UMAHARA1,2), Noriyuki SIBATA1), Asao HIRANO1), Shinsuke KATO1), Toshihiko IWAMOTO2), Masaru TAKASAKI2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 586-590, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of factors for success/failure on smoking cessation using nicotine gum
Shigeki FUJII, Masatake FUJITA, Hirokazu NOHARA, Hitoshi IINO, Ichiro HARADA, Chiharu IBUKIYAMA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 591-599, 1998.

Japanese Article The effects of T cell function on the production of myeloperoxidase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody in myeloperoxidase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasuculitis
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 600-607, 1998.

Japanese Article Changes in plasma atrial natriuretic peptide concentration during coronary occlusion and reperfusion
Takeo ICHIKI, Sadamichi KIYOMI, Yoji HIRAYAMA, Toshikazu ISHII, Teijin SUMI, Chiharu IBUKIYAMA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 608-616, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case of the esophageal mucosa abrasion after the sclerotherapy that showed specific form
Shuji Futaki, Futoshi Nakayama Kotobuki, Masaya Furukawa, Masahiko Yamada, Toshiaki Mizoe, Yasuhiro Mizuguchi, Ogiwara Masaji, Kazutoshi Onoda, 真神易, Shunya Horibe, 新戸禎哲, Seki Tomoyuki, Minoru Kawaguchi, Toshihiko Saito
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 617-619, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the maxillary malignant tumor which resulted in acute meningitis after the 282nd Tokyo Medical College clinical social gathering record tumor excision
千葉博茂*1, 里見貴史*1, 高草木宏之*2, 大岩泰之*2, 海老原善郎*3, 林徹*4,*5
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 620-627, 1998.

Japanese Article About the expression of EBV-related antigen in the faucial tonsil of patients with 1 chronic tonsillitis
Tetsuya Ikeda, Fumio Mizuno
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 628-628, 1998.

Japanese Article Cloning and promoter analysis of the sequence of the E2A gene which is indispensable to the initial differentiation of 3 B cells of upper reaches
秦喜久美, 斎藤昌枝, 水口純一郎
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 629-629, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of the mechanical irritation as the origin of 4 atopy cataracts
Hiroshi Goto
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 630-630, 1998.

Japanese Article The vestibule cervical reflex circuit which reaches from 5 saccule and utricle the musculus sternocleidomastoideus motoneuron
Kushiro Keisuke, M.Zakir, Midori Imagawa, Itsuki Sato, Infield good life
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 630-630, 1998.

Japanese Article 6 basic fibroblast growth factor and culture rat astrocytic dopamine uptake regulatory mechanism by the epidermal growth factor
Masato Inazu, 張俊, Hiroshi Takeda, Teruhiko Matsumiya
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 631-631, 1998.

Japanese Article Role of a glutamic acid receptor in the mechanism of pathogenesis of 7 neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and the transporter
Yu Inage Motoko *1, Hideki Iwatsubo *1, Akito Takei *2, Akinori Hoshika *2, Masayuki Ito *3, Yukio Takashima *3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 631-631, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the airway control in our 9 center
Maki Muraoka, Sosuke Koike, Naoyuki Kanai, Yoshibumi Makino, Yusuke Ikeda, Tadashi Fujikawa, Shudo Suzuki, Hirokazu Sasaki, The main room sky
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 632-632, 1998.

Japanese Article Observation of the peripheral airway with the alley fiberscope in a lot of 10 respiratory disease
Daisuke Miyamoto *, Yuichi Ichise *, 国澤晃 *, Naoshi Yanagisawa *, Hiroshi Kusumoto *, 平嶺陽子 *, Mizuno Kosuke *, Emiko Kanai *, Kazuhiko Kikuchi *, Shigeru Makino *, Iku Kasuga horse *, Kazunari Minemura *, Hiroshi Kiyokawa *, Ryo Yonemaru *, Yellow Masayuki Kawada **, Takasaki A **
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 633-633, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the pulmonary fibroblastic HGF-producing ability due to 12 high density oxygenation stimulation
Bank thickness next, Yagyu Hisanaga, Kimiko Takahashi, Forest Takahiro Sako, Tatsu Mikami, Kashiwara Kosuke, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Toshiro Kiguchi, Takeshi Matsuoka
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 634-634, 1998.

Japanese Article 2 cases that was regarded as CREST syndrome forced to 14 toe amputation by
Yoshinari Hisada, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, 箱島明, Hiromi Akutsu, Satoko Fujita
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 635-635, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison - with blood flow evaluation - great saphenous vein graft of 15 coronary arteries bypass postoperative right gastroepiploic artery graft
Valley Daisuke, Katsusuke Ikeda, Satoshi Uchimura life, Shigeki Ito, Masashi Hashimoto, Tetsuzo Hirayama, Shin Ishimaru
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 635-635, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases that needed chronic artificial respiration management for the ARDS that occurred after 16 coronary arteries bypass operation
Hiromasa Nakai *, Naoki Konagai *, Mitsunori Maeda *, Tadashi Saeki pure *, Tatsuhiko Kudo *, Shin Ishimaru **
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 636-636, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of 1,000 out of the hospital cardiopulmonary arrest patients (OH CPA) in 17 critical care centers
Shigeki Sakamoto, Toshiaki Ikeda, Joji Ikeda, Toshiaki Onizuka, Junichi Miyamoto, Takaaki Kobayashi, Manabu Fujinawa, Fumiko Taguchi, Takao Muto *, Kazumi Ikeda *, Osamu Ishii husband *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 636-636, 1998.

Japanese Article Approach - to medical education using introduction - information network of PA-1 experiment, education server Edu System
Yoshifumi Watanabe, Hajime Nawa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 637-637, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of the agreement acquisition contents in the PA-4 this hospital trial
Masashi Matsumura *, Fujitsuka party *, Kiyoshi Okuyama *, 前彰 *, Junichi Hosoda *, Toshiyuki Takahashi **, Ibukiyama Chiharu ***
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 638-638, 1998.

Japanese Article EB virus infection to a PA-7 receptor-negative cultured cell
江原友子, 角田修次, ルナール純子, 水野文雄
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 640-640, 1998.

Japanese Article Hemostasis management in the hysterectomy of the PA-8 Bernard-Soulier syndrome
藤田進*, 新井盛夫*, 守谷研二*, 渡邉潤*, 西田恭治*, 天野景裕*, 福武勝幸*, 藤東淳也**, 鈴木康伸**, 高山雅臣**
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 640-640, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of Hairy cell leukemia where PA-9 Deoxycoformycin(DCF) was effective
石井幸司, 野口容子, 山本浩文, 武市美鈴, 近藤美知, 代田常道, 林徹
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 641-641, 1998.

Japanese Article About study on oral symptoms tertiary report Oral Hairy Leukoplakia of the PA-10 HIV infected person /AIDS patients
Kenichi Matsuda *, Yasuo Komori *, Masato Watanabe *, Inou Tomoaki *, History of Motoi Takamori *, 千葉博茂 *, Kazuhiko Kagawa **, Yasuyuki Yamamoto **, Fukutake Katsuyuki **
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 641-641, 1998.

Japanese Article One case muscular after PA-12 in rib
Masato Okubo
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 642-642, 1998.

Japanese Article Expression of autoantigen through the Epstein-Barr virus(EBV) reactivation in PB-15 Sjogren's syndrome
Yuko Inoue, Fumio Mizuno
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 644-644, 1998.

Japanese Article About the analysis of PB-17 midge cockroach antigen and the HLA class II gene
Sonoko Morita, Majima Eisuke, Kahori Sakurai, Yasumi Oguchi, 丸岡教隆, Toshikazu Tamaki, Masato Kobayashi, Tsuyuguchi Satoko, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Tomoyuki Niizuma, Tetsu Hayashi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 645-645, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the vascular endothelial cells disorder in the onset extension of the PB-18 anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody:ANCA)-related vasculitis
伊保谷憲子, 岩堀徹, 杉浦美砂, 吉田雅治
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 645-645, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of the apoptotic related protein in the PB-19 mouse B-cell lymphoma (CH12, CH31)
小石洋和*, 加藤直樹*, 星加明徳*, 水口純一郎**, 天野英子**, 宮崎有紀**
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 646-646, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the cytokine production from PB-20 lung cancer cells and the functional role
Iku Kasuga horse, Ryo Yonemaru, Hiroshi Kiyokawa, Kazunari Minemura, Kenta Utsumi, Yuichi Ichise, Keisuke Toyama, Hiromi Serizawa *, Yoshiro Ebihara *
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 646-646, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of the cytoclesis of T cell and periphery bronchiole epithelial cells at the PB-21 lungs rejection
宮島邦治, 中嶋伸, 田口雅彦, 小中千守, 加藤治文, 田中満
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 647-647, 1998.

Japanese Article Study of the liver transplantation from a cardiac arrest donor aiming at PB-22 clinical application
Masami Uchiyama *1, Koichi Kozaki *1, Tadashi Matsuno mischief *1, Juichi Degawa *1, Takehiko Nemoto *1, Etsuo Sakurai *1, Motoi Kubota pre-child *1, Hiroki Takeuchi *1, Masami Kozaki *1, 長尾桓 *1, Toshiaki Ikeda *2, Asuwa Noriko *3, Shigeru Masuda *3, Toshihiko Hirano *4
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 647-647, 1998.

Japanese Article The aneurysmal internal pressure measurement during the embolization for the PB-25 cerebral aneurysm
橋本孝朗, 鬼塚俊朗, 原岡襄, 伊東洋
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 649-649, 1998.

Japanese Article A long term prognosis and MR image of PB-26 onset cerebral thrombosis
Asami Akazawa, Toshihiko Iwamoto, Tetsuo Koyama, Junko Koizumi, Yellow Masayuki Kawada, Takasaki A
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 649-649, 1998.

Japanese Article Anesthesia management of the PB-28 pneumoscope precordium sympathetic ganglion amputation
大石聡, 今井清子, 澄川尚, 平林剛, 新井としみ, 荻原幸彦, 渡辺省五, 一色淳
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 650-650, 1998.

Japanese Article Ga in the PC-30 parotid gland tumor, utility of the Tc scintigraphy
Mika Iijima, The Takeshi Nomoto beauty, 茂原健, Katsueki Watanabe
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 651-651, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the recurrent cancer of maxilla which needed PC-32 base of skull surgery
南雲祐二*, 千葉博茂*, 里見貴史*, 金子忠良*, 三木保**, 和田淳**, 伊東洋**
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 652-652, 1998.

Japanese Article Melatonin receptor and PSA production of PC-33 LNCaP cells
小林正則, 澤村省逸, 白間一彦, 山田仁三
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 653-653, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of the smooth muscle contraction mechanism in the functional obstruction with the PC-34 prostatic hyperplasia: Examination in the shrinkage experimental model using the guinea pig spermatic duct
宍戸俊英*, 並木一典*, 小川正至*, 鉾石文彦*, 三木誠*, 坂井朗子**, 登坂恒夫**
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 653-653, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the utility of new therapy Uterine Balloon Therapy(UBT) for PC-35 menorrhagia
Kazuo Iso, Keiichi Isaka, Junko Nagata, Kosugi enthusiast period, Spring water salary child, Quantity of moat Expo, Masaomi Takayama
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 654-654, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the frank haematuria patients that identification was impossible with PC-37 causative disease
松本哲夫, 辻野進, 尾山博則
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 655-655, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of complications of the PC-38 abdominal aortic aneurysm
市橋弘章, 小櫃由樹生, 石川幹夫, 石丸新, 藤川正*, 小池荘介*
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 655-655, 1998.

Japanese Article Anesthesia management of the patients who had the PC-39 cardiac sarcoidosis
星野伸二, 近江明文, 亀井俊郎, 成田英之, 金子英人, 松尾麗子, 石井脩夫
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 656-656, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of acute myocardial infarction due to the thrombotic occlusion of the PC-41 coronary artery aneurysm site
Kino Mineko, Takashi Uchiyama, The Tadashi Namiki world, Naoko Komatsu, Naohisa Shindo, Yutaka Kobayashi shade, Well Ryutaro, Toru Toyota, 加藤富嗣, Akira Yoshizaki, Yoshikazu Nagai
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 657-657, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of liver residual function metrics HH15, LHL15, LU15 of 18 99mTc-GSA liver scintigraphy
Hideji Hirose 1), Satoshi Shiraiwa will 1), Kiyoshi Koizumi 1), Kimihiko Abe 1), Seki Tomoyuki 2), Toshihiko Saito 2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 658-658, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical response of troglitazone(Noscal(R)) in patients with NIDDM with 20 fatty liver
大野敦*, 旭暢照*, 佐藤知也*, 植木彬夫*, 小林高明**, 青木由貴子**, 林徹**
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 659-659, 1998.

Japanese Article One patient who was treated with 24 mandibular ramus vertical osteotomy at the same time of deformity of jaw and temporomandibular disorder
Otohiko Goto *, 千葉博茂 *, 藤川考 *, Takayuki Nakai *, Takashi Watanabe *, Takao orthotropic *, Yanai length *, Tomomi Yoshitani *, Tadayoshi Kaneko *, Iwao Suzuki **
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 661-661, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical examination about the chin function after 26 fracture of mandible
松川聡*, 増井康典*, 山田容三*, 本田一文*, 井上雄*, 千葉博茂**
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 662-662, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the antitumor effect of rays mechanical therapy (PDT) using 27 Mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6(NPe6)
Hiroshi Nakamura *, Takeichi sincerity *, Yasunobu Suzuki *, Masaomi Takayama *, Katsuo Aizawa **
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 662-662, 1998.

Japanese Article Prognosis of the rays mechanical therapy for V28 early laryngeal cancer
Taizo Ozuku *, Tomoyuki Yoshida *, Plum Masaji *, Hidehiro Maruoka *, Hitoshi Inoue *, Hiroyuki Ito *, 鈴木衞 *, Harufumi Kato **
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 663-663, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of the feces alpha2-macroglobulin measurement as 29 colon cancer index
五頭三秀, 石塚大輔, 日高道生, 須藤一郎, 川口実, 宮岡正明, 斎藤利彦
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 663-663, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the tumor localization of cancer cell nest form in 30 gastric cancer, a growth style and the trypsin
Takashi Murohashi *, Keiichiro Yamamoto *, Ashizawa dragon person *, Kenji Katsumata *, Akihiko Murano *, Sumi Tetsuo *, Susumu Yamashita arrow *, Majima dragon celebration *, Shiyu Mori high *, Soji Takahashi *, Yasuhisa Koyanagi **, Yoshiro Ebihara ***
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 56(5): 664-664, 1998.