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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 58, Issue 6 / 2000
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article For general competitiveness
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 729-729, 2000.

Japanese Article Analysis of Epstein−Barr virus reactivation by a BZLF1 promoter in Sjogren’s syndrome
Yoshifumi NAGATA, Fumio MIZUNO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 733-742, 2000.

Japanese Article Usefulness of preservation method by machine purfusion and pentoxifylline on the liver transplantation from non−heart−beating donor
Masami UCHIYAMA, Koichi KOZAKI, Naoto MATSUNO, Takeshi NAGAO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 743-756, 2000.

Japanese Article Analysis of xenogenic discordant hyperacute rejection in fetal pig
Toyoaki MIURA, Shin NAKAJIMA, Shinichi NAGATA, Osamu UCHIDA, Kiyoshi OGATA, Chimori KONAKA, Harubumi KATOH
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 757-766, 2000.

Japanese Article Clinical evaluation of soluble CD44 levels in blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in sarcoidosis
Hidekazu TAGO, Ikuma KASUGA, Akira KUNISAWA, Kazushige MINEMURA, Kenta UTSUMI, Kazuma OHYASHIKI
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 767-774, 2000.

Japanese Article One healed case of the central sulcus neighborhood brain tumor that MRI surface anatomy scan (SAS) and perioperative SEP were useful
Fukami truth Jiro, Bamboo Tsuyoshi Tahiro, Hiroyuki Takakusaki, Hisafumi Nakanishi, Satoshi Nakajima, Tadaharu Fukuda, 蓮江正道
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 775-779, 2000.

Japanese Article Effects of OSCE on peadiatric eliciting history by score sheets
Hisashi KAWASHIMA, Akinori HOSHIKA, Ken MATUOKA1), Tohru HAYASHI2), Yasuhisa KOYANAGI3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 785-788, 2000.

Japanese Article One case of the multiple myeloma that merged with Sjogren's syndrome, and complicated Sweet disease all over the course
代田常道, 原田芳巳, 坪井紀興, 本多芳英*, 西山誠**
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 789-797, 2000.

Japanese Article Myelodysplastic syndrome who had the vasculitis with the eosinophil leukocytic infiltrate
若杉和倫, Dr. Iwama, Masaharu Yoshida *, Ichikawa Yoshiko Sana **, 望月眞 ***
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 798-804, 2000.

English Article Opening Address
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 807-807, 2000.

English Article Orbital surgery:A flexible, customized approach
Robert Alan GOLDBERG
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 808-817, 2000.

English Article Surgical management of anterior segment trauma
Dimitri AZAR
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 818-824, 2000.

English Article Indications for vitrectomy in uveitis
Russell N. Van GELDER, Henry J. KAPLAN
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 825-831, 2000.

English Article Cyclophotocoagulation ab externa(Usui’s method)for neovascular glaucoma with uncontrolled intraocular pressure
Masahiko USUI, Hiroshi GOTO, Hiroshi MINODA, Norio USUI
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 832-837, 2000.

English Article Neovascularization of the pars plana vitrectomy Sclerotomy site
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 838-842, 2000.

English Article Wide−angle observation and illumination for bimanual vitreous surgery
Thorsten BOKER
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 843-848, 2000.

English Article Cornee artificielle
Gilles RENARD, Jean-Marc LEGEAIS
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 849-853, 2000.

English Article Closing Remarks
Masahiko USUI
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 58(6): 854-854, 2000.