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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 61, Issue 2 / 2003
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The martial arts and medical care
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 85-86, 2003.

Japanese Article Convergence and control of canalis semicircularis and the otolithic apparatus
Infield good life, Midori Imagawa
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 87-93, 2003.

English Article Improvement of the soft-cup aspirator in laparoscopic surgery of ovarian cysts and evaluation based on experiments and clinical experiences
Akiko NAKAJIMA, Keiichi ISAKA, Toshitaka OGAWA, Masaomi TAKAYAMA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 94-102, 2003.

Japanese Article Responsible regions for cell fusion of measles virus
Akiyoshi HOSHI1),2), Tetsuo NAKAYAMA2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 103-112, 2003.

English Article PCR and restriction enzyme analysis based diagnostic system for thermogenesis regulation genes
Ritsuko KATO1), 2), Yuko ODAGIRI1), Koichi MAKIMURA2), Teruichi SHIMOMITSU1)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 113-119, 2003.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical and biochemical investigation of ossification of the spinal ligaments in Zucker fatty rats
Hideaki MACHIDA, Kengo YAMAMOTO, Tomomasa NAKATANI, Toshinori MASAOKA, Atsuhiro IMAKIIRE
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 120-129, 2003.

English Article Involvement of PPAR-γ in fetal development in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia
Osamu AKUTAGAWA1), Tomoyoshi NOHIRA2), Masaomi TAKAYAMA1)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 130-136, 2003.

Japanese Article Different cell fusion inducibility of wild-type mumps virus strains
Yukiko SHIGETA1), Tetsuo NAKAYAMA2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 137-145, 2003.

Japanese Article Measurement of glucose concentrations by infrared spectroscopy method
Chisaki INADA1), Masao KANAZAWA1), Katsuo AIZAWA2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 146-153, 2003.

English Article Randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of a physical activity intervention program based on behavioral medicine
Shigeru INOUE, Yuko ODAGIRI, Sawako WAKUI, Ritsuko KATOH, Tetsushi MORIGUCHI, Yumiko OHYA, Teruichi SHIMOMITSU
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 154-165, 2003.

English Article Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not involved in ICAM-1 expression of endothelial cells but in that of gastric fibroblasts in vitro
Hiroki TAKEYAMA1), 2), Taku TSUKUI2), Atsushi TATSUGUCHI2), Ken WADA2), Kazumasa MIYAKE2), Kei SHINOKI2), Yoko SHINJI2), Tadasu IIZUMI2), Tetsuro HIRATSUKA2), Katya GUDIES2), Seiji FUTAGAMI2), Shuhei MIURA1), Yuji MIZOKAMI1), Takeshi MATSUOKA1), Choitsu SAKAMOTO2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 166-176, 2003.

Japanese Article An example of myelofibrosis who had esophagogastric varices
Jun Sanada 1, Futoshi Nakayama 1, Kotobuki, 鈴木章孝 2, Yoshiro Ebihara 3, Fuminori Moriyasu 1
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 61(2): 177-186, 2003.