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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 72, Issue 4 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article We live with the foreword patients
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 271-272, 2014.

Japanese Article Trace of the abdomen surgery more than 30 year
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 273-284, 2014.

Japanese Article Geriatric role for extension of the healthy life expectancy
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 285-289, 2014.

Japanese Article Progress and role of the neurology
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 290-294, 2014.

Japanese Article From the experience of efforts - skeletal muscle disease study to intractable "super" rare illness -
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 295-301, 2014.

Japanese Article Cytodiagnosis of the lung adenocarcinoma
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 302-307, 2014.

Japanese Article The past, the present, the future of the breast cancer practice
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 308-315, 2014.

Japanese Article Awareness of Japanese Society of Pressure Ulcers and its Guidelines for Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers : a questionnaire-based survey conducted at Hachioji Medical Center of Tokyo Medical University
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 316-319, 2014.

Japanese Article Collection of medical fees through administrator of inherited property on behalf of unidentified patients
Masashi URAMATSU1), Kentaro KAWAI2), Satoru MAKITA3), Masakatsu OKABE3), Teruaki FUJIHIRA4), Jun WADA1), Tamotsu MIKI1)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 320-323, 2014.

Japanese Article Participate in American Cancer Society
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 324-325, 2014.

Japanese Article The phaeochromocytoma which was detected with the 437th Tokyo Medical College clinical social gathering eye manifestation
並木一典, 三間隆史, 奥貫陽子, 武井康悦, 手嶋晶子, 高橋礼典, 橘政昭, 原田芳巳
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 326-336, 2014.

Japanese Article The asbestos lung cancer that was diagnosed as the 438th Tokyo Medical College clinical social gathering malignant pleural mesothelioma (desmoplastic mesothelioma), and was treated
古川欣也, 片場寛明, 伊藤昌之, 村上昌, 菅原信二, 菊嶋昭一, 平山剛, 矢野陽子, 齋藤誠, 森下由紀雄, 渡邉秀裕
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 337-348, 2014.

Japanese Article Infective endocarditis case complicated with bicuspid aortic valve, the constriction that was the 439th Tokyo Medical College clinical social gathering blood culture negative
肥田敏, 黒羽根彩子, 中村造, 川崎真紗子, 戸口佳代, 帯包妃代
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 349-361, 2014.

Japanese Article 1. Characteristic of the CAWS vasculitis in the complement C5 deficient mouse
石本由維菜, 三浦典子, 山中大輔, 石橋健一, 安達禎之, 大野尚仁
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 362-362, 2014.

Japanese Article 2. Role of JNK in the bronchial asthma onset
高田栄子1), 古畑昌枝1), 片平高史1), 水口純一郎1), 須藤カツ子2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 362-362, 2014.

Japanese Article 3. Association between B-cell activator and effect of treatment in patients with myasthenia gravis
田中祥子1), 山本真実子1), 落合有美香1), 前野朱美1), 恩田健二1), 杉山健太郎1), 平野俊彦1), 増田眞之2), 大塚敬男2), 伊藤操2), 内海裕也2), 明石貴雄3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 363-363, 2014.

Japanese Article 4. Exhaustive analysis of the pathogen gene in the adnexum oculi lymphoproliferative disorder using a multiplex and the broad range PCR
臼井嘉彦1), 木村圭介1), 上田俊一郎1), 柴田元子1), 後藤浩1), 高瀬博2), 望月学2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 363-364, 2014.

Japanese Article 5. 2 cases of neonates, the infants gastrointestinal allergy that we experienced in our hospital
赤羽麻衣, 廣瀬あかね, 呉宗憲, 西亦繁雄, 柏木保代, 河島尚志, 武隈孝治, 星加明徳
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 364-364, 2014.

Japanese Article 6. ASK1 is important to the IL-17 production in the creation aspect in the contact erethism.
水上潤哉1), 武田弘資1), 坪井良治1), 水上潤哉2), 一條秀憲2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 364-364, 2014.

Japanese Article 7. Differentiation by the analysis of the surface antigen in the orbital lymphoproliferative disorder
上田俊一郎1), 臼井嘉彦1), 木村圭介1), 後藤浩1), 永井毅2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 364-365, 2014.

Japanese Article 8. It is identified Cellular Fibronectin citrulline in the synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
木村英里1), 大塚麻由1), 関雅之1), 森浩章1), 庄司亜樹1), 林映1), 太原恒一郎1), 小田原雅人1), 沢田哲治1), 神崎健仁2), 山本一彦2), 鈴木亜香里3), 山田亮4), 橋本しをり5)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 365-365, 2014.

Japanese Article 9. Congenital immunodeficiency: as the background of an infection, autoimmune disease, the blood neoplastic disease Known and Unknown
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 365-365, 2014.

Japanese Article 1. The tumor cells toxicity of the cardenolide glucoside isolated than a digitalis seed
黒田明平, 久保聡, 松尾侑希子, 阿藤友美, 佐藤純一, 藤野智史, 早川磨紀男, 三巻祥浩
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 366-367, 2014.

Japanese Article 2. About the tumor cells toxicity of new isoflavone glaziovianin A isolated from tradition crude drug Ateleia glazioviana from Brazil
横須賀章人, 三巻祥浩
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 367-367, 2014.

Japanese Article 3. Adjustment of the cell death to go through a T-cell antigen receptor by Thy28
豊田博子, 矢那瀬紀子, 水口純一郎
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 367-368, 2014.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the antitumor effect of a histone deacetylase repressor and the retinoic acid for the human cutaneous T-cell lymphoma strain
加藤雪彦, 江草智津, 前田龍郎, 坪井良治
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 368-368, 2014.

Japanese Article 5. Participation of the Th cell in the IgG4-related eye disease
上田俊一郎, 臼井嘉彦, 木村圭介, 後藤浩
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 368-368, 2014.

Japanese Article 6. Four cases of the Clostridium difficile association enterocolitis that developed in healthy children
木村将裕, 志村優, 長尾竜兵, 佐藤智, 西亦繁雄, 熊田篤, 河島尚志
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 368-369, 2014.

Japanese Article 7. Examination of the blood group incompatibility kidney transplantation using rituximab in our hospital
岩本整, 中村有紀, 今野理, 横山卓剛, 河地茂行, 島津元秀
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 369-369, 2014.

Japanese Article 8. Activated maintenance of the natural killer cell is important to molecular genetic complete remission maintenance after the treatment with imatinib cancellation of patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia
溝口出1), 善本隆之1), 片桐誠一朗2), 田内哲三2), 木村之彦2), 大屋敷一馬2), 水口純一郎3), 木村之彦4), 猪口孝一5), 大屋敷純子6)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 369-369, 2014.

Japanese Article 9. For the cancer immunity condition of a patient and control - effect-like cancer treatment -
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 369-370, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-1. An example of large B-cell lymphoma arising in HHV8 associated multicentric Castleman disease which showed characteristic expression patterns of the HHV8-related protein
山田正俊1), 橋本浩次1), 黒田雅彦1), 四本美保子2), 福武勝幸2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 372-372, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-2. *Development of the new immunologic sampling of patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia that can discontinue treatment with imatinib safely
溝口出1), 善本隆之1), 片桐誠一朗2), 田内哲三2), 木村之彦2), 大屋敷一馬2), 水口純一郎3), 大屋敷純子4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 372-373, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-3. BCL2L11 (BIM) gene polymorphism is associated with imatinib not antistress in chronic myeloid leukemia patients
片桐誠一朗1), 田内哲三1), 勝呂多光子1), 浅野倫代1), 吉澤成一郎1), 北原俊彦1), 赤羽大悟1), 田中裕子1), 藤本博昭1), 岡部聖一1), 後藤守孝1), 伊藤良和1), 大屋敷一馬1), 梅津知宏2), 大屋敷純子2), 田所健一3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 373-373, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-4. Targeting aggresome formation under simultaneous inhibition of proteasome and autophagy potentiates ER-stress mediated cell death in myeloma cells
森谷昇太1), 車暁芳1), 平本正樹1), 宮澤啓介1), 小松誠一郎2), 山崎佳穗3), 河合優佑3), 國場寛子4), 稲津正人5), 後藤明彦6), 半田宏7)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 373-374, 2014.

English Article P1-5. Novel separation method of SDS-PAGE using inverse-gradient polyacrylamide gel
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 374-374, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-6. Usefulness of the virtual bronchoscope navigation system in the diagnosis of the periphery small size lung cancer
大森智一, 前田純一, 嶋田善久, 吉田浩一, 萩原優, 垣花昌俊, 長瀬清亮, 梶原直央, 大平達夫, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 374-375, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-7. Dose distribution of the human trunk part normal position radiotherapy using compensation filter IMRT for the stage I non-small cell lung cancer
田島祐1), 中山秀次1), 三上隆二1), 白石沙眞1), 徳植公一1), 大久保充2), 菅原信二3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 375-375, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-8. Clinical features of familial interstitial pneumonia and the isolated interstitial pneumonia judging from Surfactant protein C gene (SP-C) mutation
瀬戸口靖弘1), 北川佐代子1), 前田龍郎2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 375-376, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-9. Analysis and clinical picture of Surfactant protein C (SP-C) gene and the ATP-binding cassette transporter A3 (ABC-A3) mutation in the gene in interstitial lung disease (ILD) of children
瀬戸口靖弘1), 北川佐代子1), 前田龍郎2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 376-376, 2014.

English Article P1-10. The effects and safety of standard therapy for COPD patients who were not previously receiving maintenance treatment
Yasuhiro Setoguchi1), Arinobu Izumi2), Hanada Goro3), Hidenori Nakamura4), Kazuyoshi Marumo5)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 377-377, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-11. It is combined effect of the building Doug re-Putin and miglitol mitiglinide for the hyperglycemia after a meal
梶邦成, 永田卓美, 梶明乃, 臼井崇裕, 松下隆哉, 大野敦
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 377-378, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-12. One case of the patients on dialysis that tolvaptan administration was effective for body fluid management for congestive heart failure of the dialysis induction
渡邊カンナ, 長岡由女, 和田憲和, 福原祐樹, 菅野義彦
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 378-378, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-13. *Examination of the NF-κB activity in the CDDP-resistant human cancer cell line
橋本剛, 堀口裕, 中島淳, 権藤立男, 中神義弘, 大野芳正, 並木一典, 吉岡邦彦, 大堀理, 橘政昭
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 378-378, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-14. It is analyzed the enzyme Synoviolin E3 ubiquitin aiming at innovative drug development development for the obesity
荒谷聡子, 藤田英俊, 西岡久寿樹, 中島利博
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 379-379, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-15. An example of the dialytic fluid concentrations abnormality in the haemodialysis
市川徹1), 上岡晃一1), 尾形明信1), 服部敏温1), 和田憲和2), 長岡由女2), 菅野義彦2), 内野博之3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 379-379, 2014.

English Article P1-16. *Nuclear localization and DNA/RNA binding activity of TDP-43 is necessary for TDP-43-induced neuronal cell death in vitro
鈴木宏昌, 松岡正明
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 380-380, 2014.

English Article P1-17. Long-term potentiation of GABA of IPSC to the substantia nigra pars reticulata GABA neurons caused by high frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus[Machine Translation] (視床下核への高頻度刺激により引き起こされる黒質網様部GABAニューロンへのGABA性IPSCの長期増強)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 380-380, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-18. Synaptic vesicles-releasing efficiency control by the Ca2+ transtime change with the action potential ignition
森倫範, 谷藤章太, 持田澄子
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 380-381, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-19. Sthenia of the oxidative stress in patients with Alzheimer's disease
畑中啓邦1), 櫻井博文1), 羽生春夫1), 岩本俊彦2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 381-381, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-20. Analysis of the synaptic vesicles recycling activation of the dynamin isoform decoding an action potential ignition pattern
谷藤章太, 持田澄子
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 381-382, 2014.

English Article P1-21. Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases Left Atrial Volume Independent of Left Ventricular Diastolic Impairment
今井靖子, 田中信大, 臼井靖博, 高橋のり, 黒羽根彩子, 武井康悦, 高田佳史, 山科章
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 382-382, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-22. Study on usage and effect of styptic pine Daito (hydrofitting) for the surgery
高橋聡1), 丸野恵大2), 岩堀晃也2), 清家愛幹2), 戸口佳代2), 岩橋徹2), 岩崎倫明2), 小泉信達2), 松山克彦2), 西部俊哉2), 杭ノ瀬昌彦2), 荻野均2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 383-383, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-23. Examination: of the abdominal organ hemodynamics by the supersonic wave Doppler method About the redistribution with the diet intake
永田博康1), 長田卓也2), 村瀬訓生2), 木目良太郎2), 勝村俊仁2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 383-384, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-24. The present conditions and problem of patients with severe obese sleep respiratory disorder in the sleep clinic
柳原万里子1), 藤原赤人1), 杉山伸也1), 守博昭1), 笠木聡1), 中山秀章1), 瀬戸口康弘1), 伊藤永喜2), 井上雄一2), 柳原万里子3), 伊藤永喜3), 中山秀章3), 井上雄一3), 柳原万里子4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 384-384, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-25. Drop of the Mg2+ inflow speed in the rat ventricular cardiac muscle cells with the TRPM7 repressor
田代倫子, 井上華, 田井忍, 小西真人
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 384-385, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-26. Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. in our hospital Fact-finding of the equisimilis (SDSE) infection
山口佳子1), 山口哲央2), 松本哲哉2), 福島慎二3), 中村造3), 井村留美子4), 千葉勝己4), 小宮英明5), 宮島豪5), 兒嶋君児5), 小林元俊5), 原田芳巳5), 平山陽示5)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 385-385, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-27. Examination of the blood culture-positive case in the general clinical department outpatient department testee
畑中志郎1), 赤石雄2), 原田芳巳2), 平山陽示2), 佐藤昭裕3), 中村造3), 水野泰孝3), 松本哲哉4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 385-386, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-28. Participation of the colive germ in the onset of the Acanthamoeba inflammation of the cornea
中川迅1), 服部貴明1), 田島一樹1), 高橋広樹1), 伊藤典彦1), 熊倉重人1), 後藤浩1), 小池直人2), 江原友子2), 松本哲哉2), 藤田浩司3), 黒田雅彦3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 386-386, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-29. ICT intervention example for the B. cereus outbreak
一木昭人1), 大須賀華子1), 大石毅1), 一木昭人2), 大須賀華子2), 大石毅2), 一木昭人3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 386-387, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-30. Inactivating oral polio vaccine additional vaccinal immunogenicity for adults
福島慎二, 濱田篤郎
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 387-387, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-31. Examination for the antibacterial effect and clinical application of the crystal violet
叶一乃1), 島村明花2), 松本哲哉3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 387-388, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-32. Multivariate analysis of prognostic factors in patients with rapidly progressive alopecia areata
内山真樹, 江草智津, 保母彩子, 入澤亮吉, 山崎正視, 坪井良治
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 388-388, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-33. For effective induction of immune response - new cancer vaccine development with tumor antigen-binding nanoparticles
矢那瀬紀子, 豊田博子, 秦喜久美, 水口純一郎
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 388-389, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-34. Immunohistologic analysis of the IL-17-positive obese cell in the primary alopecia scarring
保母彩子, 前田龍郎, 内山真樹, 入澤亮吉, 伊藤友章, 原田和俊, 山崎正視, 坪井良治
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 389-390, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-35. A genetic analysis of the familial mediterranean fever (familial Mediterranean fever: FMF) and examination of the clinical picture
赤松信子, 柏木保代, 河島尚志
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 390-390, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-36. Study on effect of insulin which gives it to the prednisolone sensitivity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
杉山健太郎, 稲村真理子, 林和樹, 加藤鈴, 板垣清楓, 大舘祐佳, 平野俊彦
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 390-390, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-37. About the psychiatric test in the Kashiwazaki public welfare hospital
野村健太郎, 赤羽学爾, 吉浜淳, 鈴木康一, 松田ひろし
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 391-391, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-38. The evaluation for the report of the BCP development support tool for medical institutions and future problem
大原達美1), 成清哲也1), 松村一2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 391-391, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-39. Comparison of the score according to the demonstrator in the medical interview training and OSCE
原田芳巳, 平山陽示, 和久田佳奈, 井村博美, 大滝純司
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 392-392, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-40. Effect on nurse - non-randomization intervention study that the medical mediation training gives to a stressor and stress reaction
荒神裕之1), 小田切優子2), 大谷由美子2), 高宮朋子2), 井上茂2), 西川英子3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 392-393, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-41. Functional analysis of the Colin transporter in prostate cancer cells
齋木巌1), 屋良美紀1), 原直美1), 内野博之1), 稲津正人2), 稲津正人3), 山中力3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 393-393, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-42. The reinforcement of the tumor enhancement through the automatic fuzzy by common subunit EBI3 of IL-27/IL-35
角田廉1), 溝口出1), 金子幸太郎1), 樋口要1), 善本隆之1), 水口純一郎2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 393-394, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-43. New treatment with Jak repressor develop-ment research for the apoplastic thyroid cancer
藤田知之1), 越川佳代子1), 西村基1), 藤森実1), 佐々木貴之2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 394-394, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-44. Use experience of the next-generation sequencer MiSeq system in this school
梅津知宏1), 今西哲2), 大屋敷純子2), 大屋敷一馬3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 394-395, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-45. One case of the liver focal nodular hyperplasia with the inflammatory hepatic adenoma
中島哲史1), 粕谷和彦1), 笠原健大1), 許文聰1), 細川勇一1), 永川裕一1), 勝又健次1), 土田明彦1), 杉本勝俊2), 近藤福雄3), 長尾俊孝4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 395-395, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-46. *Role as the biomarker of transcription factor HOXB9 in the individualization treatment for the hepatocellular carcinoma
千葉斉一, 沖原正章, 佐野達, 高野公徳, 河地茂行, 島津元秀
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 395-396, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-47. Usefulness of CT colonography in the gastric cancer peritoneum dissemination diagnosis
渡辺隆文, 太田喜洋, 須田健, 立花慎吾, 星野澄人, 逢坂由昭, 高木融, 粕谷和彦, 勝又健次, 土田明彦
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 396-396, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-48. Examination of the diagnosis ability of the esophagus lesion with the new small diameter endoscope
内藤咲貴子1), 河合隆1), 杉本弥子1), 野中雅也1), 福澤麻理1), 柳澤京介1), 山岸哲也1), 植松淳一2), 岸本佳子2), 河野真2), 佐藤丈征2), 八木直子2), 辻雄一郎2), 山本圭2), 八木健二2), 草野央2), 福澤誠克2), 後藤田卓志2), 森安史典2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 396-397, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-49. Anterior ocular segment OCT views of six Terrien's marginal degeneration
本橋良祐, 服部貴明, 森秀樹, 成松明知, 熊倉重人, 後藤浩
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 397-397, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-50. Examination of the factor influencing postoperative errors of refraction at the same time of cataract surgery and the goniotomy
有本剛, 丸山勝彦, 成尾麻子, 菅野敦子, 長井瞳, 後藤浩
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 397-397, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-51. The antiCD70 antibody inhibits mouse corneal transplant rejection
服部貴明1), 本橋良祐1), 臼井嘉彦1), 熊倉重人1), 後藤浩1), 秋葉久弥2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 398-398, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-52. Analysis of cornea thickness and the anterior epithelia of the cornea thickness of patients with type 2 diabetes by anterior ocular segment OCT
嶺崎輝海1), 服部貴明1), 熊倉重人1), 後藤浩1), 本橋良祐2), 志村雅彦2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 398-398, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-53. The detection of the pathogenic microbe from a corneal ulcer by the Multiplex PCR and the inflammation of the cornea
片平晴己1), 中川迅1), 服部貴明1), 熊倉重人1), 後藤浩1), 伊丹彩子2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 399-399, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-54. Change of the ankle instability by the menstrual cycle
岡崎倫江1), 村瀬訓生2), 勝村俊仁2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 399-400, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-55. Discussion about the usefulness of the physical stimulation to osteoporotic treatment from literatures
宮本泰典, 澤地恭昇, 遠藤健司, 正岡利紀, 鈴木秀和, 小坂泰一, 山本謙吾
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 400-400, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-56. Examination of the histological anatomy of the breast superficial muscular fasciae superficial layer around the areola nipple
小宮貴子1), 松村一1), 内藤宗和2), 伊藤正裕2), 松林純3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 400-401, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-57. One case of the upper arm triceps tendon skin lower tear with the olecranon avulsion fracture
澤田博文, 松岡佑嗣, 白須秀男, 小林浩人, 佐野圭二
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 401-401, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-58. Look at the mirror for the hip joint lips injury in our hospital; about incompetent post-operative rehabilitation
高橋亮吾, 山藤崇, 上野竜一, 山本謙吾
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 401-402, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-59. It is analysis ... by ... foot pressure welding ground pressure about the change of the gait cycle in the cervical spondylotic myelopathy
池上諒, 山中邦裕, 上野竜一, 遠藤健司, 山本謙吾
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 402-402, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-60. Examination about internal damage factor of the articular head prosthesis in the THA made of alumina and restraint measures
堀江真司, 高橋康仁, 宍戸孝明, 正岡利紀, 立岩俊之, 東儀季功, 中島大介, 山本謙吾
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 402-403, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-61. Comparison between phase transition deterioration investigation - accelerated aging sample and phase transition speed - in the extraction grit of the 3Y-TZP grit by the Raman spectrometry
有田正典, 高橋康仁, 宍戸孝明, 佐野圭二, 正岡利紀, 久保宏介, 立岩俊之, 山本謙吾
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 403-403, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-62. Transposition of EndoButton in the anatomical double bunch anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and clinical results
原口貴久, 関健, 松永怜, 山藤崇, 香取庸一, 山本謙吾
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 403-404, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-63. Clarification of palpation point of muscle and fascia consolidated in the thigh front
石田輝樹1), 林省吾2), 平井宗一2), 曲寧2), 内藤宗和2), 畑山直之2), 伊藤正裕2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 404-404, 2014.

English Article P3-64. A 3D Reconstruction Analysis of the Epitympanic Compartments in Chronic Otitis Media with Epitympanic Pathology : a Human Temporal Bone Study
白井杏湖1), 鈴木衞2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 404-405, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-65. Digital veins Internal examination on autopsy using VeinViewer Flex and the application
仁木さやか, 今井龍太郎, 伊藤謹民, 坂本奈津紀, 権東容秀, 松村一
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 405-405, 2014.

English Article Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (Korea) study report[Machine Translation] (ソウル国立大学附属ブンダン病院 (韓国) 留学報告)
石川和宏, 三島麗美
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 406-406, 2014.

English Article Pecs University (Hungary) study report[Machine Translation] (ペーチ大学 (ハンガリー) 留学報告)
奥村光一郎, 所一将
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 406-407, 2014.

English Article Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University (Vietnam) study report[Machine Translation] (ホーチミン市医科薬科大学 (ベトナム) 留学報告)
鶴山優, 小村はる香
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 407-407, 2014.

English Article Mainz University (Germany) study report Differences of Germany and Japan medical viewed from anesthesiology training[Machine Translation] (マインツ大学 (ドイツ) 留学報告 麻酔科実習から見たドイツと日本の医療の違い)
渡邉裕文, 松本健
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 407-408, 2014.

English Article University of Montpellier (France) study report[Machine Translation] (モンペリエ大学 (フランス) 留学報告)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 408-408, 2014.

English Article Utrecht University (Netherlands) study report[Machine Translation] (ユトレヒト大学 (オランダ) 留学報告)
大野力, 牧野吉朗
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 408-408, 2014.

English Article Jeju University (South Korea) study report[Machine Translation] (済州大学 (韓国) 留学報告)
井上綾乃, 高弘宇
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 409-409, 2014.

English Article Taipei Medical University (Taiwan) study report[Machine Translation] (台北医学大学 (台湾) 留学報告)
坂本ひかり, 櫻井麻由
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 409-409, 2014.

English Article Zhongshan Medical University (Taiwan) study report[Machine Translation] (中山医学大学 (台湾) 留学報告)
菅井啓自, 金淵昭一郎
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 72(4): 409-410, 2014.