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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 74, Issue 2 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Condition of the leap that a foreword is new
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 97-98, 2016.

Japanese Article Latest condition of a patient and treatment, management of the ANCA-related vasculitis
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 99-105, 2016.

Japanese Article For Priority
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 106-111, 2016.

Japanese Article We make use of the death of the person
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 112-122, 2016.

Japanese Article A characteristic and infectious complications measures of the perioperative vital reaction
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 123-135, 2016.

Japanese Article Canalis semicircularis lateralis type benign paroxysmal cephalic presentation dizziness symptom
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 136-144, 2016.

Japanese Article Development of the diagnostic technique by No. 1 liquid biopsy
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 145-147, 2016.

English Article Quantitative evaluation of exudate leakage through adhesive wound dressings in experimental pig skin model
Norihito ITO, Dai SHIBATA, Sayaka ONO, Yukiko IDA, Ryutaro IMAI, Hajime MATSUMURA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 148-153, 2016.

English Article Comparison of clinical outcomes between colorectal EMR and ESD
Takemasa SATO, Masakatsu FUKUZAWA, Takuji GOTODA, Fuminori MORIYASU
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 154-162, 2016.

Japanese Article Thrombectomy for acute superior mesenteric artery occlusion via ileocolic approach
Koichi TOMITA, Yuki NAKAMURA, Yosuke OZAWA, Kosuke HIKITA, Toru SANO, Kiminori TAKANO, Yu KIHARA, Osamu KONNO, Naokazu CHIBA, Hitoshi IWAMOTO, Shigeyuki KAWACHI
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 163-167, 2016.

Japanese Article The 52nd medical science forum
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 168-169, 2016.

Japanese Article The 73rd Tokyo Medical University clinical Chinese medicine seminar
矢数芳英1), 土田明彦2), 遠藤光史2), 伊藤正裕3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 170-171, 2016.

Japanese Article It is held "the third Tokyo Medical University memory hall poster announcement round-table conference"
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 172-172, 2016.

Japanese Article The 15th world neurosurgical society intermediate meeting society participation note
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 173-174, 2016.

Japanese Article The abacterial endophthalmitis that occurred by antiVEGF medicine intravitreal administration
野間英孝, 小竹修
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 175-183, 2016.

Japanese Article Hemostasis management of the von Willebrand illness Type 1 case given chin corrective surgery
渡辺正人, 虻川東嗣, 鈴木隆史, 岩瀬直人, 近津大地
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 184-193, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-1. Analysis of the active control structure of nerve cell death inhibiting factor CLSP with the 14-3-3 protein
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 195-195, 2016.

English Article P1-2. The Blood-Brain Barrier Choline Transporter
岩尾紅子, 屋良美紀, 原直美, 西原広史, 井上猛, 稲津正人*
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 195-196, 2016.

English Article P1-3. An Alzheimer's disease-linked mutant T835MUNC5C causes neuronal cell death by activating an intracellular death signal cascade
橋本祐一, 松岡正明
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 196-196, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-4. Analysis of the mitochondrial abnormal cohesion mechanism due to the rupture of the protein traffic control
福島実紀, 宮下佳奈*, 八谷如美*
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 196-197, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-5. Identification of the drug with the neurodegenerative inhibition effect in the prion disease
太田行紀, 宮下佳奈*, 八谷如美*
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 197-197, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-6. Clinical examination of 127 patients hospitalized for acute encephalopathy suspicion in our hospital
加藤幸子, 森下那月美, 山中岳, 竹下美佳, 森地振一郎, 石田悠, 小穴信吾, 柏木保代, 河島尚志
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 197-198, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-7. Examination of the risk factor of the rehospitalization in patients with schizophrenia
瀧田千歌*1, 高江洲義和*2, 大野浩太郎*2, 井上猛*2, 志村哲祥*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 198-199, 2016.

English Article P1-8. Expressions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of children with meningitis and encephalopathy
Morichi Shinichiro, Morishita Natsumi, Takeshita Mika, Ishida Yu, Oana Shingo, Yamanaka Gaku, Kashiwagi Yasuyo, Kawashima Hisashi
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 199-199, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-9. Examination of the MSA-C image staging using the VBM image
田口丈士*1, 小林万希子*1, 加藤陽久*1, 赫寛雄*1, 相澤仁志*1, 南里和紀*2, 上田優樹*2, 田中伸幸*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 199-200, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-10. IL-27 inhibits the differentiation instruction to suppressor cells derived from marrow
関口昌孝*1, 内田萌々*1, 千葉祐規乃*2, 溝口出*2, 角田廉*2, 徐明利*2, 善本隆之*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 200-200, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-11. About association with atopic dermatitis disease model mouse making and HRF
柏迫幹絵, 高梨正勝*, 黒田雅彦*
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 200-201, 2016.

English Article P1-12. Not only IFN-γ of Th1 cytokine but also IL-4 or IL-13 of Th2 cytokines enhance IL-12 secretion by CD40L from mature dendritic cells derived from human monocytes
佐川偲, 永井太朗
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 201-201, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-13. Making of the prediction nomogram of the severe neutropenia development with the docetaxel treatment for the castration-resistant prostate cancer
平澤陽介, 中島淳*, 杉原亨*, 滝澤一晴*, 中神義弘*, 下平憲治*, 権藤立男*, 大野芳正*, 堀口裕*, 並木一典*, 大堀理*, 橘政昭*
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 201-202, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-14. The making of the liver metastases model using high metastatic human colon cancer strain KM12SM and examination of the metastatic inhibitory effect due to anticancer agent TS-1 and the antiVEGF antibody
内田会美*1, 岩原由紀子*1, 畝崎榮*1, 征矢良子*2, 粕谷和彦*2, 勝又健次*2, 土田明彦*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 202-202, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-15. Evaluation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve thermal injury in use of energy device thyroid operations
田村温美*1,*2, 筒井英光*1,*2, 小原亮爾*1,*2, 星雅恵*1,*2, 鈴木明彦*1,*2, 矢野由希子*1,*2, 池田徳彦*1,*2, 永井毅*3, 長尾俊孝*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 202-202, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-16. It is developed the predictive nomogram after an operation in the localized prostate cancer in preoperation of the biochemical non-rate of recurrence
澤田陽平*1, 大堀理*1, 鹿島剛*1, 大久保秀紀*1, 大野芳正*1, 吉岡邦彦*1, 中島淳*1, 橘政昭*1, 井上理恵*2, 長尾俊孝*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 203-203, 2016.

Japanese Article P1-17. It is examined the recurrence after the RFA treatment in the non-full-bloodedness-related hepatocellular carcinoma
小島真弓*1, 佐野隆友*1, 杉本勝俊*1, 中村郁夫*1, 森安史典*1, 平良淳一*2, 今井康晴*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 203-204, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-18. The necrosis with the ceramide accumulation is not performed rescue of by antioxidant or a cathepsin B activity inhibitor
伊東里奈*1, 金子奈穂美*1, 宮内博基*2, 森谷昇太*3, 風間宏美*3, 山根基輝*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 204-204, 2016.

English Article P2-19. Cord Blood-Derived Endothelial Colony-Forming Cell Function is Disrupted in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
藤永英志*1, 藤永裕子*2, 梅澤明弘*2, 伊藤裕司*3, 黒田雅彦*4
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 204-205, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-20. miR-29b replacement therapy for pulmonary fibrosis
山田侑子*1, 高梨正勝*2, 上田しのぶ*2, 黒田雅彦*2, 須藤カツ子*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 205-205, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-21. Examination for the molecular mechanism elucidation of the intractable disease using the genome editing technology
小林広香*1, 佐藤麗*2, 豊田雅士*2, 梅澤明弘*2, 山下聡*3, 原聡史*3, 高田修治*3, 黒田雅彦*4
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 205-206, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-23. Study on effect on care burden feeling and care depression of the dementia caregiver classroom of the dementia caregiver
寺山英之*1, 櫻井博文*2, 波岡那由太*2, ハイメ理恵子*2, 金高秀和*2, 清水聰一郎*2, 馬原孝彦*2, 羽生春夫*2, 松下泉*3, 大竹口幸子*4
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 206-207, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-24. The school closure for the new influenza outbreak and examination about the inhibitory effect of the personal defense of outbreak
佐藤弘樹, 大谷由美子*, 小田切優子*, 高宮朋子*, 福島教照*, 井上茂*
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 207-207, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-25. Efforts to the e-learning teaching materials making of the student glance
後藤悠史*1, 平澤智明*1, 中村浩太郎*1, 木村信*1, 泉美貴*2, ブルーヘルマンスR.*3, 油川ひとみ*4
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 207-208, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-26. Reevaluation from endoscopic atrophy of the D group in the ABC examination
辻雄一郎*1, 福澤誠克*1, 後藤田卓志*2, 草野央*2, 八木健二*2, 桑田直子*2, 佐藤丈征*2, 河野真*2, 森安史典*2, 河合隆*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 208-208, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-27. Macrolides sensitize EGFR-TKI-induced nonapoptotic cell death via blocking autophagy flux in pancreatic cancer cell lines
向井俊太郎*1, 糸井隆夫*1, 森谷昇太*2, 風間宏美*2, 平本正樹*2, 宮澤啓介*2, 國場寛子*3, 横山智央*4, 半田宏*5
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 208-209, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-28. - to focus on the methylation of the gene promoter domain as the change that is examination - of the mechanism of the colon cancer liver metastases establishment particularly the epigenetic which is not due to the mutation of the genetic sequence
岩原由紀子*1, 内田会美*1, 畝崎榮*1, 征矢良子*2, 粕谷和彦*2, 勝又健次*2, 土田明彦*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 209-209, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-29. Expression, functional analysis of the Argonaute family in the lung cancer
淺田浩太朗*1, 老川桂生*1, 大野慎一郎*2, 黒田雅彦*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 209-210, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-30. The establishment and property analysis of hypoxia-resistant myeloma cell line IM-9-HR
武内健*1, 梅津知宏*2, 小林千晶*2, 大屋敷一馬*3, 東剣虹*4, 大屋敷純子*4
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 210-210, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-31. Elucidation of the molecular mechanism of the BET family inhibitor in azacitidine-resistant leukemic cells
大須賀美穂*1, 今西哲*2, 高橋諒子*2, 大屋敷純子*2, 梅津知宏*3, 小林千晶*3, 片桐誠一朗*4, 大屋敷一馬*4
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 211-211, 2016.

Ishikawa Takuya*1, Kakizaki Yusuke*2, Sasaki Junko*2, Tamaru Shinichi*2, Shikuma Junpei*2, Ito Rokuro*2, Miwa Takashi*2, Odawara Masato*2, Sakakura Keiichi*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 211-212, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-33. Examination in the combined effect of liraglutide and the SGLT-2 inhibitor using the sustained blood sugar monitor
安部浩則*1, 高橋友乃*2, 藤村佳世*2, 赤岡寛晃*2, 楊傑仲*2, 金澤昭*2, 三輪隆*2, 小田原雅人*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 212-212, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-34. Examination of serum zinc levels in patients with diabetes
櫻井衛*1, 三輪隆*2, 志熊淳平*2, 柿崎雄介*2, 楊傑仲*2, 田丸新一*2, 佐々木順子*2, 永井義幸*2, 田辺節*2, 田口彩子*2, 高田晴子*2, 伊藤禄郎*2, 高橋友乃*2, 酒井裕幸*2, 金澤昭*2, 小田原雅人*2, 駒田陽子*3, 井上雄一*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 212-213, 2016.

Japanese Article P2-35. Have the onset in DKA; one case of type I diabetes mellitus who had the sepsis-related pulmonary embolism
永田卓美*1, 大野敦*1, 松下隆哉*1, 安部浩則*2, 小田原雅人*2, 須田慎吾*3, 上野琢哉*3, 池田寿昭*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 213-213, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-36. Literature documentation about results clinical at the middle of the fourth generation ceramic-on-ceramic total hip replacement
関健, 高橋康仁, 宍戸孝明, 正岡利紀, 立岩俊之, 山本謙吾
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 214-214, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-37. Backbone sagittal section alignment change at walk in patients with backbone cyrtosis
日下部拓哉, 遠藤健司, 鈴木秀和, 西村浩輔, 松岡佑嗣, 堀江真司, 小西隆允, 宍戸孝明, 山本謙吾
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 214-215, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-38. Examination of the posture in the microsurgery by the head and neck rebuilding
大岩宏維, 今井龍太郎, 井田夕紀子, 朝本有紀, 瀬川真以, 松村一
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 215-215, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-39. Change of the backbone sagittal section alignment of the vertical standing position and walk rank after the lumbar vertebrae fixation
小西隆允, 遠藤健司, 鈴木秀和, 西村浩輔, 松岡佑嗣, 堀江真司, 日下部拓哉, 宍戸孝明, 山本謙吾
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 215-216, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-40. The effect that 20-minute passive bicycle exercise gives to cardiopulmonary and a line oxygen change
布施沙由理*1, 木目良太郎*2, 長田卓也*2, 村瀬訓生*2, 濱岡隆文*2, 勝村俊仁*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 216-216, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-41. Reliability of the pulse oximeter under the extensive hypoxia environment
栗田直*1, 大野ゆみこ*2, 梅村聖子*2, 福島慎二*2, 増山茂*2, 濱田篤郎*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 216-217, 2016.

English Article P3-42. The effect of acupuncture stimulation on muscle tissue oxygenation in different points
金子泰久*1, 木目良太郎*2, 勝村俊仁*2, 古屋英治*3, 坂本歩*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 217-217, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-43. Screening of the sleep apnoea syndrome by the seat type body vibration galvanometer
木暮貴政*1, 小林美奈*2, 大川登史*3, 中島庸也*3, 井上雄一*4
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 217-218, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-44. Change of the endometrial pregnancy-related factor before and after the operation of the sterile patients with the uterus lumen benign tumor
田村和広*1, 吉江幹浩*1, 立川英一*1, 小島淳哉*2, 井坂惠一*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 218-218, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-45. Evaluation of gynecologic laparoscopic surgery using the subcutaneous abdominal wall lifting method in Tokyo Medical University Hospital
小野理貴*1, 長谷川瑛*2, 寺田秀昭*2, 永光雄造*2, 伊東宏絵*2, 井坂惠一*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 218-219, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-46. A decreased renal function brings about the bone mineral metabolic disorders of the muscular dystrophy mouse
和田英治*1, 林由起子*2, 吉田瑞子*3, 松田良一*3, 濱野高行*4, 松井功*4
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 219-219, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-47. Examination about the effect according to the dose of the steroid pulse therapy on IgA nephropathy
渡邊カンナ, 岡田知也, 長岡由女, 岩澤秀明, 和田憲和, 権藤麻子, 宮岡良卓, 壽智香, 菅野義彦
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 219-220, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-48. It is a study on association to lesion and ω fatty acid of the atherosclerosis obliterans
岩崎倫明*1, 西部俊哉*1, 鈴木隼*1, 室町幸生*1, 藤吉俊毅*1, 岩堀晃也*1, 猪野崇*1, 高橋聡*1, 戸口佳代*1, 神谷健太郎*1, 岩橋徹*1, 小泉信達*1, 荻野均*1, 安部由美子*2, 井上茂*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 220-220, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-49. In patients with concept analysis - chronic disease care of Person-Centered Care - (the second report)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 220-221, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-50. Prescription stocktaking of the psychotropic drug in our hospital
野村健太郎, 松田ひろし
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 221-221, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-51. Examination of the effectiveness and quality of life, the patients satisfaction evaluation of the biological drug in the psoriasis
松本由香*1, 室繭子*1, 川上洋*1, 阿部名美子*1, 坪井良治*1, 大久保ゆかり*1, 藤城幹山*2, 平野宏文*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 221-221, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-52. Examination of the fall risk factor in the psychopathic ward inpatient
大野浩太郎*1, 高江洲義和*2, 瀧田千歌*2, 井上猛*2, 志村哲祥*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 222-222, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-53. About the effect that rheumatoid arthritis treatment gives rheumatoid factor and anticitrulline in the antibody titers of the peptide antibody
關雅之*1, 太原恒一郎*2, 沢田哲治*2
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 222-223, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-54. One case of the hereditary angioedema
遠藤宏朗*1, 佐々木亮孝*2, 葦沢龍人*2, 田中朝志*3
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 223-223, 2016.

Japanese Article P3-55. It is the possibility to the clinical application of the enzyme Synoviolin inhibitor E3 ubiquitin
荒谷聡子*1, 藤田英俊*2, 西岡久寿樹*3, 中島利博*4
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 74(2): 223-224, 2016.