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The Journal of Tokyo Medical University

Volume 76, Issue 1 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Introduction Future diagnosis and treatment that microRNA changes
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 1-2, 2018.

Japanese Article Importance of the functional evaluation of the stenosis lesion in the stable angina
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 3-10, 2018.

Japanese Article Metabolomics-based biomarker discovery
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 11-21, 2018.

Japanese Article Role of neurosurgeon in skull base surgery for malignant tumors
Hiroyuki JIMBO
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 22-32, 2018.

Japanese Article Association between No. 1 gene locus behavior and health
福島教照, 井上茂
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 33-37, 2018.

Japanese Article Tryptophan metabolism enhanced by DNA demethylation of IDO1 promoter in highly liver-metastatic colon cancer cell line
Ryoko SOYA, Kosuke TAKAHASHI, Takahiro WADA, Kazuhiko KASUYA, Kenji KATSUMATA, Akihiko TSUCHIDA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 38-46, 2018.

Japanese Article Cross-sectional study of association between social participation and physical frailty among older Japanese adults based on data from National Health and Nutrition Survey Japan
Hiroshi TANAKA, Hiroyuki KIKUCHI, Yuko ODAGIRI, Tomoko TAKAMIYA, Noritoshi FUKUSHIMA, Yumiko OHYA, Shigeru INOUE
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 47-56, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical utility of initial vancomycin dosing nomogram
Yoshiyuki HURUMI1), Yuki NAKAO1), Mariko ONO1), Aya HATANO1), Hiroshi SOEDA1), Akihiro SATO2), Itaru NAKAMURA2), Takao AKASHI1), Hidehiro WATANABE2), Tetuya MATUMOTO3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 57-63, 2018.

English Article ICU-acquired weakness in a pediatric patient with bronchial asthma after mechanical ventilation and corticosteroids therapy
Masaru SHIMURA, Soupei GO, Yasuyo KASHIWAGI, Hisashi KAWASHIMA
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 64-69, 2018.

Japanese Article Heart lymphoma that occurred after the medical treatment of in the 468th Tokyo Medical University clinical social gathering eyes and the intracerebral malignant lymphoma
秋元治朗, 須田智裕, 臼井嘉彦, 齋藤哲史, 谷川真希, 片桐誠一朗
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 70-86, 2018.

Japanese Article Cadaveric renal transplantation from PCPS wearing donor conducted in our the 469th Tokyo Medical University clinical social gathering center
今野理, 岩本整, 山田宗治, 佐野秀史, 池田寿昭, 池田千絵
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 87-96, 2018.

Japanese Article The pyogenic granuloma which was complicated for the lingual leukoplakia of the smoking common custom patients with the 470th Tokyo Medical University clinical social gathering chronic renal failure
松尾朗, 千喜良仁, 平山浩一, 池上正, 松本暢彦
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 97-109, 2018.

Japanese Article 1. Two cases of acute type A aortic dissection with malperfusion of the right coronary artery
加納正樹, 鈴木隼, 丸野恵大, 藤吉俊毅, 河合幸司, 高橋聡, 岩橋徹, 神谷健太郎, 小泉信達, 西部俊哉, 荻野均
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 110-110, 2018.

Japanese Article 2. CABG for the DM-HD patients with the seriously ill coronary lesion + low cardiac activity: Revascularization of calcified LAD
丸野恵大, 加納正樹, 鈴木隼, 藤吉俊毅, 河合幸史, 高橋聡, 岩橋徹, 神谷健太郎, 小泉信達, 西部俊哉, 荻野均
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 110-110, 2018.

Japanese Article 3. Experience of ECMO for fulminant pneumonia after the chest abdominal aorta replacement
河合幸史, 加納正樹, 鈴木隼, 丸野恵大, 藤吉俊毅, 高橋聡, 岩橋徹, 神谷健太郎, 小泉信達, 西部俊哉, 荻野均
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 110-110, 2018.

Japanese Article 4. 2 cases that showed Type I end leak after the stent graft interpolation technique enforcement, and added it, and was treated
松倉満, 本橋慎也, 井上秀範, 赤坂純逸, 進藤俊哉
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 110-111, 2018.

Japanese Article 5. One patient who had a hard time at surgery time of the heart failure merger infective endocarditis with the subnutrition state
伊藤達哉, 渡邉圭介, 大西将史, 冨士田康宏, 佐々木雄一, 寶田顕, 外間洋平, 高橋聡介, 相賀護, 西原崇創, 大島一太, 笠井督雄, 田中信大
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 111-111, 2018.

Japanese Article 6. An example of the Takayasu's arteritis discovered by a husky voice
落合徹也, 東谷迪昭, 東寛之, 大嶋桜太郎, 鈴木利章, 小松靖, 木村一貴, 阿部憲弘
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 111-111, 2018.

Japanese Article 7. Merit of the genetic testing in the childhood long QT syndrome
川崎健太1), 鈴木慎二1), 堤範音1), 千代反田雅子1), 呉宗憲1), 西亦繁雄1), 河島尚志1), 稲垣夏子2), 沼部博直2), 矢崎義直3), 里見和浩3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 111-111, 2018.

Japanese Article 8. One Female patient with Fabry disease due to GLA and MYBPC3 mutations of the heart Fabry's disease with GLA mutation and the MYBPC3 mutation
伊藤有紀1), 稲垣夏子1)2), 武井康悦1), 平野雅春1), 渡辺雅貴1), 近森大志郎1), 若井未央2), 森島靖行2), 沼部博直2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 112-112, 2018.

Japanese Article 9. About the treatment strategy of the CLI patients that angioscope was effective
後藤園香1)2), 内山隆史2), 渡辺暁史2), 高鳥仁孝2), 上野明彦2), 土方伸浩2), 中山雅文2), 木村揚2), 湯原幹夫2), 竹中創2), 小堀裕一2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 112-112, 2018.

Japanese Article 10. One case who had the pulmonary thromboembolism acute to overlap inferior vena cava
新美千尋, 加藤浩太, 小川雅史, 小野晴稔, 五関善成, 平井明生
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 112-112, 2018.

English Article P1-01. Different characteristics of cell volume and intracellular calcium ion concentration dynamics between the hippocampal CA1 and lateral cerebral cortex of male mouse brain slices during exposure to hypotonic stress
高橋奈々恵1), 工藤佳久2), 輪嶋善一郎2), 近江明文3), 荻原幸彦4), 内野博之4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 114-114, 2018.

English Article P1-02. Neuroimaging in patients with Alztheimer disease with Frailty
廣瀬大輔1), 小川裕介2), 金子義嗣2), 竹野下尚仁2), 波岡那由太2), 深澤雷太2), 佐藤友彦2), 平尾健太郎2), 清水聰一郎2), 金高秀和2), 馬原孝彦2), 櫻井博文2), 羽生春夫2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 115-115, 2018.

English Article P1-03. Influence of trait anxiety, childhood abuse, and adulthood life events on depressive symptoms
内田由寛1), 高江洲義和2), 市来真彦2), 高橋寿直2)3), 片山成仁2)3), 井上猛2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 115-116, 2018.

English Article P1-04. Calmodulin-like skin protein is downregulated in human cerebrospinal fluids of Alzheimer's disease patients with apolipoprotein E4 ; a pilot study using postmortem samples
橋本祐一1), 馬原孝彦2), 羽生春夫2), 岩本俊彦3), 松岡正明4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 116-116, 2018.

English Article P1-05. Complex effects of child abuse, affective temperament, and subjective social status on depressive symptoms
東山幹1), 高江洲義和2), 林田泰斗2), 井上猛2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 116-117, 2018.

English Article P1-06. Mediator effect of subjective social status on depression
林田泰斗1), 高江洲義和2), 東山幹2), 井上猛2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 117-117, 2018.

English Article P1-07. Carbapenemase producing bacteria in hospital and community of Bangladesh
大神田敬1), Khandakar M.A. Haque2), 江原友子2), 宮崎治子2), 小林了2), 大楠清文2), 松本哲哉3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 117-118, 2018.

Japanese Article P1-08. Development of the respiratory allergic sensitization-related new in vitro rating system of the chemical
大橋美緒1), 溝口出2), 千葉祐規乃2), 長谷川英哲2), 徐明利2), 善本隆之2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 118-119, 2018.

Japanese Article P1-09. Examination of the antivirus effect on mouse norovirus (MNV) of lysozyme in in vivo
中嶋真帆1), Khandakar M.A. Haque2), 小林了2), 松本哲哉2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 119-119, 2018.

Japanese Article P1-10. Bacteriological examination in isolates of the daptomycin non-sensitivity MRSA
三橋彩乃1), 大神田敬2), 石雄介2), 江原友子2), 大楠清文2), 松本哲哉2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 119-120, 2018.

Japanese Article P1-11. Combined effect with an effect and vancomycin of the lysolphosphatidyl choline for the MRSA
三好菜摘1), 宮崎治子2), 江原友子2), 大楠清文2), 松本哲哉2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 120-120, 2018.

Japanese Article P1-12. Association of Astma COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) pathogenesis and the smoking
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 120-120, 2018.

Japanese Article P1-13. Identification of the characteristic inflammasome in the psoriasis
比留間淳一郎1), 原田和俊2), 大久保ゆかり2), 山本真実2), 日比野利彦2), 坪井良治2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 121-121, 2018.

Japanese Article P1-14. Mutation in the gene that we identified from a genetic analysis of the IgG4-related eye disease by the next-generation sequencer
小川麻里奈1), 臼井嘉彦2), 山川直之2), 馬詰和比古2), 坪田欣也2), 根本怜2), 後藤浩2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 121-121, 2018.

Japanese Article P1-17. Elucidation of the increase mechanism of rheumatic synovial cells
横田真穂1), 藤田英俊2), 荒谷聡子3), 中島利博4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 122-122, 2018.

Japanese Article P1-18. Elucidation of the proteolysis network in the rheumatoid arthritis
藤田英俊1), 中島利博2), 荒谷聡子3), 横田真穂3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 122-122, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-19. Examination of the induction chemotherapy by the TPF therapy 1 course for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
丸山諒1), 岡本伊作1), 本橋玲1), 佐藤宏樹1), 勝部泰彰1), 高瀬聡一郎1), 小島理央1), 清水顕1), 塚原清彰1), 平澤一浩2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 122-123, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-20. Use experience of the oral anticancer agent for patients with old head and neck cancer
勝部泰彰, 塚原清彰, 岡本伊作, 佐藤宏樹, 丸山諒, 相原勇介
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 123-123, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-21. An example of the ACTH-producing olfactory neuroblastoma diagnosed with a recurrence
赤岡寛晃1), 池内佑一1), 梶邦成1), 小林高明1), 松下隆哉1), 大野敦1), 清水宣博2), 安部浩則2), 佐野晃士2), 簡健志2), 小田原雅人2), 神保洋之3), 山口浩4), 松林純4), 長尾俊孝4), 簡健志5)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 123-124, 2018.

English Article P2-22. Anti-PD-1 inhibitor-related pneumonitis in nonsmall cell lung cancer
江里口大介1), 岡野哲也2), 前原幸夫2), 前田純一2), 萩原優2), 垣花昌俊2), 梶原直央2), 大平達夫2), 池田徳彦2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 124-124, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-23. Examination about the usefulness of the EGFR mutation in the gene detection using the immunostaining
内山篤1), 平野博嗣1), 若槻よしえ1), 石崎幹子1), 田辺夢1), 加藤彩子1), 吉田えりか1), 脇屋緑1), 芹澤博美1), 村上浩太郎2), 田中健彦2), 内田修2), 高橋秀暢2), 塚本哲3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 124-125, 2018.

English Article P2-24. Relationship between liver tissue stiffness and histopathological findings analyzed by Shear Wave Elastography in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
竹内啓人1), 杉本勝俊2), 吉益悠2), 笠井美孝2), 古市好宏2), 糸井隆夫2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 125-125, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-25. Examination of the pancreatic cancer distant metastasis predictor using metabolic loam analysis
沖原正章, 千葉斉一, 横塚慧, 落合成人, 郡司崇裕, 小澤陽介, 疋田康祐, 佐野達, 富田晃一, 筒井りな, 田淵悟, 河地茂行
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 125-126, 2018.

English Article P2-27. Evaluation of new stent for EUS-guided pancreatic duct drainage : Long-term follow-up outcome
松波幸寿1), 祖父尼淳2), 土屋貴愛2), 鎌田健太郎2), 田中麗奈2), 殿塚亮祐2), 本定三季2), 向井俊太郎2), 藤田充2), 山本健治郎2), 朝井靖二2), 黒澤貴志2), 糸井隆夫2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 126-127, 2018.

English Article P2-28. Saliva metabolomic profiles for human pancreatic cancer discrimination
朝井靖二1), 糸井隆夫2), 祖父尼淳2), 土屋貴愛2), 鎌田健太郎2), 田中麗奈2), 殿塚亮祐2), 本定三季2), 向井俊太郎2), 藤田充2), 山本健治郎2), 松波幸寿2), 黒澤貴志2), 砂村眞琴3), 杉本昌弘4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 127-127, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-29. New Biomarker search by the exhaustive analysis of microRNA out of the pancreatic cancer patient serum
許文聰1), 永川裕一1), 粕谷和彦1), 土田明彦1), 上田しのぶ2), 金蔵孝介2), 黒田雅彦2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 127-128, 2018.

English Article P2-30. Relationship between formation of the spur at the acromion and the morphology of shoulder girdle bones
西田直弥1), 小関泰一1), 林省吾2), 河田晋一3), 宮宗秀伸3), 李忠連3), 伊藤正裕3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 128-128, 2018.

English Article P2-31. Significance of oral appliance for the treatment of severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 128-129, 2018.

English Article P2-32. Forward head posture effects on thoracic shape and respiratory function
小関泰一1), 西田直弥1), 林省吾2), 河田晋一3), 宮宗秀伸3), 李忠連3), 伊藤正裕3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 129-129, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-33. Surface analgesia lower ambulatory surgery for the vocal cords cyst
庄司祐介1), 本橋玲1), 櫻井恵梨子1), 塚原清彰1), 豊村文将2), 渡嘉敷亮二3), 平松宏之4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 130-130, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-34. Examination of the present conditions and the dermal flap relief surgery of the head and neck free flap rebuilding
島田和樹, 井田夕紀子, 小野紗耶香, 松村一
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 130-130, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-35. Single route access of double microcatheter system using 4.5Fr sheafred hook type guiding sheath catheter
高良祐葵1), 佐口徹2), 大高純2), 池永翔一2), 守矢知永2), 代田夏彦2), 剣木憲文2), 勇内山大介2), 齋藤和博2), 徳植公一2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 131-131, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-36. Efforts of the teaching materials production of effective e contents
亀山嘉志人1), 齊藤良都1), 佐藤壮男1), 橋本泰斉1), R.ブルーヘルマンス2), 油川ひとみ2), 泉美貴2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 131-132, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-37. The situation of the education of the faculty of medicine medicine course which we saw from the results of the questionnaire at the graduation that we conducted in Tokyo Medical University education IR center and the nursing subject
菰田孝行1), 河上恵1), 荒井貞夫1), 小林信2), 成瀬和子2), 瀬戸山陽子2), 篠田章3), 井上茂4), R.ブルーヘルマンス5), 瀬戸口靖弘6), 平山陽示7), 大塚康司8)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 132-132, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-38. Directionality of the interest of the trainee with the time course of the clinical participation type training to see to e- portfolio
野平知良, 油川ひとみ
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 132-133, 2018.

Japanese Article P2-39. From the inventory survey to examination - simulated patient about "sympathy" in the medical scientific live medical interview training -
原田芳巳1), 平山陽示1), 山口佳子1), 和久田佳奈1), 井村博美1), 大滝純司2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 133-133, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-40. Attempt of the human papilloma virus detection that is possible in outpatient department using MNAzyme
裴賢哲1), 兼重彩夏1), 金蔵孝介2), 黒田雅彦2), 嶋田直彦3), 丸山厚3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 133-134, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-41. In vitro and construction for the purpose of the elucidation of the permeation style of multiple myeloma cells of in vivo model line
小澤ひとみ1), 梅津知宏2), 川名千晶2), 東剣虹3), 今西哲3), 大屋敷純子3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 134-134, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-42. Comparison between genome editing and gene expression inhibitory effect using the shRNA expression virus vector using CRISPR/cas9
内藤大樹1), 畝崎榮1), 征矢良子2), 高橋恒輔2), 和田貴宏2), 粕谷和彦2), 太田嘉洋2), 渡辺隆文2), 立花慎吾2), 永川裕一2), 勝又健次2), 土田明彦2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 134-135, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-43. Harmine is promotes decomposition and induces apoptosis depending on the anti-apoptotic protein survivin and Mcl-1 ubiquitin-proteasome system in human melanoma cell G361
阿部晃久, 森谷昇太, 平本正樹, 風間宏美, 宮澤啓介
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 135-135, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-44. Examination of the antitumor effect of multiple sclerosis therapeutic drug FTY720
太田行紀1), 大熊尭2), Alberto L.3), 平本正樹4), 日野浩嗣4), 風間宏美4), 森谷昇太4), 高野直治4), 宮澤啓介4)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 135-136, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-45. Establishment of "the ER stress load therapy" for the intractable breast cancer using the MB231-ERAI-venus system
風間宏美1), 平本正樹1), 高野直治1), 宮澤啓介1), 宮原か奈2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 136-136, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-46. CDK 4/6 inhibitor Abemaciclib non-apoptotic / Antitumor effect through non-necroptosis cell death
日野浩嗣1), 風間宏美1), 森谷昇太1), 高野直治1), 平本正樹1), 宮澤啓介1), 國場寛子2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 136-137, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-47. Analysis of lncRNA involved in the hypoxia responsiveness of multiple myeloma cells
内山のぞみ1), 梅津知宏2), 川名千晶2), 東剣虹3), 今西哲3), 大屋敷純子3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 137-138, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-48. Identification of the factor derived from marrow frame work to affect the increase of multiple myeloma cells
鈴木未来1), 梅津知宏2), 川名千晶2), 吉澤成一郎2), 赤羽大悟2), 田中裕子2), 大屋敷一馬2), 東剣虹3), 今西哲3), 大屋敷純子3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 138-138, 2018.

English Article P3-49. Cell morphology, migration, proliferation and tumor-growth by INI 1 knockdown in esophageal cancer cell lines
高橋恒輔1), 征矢良子2), 内藤大樹2), 和田貴宏2), 渡辺隆文2), 太田喜洋2), 立花慎吾2), 粕谷和彦2), 勝又健次2), 土田明彦2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 138-139, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-50. Analysis of the expression of cancer-restraining gene BLU control structure by Mir-34a
三部芳裕1), 大野慎一郎2), 黒田雅彦2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 139-139, 2018.

English Article P3-51. The origin of Sertoli cells in the chicken embryo
表原拓也1), 永堀健太1), 河田晋一1), 李忠連1), 宮宗秀伸1), 伊藤正裕1), 南貴一2), 万谷洋平2), 梅村ゆりあ2), 西田美穂2), 平野哲史2), 北川浩2), 横山俊史2), 星信彦2), 吉岡秀文3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 139-140, 2018.

English Article P3-52. Functions of estrogen receptor α in different subcellular locations
内田俊輔1), 李忠連2), 永堀健太2), 河田晋一2), 表原拓也2), 宮宗秀伸2), 伊藤正裕2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 140-140, 2018.

English Article P3-53. AAV-mediated miRNA-29b delivery suppress renal fibrosis
齋藤優1), 菅野義彦2), 大野慎一郎3), 原田裕一郎3), 老川桂生3), 黒田雅彦3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 140-140, 2018.

English Article P3-54. Expression and functional characterization of choline transporters in human neural stem cells and its link to self-renewal system
藤田陽介1), 長倉知輝1), 内野博之2), 稲津正人3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 141-141, 2018.

English Article P3-55. Functional expression of choline transporters in human astrocytes and regulation of protein kinase C
長倉知輝1), 藤田陽介1), 内野博之2), 稲津正人3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 141-141, 2018.

English Article P3-56. Identification and functional analysis of choline transporter in the human immortalized hepatic cell line Fa2N-4
石川卓也1), 小田原雅人2), 稲津正人3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 142-142, 2018.

English Article P3-57. Blood urea nitrogen is a predictor of adverse outcomes in overweight or obese patients with acute decompensated heart failure
岩崎陽一1), 高田佳史2), 伊藤有紀2), 小林正武2), 渡邉雅貴2), 近森大志郎2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 142-142, 2018.

English Article P3-58. Is objectively measured light-intensity physical activity associated with health outcomes independently of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity? A systematic review
天笠志保1), 福島教照2), 菊池宏幸2), 高宮朋子2), 小田切優子2), 井上茂2)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 143-143, 2018.

Japanese Article P3-60. Examination of the participation of the brown fat in the onset, the extension of Protein-Energy Wasting
長井美穂1), 菅野義彦1), 黒澤裕子2), 布施沙由理2), 濱岡隆文2), 西中川まき3), 榎本眞理3)
The Journal of Tokyo Medical University 76(1): 143-144, 2018.