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Volume 51, Issue 7 / 1977
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The Role of Essential Fatty Acids on the Survival of the Newborn Rat
Fumiyuki TAKEHISA, Shuichi KIMURA
VITAMINS 51(7): 261-266, 1977.

Japanese Article Immunological Interaction of Vitamin D-dependent Intestinal Calcium-binding Protein of Chick and Rat
Setsuko YOSHIZAWA, Sachiko MORIUCHI, Yoshihiro SHIDOJI, Norimasa HOSOYA
VITAMINS 51(7): 267-273, 1977.

Japanese Article Determination of Vitamin A in Serum and Liver by High-Speed Liquid Chromatography
Kouichi ABE, Kyoko ISHIBASHI, Masahiko OHMAE, Kiyoshi KAWABE, Goichiro KATSUI
VITAMINS 51(7): 275-280, 1977.

Japanese Article 1. Bradycardia at vitamin B1 deficiency and glyoxylate role
VITAMINS 51(7): 281-281, 1977.

Japanese Article 2. Uptake and the use of the vitamin B6 6 type due to Escherichia coli
山田良平, 辻孝彦, 能勢善嗣
VITAMINS 51(7): 281-281, 1977.

Japanese Article 3. Effect of vitamin B6 giving it to albino rat brain L- glutamate dehydrogenase activity
VITAMINS 51(7): 281-282, 1977.

Japanese Article 4. Investigation of the direct nucleotide precursor on the lactoflavin biosynthesis course
満田久輝, 中島謙二, 灘本知憲
VITAMINS 51(7): 282-282, 1977.

Japanese Article 5. Effect of the fatty acid intake to give it to a metabolism of cholesterol turn and bile acid generation
入谷信子, 福田栄子, 射場本和子
VITAMINS 51(7): 282-282, 1977.

Japanese Article 6. Effect of the chronic administration of the fatty acid of the liver and middle chain triglyceride giving it to cholesterol composition
高瀬幸子*, 森本絢美*, 中西真由美**, 武藤泰敏**
VITAMINS 51(7): 282-283, 1977.

Japanese Article 1. About the property of the bond for Sterol Carrier Protein of 7-dehydrocholesterol and vitamin D3
高瀬幸子, 森内幸子, 細谷憲政
VITAMINS 51(7): 283-283, 1977.

Japanese Article 2. Alpha-tocopherol level out of the liver of human fetuses and infants
美濃真*, 西野英男**, 山口輝子**, 林正樹***
VITAMINS 51(7): 283-283, 1977.

Japanese Article 3. Relations of pudding metabolism and the lactoflavin production in the resting microorganism of Eremothecium ashbyii
満田久輝, 灘本知憲, 中島謙二
VITAMINS 51(7): 283-284, 1977.

Japanese Article 4. Property of the highly-concentrated 2-Methyl-4-amino-5-hydroxymethylpyrimidine (OMP) demand-related Escherichia coli mutant
渡辺君子*, 礒井廣一郎*, 中山英男**, 林良二***
VITAMINS 51(7): 284-284, 1977.

Japanese Article 5. Two or three enzyme activity to be involved in a nutritional requirement and the folic acid biosynthesis for the folic acid compound
岩井和夫, 池田雅充, 藤野舜一
VITAMINS 51(7): 284-284, 1977.

Japanese Article 6. Sthenia of the platelet aggregation response in the cholesterol intake marmot
吉田耕一, 坪井俊紀, 藤谷武一, 修理一子, 清水当尚
VITAMINS 51(7): 284-285, 1977.

Japanese Article 7. Effect of the limiting amino acid supplement on wheat gluten food administration rat disorder having too much tyrosine
山本由喜子, 折田泰洋, 村松敬一郎
VITAMINS 51(7): 285-285, 1977.

Japanese Article 8. Nutritive value of the U.S. protein in comparison with all eggs
村田希久*, 西風(大森)百代**, 田中真理子**
VITAMINS 51(7): 285-285, 1977.

Japanese Article 9. Improved method of the eggplant trypsin inhibitor refinement
伊吹文男*, 山田正明**, 田代操*, 金森正雄*
VITAMINS 51(7): 285-285, 1977.

Japanese Article 10. Identification of the carbon dioxide joining site of the protein in the mind solid phase
満田久輝*, 河合文雄**, 山本愛二郎*, 鈴木文昭*, 中島謙二*, 安本教傳*
VITAMINS 51(7): 285-286, 1977.

Japanese Article 11. Effect of various kinds of additives giving it to the resolution of k- casein by the chymosin
金森正雄*, 伊吹文男*, 土井裕司*, 尹彰熏*, 矢和田多姫子**, 浜口陽一***, 三好正満***
VITAMINS 51(7): 286-286, 1977.

Japanese Article 1. Adenine, isolation identification of 4-Ribitylamino-5-amino-2,6-dihydroxypyrimidine from lactoflavin two folds loss strain Bacillus subtilis AJ 1988
満田久輝, 中島謙二, 山田友紀子
VITAMINS 51(7): 286-286, 1977.

Japanese Article 2. Photochemical conversion to vitamin D3 of the 7-dehydrocholesterol in the rat skin
岡野登志夫, 康村満枝, 水野久美子, 小林正
VITAMINS 51(7): 286-287, 1977.

Japanese Article Active form of vitamin D that is present in the plant; 1,25-(OH)2-D3 glycoside
VITAMINS 51(7): 288-288, 1977.

Japanese Article 1. About recent beriberi (the second report)
阿部達夫, 橋詰直孝
VITAMINS 51(7): 289-289, 1977.

Japanese Article 2. Change by the metabolism condition of the liver acetyl CoA carboxylase composition polysome
沼正作, 中西重忠, 堀川三郎, 田辺忠
VITAMINS 51(7): 289-290, 1977.

Japanese Article 3. Effect of the leucine excessive intake by the presence or absence of nicotinic acid
中川一郎, 佐々木敦子
VITAMINS 51(7): 290-290, 1977.

Japanese Article 4. Examination about the vitamin B6 deficiency germfree rat cause of death
宮川正澄*, 神崎正紀*, 鷲見幸子**
VITAMINS 51(7): 290-291, 1977.

Japanese Article 5. Effect of the penicillamine administration to give it to urinary vitamin B6 excretion
松田誠, 梶原敏英
VITAMINS 51(7): 291-292, 1977.

Japanese Article 6. About an infantile form of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate inverting ferment deficiency
荒川雅男, 成沢邦明
VITAMINS 51(7): 292-292, 1977.

Japanese Article 7. Views - of photochemistry effect - electron microscope study for the bacteriophage of the lactoflavin adenine system
林良二, 椎木堅一
VITAMINS 51(7): 292-293, 1977.

Japanese Article 8. 1 of the vitamin B12 coenzyme-dependent diol anhydrase and glycerin anhydrase concerned. Distinction by the immunologic procedure
福井三郎, 虎谷哲夫
VITAMINS 51(7): 293-293, 1977.

Japanese Article 9. 2 of the vitamin B12 coenzyme-dependent diol anhydrase and glycerin anhydrase concerned. Distribution in bacteria
福井三郎, 虎谷哲夫, 久能祐子
VITAMINS 51(7): 293-294, 1977.

Japanese Article 10. Vitamins B12-binder in the human spinal cord
稲田雅美, 豊島正憲
VITAMINS 51(7): 294-295, 1977.

Japanese Article The general remarks that were given in these days
VITAMINS 51(7): 296-296, 1977.

Japanese Article 1. Ascorbic acid 2-sulfate esterase in the animal body
稲垣長典, 竹中育子, 荒川信彦
VITAMINS 51(7): 297-297, 1977.

Japanese Article 2. About the vitamin C effect for the rainbow trout of the ascorbic acid 2-sulfate
辻村卓*, 吉川春寿*, 長谷川忠男**, 鈴木隆雄**, 笠井孝正***, 諏訪富雄****, 北村佐三郎****
VITAMINS 51(7): 297-298, 1977.

Japanese Article 3. Changes in the vitamin C content in the add heat process of tomato under the environmental control
藤巻正生*, 加藤博通**, 鄭泰泳**, 倉田忠男**
VITAMINS 51(7): 298-299, 1977.

Japanese Article Structure and composition of urinary metabolite of the vitamin A acid
VITAMINS 51(7): 299-300, 1977.

Japanese Article New formula of the 1-I-1 3H- pyridoxal phosphate
山田良平, 辻孝彦, 能勢善嗣
VITAMINS 51(7): 301-301, 1977.

Japanese Article Uptake and release of vitamin B6 in 1-I-2 Escherichia coli
辻孝彦, 山田良平, 能勢善嗣
VITAMINS 51(7): 301-302, 1977.

Japanese Article Hydrolysis of the 1-I-3 pyridoxine derivative (XII) pyridoxine benzoate
水野亘恭, 羽藤都子, 吉野幸
VITAMINS 51(7): 302-302, 1977.

Japanese Article An isolation and chemical synthesis from the rice bran of 1-I-4 5'-O-(β-D-Glucopyranosyl) pyridoxine
安本教傅, 辻英明, 岩見公和, 満田久輝
VITAMINS 51(7): 302-303, 1977.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of 5'-O-(β-D-Glucopyranosyl) pyridoxine in the 1-I-5 vitamin B6 deficiency rat
辻英明, 岡田淳吾, 岩見公和, 安本教傅, 満田久輝
VITAMINS 51(7): 303-303, 1977.

Japanese Article Study on immunoglobulin G localization enzyme in the 1-I-6 humans serum
沢木しゅん二, 斎藤征夫
VITAMINS 51(7): 303-304, 1977.

Japanese Article Effect of the vitamin B6 deficiency to give to the cholesterol metabolism of the 1-I-7 rat liver
岡田美津子, 五味川修三, 岩見玉子
VITAMINS 51(7): 304-304, 1977.

Japanese Article Effect of the penicillamine for 1-I-8 intracerebral quantity of vitamin B6 and the urinary excretion
梶原敏英*, 高橋康子**, 松田誠**
VITAMINS 51(7): 304-305, 1977.

Japanese Article Association between 1-I-9 vitamin B6 deficiency convulsions and intracerebral GABA metabolism
安部美耶子, 松田誠
VITAMINS 51(7): 305-305, 1977.

Japanese Article A scamper attack and superior colliculus by the 1-I-10 semicarbazide
山下洵子, 平田幸男
VITAMINS 51(7): 305-306, 1977.

Japanese Article A new assay of 1-I-11 ornithine and the ornithine aminopherase and the application
安井育子, 松澤健夫
VITAMINS 51(7): 306-306, 1977.

Japanese Article Inhibition mechanism of the ornithine aminopherase by 1-I-12 L-Canaline
鬼頭清憲, 真田幸弘, 勝沼信彦
VITAMINS 51(7): 306-306, 1977.

Japanese Article Kynurenine transaminase - refinement and crystallization - of the 1-I-13 yeast
沢嘉弘*, 谷沢克行*, 左右田健次*, 与那覇和雄**
VITAMINS 51(7): 307-307, 1977.

Japanese Article Promotion with NADPH dependence and the L-ascorbic acid of the 1-I-14 Riboflavinal producing enzyme
立花精, 岡正則
VITAMINS 51(7): 307-308, 1977.

Japanese Article 1-I-15 rose off Rabin relative and egg white lactoflavin binding protein
柳瀬恭子*, 笠井佐夫**, 松井邦夫**
VITAMINS 51(7): 308-308, 1977.

Japanese Article Effect of the edible food color administration to give it to 1-I-16 rat internal vitamin B2
山本良子*, 八木國夫*, 杉浦信彦**
VITAMINS 51(7): 308-308, 1977.

Japanese Article Effect of the adrenal function to give to flavin enzyme system of the 1-I-17 rat liver microscope compartment
浜島進, 小野繁, 平野浩子, 小原喜重郎
VITAMINS 51(7): 308-309, 1977.

Japanese Article Vitamin B2 giving it to 1-I-18 rat liver mitochondria respiratory system, effect of E
原洋, 佐柳秀明, 小倉良平
VITAMINS 51(7): 309-309, 1977.

Japanese Article About a nucleotide interconversion course and a nucleotide precursor in search - high flavin production bacteria Eremothecium ashbyii of the nucleotide precursor on the 1-I-19 lactoflavin biosynthesis course -
灘本知憲, 中島謙二, 満田久輝
VITAMINS 51(7): 309-310, 1977.

Japanese Article Examination of the accumulation material at ethanol addition by 1-I-20 high flavin production bacteria Ashbya gossypii
池田好子, 中島謙二, 満田久輝
VITAMINS 51(7): 310-310, 1977.

Japanese Article Isolation identification of the intermediate on the lactoflavin biosynthesis course from 1-I-21 lactoflavin nonproductiveness mutant Bacillus subtilis AJ 1988
山田友紀子, 中島謙二, 満田久輝
VITAMINS 51(7): 310-310, 1977.

Japanese Article Examination of the control structure of the 1-I-22 lactoflavin biosynthesis course
中島謙二, 薬師川融, 満田久輝
VITAMINS 51(7): 311-311, 1977.

Japanese Article Effect for the virus of the water soluble vitamin except the 1-II-1 ascorbic acid
村田晃, 酒井繁, 小田久美男
VITAMINS 51(7): 311-312, 1977.

Japanese Article Effect of the ascorbic acid for 1-II-2 bacteria and the yeast
村田晃, 矢野信子
VITAMINS 51(7): 312-312, 1977.

Japanese Article About L-ascorbic acid oxidation enzyme inhibitor included in the 1-II-3 Pteridium aquilinum (the fifth report)
川村美笑子*, 阿部捷男**, 平見嘉彦**
VITAMINS 51(7): 312-312, 1977.

Japanese Article About 1-II-4 ascorbic acid 2-sulfate esterase
稲垣長典, 竹中育子, 荒川信彦
VITAMINS 51(7): 313-313, 1977.

Japanese Article Effect of the copper ion giving it to study on effect (IV) copper-binding protein of the heavy metal in the 1-II-5 ascorbic acid deficiency marmot
土屋治美, 鈴江緑衣郎
VITAMINS 51(7): 313-313, 1977.

Japanese Article About identification of the 7-dehydrocholesterol which is present in the 1-II-6 rat body
康村満枝, 岡野登志夫, 水野久美子, 小林正
VITAMINS 51(7): 313-314, 1977.

Japanese Article About fixed-quantity of the 1-II-7 rat internal 7-dehydrocholesterol
岡野登志夫, 康村満枝, 水野久美子, 小林正
VITAMINS 51(7): 314-314, 1977.

Japanese Article Assay of vitamin D in 1-II-8 milk and the provitamin D
足立昌子, 小林正
VITAMINS 51(7): 315-315, 1977.

Japanese Article Assay of vitamin D in 1-II-9 mother's milk
小林正*, 足立昌子*, 若生宏**, 畠山富而**
VITAMINS 51(7): 315-315, 1977.

Japanese Article Examination about the affinitas of a lot of 1-II-10 serum 25 - hydroxy vitamin D binding protein
下辻常介, 清野佳紀, 石田允, 池原千衣子, 薮内百治
VITAMINS 51(7): 316-316, 1977.

Japanese Article Effect of 1α-hydroxy vitamin D3 on rickets suggestive of the 1-II-11 25th place hydrocarbon hydroxylase disorder
岩越美恵*, 美濃真*, 村田良輔**
VITAMINS 51(7): 316-317, 1977.

Japanese Article Comparison of 25 hydrocarbon hydroxylase of vitamin D3 and 1α-hydroxy vitamin D3 in the 1-II-12 rat liver
福島政文*, 西井易穂*, 鈴木ミチ子**, 須田立雄**
VITAMINS 51(7): 317-317, 1977.

Japanese Article 1-II-13 1,25- dihydroxycholecalciferol and isozyme of the chicken duodenum phosphomonoesterase
森内幸子, 吉沢節子, 細谷憲政
VITAMINS 51(7): 317-317, 1977.

Japanese Article It is the refinement by the (III) affinity chromatography about dihydrofolate reductase of 1-II-14 Crithidia fasciculata
岩井和夫, 大江秀雄
VITAMINS 51(7): 318-318, 1977.

Japanese Article About the folic acid extraction condition of study on folic acid content (II) animalism materials in a lot of 1-II-15 food
VITAMINS 51(7): 318-318, 1977.

Japanese Article Folate uptake to 1-II-16 rabbit brain choroid plexus
田口博国, 真田浩
VITAMINS 51(7): 319-319, 1977.

Japanese Article Vitamin B2 for the tryptophan metabolism mainly on the 1-II-17 kynurenine, association of B6
柴田幸雄*, 西本行男*, 沖中靖**
VITAMINS 51(7): 319-319, 1977.

Japanese Article Study on folate metabolism in 1-II-18 myeloid cells
VITAMINS 51(7): 320-320, 1977.

Japanese Article Quick microbial assay of the 1-II-19 folic acid
宮本悌次郎, 小西寛子
VITAMINS 51(7): 320-320, 1977.

Japanese Article Adjustment - of the Acetyl CoA carboxylase activity by change and that of metabolic disorders - Fructose diphosphate, Citrate level in the 1-II-20 Myoinositol lack yeast
林栄一, 長谷川隆一, 富田多嘉子
VITAMINS 51(7): 321-321, 1977.

Japanese Article Identification and fixed-quantity of Niacin related compounds of the liver of the 1-II-21 pig and kidneys
田口寛*, 高見沢宏*, 武藤真子*, 嶋林幸英*, 高橋孝雄*, 岩井和夫**
VITAMINS 51(7): 321-322, 1977.

Japanese Article About effect of the leucine administration to give it to quantity of 1-II-22 rat liver NAD
藤井恒二*, 山口賢次*, 上田巌夫*, 谷河精規**
VITAMINS 51(7): 322-322, 1977.

Japanese Article About the Thiamine diphosphate-Adenosine triphosphate phosphotransferase activity in the 2-I-1 central nerve tissue formative period
西野幸典, 藤井千里, 糸川嘉則
VITAMINS 51(7): 322-323, 1977.

Japanese Article About 14CO2 excreted during expiration in a 2-I-2 Thiazole-2-14C-thiamine administration rat
木村美恵子, 狭山信矩, 糸川嘉則
VITAMINS 51(7): 323-323, 1977.

Japanese Article Experimental low calcium of the 2-I-3 rat, low vitamin B1 symptom
木村美恵子, 梅原良野, 糸川嘉則
VITAMINS 51(7): 323-324, 1977.

Japanese Article Pathological finding (the third report) of the central nerve of the 2-I-4 vitamin B1 deficiency albino rat
羽生恒雄, 井口利樹, 渡辺溪子, 呉光雄, 井上喜久子, 橋詰直孝, 岡田正, 阿部達夫
VITAMINS 51(7): 324-324, 1977.

Japanese Article About normal of the 2-I-5 red blood cell transketolase
池田律子*, 島津千里*, 安田和人**
VITAMINS 51(7): 324-325, 1977.

Japanese Article The measurement of the 2-I-6 human red blood cell transketolase activity
富田勲*, 斎藤慎一*, 清水幸子*, 鏑木恒男**, 服部俊夫**
VITAMINS 51(7): 325-325, 1977.

Japanese Article Study on dephosphorization oxidizing enzyme of the vitamin B1 phosphate in the 2-I-7 rat mucosa of small intestine
松田敏夫, 馬場明道, 岩田平太郎
VITAMINS 51(7): 325-326, 1977.

Japanese Article Vitamin B1, effect on 2-I-8 experimental diabetic neuritis (the second report) of B6, B12
岩田宜芳*, 松村昌子*, 酒井豊**
VITAMINS 51(7): 326-326, 1977.

Japanese Article Vitamin B1 uptake in the 2-I-9 extreme thermophile
山田一夫, 吉田周右, 川崎尚
VITAMINS 51(7): 327-327, 1977.

Japanese Article Phosphorylated thiamine generation course of the 2-I-10 extreme thermophile
吉田周右, 山田一夫, 川崎尚
VITAMINS 51(7): 327-327, 1977.

Japanese Article Inhibition by the thiamine disulfide of the thiamine uptake of the 2-I-11 yeast fungus
岩島昭夫, 若林保良, 能勢善嗣
VITAMINS 51(7): 327-328, 1977.

Japanese Article Manufacture of purified (II) pig intrinsic factor - vitamins B12-Sepharose of the intrinsic factor receptor by the 2-I-12 affinity chromatography
山田正二*, 中沢修**, 丸山裕**, 福田守道**
VITAMINS 51(7): 328-328, 1977.

Japanese Article About diagnostic significance of 2-I-13 intestinal tract excision and vitamin B12 absorption - clone him disease -
森下玲児, 内野治人
VITAMINS 51(7): 328-329, 1977.

Japanese Article Vitamin B12 binder in the 2-I-14 humans spinal cord
稲田雅美, 豊島正憲, 亀山正邦
VITAMINS 51(7): 329-329, 1977.

Japanese Article Small intestine absorption mechanism of 2-I-15 vitamin B12
豊島正憲, 稲田雅美, 亀山正邦
VITAMINS 51(7): 329-329, 1977.

Japanese Article Examination about the separation of the 2-I-16 rat small intestinal intrinsic factor receptor
内山幸信, 近藤春樹, 奥田邦雄
VITAMINS 51(7): 330-330, 1977.

Japanese Article Megaloblastic anemia due to the 2-I-17 selective vitamin B12 malabsorption
新川正治, 今宿晋作, 沢田淳, 楠智一
VITAMINS 51(7): 330-331, 1977.

Japanese Article About the specificity in the methylmalonyl CoA epimerization response of the 2-II-1 purine-based base-containing coenzyme type vitamin B12 relative and the ribonucleotide reduction response
林光則*, 小川満*, 永井史郎*, 上久保正**
VITAMINS 51(7): 331-331, 1977.

Japanese Article About the resolution of the cobalamin in 2-II-2 Bacillus badius culture supernatant
林光則*, 垣本章子*, 永井史郎*, 上久保正**
VITAMINS 51(7): 331-332, 1977.

Japanese Article About the significance of existence of the DBCC participation enzyme in 2-II-3 methanol assimilation-related bacteria
上田俊策, 佐藤一精, 清水祥一
VITAMINS 51(7): 332-332, 1977.

Japanese Article Vitamin B12 participation methionine composition purification of enzyme by the 2-II-4 affinity chromatography
佐藤一精*, 樋江井恵雄*, 清水祥一*, R.H.ABELES**
VITAMINS 51(7): 332-333, 1977.

Japanese Article Affinity chromatography (I) diol anhydrase of the vitamin B12 enzyme using the 2-II-5 immobilization vitamin B12 coenzyme derivative
虎谷哲夫, 福井三郎
VITAMINS 51(7): 333-333, 1977.

Japanese Article Fixed-quantity of the alpha-tocopherol homolog in a red blood cell by the 2-II-6 high performance liquid chromatography
石橋恭子, 阿部皓一, 大前雅彦, 勝井五一郎
VITAMINS 51(7): 333-333, 1977.

Japanese Article About 2-II-7 blood vitamin E, normal of A
安田和人*, 池田律子**, 古谷幸子**, 小林一恵**, 勝井五一郎***
VITAMINS 51(7): 333-334, 1977.

Japanese Article Intestinal absorption of 2-II-8 vitamin E
安田和人*, 古谷幸子**, 島津千里**, 小林一恵**, 勝井五一郎***
VITAMINS 51(7): 334-334, 1977.

Japanese Article 2-II-9 pregnant woman serum vitamin E
高橋裕一*, 設楽秀弥*, 宇留野勝水*, 真石尚子*, 木村修一**
VITAMINS 51(7): 334-335, 1977.

Japanese Article Alpha-tocopherol and effect of the delta-tocopherol to give to a TBA level of the 2-II-10 unsaturated fatty acid
神村瑞夫, 高橋誠, 大月国司
VITAMINS 51(7): 335-335, 1977.

Japanese Article About 2-II-11 vitamin E deficiency rat liver mitochondria function
角田博美, 玉田一夫, 武輪光男, 味村啓司, 前田明文, 井畑健, 湯川進, 野本拓
VITAMINS 51(7): 335-336, 1977.

Japanese Article Classification fixed-quantity of carotene by the 2-II-12 lamina chromatography
小野忠義, 松下安通
VITAMINS 51(7): 336-336, 1977.

Japanese Article About the association between gel chromatography - lamina method and column method of the vitamin A lysate with 2-II-13 polysorbate 80 -
上田文雄, 伊藤昭, 鮎川好一
VITAMINS 51(7): 336-337, 1977.

Japanese Article Presence in rat liver of 2-II-14 Mannosyl retinyl phosphate and the mucosa of small intestine
舛重正一, George WOLF
VITAMINS 51(7): 337-337, 1977.

Japanese Article From 2-II-15 Mannosyl retinyl phosphate metastasis to Glycoprotein of Mannose
舛重正一*, Gloria Chi ROSSO**, George WOLF**
VITAMINS 51(7): 337-337, 1977.

Japanese Article About a presence style of blood thyroid hormone in the 2-II-16 vitamin A deficiency rat
大庭清, 木村修一
VITAMINS 51(7): 337-338, 1977.

Japanese Article Study on secretion mechanism of the vitamin A-binding protein in the 2-II-17 rat liver
武藤泰敏, 四童子好広, 佐藤真由美
VITAMINS 51(7): 338-338, 1977.

Japanese Article About the vitamin A-binding protein in cells in the 2-II-18 origin-related liver cancer
武藤泰敏, 四童子好広, 大森正英, 佐藤真由美
VITAMINS 51(7): 338-339, 1977.

Japanese Article A biochemical rating system of the vitamin B1 nutritional status and the vitamin B1 sufficiency situation in the world
VITAMINS 51(7): 340-341, 1977.