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Volume 62, Issue 4 / 1988
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Study on vitamin B1 transportation system of the yeast
VITAMINS 62(4): 169-170, 1988.

Japanese Article Structure of the biotin enzyme acetyl CoA carboxylase and active regulatory mechanism
VITAMINS 62(4): 170-171, 1988.

Japanese Article Cobalt - carbon-binding activated mechanism of the vitamin B12 coenzyme
VITAMINS 62(4): 171-172, 1988.

Japanese Article In a plan
VITAMINS 62(4): 173-173, 1988.

Japanese Article 1. Pathological chemistry of the B group vitamins dysbolism
VITAMINS 62(4): 173-174, 1988.

Japanese Article 2. The vitamin K deficiency that becomes the problem recently
VITAMINS 62(4): 174-175, 1988.

Japanese Article 3. Trend in these days of the retinoid which we saw from the organic chemistry domain and the carotenoid study
VITAMINS 62(4): 175-176, 1988.

Japanese Article 4. Metabolism of the unsaturated fatty acid by the lipoxygenase
VITAMINS 62(4): 176-177, 1988.

Japanese Article 5. The present conditions of the vitamins production study due to the microbe
VITAMINS 62(4): 177-177, 1988.

Japanese Article High sensitive analytical procedure of Vitamin K3 with the fluorescence detection HPLC using the 1-I-1 electricity chemical reduction response
野津本茂, 坂野俊行, 森本厚, 藤本恭子, 鈴木由紀子, 平内三政
VITAMINS 62(4): 179-179, 1988.

Japanese Article High sensitive analytical procedure of Vitamin K with the fluorescence detection HPLC using the apparatus for the 1-I-2 Low cost reduction
長岡忠義, 森本厚, 平内三政
VITAMINS 62(4): 179-179, 1988.

Japanese Article Change of 1-I-3 change first report blood vitamin K levels of vitamin K after the food intake containing vitamin K high
萓嶌成美, 有吉宣明, 白幡聡, 小松啓子*
VITAMINS 62(4): 180-180, 1988.

Japanese Article Examination about the pathogenesis of the vitamin K deficiency to be found at 1-I-4 antibiotic administration
有吉宣明, 萓嶌成美, 小松啓子, 白幡聡
VITAMINS 62(4): 180-180, 1988.

Japanese Article Significance of the menaquinone in a 1-I-5 humans liver tissue
薄井裕治, 西村直彦, 小林展章, 小澤和恵, 谷村弘*
VITAMINS 62(4): 180-180, 1988.

Japanese Article 1-I-6 MK-4, MK-4 epoxide concentration in the blood after MK-4 intravenous administration
西村直彦, 薄井裕治, 小林展章, 小澤和恵, 谷村弘*
VITAMINS 62(4): 181-181, 1988.

Japanese Article It is examined the vitamin K2 syrup administration to a mother before 1-I-7 delivery
平池秀和, 木村美恵子, 糸川嘉則
VITAMINS 62(4): 181-181, 1988.

Japanese Article Biological activity of 1-I-8 vitamin K
古川みどり, 中西敏己, 古川隆二, 飯塚文瑛, 小幡裕
VITAMINS 62(4): 181-181, 1988.

Japanese Article Absorption of vitamin K in 1-I-9 intestinal flora and the gastrointestinal lower part
白川仁, 駒井三千夫, 木村修一
VITAMINS 62(4): 182-182, 1988.

Japanese Article About the absorption from the lower intestinal tract of the person of 1-I-10 vitamin K (V K)
飯塚文瑛, 古川みどり, 中西敏己, 長廻紘, 小幡裕, 内田清久*, 平内三政*
VITAMINS 62(4): 182-182, 1988.

Japanese Article 1-I-11β- lactam antibiotic and vitamin K metabolism (the second report)
内田清久, 松原尚志, 川本敬子
VITAMINS 62(4): 182-182, 1988.

Japanese Article Manufacture of the reference standard for the HPLC of 1-I-12 phylloquinone, menaquinone -4 and ubiquinone -10
勝井五一郎, 美濃真
VITAMINS 62(4): 183-183, 1988.

Japanese Article About the effect that 1-I-13γ- linolenic acid addition feed salary gives to rat calcium, phosphorus of the period of growth, the magnesium receipt and disbursement
江指隆年, 平原文子*, 熊谷昌士**
VITAMINS 62(4): 183-183, 1988.

Japanese Article Two 1-I-14 enzymatic 12-lipoxygenase which and are distinguished immunologically
高橋吉孝, 上田夏生, 山本尚三
VITAMINS 62(4): 183-183, 1988.

Japanese Article Prostaglandin E2 composition in osteoblastic strain (MC3T3-E1) derived from 1-I-15 mouse and promotion by the epidermal growth factor
住谷光治, 河田照茂, 吉本谷博*, 山本尚三*, 久米川正好**
VITAMINS 62(4): 184-184, 1988.

Japanese Article Separation of all trans-3-hydrooxyretinal optical isomers using the 1-I-16 Highway liquid chromatography
伊藤允好, 小山まゆみ, 村上牧子, 松岡望, 月田潔
VITAMINS 62(4): 184-184, 1988.

Japanese Article About the retinyl palmitate endurance test in patients with 1-I-17 hyperlipidemia
山田智恵子, 島田俊一, 鈴木絹代, 池田律子, 橋詰直孝, 安田和人, 石川俊次*
VITAMINS 62(4): 184-184, 1988.

Japanese Article Inhibition of multiplication of human tumor cells by 1-I-18 polyps rain acid E5166
長谷川禎子, 西野輔翼, 岩島昭夫
VITAMINS 62(4): 185-185, 1988.

Japanese Article The isolation refinement of the retinoic acid-binding protein limited to 1-I-19 rat epididymis
西脇伸二, 加登通正, 奥野正隆, 二ノ宮三生, 河合潔, 森脇久隆, 武藤泰敏, 金井正光*
VITAMINS 62(4): 185-185, 1988.

Japanese Article Study on retinol transportation in 1-I-20 culture Fat-Storing Cell
松浦知和, 永森静志, 藤瀬清隆, 蓮村哲, 本間定, 筋野甫, 清水恵一郎, 新谷稔, 亀田治男, 広沢一成*
VITAMINS 62(4): 185-185, 1988.

Japanese Article Metabolism of proline in the 1-I-21 vitamin A deficiency rat and histidine
福永巌, 和田政裕, 田所忠弘, 舛重正一
VITAMINS 62(4): 186-186, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect for hydrogen peroxide of the pyridoxamine phosphate oxidizing enzyme derived from 1-II-1 baker's yeast
板東香お里, 服部芳幸, 柘植治人
VITAMINS 62(4): 186-186, 1988.

Japanese Article State of preservation and B6 content of the analysis---sample of the vitamin B6 derivative by the 1-II-2 HPLC method
柘植治人, 坂本英子
VITAMINS 62(4): 186-186, 1988.

Japanese Article Addition effect of the pyridoxal phosphate in the 1-II-3 ornithine transamination activity measurement of enzyme
西井雅俊, 山田康幸, 松沢健夫, 畑忠善*
VITAMINS 62(4): 187-187, 1988.

Japanese Article 1-II-4ω- amino acid: 340nm - compound of the pyruvate transaminase
VITAMINS 62(4): 187-187, 1988.

Japanese Article Change (followup) of vitamin B6 in the liver homogenate of the 1-II-5 diabetes animal
南原征哲, 田中孝二, 林泰三, 金田恵孝*, 渡部透*, 田中孝生**, 小出尚志**
VITAMINS 62(4): 187-187, 1988.

Japanese Article Biosynthesis course of 1-II-6 pyridoxine
守先真由美, 田鶴谷恵子, 山田和子, 熊岡煕
VITAMINS 62(4): 188-188, 1988.

Japanese Article Generation of galactosyl pyridoxine at culture due to 1-II-7 Sparobolomyces and Aspergillus genus bacteria and cell tosyl pyridoxine
鈴木幸雄, 内田絅
VITAMINS 62(4): 188-188, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect of the formoguanamine administration to give it to the ATPase activity of the 1-II-8 chicken chick retina
小原嘉彦, 松澤健夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 188-188, 1988.

Japanese Article Structure and enzyme chemical property of the 1-II-9 heat-resistant aspartic transaminase
成文喜, 谷沢克行, 田中英彦, 左右田健次, 倉光成紀*, 鏡山博行*
VITAMINS 62(4): 189-189, 1988.

Japanese Article About a drop of the Ca reabsorption in the 1-II-10 VB6 lack rat kidney
坪内凉子, 竹内章夫, 布施秀夫, 佐藤功記, 柴田幸雄
VITAMINS 62(4): 189-189, 1988.

Japanese Article 1-II-11 vitamin B6 deficiency and myeloid cells
伊藤担道, 加藤克己, 松浦正明*, 沢木しゅん二*
VITAMINS 62(4): 189-189, 1988.

Japanese Article About the new index of the 1-II-12 vitamin B6 latent lack diagnosis
島田俊一, 山田智恵子, 鈴木絹代, 池田律子, 橋詰直孝, 安田和人
VITAMINS 62(4): 190-190, 1988.

Japanese Article About a property of flavokinase of the 1-II-13 dog liver
清水新司, 平野浩子, 小野繁, 中野英子*, 笠井佐夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 190-190, 1988.

Japanese Article Presence of the D-aspartic acid oxidizing enzyme in the 1-II-14 rat liver and mouse organs
山田良平, 若林保良, 岩島昭夫, 長崎寿栄*
VITAMINS 62(4): 190-190, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect of vitamin B2 giving it to 1-II-15 chrome DNA disorder
杉山正康, 安藤昭和, 上田浩, 小倉良平
VITAMINS 62(4): 191-191, 1988.

Japanese Article About vitamin B2 synthase of 1-II-16 high flavin production bacteria Eremothecium ashbyii
峰松正敏, 中島謙二
VITAMINS 62(4): 191-191, 1988.

Japanese Article Drop of the glutathione reductase activity in the 1-II-17 senescence accelerated mouse
幸村定昭, 芳野恭士, 大石誠子, 近藤恭司, 八木國夫
VITAMINS 62(4): 191-191, 1988.

Japanese Article Making of the genuine biotin deficiency disease using the 1-II-18 germfree mouse embryo
駒井三千夫, 深澤洋, 古川勇次, 木村修一
VITAMINS 62(4): 192-192, 1988.

Japanese Article Can you meet the required amount with biotin of the 1-II-19 gut flora composition?
池田雅充, 道脇秀子, 川辺ひとみ, 榊原文作, 宇野裕*
VITAMINS 62(4): 192-192, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect of the biotin deficiency to give to 1-II-20 genetic ascorbic acid rat lipid metabolism impossible of composition
古川勇次, 大越祥子, 伊藤道子, 阿久津良和, 木村修一, 赤沢典子*
VITAMINS 62(4): 192-192, 1988.

Japanese Article Structure decision by the cDNA cloning of the 1-II-21 liver acetyl CoA carboxylase
田辺忠, 高井俊行, 横山知永子, 和田健司
VITAMINS 62(4): 193-193, 1988.

Japanese Article Impedance analysis (the third report) of the vitamin E deficiency red cell membrane at the 2-I-1 oxidative disorder
前田一, 玉井浩, 美濃真, 吉田秀世*, 今井雄介*
VITAMINS 62(4): 193-193, 1988.

Japanese Article Reproduction of vitamin E out of the membrane by 2-I-2 L-Cysteine
本山忠, 三木正之, 美濃真
VITAMINS 62(4): 193-193, 1988.

Japanese Article About an antioxidant effect of vitamin E on 2-I-3 membrane protein oxidation ornamentation - of the effect by the difference of - radical site of origin
竹中義人, 三木正之, 美濃真
VITAMINS 62(4): 194-194, 1988.

Japanese Article The oxidation of the 2-I-4 feeble chemiluminescence and membrane protein
保田浩, 竹中義人, 三木正之, 美濃真
VITAMINS 62(4): 194-194, 1988.

Japanese Article The mechanism of action (the second report) of the concentration-dependency selective toxicity for the cancer cell of the 2-I-5 epoxidation lipid liposome
福田弥一郎, 山本茂, 美濃真, 平澤計介*
VITAMINS 62(4): 194-194, 1988.

Japanese Article About a change of blood vitamin E at the 2-I-6 d-α-tocopherol administration and the safety
北川真, 辰巳和人, 岡野智英, 美濃真
VITAMINS 62(4): 195-195, 1988.

Japanese Article About human neutrophilic chemiluminescence at the 2-I-7 d-α-Tocopherol administration
岡野智英, 真砂光宏, 玉井浩, 北川真, 美濃真
VITAMINS 62(4): 195-195, 1988.

Japanese Article Measurement - second report - of E out of the mucosal bleeding cell in the 2-I-8 humans oral cavity
横田和男, 真砂光宏, 玉井浩, 北川真, 美濃真
VITAMINS 62(4): 195-195, 1988.

Japanese Article About relations with vitamin E in the 2-I-9 children serum lipoprotein fraction and red blood cell E
森田利江, 中井京子, 山城国暉, 北川真*, 美濃真*
VITAMINS 62(4): 196-196, 1988.

Japanese Article About the effect that 2-I-10 vitamin E and gamma-linolenic acid administration give to the rat lipid of the period of growth and mineral metabolism
平原文子, 江指隆年*, 熊谷昌士**
VITAMINS 62(4): 196-196, 1988.

Japanese Article About the effect that large doses and low calcium phosphorus administration of 2-I-11 vitamin E give to the rat lipid of the period of growth and mineral metabolism
平原文子, 江指隆年*, 熊谷昌士**
VITAMINS 62(4): 196-196, 1988.

Japanese Article About the effect that a limit of the 2-I-12 feed intake gives to the alpha-tocopherol content out of a rat organ weight and the organ
平原文子, 山口迪夫, 木村修一*, 白井和雄**
VITAMINS 62(4): 197-197, 1988.

Japanese Article About the effect of the drop of the quantity of glutathione in the living body in the 2-I-13 vitamin E deficiency rat
市川富夫, 萩原清和
VITAMINS 62(4): 197-197, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect of vitamin E on DNA disorder with the 2-I-14 chrome
安藤昭和, 杉山正康, 小倉良平
VITAMINS 62(4): 197-197, 1988.

Japanese Article About vitamin E and lipid metabolism in the 2-I-15 chronic pancreatitis - second report -
花田稔, 小泉勝, 後藤由夫, 伊藤道子*, 古川勇次*, 阿久津良和*, 松山和香子*, 木村修一*
VITAMINS 62(4): 198-198, 1988.

Japanese Article Change of α-tocopherol in 2-I-16 rat endotoxin shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation
竹村俊樹, 吉川敏一, 内藤裕二, 小山田裕一, 上田茂信, 谷川徹, 田井中憲三, 森田豊, 杉野成, 近藤元治
VITAMINS 62(4): 198-198, 1988.

Japanese Article An instruction of the lipid peroxidation by the 2-I-17 [Fe2+ complex - oxygen] complex and antioxidant action of the alpha-tocopherol
福沢健治, 藤井智仁, 平本泰志, 徳村彰, 塚谷博昭
VITAMINS 62(4): 198-198, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect of alimentary vitamin E giving it to production and the resolution of the platelet activating factor (PAF) in 2-I-18 neutrophils
福沢健治, 畔取康浩, 徳村彰, 塚谷博昭
VITAMINS 62(4): 199-199, 1988.

Japanese Article The detection of the phosphatide hydroperoxide of the vitamin E deficiency rat organ by the 2-I-19 chemiluminescence - HPLC method
宮沢陽夫, 藤本健四郎, 金田尚志*, 阿部皓一**
VITAMINS 62(4): 199-199, 1988.

Japanese Article Interaction of alpha-tocopherol and the gamma-tocopherol in the 2-I-20 living body
五十嵐脩, 陳美宜
VITAMINS 62(4): 199-199, 1988.

Japanese Article About a function of vitamin E in the 2-I-21 chloroplast
遠山典子, 五十嵐脩
VITAMINS 62(4): 200-200, 1988.

Japanese Article Membrane stabilizing action of 2-I-22 vitamin E: Interaction with alpha-tocopherol and lecithin, cholesterol and the retinol
浦野四郎, 加藤優子, 松尾光芳
VITAMINS 62(4): 200-200, 1988.

Japanese Article Radical capture effect of vitamin E in the 2-I-23 blood
二木鋭雄, 山本順寛, 小室絵里佳, 高橋希之, 山本敬司, 美濃真*, 三木正之*, 保田浩*
VITAMINS 62(4): 200-200, 1988.

Japanese Article About a large quantity of vitamin D existing in 2-I-24 fish liver
竹内敦子, 岡野登志夫, 小林正, 反田實*
VITAMINS 62(4): 201-201, 1988.

Japanese Article About vitamin D metabolite concentrations existing in the bone cerebral fluid of patients with 2-I-25 leukemia
増田園子, 岡野登志夫, 小林正, 王伯銘*, 吉田尚*
VITAMINS 62(4): 201-201, 1988.

Japanese Article Skin sterol metabolic control with 2-I-26 active form vitamin D
津川尚子, 岡野登志夫, 小林正
VITAMINS 62(4): 201-201, 1988.

Japanese Article 2 examination - - of the 1,25(OH)2D receptor using 2-I-27 peripheral-blood mononuclear cells
中島滋郎, 田中能久, 大薗恵一, 島雅昭, 黒瀬裕史, 里村憲一, 山岡完次, 清野佳紀, 薮内百治
VITAMINS 62(4): 202-202, 1988.

Japanese Article To 2-I-28 side chain bioactive - In vitro - of the new vitamin D3 derivative including the oxygen atom
阿部純子, 森川真樹子, 宮本勝仁, 海宝晋一, 福島政文, 西井易穂, 宮浦千里*, 阿部悦子*, 須田立雄*
VITAMINS 62(4): 202-202, 1988.

Japanese Article To 2-I-29 side chain bioactive - In vivo - of the new vitamin D3 derivative including the oxygen atom
滝田裕美子, 阿部純子, 宮本勝仁, 中野利昭, 福島政文, 西井易穂, 須田立雄*
VITAMINS 62(4): 202-202, 1988.

Japanese Article Importance of the Zn ion giving it to the DNA-binding domain of the 2-I-30 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor
山岡完次, 清野佳紀, Mark R.Haussler*
VITAMINS 62(4): 203-203, 1988.

Japanese Article 2-I-31 23(S)25(R) -Effect to give to 1, bony formation of 25(OH)2D3-26, 23-Lactone
島雅昭, 清野佳紀, 田中弘之, 山岡完次, 藪内百治, 吉川秀樹*, 高岡邦夫*, 石塚誠一**, Anthony W.Norman***
VITAMINS 62(4): 203-203, 1988.

Japanese Article About 2-I-32 blood 1.25 (OH)2D concentrations change and aging of the Ca metabolism
安田和人, 橋詰直孝, 宮崎俊之*
VITAMINS 62(4): 203-203, 1988.

Japanese Article An addition law and effect of the vitamin D3 administration to give to the fatty acid metabolism in 2-I-33 rat small intestine cells
渡辺茂弥, 杉山史子, 若月芳雄, 工藤寛之, 稲田雅美
VITAMINS 62(4): 204-204, 1988.

Japanese Article Study on physiological function (II) of the reduced form ubiquinone in the 2-I-34 living body: About a reduced form ubiquinone level human and in a rat organization
岡本正志, 位田由佳子, 福永裕子, 紀氏健雄
VITAMINS 62(4): 204-204, 1988.

Japanese Article Study on measurement of the ascorbic acid in 2-I-35 food
飯島健志, 前川昭男, 馬場修*, 河田哲典**, 上野順士***
VITAMINS 62(4): 204-204, 1988.

Japanese Article About photoinduction of Ascorbate peroxidase in 2-I-36 Euglena
岡本修身, 重岡成, 大西俊夫, 村上哲男, 飯塚義富, 貴志徳秀*, 中野長久*, 北岡正三郎*
VITAMINS 62(4): 205-205, 1988.

Japanese Article Coloration mechanism with 2-I-37 dehydroascorbic acid and the glycyl tripeptide
桜井英敏, 遠藤久代, 伊藤定一郎, 石井謙二
VITAMINS 62(4): 205-205, 1988.

Japanese Article Study on metabolism of the L-ascorbic acid in the 2-I-38 Japan quail (the third report)
馬場修, 一寸木宗一, 山根哲夫*, 前川昭男**
VITAMINS 62(4): 205-205, 1988.

Japanese Article Neurochemical examination in the brain under the 2-I-39 ascorbic acid deficiency
阿部一也, 井戸達雄, 石渡喜一, 木村修一*, 斎藤和子*, 川村美笑子*
VITAMINS 62(4): 206-206, 1988.

Japanese Article 2-I-40 genetic ascorbic acid rat (ODS rat) lipid metabolism and LCAT activity impossible of composition
伊藤道子, 阿久津良和, 古川勇次, 木村修一
VITAMINS 62(4): 206-206, 1988.

Japanese Article Change of the renal function at the 2-I-41 genetic AsA rat (ODS rat) AsA lack impossible of composition
斎藤和子, 木村修一, 井戸達雄*
VITAMINS 62(4): 206-206, 1988.

Japanese Article The prevention of the onset of the 2-I-42 stress-related gastric ulcer and effect of vitamin C on treatment
西川善之, 谷田直子, 平野和保, 宮前典幸
VITAMINS 62(4): 207-207, 1988.

Japanese Article Change of ascorbic acid concentrations in the wound organization in the 2-I-43 healing of wound process
金美郷, 倉田忠男, 荒川信彦
VITAMINS 62(4): 207-207, 1988.

Japanese Article Structure and sterilization activity of the 2-I-44 ascorbic acid derivative
村田晃, 田代秀敏, 加藤富民雄, 内藤大嗣*, 岩瀬正明*
VITAMINS 62(4): 207-207, 1988.

Japanese Article 2-I-45 The presence in the genome of a human and guinea pig of L- gulonolactone oxidase gene
錦見盛光, 小澤高将, 越坂卓也*, 八木國夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 208-208, 1988.

Japanese Article 2-I-46 Influence of ascorbic acid degradation products, 3,4 enediol type 2,3-diketogulonic-δ-lactone (DKGL) for the hydroxylation of proline
池田泰子, 大塚恵, 柳梨娜, 倉田忠男, 荒川信彦
VITAMINS 62(4): 208-208, 1988.

Japanese Article Distribution of dihydrofolate reductase and the coenzyme type folic acid generation activity in the 2-II-1 rat mucosa of small intestine
小橋昌裕, 米田圭二*, 岩井和夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 209-209, 1988.

Japanese Article A fermented milk generation accelerator and serine metabolism in 2-II-2 yeast extract
平林照美, 真鍋孝子, 錫武美弥子, 佐藤一精
VITAMINS 62(4): 209-209, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect on culture liver parenchymal cells of the 2-II-3 phosphatidylcholin liposome
松浦知和, 永森静志, 藤瀬清隆, 蓮村哲, 本間定, 筋野甫, 清水恵一郎, 新谷稔, 亀田治男
VITAMINS 62(4): 210-210, 1988.

Japanese Article Participation of the unsaturated fatty acid in the cohesion of the Saccharomyces yeast by the 2-II-4 inositol lack
西村公臣, 園山泰子, 上原悌次郎*
VITAMINS 62(4): 210-210, 1988.

Japanese Article Locality in presence and cells of the isozyme of the thiamine pyrophosphokinases in 2-II-5 Euglena gracilis
重岡成, 大西俊夫, 貴志徳秀*, 中野長久*, 北岡正三郎*
VITAMINS 62(4): 210-210, 1988.

Japanese Article An instruction of the 2-oxoglutaric acid decarboxylase in 2-II-6 Euglena gracilis and the refinement of the mRNA
重岡成, 大西俊夫, 貴志徳秀*, 中野長久*, 北岡正三郎*
VITAMINS 62(4): 211-211, 1988.

Japanese Article Phosphorylation of Hydroxyethylthiazole due to 2-II-8 Escherichia coli
溝手朝子, 杉本裕美, 福吉幸子, 藤田慶子, 中山英男
VITAMINS 62(4): 211-211, 1988.

Japanese Article Subcellular distribution of 2-II-9 skeletal muscle thiamine triphosphate
殿村英郎, 松田敏夫, 岩田平太郎
VITAMINS 62(4): 211-211, 1988.

Japanese Article Thiamine metabolism of the 2-II-10 chicken skeletal muscle
三好和雄, 恵木慶子, 川崎尚
VITAMINS 62(4): 212-212, 1988.

Japanese Article About the biosynthesis course of the pyrimidine part of thiamine by the 2-II-11 yeast
田鶴谷恵子, 守先真由美, 山田和子, 熊岡煕
VITAMINS 62(4): 212-212, 1988.

Japanese Article About a base exchange response of Thiaminase II of 2-II-12 Bacillus aneurinolyticus
中塚敏之, 中野長久*, 北岡正三郎*
VITAMINS 62(4): 212-212, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect on active expression of binding capacity of TPP of the 2-II-13 human red blood cell transketolase and 2 values positive ion
鄭銀姫, 竹内亨, 糸川嘉則, 西野幸典*
VITAMINS 62(4): 213-213, 1988.

Japanese Article The synthesis of aryl azide derivative of 2-II-14 thiamine and the photoresponsive nature
仙福健治, 西村洋, 岩島昭夫
VITAMINS 62(4): 213-213, 1988.

Japanese Article About the complex organization potency with the fatty acid of the 2-II-15 Thiamine derivative
小股泰子, 山岡一江, 金子明子, 藤江忠雄, 浦野四郎*
VITAMINS 62(4): 213-213, 1988.

Japanese Article Vitamin B1 by the 2-II-16 high performance liquid chromatography, simultaneous assay of B2
鈴木絹代, 島田俊一, 山田智恵子, 池田律子, 橋詰直孝, 安田和人
VITAMINS 62(4): 214-214, 1988.

Japanese Article Change of the blood vitamins with the 2-II-17 multivitamin administration and mineral concentration
橋詰直孝, 安田和人, 池田律子, 島田俊一, 岩井一代, 山田智恵子, 松岡昌義*, 大塚紘司*
VITAMINS 62(4): 214-214, 1988.

Japanese Article Simultaneous fixed-quantity of nicotinamide by the 2-II-18 high performance liquid chromatography, N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide and the N1-methyl-4-pyridone-3-carboxamide
柴田克己, 河田照雄*, 岩井和夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 214-214, 1988.

Japanese Article Transday change of urinary output of 2-II-19 Niacin metabolites
柴田克己, 松尾弘子, 岩井和夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 215-215, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect of the protein level in feed giving it to output on urine of 2-II-20 nicotinamide and the metabolites
柴田克己, 岩井和夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 215-215, 1988.

Japanese Article 2-II-21 For initial enzyme of Trp → niacin system of yeast
新真理子, 佐野圭二, 梅澤智佐江
VITAMINS 62(4): 215-215, 1988.

Japanese Article 2-II-22 Physiological function and metabolism for lemna of niacin related compounds
田口寛, 西谷弘, 樫本淳, 奥村克純, 嶋林幸英, 岩井和夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 216-216, 1988.

Japanese Article The refinement and property from a clam of the 2-II-23 nicotinate methyltransferase
山田弘美, 田口寛, 石原則幸, 奥村克純, 嶋林幸英, 岩井和夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 216-216, 1988.

Japanese Article Assay of the Niacin using the 2-II-24 bio sensor
石原則幸, 田口寛, 南中豊, 奥村克純, 嶋林幸英, 岩井和夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 217-217, 1988.

Japanese Article Inhibition effect of the vitamin K derivative on 2-II-25 poly(ADP-ribose) composition
上田國寛, M.Banasik, N.A.N.Abed, 小村啓*
VITAMINS 62(4): 217-217, 1988.

Japanese Article 2-II-26 febrile mycobacterial NAD- demand-related valine dehydrogenation purification of enzyme and nature to like
大島敏久, 和田俊浩, 東谷晋, 左右田健次*
VITAMINS 62(4): 217-217, 1988.

Japanese Article Property of the 2-II-27 NADP-dependent D-threonine dehydrase
味園春雄, 加藤一郎, 西原豊, 永田信治, 長崎亀
VITAMINS 62(4): 218-218, 1988.

Japanese Article Primary structure of the 2-II-28 leucine dehydrogenase
江崎信芳, 谷沢克行, 阪本米和*, 田中英彦, 左右田健次
VITAMINS 62(4): 218-218, 1988.

Japanese Article Synthesis of nicotinic acid and 4-aminobenzoic acid using the 2-II-29 nitrilase
小林達彦, 長沢透, 山田秀明
VITAMINS 62(4): 218-218, 1988.

Japanese Article About a diagnosis of the 2-II-30 nicotinic acid deficiency
安田和人, 島田俊一, 池田律子, 山田智恵子, 鈴木絹代, 橋詰直孝
VITAMINS 62(4): 219-219, 1988.

Japanese Article About a complex with 2-II-31 nicotinic acid amide and the higher fatty acid
上田文雄, 東正, 鮎川好一, 高田純*, 藤江忠雄**, 金子明子**, 横山祥子**
VITAMINS 62(4): 219-219, 1988.

Japanese Article About a new assay of vitamin B12 using 2-II-32 methanol assimilation-related bacteria
森光昭, 飯田幸代, 伊藤猛, 氏家隆, 岡村和彦*
VITAMINS 62(4): 219-219, 1988.

Japanese Article The quick measurement of transcobalamin re-Scepter with the 2-II-33 HPLC
山田正二, 福田守道*
VITAMINS 62(4): 220-220, 1988.

Japanese Article Solubilization of the aqua cobalamin reductase and the property of the 2-II-34 rat liver
渡辺文雄, 丸野真一, 太刀掛則之, 中野長久, 北岡正三郎
VITAMINS 62(4): 220-220, 1988.

Japanese Article Metabolism II. of B12 in the 2-II-35 vitamin B12 deficiency rat Physiology of Aquacobalamin reductase
太刀掛則之, 渡辺文雄, 丸野真一, 中野長久, 北岡正三郎
VITAMINS 62(4): 220-220, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect of methylcobalamin giving it to an internal change of methotrexate in the malignant lymphoma of 2-II-36 normalcy rat and humans
田中信夫, 藤川透, 長山泰土, 稲葉敏, 坂戸秀吉, 山崎泰範, 山田尚, 永野允
VITAMINS 62(4): 221-221, 1988.

Japanese Article About localization of various vitamin B12 in the 2-II-37 cat brain and the significance
長山泰士, 田中信夫, 藤川透, 稲葉敏, 坂戸秀吉, 山崎泰範, 山田尚, 永野允
VITAMINS 62(4): 221-221, 1988.

Japanese Article The role of downward ligands in the function expression of 2-II-38 vitamin B12 coenzyme. Importance of the orientation to cobalt of the base part in the combination with the apoenzyme
虎谷哲夫, 石田敦彦
VITAMINS 62(4): 221-221, 1988.

Japanese Article The role of downward ligands in the function expression of 2-II-39 vitamin B12 coenzyme. Addition effect of the downward ligands fragment to incomplete form corrinoid coenzyme
小林和子, 市川雅一*, 石田敦彦*, 人見寅三*, 児嶋真平*, 虎谷哲夫*
VITAMINS 62(4): 222-222, 1988.

Japanese Article About biosynthesis of vitamin B12 in 2-II-40 Propionibacterium shermanii
渡辺君子, 矢田哲久
VITAMINS 62(4): 222-222, 1988.

Japanese Article About cobalamin R-binding protein in 2-II-41 cells
若月芳雄, 渡辺茂弥, 工藤寛之, 稲田雅美
VITAMINS 62(4): 222-222, 1988.

Japanese Article About uptake of the vitamin B12-binding protein in 2-II-42 rat hepatocytes
奥田桂子, 後藤茂正, 岩佐小緒理, 井関徹, 金沢正一郎, 近藤春樹, 大藤正雄, 奥田邦雄
VITAMINS 62(4): 223-223, 1988.

Japanese Article Lipid composition of the 2-II-43 vitamin B12 no salary rat liver
河田哲典, 北沢聖一*, 筒井芳樹*, 大橋晃*, 土居忠*, 只野尚登*, 飯島健志*, 前川昭男*
VITAMINS 62(4): 223-223, 1988.