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Volume 63, Issue 9 / 1989
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Effect of Dietary Protein on Vitamin B12-Deficiency in Rats
Tetsunori KAWATA**, Tadashi DoI*, Takeshi IIJIMA*, Akio MAEKAWA*
VITAMINS 63(9): 401-409, 1989.

Japanese Article 41st Symposium Vitamin Society of Japan Feature "In absorption and stretcher of vitamin recent advances in transport" in relation to planning
VITAMINS 63(9): 409-410, 1989.

Japanese Article 1. Physiological significance of the vitamin A-binding protein
VITAMINS 63(9): 411-417, 1989.

Japanese Article 2. Over identification of the vitamin D-binding protein and the intestinal absorption of clinical - vitamin D and the metabolite and internal transfer mechanism -
小林正, 岡野登志夫, 増田園子
VITAMINS 63(9): 419-429, 1989.

Japanese Article 3. Absorption and transfer mechanism of vitamin E
VITAMINS 63(9): 429-434, 1989.

Japanese Article 4. Intestinal absorption mechanism of the lactoflavin
VITAMINS 63(9): 435-441, 1989.

Japanese Article 5. Absorption and metabolism of vitamin B6
松田誠, 水野有武
VITAMINS 63(9): 443-448, 1989.

Japanese Article 6. Vitamin B12-binding protein and receptor
山田正二*, 福田守道**
VITAMINS 63(9): 449-455, 1989.

Japanese Article Fixed-quantity of vitamin D in mother's milk and milk and the metabolite
竹内敦子, 岡野登志夫, 津川尚子, 片山美和, 三村弥生, 小林正, 児玉荘一*, 松尾保*
VITAMINS 63(9): 457-459, 1989.

Japanese Article 1. Effect of the vitamin B12 no salary which gives it to rat liver Cystathionineβ-synthase activity
土居忠, 只野尚登, 飯島健志, 前川昭男, 河田哲典*
VITAMINS 63(9): 459-459, 1989.

Japanese Article 2. Kynurenine metabolism and xanthurenic acid production after the tryptophan administration in the vitamin B6 deficiency rat
竹内章夫, 坪内凉子, 出口祐久, 柴田幸雄
VITAMINS 63(9): 459-459, 1989.

Japanese Article 3. Effect of the erythorbic acid administration to give it to the drug metabolizing enzyme activity of the quantity of ascorbic acid normalcy administration marmot and phosphatase activity
鈴木恵美子, 荒川信彦, 倉田忠男*
VITAMINS 63(9): 460-460, 1989.

Japanese Article 4. d-(RRR) for the manhood -Effect of the α-Tocopehrol large quantities chronic administration
北川真, 美濃真
VITAMINS 63(9): 460-460, 1989.

Japanese Article 5. Photooxidation from hypotaurine under the flavin presence to taurine
G.Ricci, R.Chiaraluce*, G.Pitari*, S.Dupre*, 藤井振**, 細川優**, 山口賢次**
VITAMINS 63(9): 460-460, 1989.

Japanese Article 6. Effect to blood when we gave an onion (Allium cepa) to a rat and red cell membrane lipid and a membrane-attached enzyme
P.Ahluwalia, A.Mohindroo
VITAMINS 63(9): 461-461, 1989.

Japanese Article 1. Essential fatty acid metabolism and interaction with culture hepatocytes
藤原葉子, 大森千恵美, 梅田留美, 五十嵐脩
VITAMINS 63(9): 463-464, 1989.

Japanese Article 2. About 25-OH-D, 24,25-(OH)2-D in healthy subject plasma and 1,25-(OH)2-D levels
増田園子, 岡野登志夫, 小林正
VITAMINS 63(9): 464-464, 1989.

Japanese Article 3. Analysis of the vitamin D3 metabolite of tuna plasma
竹内敦子, 岡野登志夫, 小林正, 池田静徳*
VITAMINS 63(9): 464-465, 1989.

Japanese Article 4. [iron - oxygen] mitochondrial lipid peroxidation response and vitamin E which are induced by a complex
福沢健治, 寺田弘
VITAMINS 63(9): 465-466, 1989.

Japanese Article 5. The formation of the fatty liver found in an oxidative stress load rat and the fatty acid profile
VITAMINS 63(9): 466-467, 1989.

Japanese Article 6. Vitamin E deficiency and Cysteine proteinase inhibitor
VITAMINS 63(9): 467-468, 1989.

Japanese Article 1. About serine-glyoxylate aminotransferase and the hydroxypyruvate reductase of methanol assimilation-related serine production bacteria
山田秀明, 和泉好計, 吉田豊和
VITAMINS 63(9): 469-470, 1989.

Japanese Article 2. Heat-resistant D-amino acid transaminase: Chimeric protein with the L-branched-chain amino acid transaminase
西村克史, 左右田健次, 谷沢克行*
VITAMINS 63(9): 470-470, 1989.

Japanese Article 3. About deactivation of the aspartate aminotransferase and the reversibility
岡田美津子, 永井瑞江
VITAMINS 63(9): 470-471, 1989.

Japanese Article 4. Localized tissue differences and thiamine phosphate in cells
VITAMINS 63(9): 471-472, 1989.

Japanese Article 5. Photocyclization response of the 8-hydroxy flavin
松井邦夫, 笠井佐夫
VITAMINS 63(9): 472-472, 1989.

Japanese Article 6. Role of the downward ligands ribose part in the function expression of vitamin B12 coenzyme
虎谷哲夫, 石田敦彦
VITAMINS 63(9): 472-473, 1989.

Japanese Article New synthetic vitamin A: Antitumor of all trans-retinoyl-DL-leucine
VITAMINS 63(9): 475-476, 1989.

Japanese Article Lipoxygenase metabolites and signal transduction system
VITAMINS 63(9): 476-477, 1989.

Japanese Article Alcohol and vitamins
VITAMINS 63(9): 477-479, 1989.

Japanese Article Aspartic transaminase and clue about the interaction in cells of pyridoxal 5' - phosphoric acid
VITAMINS 63(9): 479-480, 1989.