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Volume 83, Issue 12 / 2009
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Vitamin C as a biomarker of oxidative stress
Shosuke Kojo
VITAMINS 83(12): 643-650, 2009.

Japanese Article Vitamin D and Oeteoporosis
Naoko Tsugawa, Toshio Okano
VITAMINS 83(12): 651-658, 2009.

Japanese Article Vitamin supplementation in the elderly: bad things and be good to health maintenance
柴田克己1, 辻とみ子1,2, 福渡努1
VITAMINS 83(12): 659-661, 2009.

Japanese Article Recent topic about the plasma selenoprotein seleno protein P
Yoshiro Saito
VITAMINS 83(12): 662-665, 2009.

Japanese Article Does the intake of vitamin C and E inhibit the health promotion effect by the exercise?
岩間水輝 1, Akito Ishigami 2
VITAMINS 83(12): 666-668, 2009.

Japanese Article One discussion about the characteristic in the physiological function of reduced form coenzyme Q10
Kenji Fujii
VITAMINS 83(12): 669-671, 2009.

Japanese Article 1. Learning of the old age rat, effect (pp.389-393) of vitamin E in the mneme decrease
高津博勝 1, Takashi Owada 1, Akira Abe one 2, Masahiko Nakano 3, Shiro Urano 4
VITAMINS 83(12): 672-672, 2009.

Japanese Article 2. Effect (pp.394-399) of the alimentary n-6/n-3 ratio for the life to give to the life in the rat, serum lipids and glucose concentration
Hiroyuki Takeuchi 1, History of Makoto Sekine 1, Masaru Murano Expo 1, Toshiaki Aoyama 1, Tatsuhiro Matsuo 2
VITAMINS 83(12): 672-672, 2009.

Japanese Article 3. As for the plasma fatty acid composition in the person with obesity or metabolic syndrome, the desaturase activity and the nutrient, is examination (pp.400-406) of the intake situation
Aiko Kawashima 1, Sugawara poetry cord law of nature 1, Misako Okita 1, Cook Akabane, and see it; 2, Fukui Kenichi 2, Maiko 2 in the bridge, Chieko Kataoka 2, Ikuyo Tsukamoto 1
VITAMINS 83(12): 673-673, 2009.

Japanese Article 4. Serum microelement concentrations (pp.407-411) of need of nursing care elderly people with dysphagia
Arthur Leibovitz1, Emilia Lubart1, Julio Wainstein2, Yosef Dror3, Refael Segal1
VITAMINS 83(12): 673-673, 2009.

Japanese Article 5. (pp.412-416) where trans fatty acid inhibits the atopy-like dermatitis onset of the NC/Nga mouse
酒井徹1, Amalia V.Irei2, 的場輝佳2, 山本茂3
VITAMINS 83(12): 673-674, 2009.

Japanese Article 6. A change of the acetyl glutamic acid is lysin, threonine to low gluten food, (pp.417-422) included in the regulatory mechanism of the urea biosynthesis by the methionine supplement
Kazuyo Tsujioka 1, Tamami Tsuchiya 2, Stone incense orchid 2, Miho Osumi 3, Kazutoshi Hayase 2, Hidehiko Yokogoshi 3
VITAMINS 83(12): 674-674, 2009.

Japanese Article 8. Characterization (pp.428-433) of the cell-mediated immunity promotion peptide in Peptidase R digest of soy protein
江草信太郎1,2, 大谷元1
VITAMINS 83(12): 674-675, 2009.

Japanese Article 10. Correlation of plasma folic acid and homocysteine concentrations (pp.439-441) when classified alcohol addicts by liver enzyme activity
Bogdan Cylwik1, Lech Chrostek1, Marta Daniluk2, Zbigniew Supronowicz2, Maciej Szmitkowski1
VITAMINS 83(12): 675-675, 2009.

Japanese Article 11. Depressant action (pp.442-446) of the soy isoflavone compartment for the IL-8 production induced by TNF - α stimulation in human intestinal epithelia Caco-2 cells
薩秀夫, 玄子實, 申喜淳, 清水誠
VITAMINS 83(12): 675-675, 2009.