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Volume 85, Issue 10 / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Securing of energy at disaster
Yutaka Yoshitake, Tsuyoshi Yoshida Ichiro, 東恩納玲代
VITAMINS 85(10): 509-512, 2011.

Japanese Article Health and Nutrition Situation of Tsunami Victims after Tsunami in Thailand
Karunee Kwanbunjan
VITAMINS 85(10): 513-518, 2011.

Japanese Article The Nutritional Status and Improving Ways of Reproductive Women and Children in the Disaster Areas at about One Year after Wenchuan Earthquake
YIN Shi-an1), DONG Caixia2)
VITAMINS 85(10): 519-530, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on hydrogen peroxide-induced neurite degeneration and neuroprotective effect of vitamin E
Koji Fukui1),4), Hirokatsu Takatsu2), Shiro Urano3),4)
VITAMINS 85(10): 531-537, 2011.

Japanese Article Thiamin-dependent transcriptional induction by Pdc2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Kazuto Nosaka1), Hiroyoshi Esaki1), Mari Onozuka2), Hiroyuki Konno3), Yasunao Hattori4), Kenichi Akaji4)
VITAMINS 85(10): 538-546, 2011.

Japanese Article Issues on the measurement of biopterin
Hiroshi Ichinose, Shoko Koshiba, Shun-ichiro Honda, Hirofumi Tokuoka
VITAMINS 85(10): 547-551, 2011.

Japanese Article Relationship Between Plasma L-carnitine Concentration and Production Performance in Hybrid Beef Cattle and Holstein Cows Sired by Different Strain Bulls
Seizi Sukemori1), Shuhei Ikeda1), Tatsuo Noguchi2), Naohisa Watanabe3), Satoshi Odo4), Mitsuo Sato2)
VITAMINS 85(10): 552-555, 2011.

Japanese Article PLP model response teach it
VITAMINS 85(10): 556-559, 2011.

Japanese Article When is the discharge mechanism of vitamin C elucidated?
Yu Kishimoto tree 1), Akito Ishigami 2)
VITAMINS 85(10): 560-562, 2011.

Japanese Article Civic open lecture "our health promotion and vitamins, supplement" 1 of the 100th anniversary of 2010 Vitamin Society of Japan vitamins discovery Preface.
Kenji Fukuzawa
VITAMINS 85(10): 563-564, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. Work and active oxygen of vitamin C
Shosuke Kojo
VITAMINS 85(10): 564-565, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. A function of vitamin B12 and the smart intake method from food
VITAMINS 85(10): 566-567, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. Functional adipose work and prevention, improvement of the metabolic syndrome
Koji Nagao
VITAMINS 85(10): 567-569, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. Work and health enhancement of catechin in the tea
VITAMINS 85(10): 569-571, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. Is effect to give to vitamins level of rat milk and the vitamins level in milk vitamins intake of mother beast
Mika Endo, Mitsue Sano, 福渡努, Katsumi Shibata
VITAMINS 85(10): 572-572, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. The mayonnaise contributes to the increase of human and rat postcibal serum beta-carotene concentrations by vitelline emulsification
Taketa summer days with clear skies 1), Mamoru Kimura 1), 圓島蘭子 1), Ayako Takeuchi 1), Takizawa Kei Tsu branch 1), Yuji Ogino 1), Yasunobu Masuda 1), 久能昌朗 1), 長谷川峯夫 1), 2), Chizuko Maruyama 3)
VITAMINS 85(10): 572-572, 2011.

English Article 3. B-Carotene and Lutein Inhibit Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Activation of NF-κB and IL-8 Expression in Gastric Epithelial AGS Cells
Youngha KIM1), Ji Hye SEO2), Hyeyoung KIM1)
VITAMINS 85(10): 572-573, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. Basal metabolism estimate-style validity of Japanese people
Rieko Miyake 1), 2), Shigeho Tanaka 1), Kazunori Ogawara 1), Kazuko Takada 1), Hikihara Yuki 3), Taguri Emiko 2), 4), 栢下淳 5), Izumi Tabata 1), 6)
VITAMINS 85(10): 573-573, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. The effect that becoming common gives to a muscle increase and augmentation of the light resistance exercise after the high-protein snack intake
Kato male person 1), Atsushi Sawada 1), Shigeru Numao fine weather 2), Masashige Suzuki 2)
VITAMINS 85(10): 573-574, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. The characteristic of the caloric intake of patients with adult onset type II citrullinemia
Nakamura non-straight 1), Masahide Yazaki 2), Yumiko Kobayashi 1), Kazuhiro Fukushima 2), Shuichi Ikeda 2), Keiko Kobayashi 3), Takeyori Saeki 4), Yutaka Nakaya 5)
VITAMINS 85(10): 574-574, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. The effect that intake of the citrulline gives to fatigue by the murine exercise and exercise performance
Hiroshi Takeda flat 1), Machida honesty 1), Akiko Ohara 2), Naomi Omi 1), Toru Takemasa 1)
VITAMINS 85(10): 574-574, 2011.

Japanese Article 8. Effect for the rat collagen-induced joint pain of the flavangenol which is a French pine tree skin extract from the shore
鍔田仁人1), 高垣欽也1), 平野伸一2), 岩谷綱一2), 安倍千之3)
VITAMINS 85(10): 574-575, 2011.

Japanese Article 9. The diet pattern of children influences occlusal force, but do not influence chewing behavior
Nanae Sato 1), 2), Nobuo Yoshiike 2)
VITAMINS 85(10): 575-575, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. A flow and the nutrient absorption of gastrointestinal contents
Toru Takahashi
VITAMINS 85(10): 576-576, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. Instruction of the small intestine alkaline phosphatase gene expression with vitamin K1 or vitamin K2
祓川摩有 1), Natsuko Sogabe 2), Rieko Tanabe 1), Takayuki Hosoi 3), Goseki - Masae Sone 1)
VITAMINS 85(10): 576-576, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. Highly-concentrated pyridoxine induces IGFBP-3 expression, and the instruction is inhibited by p53 specific inhibitor pifithrin-α
中利美和, 叶内宏明, 岡達三
VITAMINS 85(10): 576-576, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. Effect of the GABA intake to give to the brain protein synthesis of the pituitary gland extraction maturity rat
Kazuyo Tsujioka 1), Miho Osumi 2), Kazuhiro Sakamoto 2), Panicha Thanapreedawat2), Masahiro Akao 3), 金武祚 3), Kazutoshi Hayase 4), Hidehiko Yokogoshi 2)
VITAMINS 85(10): 577-577, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. Acidic xylooligosaccharide to hold the body iron stores of mature rats in the low-iron diet
小林ゆき子, 大渕貴之, 福田智, 若杉悦子, 安井梨紗, 濱田真衣, 横山芽衣子, 桑波田雅士, 木戸康博
VITAMINS 85(10): 577-577, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. The mammals selenocysteine lyase is involved in biosynthesis of the selenium protein
Kurokawa A 1), Takebashi Masanori 2), Hiromitsu Tanaka 3), Hisaaki Mihara 4), Tatsuo Kurihara 1), Shizuka Tanaka I 3), Kristina Hill5), Raymond Burk5), Nobuyoshi Esaki 1)
VITAMINS 85(10): 578-578, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. Lipid peroxidation protective effect chloride of four carbon-induced by ipomoea aquatica (water spinach) red axis line
平井静1), 石淵豊人1), 渡部慎平1), 牧田美希1), 岸田千明1), 高垣美智子2), 倉内伸幸3), 江頭祐嘉合1)
VITAMINS 85(10): 578-578, 2011.