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Volume 92, Issue 4 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Enzymatic studies on physiologically active lipids and related lipid molecules derived from essential fatty acids
VITAMINS 92(4): 151-153, 2018.

Japanese Article Study on clinical social significance of the hypovitaminosis
VITAMINS 92(4): 154-156, 2018.

Japanese Article Study on the digestive absorption mechanism of vitamin E and K
VITAMINS 92(4): 157-158, 2018.

Japanese Article Elucidation of physiological function of pseudovitamin B12 and food chemical research
VITAMINS 92(4): 159-160, 2018.

Japanese Article Contribution to the society as the analysis organization through various kinds of activities about vitamins analysis
佐藤秀隆, 菱山隆, 武山哲茂, 松岡慎
VITAMINS 92(4): 161-163, 2018.

Japanese Article A scenario of the life and commensal semantics: We excavate internal Cambrian period
VITAMINS 92(4): 164-165, 2018.

Japanese Article A Chinese supplement food market summary and vitamins market and laws and regulations
VITAMINS 92(4): 166-169, 2018.

English Article Perspectives for vitamins (and other nutrients) for a healthy life
Manfred Eggersdorfer
VITAMINS 92(4): 170-170, 2018.

Japanese Article The liver cancer inhibition by the acyclic retinoid
VITAMINS 92(4): 171-172, 2018.

Japanese Article A trend and problems of the functional indication food
VITAMINS 92(4): 173-174, 2018.

Japanese Article Efforts to also use functional indication food effectively safely
VITAMINS 92(4): 175-176, 2018.

Japanese Article Development of products corresponding to the functional indication food system
VITAMINS 92(4): 177-178, 2018.

Japanese Article Importance of vitamin D in the growth
VITAMINS 92(4): 179-180, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical development of the synthetic retinoid Tamibarotene
VITAMINS 92(4): 181-182, 2018.

Japanese Article The folic acid prevents the canalis spinalis closure disorder: For prophylaxis with the effect
VITAMINS 92(4): 183-184, 2018.

Japanese Article Clinical picture and treatment strategy of the biopterin dysbolism
VITAMINS 92(4): 185-186, 2018.

Japanese Article Vitamin B1 deficiency by excessive drinking such as the ion drinking water, and the like
VITAMINS 92(4): 187-188, 2018.

Japanese Article In the plan of the hot topics session
太田好次*1, 竹谷豊*2
VITAMINS 92(4): 189-189, 2018.

Japanese Article Importance of the Niacin at pregnancy
VITAMINS 92(4): 190-191, 2018.

Japanese Article A variety of physiological functions and metabolic control mechanism of vitamin D
VITAMINS 92(4): 192-193, 2018.

Japanese Article New development of the vitamins study to expect for PET imaging
VITAMINS 92(4): 194-195, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-1. Improvement mechanism of the phosphatide for the liver lipid accumulation at vitamin B6 deficiency
濱本有莉子1, 本間英基2, 北川絵里奈3, 島田昌也1,2, 中川智行1,2, 稲垣瑞穂1,2, 早川享志1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 196-196, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-2. The origin of nitrogen of vitamin B6 in the green protozoan
松澤武1, 米澤佳則1, 林麻利亜2, 野坂和人2, 山田和子2, 田鶴谷(村山)惠子1
VITAMINS 92(4): 196-196, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-3. Elucidation of the vitamin C biosynthesis course of the nematode
藪田行哲, 和田滉佑, 岡本奈穂, 美藤友博, 渡辺文雄
VITAMINS 92(4): 197-197, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-4. Search of the new factor involved in the flavin compound transportation of the plant
菊池円架1, 難波純也1, 丸田隆典1, 石川孝博1, 吉村和也2, 重岡成3, 小川貴央1
VITAMINS 92(4): 197-197, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-5. The signal through the photosynthesis electronic transmission system is important to control of the ascorbic acid pool size by the strong light
石川孝博1, 丸田隆典1, 小川貴央1, 吉村和也2, 重岡成3, Mike Page4, Nicholas Smirnoff4
VITAMINS 92(4): 198-198, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-6. Phosphorylation proteome analysis of the Arabidopsis ascorbic acid deficiency vtc3 variant
高尾理穂1, 丸田隆典1, 小川貴央1, 森大2,3, 重岡成4, 石川孝博1
VITAMINS 92(4): 198-198, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-7. The ascorbic acid in addition to a nutrient medium acts on oxidative stress relaxation of the yeast from the cells outside
小柳ゆかり, 五十嵐香澄, 尼子克己
VITAMINS 92(4): 199-199, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-8. Change of the biopterin metabolism in the vitamin C deficiency ODS rat brain
竹下直輝1, 川出野絵2, 鈴木若菜2, 原怜1, 堀尾文彦2, 一瀬宏1
VITAMINS 92(4): 199-199, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-9. Cultivation of rucola accumulating the folic acid with the LED plant factory high and the Italian parsley
田茂井政宏1, 多畑美和1, 江口雄巳2, 雉鼻一郎2, 重岡成1
VITAMINS 92(4): 200-200, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-10. About a physiological role of two kinds of pyruvate oxidative carbonic anhydrase which the green protozoan has
中澤昌美1, 安藤博子1, 上田光宏1, 阪本龍司1, 石川孝博2, 乾博3, 中野長久1, 宮武和孝4
VITAMINS 92(4): 200-200, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-11. Cell membrane transport of Tetrahydrobiopterin regulates monoamine biosynthesis
大橋晶子1, 原田智則2, 高橋富久1, 相澤信2, 長谷川宏幸1
VITAMINS 92(4): 201-201, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-I-12. Analysis of the NAD composition course with the NAD precursor
中川崇, 夜久圭介
VITAMINS 92(4): 201-201, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-1. Elucidation of the intestinal tract phosphorus absorption mechanism that vitamin D controls
金子一郎1, 瀬川博子1, 野津圭二郎1, 生田かよ1, 藤井公1, 花崎愛1, 張哲然1, 加藤茂明2, 宮本賢一1
VITAMINS 92(4): 202-202, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-2. A supply effect of vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and effect of the calcium intake on blood 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 density of early age rat
津川尚子1, 小笠原帆南1, 堤彩香1, 中塚はつき1, 吉田みのり1, 鎌尾まや2
VITAMINS 92(4): 202-202, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-3. Study on geranylgeranic acid biosynthetic enzyme in cells derived from human liver cancer
田端佑規, 四童子好廣
VITAMINS 92(4): 203-203, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-4. For an elucidation of the endocytosis mechanism of the curcuminoid: Effect of the extracellular material
板谷麻由子1, 宮澤大樹2, Jean-Marc Zingg3, 永塚貴弘1, Mohsen Meydani4, Angelo Azzi4, 宮澤陽夫5,6, 仲川清隆1
VITAMINS 92(4): 203-203, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-5. Effect of vitamin E on cell death that metabolism mechanism and PCOOH of phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide (PCOOH) bring about
仲川清隆1, 勝野真美1, 伊藤隼哉2, 加藤俊治3, 永塚貴弘1, 今井浩孝4, 宮澤陽夫1,5
VITAMINS 92(4): 204-204, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-6. Control structure of the active change through the phosphorylation of fatty acid extension enzyme Elovl5 in the essential fatty acid lack
市育代1,2, 林優里3, 藤原葉子1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 204-204, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-7. With valproic acid about a change of tHODE in patients with treatment epilepsia media
東川幸嗣1,2, 石田規子2, 七里元督2, 茂里康2, 吉田康一2, 玉井浩3, 美濃眞3
VITAMINS 92(4): 205-205, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-8. Effect of the retinoic acid on iron-metabolism abnormality in the chronic kidney disease
甲谷芹奈1, 増田真志1, イリムラティイマム1, 奥村仙示1, 山本浩範1,2, 竹谷豊1
VITAMINS 92(4): 205-205, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-9. Alpha-tocopherol controls cells polarity and promotes epithelium healing of wound
堀越洋輔1, 森本昌樹1,2, 北川良憲1,3, 中曽一裕1, 楠本智章4, 松浦達也1
VITAMINS 92(4): 206-206, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-10. Rise in STAT3 activation in the liver storehouse at ascorbic acid deficiency and cytokine expression with the intestinal tract
川出野絵, 鈴木若奈, 大谷祥也, 小林美里, 村井篤嗣, 堀尾文彦
VITAMINS 92(4): 206-206, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-11. Identification of the alternative-splicing controlling element of the ascorbic acid peroxidase (APXII) gene
大原晨亜1, 田部記章2, 吉村和也3, 田茂井政宏1,2, 重岡成1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 207-207, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-II-12. Analysis of the transcription control mechanism of key to ascorbic acid biosynthesis factor VTC2
崎下絢子1, 田部記章2, 吉村和也3, 田茂井政宏1,2, 石川孝博4, 重岡成1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 207-207, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-1. Crystal structure analysis of the substrate analog complex in the serine palmitoyl transferase derived from bacteria
高橋亜弥1, 生城浩子2, 後藤春菜2, 伊藤恵実3, 生城真一4, 平林義雄3, 矢野貴人2, 神谷信夫1,5, 宮原郁子1
VITAMINS 92(4): 208-208, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-2. Catalysis mechanism of the serine hydroxy transmethylase predicted by response intermediate structure
赤井翔太1, 生城浩子2, 矢野貴人2, 神谷信夫3,1, 宮原郁子1
VITAMINS 92(4): 208-208, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-3. Response control mechanism elucidation based on 2 yuan, the ternary complex structure of the aminolevulinic acid synthase
主馬野祐希1, 生城浩子2, 矢野貴人2, 神谷信夫3,1, 宮原郁子1
VITAMINS 92(4): 209-209, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-4. Reaction mechanism analysis of the threonine synthase
町田康博1, 村川武志2, 境晶子1, 林秀行1
VITAMINS 92(4): 209-209, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-5. Development (the second report) of the new L-methionine assay using the L-methionine carbonic anhydrase
大川敦司, 林将也, 根本理子, 田村隆, 稲垣賢二
VITAMINS 92(4): 210-210, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-6. The Se recycling that seleno phosphoric acid synthase 1 is associated with
田村隆, 矢吹真穂, 根本理子, 稲垣賢二
VITAMINS 92(4): 210-210, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-7. Development of the functional cloning system for the purpose of the identification of the D-amino acid synthase
伊藤智和, 武藤菜摘, 邊見久, 吉村徹
VITAMINS 92(4): 211-211, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-8. A function and structure of the FMN-NADH-dependent indigo inverting ferment derived from Bacillus smithii
米田一成1, 櫻庭春彦2, 荒木朋洋1, 大島敏久3
VITAMINS 92(4): 211-211, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-9. Characteristics analysis of the D-amino-acid oxidase derived from thermophile fungal Rasamsonia emersonii YA strain
七五三掛湧也, 高橋祥司, 阿部勝正, 解良芳夫
VITAMINS 92(4): 212-212, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-10. Analysis of the mutant substrate binding mechanism to an active center residue of the anticancerous enzyme L- lysine α - oxidase
松本侑也1, 天野万里1, 北川雄輝2, 今田勝巳2, 根本理子1, 日下部均3, 田村隆1, 稲垣賢二1
VITAMINS 92(4): 212-212, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-11. Functional analysis of the FAD-dependent L-lactate dehydrogenase which is present in thermophile archaea
里村武範1,2, 宇野紘平1, 櫻庭春彦3, 大島敏久4, 末信一朗1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 213-213, 2018.

Japanese Article 1-III-12. Effect of the NAD analog on inhibition with cysteine of the homoserine dehydrase derived from Sulfolobus tokodaii
中村仁紀1, 後藤勝2, 大島敏久3, 吉宗一晃1
VITAMINS 92(4): 213-213, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-1. The vitamin E intake does not make the gene expression of the rat bone metabolism-related factor fluctuate
半澤史聡1, 小田裕昭2, 佐野可奈3, 池田彩子3
VITAMINS 92(4): 214-214, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-2. About possibility of the neuritic protection through the protection effect of the microtubule function by α-tocotrienol
福井浩二1,2, 斎藤優太1, 吉田直樹1, 富澤佑樹2, 青木由典3, 小池泰介3
VITAMINS 92(4): 214-214, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-3. About the effect that tocotrienol gives to a high fat diet intake mouse
加藤優吾1, 白井将志1, 青木由典2, 小池泰介2, 福井浩二1
VITAMINS 92(4): 215-215, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-4. Activated mechanism of PGC-1α by δ-tocopherol
田中理恵子1, 大津玲奈1, 白崎雅人1, 高橋知衣2, 清瀬千佳子3
VITAMINS 92(4): 215-215, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-5. The making of the aging-like model cells using skin fibroblasts and anti-aging effect of CoQ10
峯幸稔, 高橋隆幸, 岡本正志
VITAMINS 92(4): 216-216, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-6. Effect of the DNA methylation as phytic acid and the molecular mechanism of the antifatty liver effect by the meso-inositol intake
岡崎由佳子1, 久保葉月1, 菊池あかり1, 木村美友1, 門馬里奈1, 片山徹之2
VITAMINS 92(4): 216-216, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-7. In vivo destruction of the internal choline generation course using the genome editing method
中山航1, 中村美奈子1, Thanutchaporn Kumrungsee1, 中川佳子2, 竹尾透2, 中潟直己2, 清水孝彦3, 外丸祐介4, 佐久間哲史5, 山本卓5, 矢中規之1
VITAMINS 92(4): 217-217, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-8. About measurements of the biotin out of the microbial legal food
榎原周平1,2, 澤村弘美1,2, 根來宗孝3, 福井徹4, 渡邊敏明2,5
VITAMINS 92(4): 217-217, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-9. The effect that food additives give to vitamin B12 in food
渡邉文雄, 山本彩夏, 岡本奈穂, 美藤友博, 薮田行哲
VITAMINS 92(4): 218-218, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-10. The effect that vitamin B12 deficiency gives to the muscular tissue of the nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans)
美藤友博, 真鍋若菜, 薮田行哲, 河野強, 渡邉文雄
VITAMINS 92(4): 218-218, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-11. The cardiac imidazole peptide level is regulated with an intake of vitamin B6
Thanutchaporn Kumrungsee1, 有馬岳志1, 佐藤可奈子2, Dwi Eva Nirmagustina1, 加藤範久1, 矢中規之1
VITAMINS 92(4): 219-219, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-12. Antidiabetes effect and mechanism examination of the thiotropolone Zn complex
吉川豊1,2, 内藤行喜2, 邑上裕紀2, 安井裕之2
VITAMINS 92(4): 219-219, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-13. New evaluation method of the CYP27B1 activity using the vitamin D biosensor
真野寛生1, 生城真一1, 高野真史2, 橘高敦史2, 榊利之1
VITAMINS 92(4): 220-220, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-14. Climate level of the sunlight Irradiation time necessary for vitamin D generation in the skin
中島英彰, 佐々木徹, 清水美香, 宮内正厚
VITAMINS 92(4): 220-220, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-15. The saturated fatty acid accumulation of the skeletal muscle associated with the chronic kidney disease induces muscle atrophy through automatic fuzzy imperfection
新井田裕樹1, 増田真志1, 吉澤和香1, 足立雄一郎1, 内田貴之2, 大西康太3, 河合慶親3, 二川健2, 山本浩範1,4, 竹谷豊1
VITAMINS 92(4): 221-221, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-16. Comparison between patients with end stage renal failure and serum vitamins levels when we took in vitamins adjuvant drink (VCRESC) in the healthy subject
中川明彦1, 山本香代1, 古家大祐2, 福井淳3
VITAMINS 92(4): 221-221, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-17. Environmental endocrine disrupter in the growth under the light and shade condition of protozoan Euglena gracilis, It is the effect of vitamins to becoming it nonylphenol toxicity reduction
大桑(林)浩孝1, 岡井康二1, 飯田聡史1,2, 竹中重雄3, 乾博1,3, 阪本龍司1,2, 中野長久1
VITAMINS 92(4): 222-222, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-18. The inflammatory convergent lipid mediator inhibits the alveolus stunt of the BPD onset neonate rat model
荻原享, 篠原潤
VITAMINS 92(4): 222-222, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-I-19. Function elucidation of vitamin C in the skeletal muscle
谷津智史, 滝沢晶子, 滝野有花, 石神昭人
VITAMINS 92(4): 223-223, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-1. Identification and functional analysis of the new enhancer RNA in the transcription control due to the intranuclear vitamin D receptor
西村耕一1,2, 森甚一1,2,3, 沢津橋俊4, 山形薫5, 田中良哉5, 松本俊夫4, 加藤茂明1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 224-224, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-2. Participation of the L-form Ca2+ channel for the neuron differentiation conduction with vitamin K
高木勇太1, 井田有香1, 須原義智2, 廣田佳久1
VITAMINS 92(4): 224-224, 2018.

English Article 2-II-3. Vitamin K2 attenuates LPS-induced inflammation in mouse microglial cells
VITAMINS 92(4): 225-225, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-4. The effect that menaquinone -4 and the coprocessing with the drug give to the expression of drug reply gene of the human PXR mouse
渡邉きみか, Sultana Halima, 白川仁, 駒井三千夫
VITAMINS 92(4): 225-225, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-5. Functional analysis of the Lipo-3 gene in the lipid oxidation-dependent new cell death
岡佳保里1,2, 水澤佳月1, 福田理恵1, 長久萌1, 松岡正城1,2, 今井浩孝1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 226-226, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-6. Analysis of the function for the new cell death of the gene cluster which is oxidation phosphatide-dependent, and develops, and is induced
廣田里奈1,2, 熊谷剛1,2, 今井浩孝1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 226-226, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-7. Analysis of the lipid oxidation-dependent new cell death inhibition mechanism by SMS2
今井浩孝1,2, 大矢梨里香1, 平澤星蘭1,2, 坂本太郎1,2, 熊谷剛1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 227-227, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-8. Improvement effect of the β-cryptoxanthin on automatic fuzzy in the skeletal muscle of senescence accelerating mouse SAMP1
野口真里1, 北野剛大1, 北風智也2, 向井克之3, 原田直樹1, 乾博4, 山地亮一1
VITAMINS 92(4): 227-227, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-9. About identification and the regulation of gene expression mechanism of the carotenoid transporter in the skeletal muscle
北風智也1, 杉平貴史2, 原田直樹2, 乾博3, 山地亮一2
VITAMINS 92(4): 228-228, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-10. The synthesis of biotinylation vitamin K derivative and search of the vitamin K specific binding protein
高田希望1, 廣田佳久2, 須原義智1
VITAMINS 92(4): 228-228, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-11. The composition of the new vitamin K fluorescent probe and analysis of the vitamin K binding protein
伊東優貴1, 廣田佳久2, 中川公恵3, 須原義智1
VITAMINS 92(4): 229-229, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-12. It is composed the new vitamin K derivative with the conjugate structure of the retinoic acid by a side chain
佐藤大輝1, 廣田佳久2, 須原義智1
VITAMINS 92(4): 229-229, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-13. Research on creation of new rexinoid aiming at teratogenicity alleviation
高村祐太, 芝原理, 渡邉将貴, 高橋愛海, 西井緑, 藤原美智子, 加来田博貴
VITAMINS 92(4): 230-230, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-14. The creation of the oral absorption-related RXR antagonist and efficacy evaluation in the type 2 diabetes model
渡邉将貴, 藤原美智子, 西井緑, 加来田博貴
VITAMINS 92(4): 230-230, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-15. Synthesis of 23,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3
川越文裕1,2, 上杉志成2,3, 安田佳織4, 榊利之4, 橘高敦史1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 231-231, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-16. It is composed the 19-norvitamin D derivative with the tetrazolyl ethyl group by the second place
高野真史1, 安田佳織2, 真野寛生2, 榊利之2, 橘高敦史1
VITAMINS 92(4): 231-231, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-17. Tissue selective activity of the 25-Adamantyl-1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 derivative
石澤通康1, Rocio Otero2, 沼本修孝3, 伊倉貞吉3, 伊藤暢聡3, 常盤広明4, Antonio Mourino2, 槇島誠1, 山田幸子1
VITAMINS 92(4): 232-232, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-18. The development of the coumalin type Turn-On fluorescent probe and application to a vitamin D receptor mark
小島拓之, 伊藤俊将, 藤田侑希, 竹内涼介, 大橋南美, 山本恵子
VITAMINS 92(4): 232-232, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-19. Composition of the 9Z- retinoic acid analog with the 2H-chromene frame
和田昭盛, 藤原智, 上西郁穂, 沖津貴志, 山野由美子
VITAMINS 92(4): 233-233, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-II-20. Creation of the new affinity gel which pointed to a search of the ascorbic acid target protein
岩岡裕二1, 西野耕平2, 石川孝博2, 伊東秀之3, 澤嘉弘2, 田井章博1
VITAMINS 92(4): 233-233, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-1. Property analysis of the flavin binding protein which is present in the perivitelline fluid of the agate snail
清藤由寿奈, 仲田壮吾, 霜田南, 石田哲夫
VITAMINS 92(4): 234-234, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-2. Control of the N-acyl ethanolamine biosynthesis with the phosphatidylserine
宇山徹1, Zahir Hussain1, 川合克久2, Smriti Sultana Binte Mustafiz1, 坪井一人1,3, 荒木伸一2, 上田夏生1
VITAMINS 92(4): 234-234, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-3. Substrate specificity of the ADP-ribosylation enzyme found from C3 toxin and RhoA complex structure derived from bacteria
吉田徹, 津下英明
VITAMINS 92(4): 235-235, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-4. A design and synthesis of CYP1B1 selective inhibitor with the cyclohexane ring
久保惇, 伊藤俊将, 山本恵子
VITAMINS 92(4): 235-235, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-5. Vitamin K converting enzyme (UBIAD1) takes the role that is indispensable to the survival maintenance of the mouse after the birth maturity
藤原聖美, 西村亮宏, 一ノ瀬千尋, 河本桂生花, 中川公恵, 長谷川潤
VITAMINS 92(4): 236-236, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-6. Cause analysis of the cerebellum Purkinje cell loss by the cranial nerve-specific UBIAD1 loss
吉野寿美, 北裏卓也, 泰井麻由奈, 横田衣利, 中川公恵, 長谷川潤
VITAMINS 92(4): 236-236, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-7. Elucidation of the new vitamin D mechanism of action using the vitamin D-related gene modification rat which we made by the genome editing method
西川美宇1, 安田佳織1, 高松将士1, 阿部圭祐1, 堀部恭平1, 真野寛樹1, 橘高敦史2, 高野真史2, 中川公恵3, 岡野登志夫3, 生城真一1, 榊利之1
VITAMINS 92(4): 237-237, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-8. Active evaluation of 25(OH) vitamin D3 in the variant VDR introduction rat which we made by the genome editing method and the vitamin D derivative
阿部圭祐1, 西川美宇1, 堀部恭平1, 安田香織1, 真野寛生1, 橘高敦史2, 高野真史2, 中川公惠3, 岡野登志夫3, 生城真一1, 榊利之1
VITAMINS 92(4): 237-237, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-9. Elucidation of the new vitamin D effect mechanism by the VDR gene modified rat phenotypic analysis which we made by the genome editing method
堀部恭平1, 西川美宇1, 安田佳織1, 阿部圭祐1, 真野寛生1, 中川公恵2, 岡野登志夫2, 生城真一1, 榊利之1
VITAMINS 92(4): 238-238, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-10. Metabolism elucidation of 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 using the CYP24A1 gene modification rat
安田佳織1, 岡本海利1, 西川美宇1, 真野寛生1, 中川公恵2, 津川尚子3, 岡野登志夫2, 川越文裕4, 橘高敦史4, 生城真一1, 榊利之1
VITAMINS 92(4): 238-238, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-11. Metabolism and physiological function of 23rd place substituent addition type 25 - hydroxy vitamin D3
岡本海利1, 安田佳織1, 真野寛生1, 西川美宇1, 川越文裕2, 橘高敦史2, 生城真一1, 榊利之1
VITAMINS 92(4): 239-239, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-12. Lipid oxide and the behavioral physiological significance to increase through a lipid enzyme activation by the stress
七里元督1, 石田規子1, 吉田康一2
VITAMINS 92(4): 239-239, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-13. Vitamin B12 metabolism gene knockout cells manufacture by the CRISPR/Cas9 method
平岩悟1, 小柳友和1, 竹中重雄1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 240-240, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-14. Effect of the alpha-tocopherol succinic acid liposome on adiposity in the fat cell
小暮健太朗1, 三橋亮介2, 福田達也1, 田中保1
VITAMINS 92(4): 240-240, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-15. A role of vitamin C in the oxidation disorder of the water immersion restraint stress load rat skeletal muscle. Examination in ODS rats
八代耕児1, 太田好次1, 大橋鉱二2, 福澤健治3
VITAMINS 92(4): 241-241, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-16. Examination of the vitamin E intake effect in the non-alcoholic fatty liver flame onset process
石川朋子1, 乃一純2, 市育代1,2, 藤原葉子1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 241-241, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-17. The effect that vitamin B12 deficiency gives to the generative function of the nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans)
岡本奈穂, 森脇涼, 美藤友博, 薮田行哲, 河野強, 渡邉文雄
VITAMINS 92(4): 242-242, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-18. Lactobacillus brevis KB290 inhibits intestinal tract inflammation under the vitamin A presence
高木智久1, 福家暢夫2, 東村泰希3, 辻俊史1, 梅田涼平2, 水島かつら1, 田中信1, 菅沼大行2, 相澤宏一2, 内藤裕二1
VITAMINS 92(4): 242-242, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-19. Examination of the validity of the vitamin D intake calculated in simple type writing by oneself-type diet history method questionnaire (BDHQ)
桑原晶子1,2, 津川尚子3, 田中清4
VITAMINS 92(4): 243-243, 2018.

Japanese Article 2-III-20. Association between vitamin B1 and heart failure index in elderly people
青未空1, 山本佳那恵2, 五味侑未加2, 太田淳子3, 宮脇尚志1,2, 田中清1,2
VITAMINS 92(4): 243-243, 2018.

Japanese Article Luncheon seminar (cosponsorship Mitsubishi chemical foods)
VITAMINS 92(4): 244-244, 2018.

Japanese Article Health enhancement effect - prospective to attractive - tocotrienol of vitamin E which we understood to here
VITAMINS 92(4): 244-245, 2018.

Japanese Article Eating habits advice and community health ... which utilized approach ... ICT for Personalized Nutrition (individualization nourishment management) with the functional study of the meal as a base
VITAMINS 92(4): 246-246, 2018.

Japanese Article The current situation of the vitamin D deficiency rickets practice in Japan
VITAMINS 92(4): 247-247, 2018.

Japanese Article We are selected, and, as for the Japanese intestinal flora, what is happening now how?
VITAMINS 92(4): 248-248, 2018.