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The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society

Volume 12, Issue 1 / 1999
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Mnemonic cerebrum mechanism
Yasuji Miyashita
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 2-2, 1999.

Japanese Article Plastic study of the human brain using PET and fMRI
Norihiro Sadato
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 3-3, 1999.

Japanese Article Neural mechanism of the color perception
Hidehiko Komatsu
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 4-4, 1999.

Japanese Article Analysis of the intracerebral mechanism of the attention to assume eyeball saccade motion an index
Tadashi Isa
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 5-5, 1999.

Japanese Article A three-dimensional vector magnetoencephalo meter and magnetoencephalographic analytical method
Kaichi Yoshida
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 8-9, 1999.

Japanese Article Magnetoencephalographic analysis using SAM
Yoshimine Toshiki
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 10-11, 1999.

Japanese Article Magnetoencephalo ground associated with the sound image localization
Koichi Mori
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 12-13, 1999.

Japanese Article The histopathology of new development - epileptic native lesion of the epilepsy study using - magnetoencephalogram and magnetic splinter localization
Ken Fukao Jiro, Hiroki Watanabe, Kazumi Matsuda, 三原忠紘, Ken Fujiwara tree, Kazuichi Yagi
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 14-15, 1999.

Japanese Article Analysis of the perceptual regional division process by the magnetoencephalo measurement
Yoshio Otani *1, Shoichi Okamura *2, Kaichi Yoshida *2, 高梨芳彰 *3, Keisuke Toyama *2, Yoshimichi Eshima *4
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 22-23, 1999.

Japanese Article Latency analysis of the distance perception based on the binocular disparity
大脇崇史*1*2, 眞溪歩*1*2, 武田常広*1*2*3
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 24-25, 1999.

Japanese Article Analysis of the induction magnetoencephalo world for the seeing and hearing simultaneous input
Chiaki Nishimura *1*2, Satoshi Yokoyama *3, Toru Kumagai *2, Yoshiaki Kikuchi *2*4
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 26-27, 1999.

Japanese Article Cognitive - PET of the face, examination - by the MEG
Akira Nakamura example *1, Takashi Kato *1, Yu Abe person *2, Kentaro Horibe *2, Katsumi Nakamura *3, 佐藤暢哉 *3, Takahiro Kawashima *4, 杉浦元亮 *4, Kyoshi, Yamada *2, 加知輝彦 *2, Kengo Ito *1, Nobuo Yanagisawa *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 28-29, 1999.

Japanese Article Effect by the aging of the face recognition
Kyoshi, Yamada *, Akira Nakamura example **, Yu Abe person *, Kentaro Horibe *, Katsumi Nakamura ***, 佐藤帳哉 ***, Takashi Kato **, Kengo Ito **, 加知輝彦 *, Nobuo Yanagisawa *
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 30-31, 1999.

Japanese Article A smell in the active behavior replies if passive
Masahiko Yamaguchi *1, Takashi Hamada *1, Mitsuo Tonoike *1, 渡壁卓也 *2, Kazuhiro Imai *2, Isao Kaetsu *2, Ritsu Seo *1*3, Koizuka spring *1*4
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 32-33, 1999.

Japanese Article Reply properties of the human brain cortex gustatory area by the magnetoencephalo field measurement
Hajime Nagai *1, Kayo Takahashi *2, Masahiko Yamaguchi *3, Mitsuo Tonoike *3, Yoshie Kurihara 4, Takashi Yamamoto *3
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 34-35, 1999.

Japanese Article Study of the effects on the auditory evoked MEG reaction of 1 / fn fluctuations in the stimulus interval
原田暢善*1, 益田正*1*2, 遠藤博史*1*2, 中村亨弥*1, 武田常広*3*1*2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 36-37, 1999.

Japanese Article About cerebral blood flow and Dipole moment- laterality -
Ivy field Tsuyoshi *1, Eiji Hattori *2, Tsuyuguchi Takahiro *3, Shimogawara Masahiro *4, Yasuhiro Haruta *5, Yoshiaki Adachi *4
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 38-39, 1999.

Japanese Article Somatosensor-induced magnetoencephalo world response of the Braille user
Tomoaki Kimura *1, 西條一止 *1, Isao Hashimoto *2*3, Taku Mashiko virtue *4, Toshiaki Imada *4
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 40-41, 1999.

Japanese Article Attention effect on algesthesia-related magnetoencephalo ground by the electrical stimulation
Hiroshi Yamazaki, Ryusuke Kakigi, Hoshuyama Minoru
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 42-43, 1999.

Japanese Article Effect by habituation of the somatosensory induction magnetic field and the aging
堀部賢太郎*1*4, 中村昭範*2, 杉本亨*2*3, 山田孝子*1, 文堂昌彦*2*3, 加藤隆司*2, 伊藤健吾*2, 加知輝彦*1, 祖父江元*4, 柳澤信夫*1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 44-45, 1999.

Japanese Article Magnetoencephalo world measurement at memory remembrance
Isao Kaetsu *1, Inner Taguma man *1, Sudani Koichi *1, Takayuki Mori *1, Daisuke Iida *1, Mitsuo Tonoike *2, Masahiko Yamaguchi *2, Takashi Hamada *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 46-47, 1999.

Japanese Article The quantitative evaluation that we see it, and the intracerebral activity by the attention between - hearings is it-modified using the MEG
Tadashi Iwaki, Mitsuo Tonoike, Masahiko Yamaguchi, Takashi Hamada
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 48-49, 1999.

Japanese Article Forehead cortex current source of the theta rhythm wave to develop associated with attention
浅田博*1, 福田淳*2, 山口雅彦*3, 外池光雄*3
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 50-51, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the brain activity during calculation work by the sight exhibition of the number
井口義信*1, 橋本勲*1, *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 52-53, 1999.

Japanese Article Magnetoencephalographic analysis at the Stroop problem accomplishment
Satoshi Ukai *1, Kazuhiro Shinozaki *1, Takeshi Inoue *1, Ryohei Ishii *1, 陳宇峰 *1, Hirafuki degree husband *3, Taizo Kihara *5, S. E. Robinson*4, Yoshimine Toshiki *2, Masatoshi Takeda *1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 54-55, 1999.

Japanese Article MEG and brain activity measurement about language working memory problem by fMRI
Norio Fujimaki, Matthew Nielsen, Tomoe Hayakawa, Makoto Kato, Tetsu Miyauchi
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 56-57, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the brain activity with the visual search stimulation by the MEG
Tomoe Hayakawa *1*2, Tetsu Miyauchi *2, Norio Fujimaki *2, Makoto Kato *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 58-59, 1999.

Japanese Article Epileptic γ band sudden wave that has been localized estimated by MEG
岩崎真樹*1, 中里信和*1, 社本博*2, 菅野彰剛*3, 畑中啓作*4, 大槻泰介*5, 吉本高志*1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 60-61, 1999.

Japanese Article Signal source estimate of the temporal lobe epilepsy using the helmet type magnetoencephalo meter
菅野彰剛 *1, Nobukazu Nakazato *2, Hiroshi Shamoto *2, Taisuke Otsuki *3, Satoshi Hatanaka product *4, Shinki Iwasaki *2, Kenichi Nagamatsu *2, Satoru Fujiwara *1, Takashi Yoshimoto *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 62-63, 1999.

Japanese Article Comparison between MEG and EEG of the epilepsy spike shape
Hiroki Watanabe, Koichiro Yamada, Hideaki Shiraishi, Ken Fukao Jiro
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 64-65, 1999.

Japanese Article Magnetoencephalographic analysis at the auditory hallucination onset in patients with schizophrenia
石井良平*1, 篠崎和弘*1, 鵜飼聡*1, 陳宇峰*1, 岩瀬真生*1, 井上健*1, 平吹度夫*3, 木原泰三*5, S. E. Robinson*4, 吉峰俊樹*2, 武田雅俊*1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 66-67, 1999.

Japanese Article Analysis by MEG of the astatic seizure of Mio black knee astasia epilepsy
久保田雅也, 竹下和秀, 榊原洋一, 柳沢正義
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 68-69, 1999.

Japanese Article Somatosensory induction magnetic field (SEF) of children with epilepsy
服部英司*1, 蔦田強司*2, 露口尚弘*3, 下川原正博*4, 春田康博*4, 足立善昭*4, 川脇寿*5, 松岡牧*1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 70-71, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the epileptic electric discharge using MEG and the EEG
Mitsutoshi Okazaki *1, Terasaki Taiyo *3, Shigenori Kawabata *2, Minoru Nakamura *1, Katsuya Ota *1, Yoshiro Okubo *1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 72-73, 1999.

Japanese Article Analysis with the magnetoencephalogram of the photic driving response
畑中啓作*1, 中里信和*2, 菅野彰剛*3, 永松謙一*2, 岩崎真樹*2, 吉本高志*2, 高橋剛夫*4
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 74-75, 1999.

Japanese Article Specific language development of the 10 years old boy that the epilepsy wave focus accumulated to the left fusiform gyrus
Kazuhide Takeshita *1, Masaya Kubota *1, Makiko Saito *1, Asayo Ishizaki *2, Keiko Kumagai *2, 奥村朋江 *2, Yoichi Sakakibara *1, Masayoshi Yanagisawa *1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 76-77, 1999.

Japanese Article Study on estimate of the excitable tissue site by the electromagnetic stimulation
Yunokuchi ten thousand friend *1, Small luck Ryuji *1, Tomonori Fuchigami *1, 玉利陽三 *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 78-79, 1999.

Japanese Article About a human peripheral vessels blood flow change induced by electromagnetic stimulation
Matsuda crane husband
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 80-81, 1999.

Japanese Article About a reply of the killifish in the pulse magnetic field exposure
Ryosuke Aoyama, Matsuda crane husband
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 82-83, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination by 3 dimensional analyses of the optimal electromagnetic stimulation
中山博之*1, 木吉司*1, 和田仁*1, 湯ノ口万友*2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 84-85, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination by the computer simulation about excitement properties of the nerve fiber in consecutive electromagnetic stimulation
Hinoki field Norihiro, 樋脇治
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 86-87, 1999.

English Article The Influence of Spatial Distribution of Activating Function on Nerve Excitation during Magnetic Stimulation
Ren LIU, Shoogo UENO
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 88-89, 1999.

Japanese Article Development of the urinary incontinence teletherapeutic unit
Norio Ishikawa *1, Suda truth *1, Tadashi Sasaki *1, Hidehiro Hosaka *1, Tomonori Yamanishi *2, Kosaku Yasuda *3, Takashi Onuki *4
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 90-91, 1999.

Japanese Article The effect that electromagnetic stimulation gives to the autonomic nervous system of the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR)
B. HONG*1, 周起煥*2, 伊良皆啓治*1, 上野照剛*1, 熊田衛*3
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 92-93, 1999.

Japanese Article Analysis of the reverse problem of the pulmonary magnetic field in the magnetic noise method of elimination
鄭以勤, Makoto Kotani
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 94-95, 1999.

Japanese Article Signal processing using the wavelet transform
奥村雅行*, 廿日出好*, 野村公比呂*, 高田薫*, 石山敦士*, 葛西直子**, 外池光雄***, 岩木直***
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 96-97, 1999.

Japanese Article Speedup of the selective smallest norm method in the living body magnetic field analysis
関根福太郎, 岡部洋一
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 98-99, 1999.

Japanese Article Adaptation to the hearing MEG of the GA, SA combination method
Kaoru Takada *1, Ko Nomura Hiro *1, 水野恭滋 *1, Uesugi direct climb *1, Masayuki Okumura *1, Twentieth gadabout *1, Atsushi Ishiyama *1, Naoko Kasai *2, Mitsuo Tonoike *2, Tadashi Iwaki *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 100-101, 1999.

Japanese Article Issue of magnetoencephalo ground reverse elucidation using the simple diagnosis engine
齋賀大賢 *1, Naoichi Yamaki *1, Sadamu Tomita *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 102-103, 1999.

Japanese Article Application of the simplex method in the issue of biomagnetism reverse
梶原茂樹*1, 冨田定*1, 吉田佳一, 八巻直一*2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 104-105, 1999.

Japanese Article Basic examination about the number of noise reduction in all vector type brain magnetic field measurement systems and addition
石橋秀則*1, 川勝真喜*2, 小林宏一郎*2, 新井勤暁*1, 小谷誠*1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 106-107, 1999.

Japanese Article Relations of reverse mutation and the faradism by the extremely low frequency magnetic field
Ryo Takashima straight *, Masateru Ikehata **, Eyelet Takao **
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 108-109, 1999.

Japanese Article Measurement of the temperature distribution in the strong routine magnetic field
Yunokuchi ten thousand friend *1, Shuichi Uchida *1, 横山専平 *1, Kiyotaka Kamata *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 110-111, 1999.

Japanese Article Study on assistant mutagenesis of the routine magnetic field and mechanism
池畑政輝, 川崎たまみ, 小穴孝夫
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 112-113, 1999.

Japanese Article The effect that high frequency electromagnetic wave exposure gives to rat brain
Fishing field justice Ichiro *1*2, Excellent river Koichi *1, Shogo Ueno *2, Soichi Watanabe *3, 多氣昌生 *4
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 114-115, 1999.

Japanese Article The effect that electromagnetic field stimulation gives to quantity of protein of culture osteoblasts
Hiroko Kotani *1, Shogo Ueno *1, Sakae Tanaka *2, Hiroshi Kawaguchi *2, Kozo Nakamura *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 116-117, 1999.

Japanese Article Parameter estimate of the viscoelastic model in cells based on cells magnetism measurement
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 118-119, 1999.

Japanese Article Magnetocardiogram measurement of patients with myocardial infarction using the high temperature SQUID fluxmeter
崔桂揺 *1, Maki Kawakatsu *2, Yoshinori Uchikawa *3, Makoto Kotani *1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 120-121, 1999.

Japanese Article It is examination in the ventricular hypertrophy using the heart magnetic field clinical significance of QT dispersion
Masahiro Nomura *1, *1 of Miyajima, Tomomi Nada *1, Kondo good luck *1, Yuki Michiko Naka *1, Yue Tada *1, Ken Saito *1, Susumu Ito *1, Yutaka Nakaya *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 122-123, 1999.

English Article 3-D MCG Waveform Analysis Using Wavelet Transform
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 124-125, 1999.

Japanese Article Frequency analysis of the ventricular extrasystole wave form based on the three-dimensional vector measurement
Yasuhiro Umemoto *, Koichiro Kobayashi **, Tawada one ear *, Yoshinori Uchikawa *, Shuji Yakubo ***
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 126-127, 1999.

Japanese Article Current source estimate of the rat myocardium activity by the high-resolution magneto cardiogram measurement
内田誠也, 伊良皆啓治, 上野照剛
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 128-129, 1999.

Japanese Article Effect on MCG by the heterogeneity
Chen-based leather *, Kazumasa Ito *, Noboru Niki *, Yutaka Nakaya **, Hiroshi Nishitani **, 康倫明 ***
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 130-131, 1999.

Japanese Article Visualization of the atrium depolarization process of the children by the 64ch-SQUID fluxmeter
塩野淳子*1, 堀米仁志*1, 山田さつき*1, 山口巖*1, 寺田康*1, 三井利夫*1, 村蒔和範*2, 神鳥明彦*2, 宮下豪*2, 塚田啓二*2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 132-133, 1999.

Japanese Article Magnetic field effect on pain by the electrical stimulation
Osamu Okai
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 134-135, 1999.

Japanese Article Time space of the somatosensor-induced magnetic field using aperture synthesis filter method (SAM), frequency analysis
Masayuki Hirata *1, Kato sky beauty *1, Taniguchi law of nature chapter *1, Hiroshi Ninomiya intellect *1, Motohiko Maruno *1, Hirafuki degree husband *2, Jin Nakamura sincerity *2, Robinson SE*3, Yoshimine Toshiki *1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 136-137, 1999.

Japanese Article It is ECD, a comparison with fMRI analysis of event-related desynchronization using aperture synthesis filter SAM during exercise
Taniguchi law of nature chapter *1, Kato sky beauty *1, Norihiko Fujita *2, Masayuki Hirata *1, Hisashi Tanaka *2, Hirafuki degree husband *2, Jin Nakamura sincerity *2, Hiroshi Ninomiya intellect *1, Taizo Kihara *3, Douglas Cheyne*4*5, Stephen E Robinson*5, Yoshimine Toshiki *1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 138-139, 1999.

Japanese Article Bathyesthesia ingredient in the median nerve stimulation evoked magnetic field
Offing shop Koichi *, Koreaki Mori *, Maki Kawakatsu **, Makoto Kotani ***
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 140-141, 1999.

Japanese Article Three-dimensional vector measurement of the right and left posterior tibial nerve induction brain magnetic field
齊藤弘幸*, 小林宏一郎**, 田辺和久*, 小林直嗣*, 内川義則*
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 142-143, 1999.

Japanese Article The N20m equivalence current dipole moves somatosensory 3b field cortex outwardly
Isao Hashimoto *1*2, Tomoaki Kimura *3, Kenji Sakuma *2, Yoshinobu Iguchi *1, Yasuhiko Saito *4, 福島達臣 *5
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 144-145, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the laterality of the somatic sensory area by the wrist median nerve stimulation using the vector magnetoencephalogram
川勝真喜*1, 小林宏一郎*1, 沖屋康一*2, 藤本篤彦*3, 石橋秀則*3, 鈴木真*1, 内川義則*4, 小谷誠*3
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 146-147, 1999.

Japanese Article Effect on fMRI of the electrical stimulation intensity in SER and MEG
Iramina Keiji *, Hiroyuki Hara *, Masato Yumoto **, Shogo Ueno *, Kamil Ugurbil***
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 148-149, 1999.

Japanese Article Somatosensory induction magnetic field in patients with rachiopathy
川端茂徳, 持田潔, 小森博達, 大久保治修, 四宮謙一
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 150-151, 1999.

Japanese Article Change of the somatosensory function localization in the malignant lymphoma treatment process
Kenichi Nagamatsu *1, Nobukazu Nakazato *1, Toshihiro Kumabe *1, Ryuichi Katakura *2, Satoshi Hatanaka product *1, 菅野彰剛 *3, Takashi Yoshimoto *1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 152-153, 1999.

Japanese Article It is a comparison with the operation midbrain list function mapping the association between hearing-induced magnetic field N100m signal source and language function
Satoshi Otomo *1*2, Toshihiro Kumabe *1, Nobukazu Nakazato *1, 菅野彰剛 *3, Tadashi Suzuki child *4, Satoshi Hatanaka product *5, Takashi Yoshimoto *1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 154-155, 1999.

Japanese Article Somatosensor-induced magnetic field in brain cortex dysplasia
Mamiko Ishitobi *1, Nobukazu Nakazato *2, 菅野彰剛 *3, Kazuie Iinuma *1, Takashi Yoshimoto *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 156-157, 1999.

Japanese Article Measurement of the sight, exercise-related magnetoencephalo world in the adaptation process of the field to horizontally reverse
Shinji Takeda *, Hiroshi Endo **, ***, Toshi Honda *, ***, Tsunehiro Takeda **, ***, ****
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 158-159, 1999.

Japanese Article Sight recognition properties in optic area for the movement initiation of the grating figure and the motor area
Matsumoto law of nature device, 長峯隆, Tatsuhide Oga, Shinji Ohara, Daisuke Sato, Hiroshi Shibazaki
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 164-165, 1999.

Japanese Article Magnetoencephalo reply analysis of the subjective contour perception due to the Abutting Line stimulation
Shoichi Okamura *1, Yoshio Otani *2, Masashi Tanikawa *3, Kennya Egashira *4, Akira Arakawa *1, Kaichi Yoshida *1, 高梨芳彰 *5, Keisuke Toyama *6, Yoshimichi Eshima *3
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 166-167, 1999.

Japanese Article A brain cortex region about the form vision perception and the activity
大草知裕 *, 金桶吉赴 *, Naoyuki Osaka **, Ryusuke Kakigi *
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 168-169, 1999.

Japanese Article Brain magnetic field response associated with the reading of a kanji and the hiragana letter
浅川慶一*, 今田俊明**, 川勝真喜***, 小谷誠*
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 170-171, 1999.

Japanese Article Magnetoencephalo world measurement by the difference in kanji recognition
黄獻鋒 *, Hiroyuki Hara *, Iramina Keiji *, Masato Yumoto **, Shogo Ueno *
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 172-173, 1999.

Japanese Article Frontal MEG reply in the word generation problem
Sand cup Naoko, Fumiya Takeuchi, Shinya Kuriki
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 174-175, 1999.

Japanese Article Measurement of the brain activity associated with the reading of the letter by the MEG
Fumiya Takeuchi *1, Sand cup Naoko *1, Shinya Kuriki *1, Sachiko Koyama *2, Ryusuke Kakigi *2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 176-177, 1999.

Japanese Article A brain magnetic field measurement and analysis about the mental lexicon
尾関健男*1, 今田俊明*2, 岡部洋一*1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 178-179, 1999.

Japanese Article Effect of the episodic memory to the induction magnetic field about the word recognition
Tadashi Suzuki child *1, Jiro Okuda *1, Yuji Otsuka *1, Manabu Sugawara *1, Satoshi Hatanaka product *2, Nobukazu Nakazato *3, 菅野彰剛 *4, Atsushi Yamadori *1, Takashi Yoshimoto *3
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 180-181, 1999.

Japanese Article Development of the magneto cardiogram analytical method using the spatial frequency
Ko Nomura Hiro *, Uesugi direct climb *, Masayuki Okumura *, Twentieth gadabout *, Kaoru Takada *, Atsushi Ishiyama *, Naoko Kasai **, Keiji Tsukada ***, Miyashita Australian ***
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 182-183, 1999.

Japanese Article Multiple power supply analysis by the Spatial Filter method
冨田定*1, 梶原茂樹*1, 吉田佳一*1, 外山敬介*2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 184-185, 1999.

Japanese Article Effect of the head model in the brain magnetic field source estimate
財田伸介*, 信田正志*, 仁木登*, 中里信和**, 吉本高志**
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 186-187, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the multiple signals source estimate using three-dimensional magnetoencephalographic time, space data
小林宏一郎*, 小林直嗣**, 内川義則**, 川勝真喜*, 鈴木真*, 斎藤正男*
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 188-189, 1999.

Japanese Article Basic examination in the complementary analysis of the functional MRI and MEG
Atsuhiko Fujimoto *1, Maki Kawakatsu *2, Koichiro Kobayashi *2, Makoto Kotani *1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 190-191, 1999.

English Article Virtual Depth-Electrode Measurement Using MEG Eigenspace Beamformer
K.Sekihara1, D.Poeppel2, Y.Miyashita1,3
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 192-193, 1999.

Japanese Article Steady magnetic field orientation of the bovine sperm
Reina Emura *, Nobuyuki Ashida *, Terumasa Azuma *, Tetsuya Takeuchi **
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 194-195, 1999.

Japanese Article Magnetic field effect on sol / gel phase transition temperature III of the living body-related high polymer material
Isao Yamamoto, Tsubochi law of nature, Masuhiro Yamaguchi, Bunnyo Ishikawa, Yoshihiro Shimazu
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 196-197, 1999.

Japanese Article Influence to the cell life cycle of the static magnetic field
齋藤大輔, 山下和彦, 小野寿樹, 斎藤正男
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 198-199, 1999.

Japanese Article Swimming behavior change of the paramecium by the magnetic field
中岡保夫*1, 清水喜久雄*2
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 200-201, 1999.

Japanese Article Trial of the change in the cells by the magnetic field
山下和彦, 齋藤大輔, 小野寿樹, 斎藤正男
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 202-203, 1999.

Japanese Article Study on correlation of vibration and noise of the magnetic shield room
阿部隆之*1, 山崎慶太*1, 藤巻則夫*2, 宮内哲*2, 小林宏一郎*3
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 204-205, 1999.

Japanese Article All shape of a head brain magnetic field measurement instruments using the high-temperature superconductor magnetism shield device
太田浩*1*2, 内川義則*3, 小林宏一郎*3, 田辺和久*3, 竹内亨*3, 青野正和*2, 松井敏明*1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 206-207, 1999.

Japanese Article Development concept of liquid helium recirculation system
武田常広*1*2*3, 高江勉*4
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 208-209, 1999.

Japanese Article Measurement of the autochthonous magnetoencephalo ground using all active shield bottom head form magnetoencephalo meter
Masato Yumoto *1, 辛正廣 *2, 山田晴耕 *3, Yuzo Onoki *4, Kazuhiko Nakahara *1
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 210-211, 1999.

Japanese Article Application (2) to biomagnetism measurement of the active noise control
冨田司, 梶原茂樹, 荒川彰, 吉田佳一
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 212-213, 1999.

Japanese Article About the change over time of the current source in the exercise-related induction magnetic field
Tsuyuguchi Takahiro *1, Akira Hakuba *1, Yoshimi Matsuoka *1, Ivy field Tsuyoshi *2, Eiji Hattori *3, Shimogawara Masahiro *4, Yoshiaki Adachi *4, Yasuhiro Haruta *5
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 214-215, 1999.

Japanese Article Hypersynchronization of the 20Hz background magnetoencephalo ground activity with the muscle contraction end
長峯隆 *, Keiichiro Atema *, Shinji Ohara *, Matsumoto law of nature device *, Country branch Takeji **, Akio Ikeda *, Hiroshi Shibazaki *
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 216-217, 1999.

Japanese Article Measurement of the hearing start-related exercise-related magnetoencephalo ground
Kenji Asano *1, Takashi Owaki *2*3, Hiroshi Endo *3*4, 眞溪歩 *1*2*3, Tsunehiro Takeda *1*2*3*4
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 218-219, 1999.

Japanese Article Estimate of the central fissure functional localization based on the Internal examination on autopsy image
中里信和*, 隈部俊宏*, 井上敬*, 大友智**, 吉本高志*
The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 12(1): 220-221, 1999.