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Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University

Volume 74, Issue 2 / 2004
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Medical business trial case about violation of right of futural benefit
Satoko Sawaguchi
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 68-74, 2004.

Japanese Article Prolonged adjustment disorders in pubertal recipients after the living renal transplantation
Toshiko Kamo
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 75-84, 2004.

Japanese Article Analysis of the heartbeat change in the neonatal early stage
Miyoko Kume, 溝手宗昭 *
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 94-101, 2004.

Japanese Article Establishment of the activated assay of an insulin-like growth factor receptor and the insulin receptor
Yumiko Okubo
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 112-112, 2004.

Japanese Article The molecular search that a cancer primary tumor has a metastatic influence on before metastasis in organ-specific metastasis earlier
Nakamura (Hiratsuka) 佐千枝
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 112-112, 2004.

Japanese Article Observation of development and the anagenesis process of the artificial blood vessel which we remodel it over time, and vessel walls rebuild
Tomisawa Yasuko
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 112-112, 2004.

Japanese Article Association between participation and liver fibrosis extension mechanism of apoptosis in the liver damage quick wit of the non-alcoholic fatty liver flame
橋本悦子, 谷合麻紀子, 白鳥敬子
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 112-113, 2004.

Japanese Article Cellular biological research of the mitochondrial cells which do not have a nucleus
Kazutoshi Nakano, Tomohiro Nakayama, Naoko Noda, Terumi Murakami, Emiko Tachikawa, Kayoko Saito, Makiko Osawa
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 113-113, 2004.

Japanese Article Patient compliance instruction for the migraine headache that became the drug control instruction duties (1) postoperative intensity
April Motoko, 廣原正宜, Naruto Michiko, Keiko Butatsu, Megumi Fujii Yoshiko
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 113-113, 2004.

Japanese Article Making of "the management list for cancer pain in the drug control instruction duties (2) digestive surgery ward of the pain"
廣原正宜, Naruto Michiko, April Motoko, Keiko Butatsu, Megumi Fujii Yoshiko, Takeshi Takasaki *
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 113-114, 2004.

Japanese Article Prescription confirmation duties of the anticancer drug in the drug control instruction duties (3) digestive organ ward
Naruto Michiko, 廣原正宜, April Motoko, Keiko Butatsu, Megumi Fujii Yoshiko
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 114-114, 2004.

Japanese Article Use experience of PICC (periphery puncture central venous catheter) in our hospital
鮫島勇一, 森直樹, 増田道彦, 寺村正尚, 志関雅幸, 吉永健太郎, 岡村隆光, 井上薫, 近藤年昭, 木田理子, 泉二登志子, 溝口秀昭
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 114-114, 2004.

Japanese Article Examination about the reconstruction after the oral malignant tumor resection
Hideji Kitahara, Hiroyuki Kaneko, Hiroshi Abe good luck
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 114-115, 2004.

Japanese Article Comparison of several kinds of three-dimensional construction software using the serial section photograph of the optical microscope
Nobuko Katagiri 1, Yasuhide Shigematsu 2, Yasuo Katagiri 3
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 115-115, 2004.

Japanese Article Medical revolution - present conditions and future - by the electronic chart
Toshiro Konishi
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 115-116, 2004.

Japanese Article 1. Cerebral blood flow SPECT findings in acute cerebellum incontinence
Eri Mizoguchi child 1, Yasushi Ito 1, Mari Matsuo 1, Kubota sheath or 1, 永木茂 1, Makiko Osawa 1, Hiroshi Yoshizawa 2, Kiyoko Kusakabe 3
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 117-117, 2004.

English Article 2.Proton MRS of the intracranial meningiomas
Chernov Mikhail, 久保長生, 日山博文, 堀智勝, 小野由子*
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 117-118, 2004.

Japanese Article 3. A trial of the acute ischemic stroke clinical path induction
Takashi Ohashi 1, Makoto Iwata 1, Junko Nakahara 2, Inner liman Masanobu 3
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 74(2): 118-118, 2004.