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Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University

Volume 86, Issue 1 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article (1) Emerging Travel-related Infections
Masashi HAYANO, Hiroyoshi ENDO
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 1-8, 2016.

Japanese Article A Case of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Sjogren's Syndrome
Yuriko SATO1, Yuko IWABUCHI2, Dan INOUE2, Miki NISHIDA2, Hidekazu SUGIURA2, Mitsuyo ITABASHI2, Ayako NAKAJIMA3, Keiko UCHIDA2, Kosaku NITTA2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 9-14, 2016.

Japanese Article 1. Effect control by secretion and the periphery tissue of insulin by ADAMTS9
茂泉佐和子, 三谷昌平
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 17-18, 2016.

Japanese Article 2. The effect that periodontal disease gives for the NAFLD condition of a patient formation
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 18-18, 2016.

Japanese Article 1. About the effect that Bach2 derived from T-helper cells gives to bronchial asthma
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 18-18, 2016.

Japanese Article 1. Analysis of molecular mechanism of the NMD - endoplasmic reticulum quality control crosstalk mechanism and the physiological role
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 18-19, 2016.

Japanese Article 2. Establishment of the treatment with esophagus reproduction cell sheet for esophagus ESD
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 19-19, 2016.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the basal cell carcinoma that occurred in patients with multiple sclerosis given a resection in cooperation with an emergency care part
國上千紘1, 星野雄一郎2, 貞安杏奈2, 石崎純子2, 田中勝2, 藤林真理子3, 磯谷栄二4, 吉住順子5
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 19-19, 2016.

Japanese Article 2. One case of the acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis (eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis: EGPA) that racked the brains about the improvement of neurologic symptoms
村上亜紀1, 高木香恵2, 興野藍2, 市村裕輝2, 村上智佳子2, 西沢蓉子2, 小川哲也2, 柴田興一2, 佐倉宏2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 19-19, 2016.

Japanese Article 3. Examination of the aggravated acetyl salicylism 2 case
笹尾怜子1, 高橋宏之2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 19-20, 2016.

Japanese Article 4. One case of the cerebral infarction discovered in incidental by pre-operative examination of the elective operation
今里大介1, 高橋祐一2, 前昌宏3, 糟谷英俊2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 20-20, 2016.

Japanese Article 5. One patient whom diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) developed in 17 years after a diagnosis of idiopathic membranous nephropathy (iMN)
内池広菜1, 佐藤尚代2, 森山能仁2, 板橋美津世2, 内田啓子2, 土谷健2, 志関雅幸3, 田中淳司3, 新田孝作2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 20-20, 2016.

Japanese Article 6. One example of advanced gastric cancer that developed in Down's syndrome patients
梅田美妃1, 岡部ゆう子2, 細田麻奈2, 入村峰世2, 木村綾子2, 大野秀樹2, 齋藤壽仁2, 佐倉宏2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 20-21, 2016.

Japanese Article 7. One case of the young man who complicated a liver abscess by Fusobacterium necrophorum and a lung abscess after enteric infection affection
細田祐未1, 島田美希2, 清水比美子2, 村上智佳子2, 西沢蓉子2, 興野藍2, 樋口千恵子2, 小川哲也2, 佐倉宏2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 21-21, 2016.

Japanese Article 8. One case of the retinoblastoma detected in an emergency visit
下村里奈1, 平澤恭子2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 21-21, 2016.

Japanese Article 9. Two cases of the children with spinal cord recurrence brain tumor which consecutive autologous PBSCT combination salvage chemotherapy was provided to twice
三上陽子1, 鶴田敏久2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 21-21, 2016.

Japanese Article 10. One case of childhood atopic dermatitis that thought that a child care blunder of mother was involved in aggravation
木原祐希1, 千葉幸英2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 22-22, 2016.

Japanese Article 11. One patient who was able to diagnose bladder perforation during transurethral bladder tumor enucleation early
二瓶春菜1, 安藤一義2, 市川順子2, 西山圭子2, 小高光晴2, 伊藤文夫3, 小森万希子2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 22-22, 2016.

English Article 12. Renal cell carcinoma associated with Xp11.2 translocations / TFE3 gene fusions (Xp11.2 RCC)
小川杏平1, 山本智子2, 高木敏男3, 近藤恒徳3, 森田賢4, 長嶋洋治2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 22-22, 2016.

Japanese Article 13. Invention at the aortic valve replacement of patients on dialysis with Porcelain Aorta
村上弘典1, 瀧口洋司2, 原田崇史2, 宮本卓馬2, 岩朝静子2, 津久井宏行2, 山崎健二2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 23-23, 2016.

Japanese Article 14. One patient who underwent living related liver transplantation technique for the frequent occurrence hepatic cyst which repeated infection
相原永子1, 米田五大2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 23-23, 2016.

Japanese Article 15. One case of the appendicitis perforated that resulted in a portal vein gas blood symptom
尾崎敦子1, 廣澤知一郎2, 高部裕也2, 片岡温子2, 谷公考2, 産形麻美子2, 番場嘉子2, 小川真平2, 板橋道明2, 岡本高宏2, 長原光3
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 23-23, 2016.

Japanese Article 16. One case of the 62 years old man that it had been under the medical treatment as apex hypertrophic cardiomyopathy for many years, but had a diagnosis of heart amyloidosis by biopsy of cardiac muscle
森友実1, 鈴木敦2, 芹澤直紀2, 志賀剛2, 宇都健太2,3, 田中淳司4, 萩原誠久2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 23-24, 2016.

Japanese Article 17. One case with suspected low Na blood symptom mineral corticoid-responsive in the cause investigation of the low Na blood symptom after pains
土屋海士郎1, 花井豪2, 大屋純子2, 内潟安子2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 24-24, 2016.

Japanese Article 18. One case who had the AV block extensive for the patients complicating polymyositis and myasthenia gravis
猪口祥子1, 野村新2, 鈴木敦2, 芹澤直紀2, 庄田守男2, 萩原誠久2, 清水優子3, 北川一夫3, 勝又康弘4, 山中寿4
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 24-24, 2016.

Japanese Article 19. One case that racked its brains about correspondence to a low Mg blood symptom and dermatopathy with cetuximab
斎藤史子1, 川上和之2, 井原世尊2, 近藤侑鈴2, 中島豪2, 竹下信啓2, 林和彦2
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 24-25, 2016.

Japanese Article 20. One case that we came to the hospital for main complaint, and dyspnea was given a diagnosis of cardiac tamponade
中野辰憲1, 萩原誠久2, 齋藤登3, 川名正敏3
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 25-25, 2016.

Japanese Article 1. The identification of flippase molecules in the human red cell membrane and analysis of hemolytic anemia by the abnormality
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 26-26, 2016.

Japanese Article 2. The change that is in blood vessel form in CXCL17 expression tumor
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 26-27, 2016.

Japanese Article 3. Metabolism activated significance in the malignant brain tumor
増井憲太, 柴田亮行
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 27-27, 2016.

Japanese Article 4. Can you measure it examination - - of the usefulness of PQA (Personal Qualities Assessment)? Can you not measure it?
福井由理子1, 岡田みどり2, 野田小枝子3, 三原祥子4
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 27-27, 2016.

Japanese Article 5. Use of health health care service of the inhabitants in the Papua New Guinean village part
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 28-28, 2016.

Japanese Article 6. The lysosomal distribution and toxicity of silver nanoparticles
宮山貴光, 松岡雅人
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 28-28, 2016.

Japanese Article 7. About airway hypersensitivity induced by the qualitative alteration of Th17 cells and a respiratory tract inflammation
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 28-29, 2016.

Japanese Article 8. Transformation and mechanism of the intracerebral physical expression due to the nerve damage
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University 86(1): 29-29, 2016.