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Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine

Volume 106, Issue 3 / 2008
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Tumor Dormancy Therapy
Yutaka Takahashi
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 165-172, 2008.

Japanese Article Life Insurance and Neurological Disorders ―An Aging Society and the Advancement of Technology―
Tomojiro Nomura
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 173-182, 2008.

Japanese Article Evaluation of Mental Health Related Diseases in Life Insurance
Kazuo Sato
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 183-197, 2008.

Japanese Article A socioeconomic factor and health - epidemiology, sociology, the economic point of contact
Hideki Hashimoto
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 203-203, 2008.

English Article The German Social Long Term Care Insurance―Morbidity and Mortality
Nicola-Alexander Sittaro
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 204-205, 2008.

Japanese Article It is morbidity and mortality German public nursing care insurance
Nicola-Alexander Sittaro
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 205-206, 2008.

Japanese Article New wave of the selection of risk
Kei Adachi
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 207-207, 2008.

Japanese Article (1) A change and the selection of risk of security contents
Shinichi Nawata
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 207-207, 2008.

Japanese Article (3) Examination about the tele underwriting in Japan
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 208-208, 2008.

Japanese Article 1. The mortality ratio after blood pressure, the urine second visit
尾関全, Minoru Isobe, Hiroshi Nakamichi
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 209-209, 2008.

Japanese Article 2. About risk of developing prostate cancer in the PSA high level contract
Shin Kato Jiro
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 210-210, 2008.

Japanese Article 3. Relations of multiple liver function test value and mortality ratios
羽根田雅郎, 磯部実, 須藤広明
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 210-210, 2008.

Japanese Article 4. Study - present conditions, insurance, suit, insurance company - of the cause of the rise in premium of the malpractice of America
Goto William Makito
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 211-211, 2008.

Japanese Article 6. The estimate of the life table division and the age-specific risk pattern
Ichiro Miyazoe, Koichi Shimizu
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 212-212, 2008.

Japanese Article 7. Study of the culture factor to have a major influence on life insurance (Part 1) - Traffic accident, drinking, AIDS, murder, smoking -
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 212-212, 2008.

Japanese Article 8. About after present conditions - of the insurance medicine education in foreign countries particularly operation
Takeshi Uchiyama
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 213-213, 2008.

Japanese Article 10. Insurance medicine and an ethical problem
Mitsunobu Sasaki
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 214-214, 2008.

Japanese Article 12. Selection of risk of tuberculosis
Masahide Izumi
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 215-215, 2008.

Japanese Article 13. Progress and life insurance undertaking likelihood of the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia
Kengo Fuchigami
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 216-216, 2008.

Japanese Article 14. Hospitalization, a risk of death estimate of the mental disorder
Koichi Shimizu, Hinaga Satomi, Ichiro Miyazoe
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 216-216, 2008.

Japanese Article 15. About selection of risk of the undertaking assessment by the progress of the endoscopic surgical operation
Yasuhiro Kitamura
Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine 106(3): 217-217, 2008.