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Japanese Journal of Allergology

Volume 18, Issue 12 / 1969
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Studies on the Sea-squirt Asthma. X. Improvement of occupational environment and occurrence of Sea-squirt asthma
Tadashi Otsuka*1, Takashi Katsutani*2, Toshihiko Jyo*3, Ryozo Orita*3, Yoshihiro Hamaguchi*3
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 955-1046, 1969.

Japanese Article Analysis on the Antigenesity of Human Gastric Mucosa
Masashi Kodama*1, Yuji Kubo*1, Toshiyuki Wakabayasi*2, Shigeyoshi Chikamatsu*2, Tomio Nagata*2, Keiichi Kawai*2, Isamu Hasimoto*1,3, Masasuke Masuda*2,3
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 959-1047, 1969.

Japanese Article Relationship to Serum Complement Titer (CH50), Immune Adherence (IA), β1Aglobulin, Transferrin, Ig A, Ig M and Ig G in SLE
Yoshihisa Ishikawa, Toshio Kobayashi*
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 966-1047, 1969.

Japanese Article The Specificity of the Immediate Reaction in Tuberculin Skin Testing with PPD in Humans
Tatsuo Matsumura*, Takayoshi Kuroume, Hiroshi Tsukagoshi
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 973-1047, 1969.

Japanese Article Ezo-Yomogi (Artemisia Montana) Pollinosis in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Yoshinori Wagatsuma, Takao Shida
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 980-1048, 1969.

Japanese Article Light and Electron Microscopic Studies of Subcapsular Lesions Induced by Locally Inoculated Homologous Lymphoid Cells
Tokichi Yumoto*1, Yoshiharu Mikagi*1, Noriyuki Nagamatsu*2, Kosei Takayama*2, Hidemi Kano*2, M. Hashimoto*1,3, T. Masuya*2,3
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 991-1048, 1969.

Japanese Article Studies on Rice Pollen Asthma II. Studies on cross antigenicity between Rice Pollen and other Grass Pollens
Toshisada Kimura, Masao Todokoro, Takayoshi Kuroume, Kouji Tateno, Tatsuo Matsumura
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1005-1049, 1969.

Japanese Article Summary of Research Conference
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1017-1017, 1969.

Japanese Article Clinical efficacy study results of sustained epinephrine preparation (Su-Phrie)
浅野秀二, 村野順三, 飯倉洋治, 塩田浩政, 三島健, 松村竜雄, 館野幸司, 岩波文門, 北原暢乃, 福山幸夫, 笠井和, 小林登, 春名英彦, 河野睦明, 高島宏哉, 宮本昭正, 降矢和夫, 小野勝之, 中川圭一, 可部順三郎, 川上保雄, 島袋良夫, 木村武, 大島良雄, 石崎達, 中沢浩亮
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1017-1026, 1969.

Japanese Article 1. Experience using Sus-Phrine
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1027-1027, 1969.

Japanese Article 2. The effect of Sus-Phrine on patients with bronchial asthma
木村武, 河合健
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1027-1027, 1969.

Japanese Article 3. Experience of using Sus-Phrine for bronchial asthma
島袋良夫, 今西耕一, 国枝武幸, 後藤晋, 吉田敏久, 前田克孝, 小黒由里子, 小野充, 桑原紘一郎, 川上保雄*
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1027-1029, 1969.

Japanese Article 4. Clinical experience of Sus-Phrine
宮本昭正, 降矢和夫, 水野勝之
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1029-1030, 1969.

Japanese Article 5. Use experience of epinephrine aqueous suspension "Sus-Phrine" with the sustained effect
可部順三郎, 中川圭一
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1030-1033, 1969.

Japanese Article 6. Experience of infantile asthma treatment by Sus-Phrine
小林登, 高島宏哉, 河野睦明, 春名英彦, 早川浩, 十字文子, 菊地郁子, 高津忠夫*
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1033-1035, 1969.

Japanese Article 7. Sus-Phrine treatment result for the childhood bronchial asthma
舘野幸司, 戸所正雄, 中島茂樹
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1035-1038, 1969.

Japanese Article 8. Sus-Phrine use results
岩波文門, 北原暢乃
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1038-1039, 1969.

Japanese Article 9. Use experience of Sus-Phrine
笠井和, 熊谷貴代, 福山幸夫*
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1040-1041, 1969.

Japanese Article 9. On the therapeutic effect of Sus-Phrine on bronchial asthma attack
塩田浩政, 三島健, 田中富美子
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1042-1043, 1969.

Japanese Article 10. Sus-Phrine use results on pediatric bronchial asthma attack
村野順三, 飯倉洋治
Japanese Journal of Allergology 18(12): 1043-1045, 1969.