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Japanese Journal of Allergology

Volume 55, Issue 5 / 2006
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The way of the chronic management of the asthma bronchial
Adachi 満
Japanese Journal of Allergology 55(5): 517-521, 2006.

Japanese Article Molecular mechanism of the IgE production
Yukiyoshi Yanagihara
Japanese Journal of Allergology 55(5): 522-527, 2006.

Japanese Article Genetic studies - present conditions of the allergic disease and in the future fine-view -
Kure 艶玲, Taro Shirakawa
Japanese Journal of Allergology 55(5): 528-532, 2006.

Japanese Article Successive change - until 3 years old of allergy to examination (the second report) - egg, milk, wheat, soybean about the infantile onset food allergy
Kaori Ikematsu 1), 3), 田知本寛 2), 3), Chizuko Sugizaki 3), Shukuya Akinori 2), Motohiro Ebisawa 3)
Japanese Journal of Allergology 55(5): 533-541, 2006.

Japanese Article From medical economic examination - Fluticasone INvestigation of Asthma Episode (FINE) study about the asthmatic episode of the fluticasone propionate for the asthmatic patients ...
宮本昭正1), 森田 寛2), 田村 弦3), 東田有智4), 荒川一郎5), 白神 誠5)
Japanese Journal of Allergology 55(5): 542-553, 2006.

Japanese Article Comparison - of efficacy of the antihistamine in outcome study (the fifth report) - initial therapy in sugi pollinosis and Cost Quality
Chieko Sumiya 1), Ogino 敏 1), Hiromi Ikeda 2), Masao Enomoto 2)
Japanese Journal of Allergology 55(5): 554-565, 2006.

Japanese Article Multicenter questionary survey about the childhood asthma bronchial to be complicated with nasal allergy
Sawako Masuda 1), Takao Fujisawa 2), Mitsumasa Iguchi 2), Atsuta net 2), Mitsuhiko Nanbu 3), 4 full of Suehiro), Kamezaki Saori 4), Katsumata former 5), Yukiko Noma 6), History of Hisashi Nishimori 7), Higashida existence intellect 8)
Japanese Journal of Allergology 55(5): 566-573, 2006.

Japanese Article Anaphylactic one case that it was thought that it was caused by the tick which got mixed with preference powdered refractory clay
Atsuko Hara, Fukahori example, Yuko Nakata, Chizuru Fukushima, Matsuse thickness person, Kawano 茂
Japanese Journal of Allergology 55(5): 574-577, 2006.