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Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy
Volume 9, Issue / 2005
English Article Japanese Article
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Cosmetic surgery empty hand therapy Nordic events system Okude 弘 Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 3-8, 2005. |
The sports of people with the disorder and role of the physical therapist 辻 清張 Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 9-15, 2005. |
Rehabilitation for the throw disorder 山野仁志, 濱田太朗, 元脇周也 Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 16-29, 2005. |
In three qualifications - physical therapist, reposition by Judo teacher, acupuncturist - 竹内義享 Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 30-33, 2005. |
Examination - about the laterality of trial - H wave amplitude of the qualitative spastic evaluation in the hemiplegic patients arms Takeshi Kitano 1), Kunie Ito 1), Eight 馨 1), Kenichi Matsumura 1), Naito sub-princess 1), Ikegami 勲 1), Hiroyuki Miyakoshi 1), Hama appearance Shigeji 2) Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 34-39, 2005. |
Fact-finding of the purpose of life day service participant 川端昭宏, 山崎義治, 渡辺理絵 Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 40-43, 2005. |
Case - that we had a diagnosis for case - five weeks that deep vein thrombosis developed after total knee replacement after surgery Yoshihide Takao 1), Yotsuya Masashi 1), Hidemi Nakano 1), Yoshie Hashimoto 1), Wada truth 2), Bo Akihiko 2) Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 44-46, 2005. |
How does the person with spinal cord injury cauda equina walk? -Example - of the spinal cord pars conoides injury due to the injury 北出一平1), 佐々木伸一1), 嶋田誠一郎1), 小川真裕美1), 亀井健太1), 久保田雅史1), 川原英夫2), 小林 茂2), 馬場久敏3) Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 47-52, 2005. |
The case that presented paraplegia by spinal cord infarction Yosuke Kodama 1), Saori Sakai 1), Yasutaka Kobayashi 2) Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 53-58, 2005. |
Experience the humeral cervical fracture of patients with dementia Shunsuke Kitade 1), 北坂佳寛 1), Kimura dried Tsuruko 1), Arakawa kernel 2) Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 59-62, 2005. |
It is the one case who had the femoral neck fracture for cerebral infarction left hemiplegia treated with visit rehabilitation 梅田美和, 矢部信明, 豊田泰美, 浜田友紀 Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 63-67, 2005. |
1 case of the polyneuropathy that muscular strength reinforcement exercise using a stretch myotatic reflex was effective 道場雅法1), 村中聖子1), 重森英美1), 達山勝龍2), 松崎太郎3) Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 68-72, 2005. |
Analysis - by effect on lower limbs support characteristics examination - single case study of PNF 竹中栄治 Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 73-77, 2005. |
Experience the hemiplegic patients who presented with shoulder hand syndrome Naito sub-princess 1), Kenichi Matsumura 1), Hiroyuki Miyakoshi 1), Kunie Ito 1), Eight 馨 1), Takeshi Kitano 1), Ikegami 勲 1), Hama appearance Shigeji 2) Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 78-81, 2005. |
One case that both hemiplegic patients received sheeting, and ADL improved Ito wish, Natsuko Tanaka, Tomoko Nishida, Crossroads Tetsuro, Matsuda 謙 Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 82-87, 2005. |
Conduct attitude toward seriously disabled child, person help by action - positioning of the physical therapy; and - Minoru Kitsu Kotobuki Sakae, Nasu field tide, Mayumi Yamaguchi Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 88-92, 2005. |
One case that walking ability recovered from right leg paralyses, sensory disturbance due to the dissecting aortic aneurysm in the long term Yasuko Ishimoto 1), Atsuko Nakajima 1), 田川維之 1), Araki Ryutaro 1), Tetsuro Nakagawa 1), Toshiya Takeda 1), Kanichi Ikeda 1), Chika Fujikawa 1), Sadaji Tomioka 1), Matsumi 勲 1), Daisuke Fujikawa 2) Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 93-95, 2005. |
It is experienced the physical therapy after the operation of patients with valvular disease of the heart that presented severe amyotrophy 清水浩介, 奈須田鎮雄, 吉川聡恵, 平井咲子 Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 96-99, 2005. |
Conduct the repeated practice that regarded experience - sensory irritation of the physical therapy for the cot case who presented with mental decay (severe dementia) as important; and - Hasegawa 渉, Koji Kido, Masami Tanabe, Soma Toru, Chiaki Takahashi, Tomoyuki Kimura Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 100-104, 2005. |
Action - of the case - this hospital convalescent rehabilitation ward where we overcame care inadequacy, and an at-home return was realized Masaki Hosokawa, Printed book Naoaki, Mayumi Takada, 横山桂治, Fukuzumi season Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 105-108, 2005. |
The factor that a user of the ambulatory rehabilitation fell down in being at home Yoshikazu Sakai Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 109-111, 2005. |
Role - of the physical therapist in one case - team approach which worked on improvement of the bionomics 内藤亜香里1), 北島 優2), 山本夏子2) Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 112-115, 2005. |
Cases were observed changes in home life by the team approach in the Outpatient care 小川美奈子1), 板本直明2), 高田真弓2) Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 116-119, 2005. |
By daycare role - of the physical therapy in ability discovery - care health center for the elderly 滝波清友, 前川貴子, 藤田理恵子 Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 9: 120-124, 2005. |