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Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy

Volume 6, Issue 1 / 2002
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Organization of cognitive exercise therapy - basic concept and training
Kazuhiko Okita
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 3-9, 2002.

Japanese Article An artificial leg and wearing training of physical therapy - these days of the lower amputees
Yuji Nagakura
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 10-16, 2002.

Japanese Article Physical therapy of acute phase cerebrovascular disorder in this hospital
Koji Yamagishi
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 17-20, 2002.

Japanese Article Stroke rehabilitation in the convalescence
Junichi Ozawa
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 21-24, 2002.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation in the care health center for the elderly
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 25-31, 2002.

Japanese Article Experience rehabilitation in the Nittazuka home nursing station
Nashiki Masumi
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 32-36, 2002.

Japanese Article Through the cooperation situation of present conditions of rehabilitation resources in Fukui and problem - cities, towns and villages
Akira Fujimoto 1), Yumiko Tsubota 1), Eiji Fujinami 1), Hisao Nakazawa 1), Seigo Ito 1), Moat Hideaki 2)
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 37-39, 2002.

Japanese Article Than way - hospital, the institution of the rehabilitation letter of introduction under Fukui, the questionary survey for the care-related institution
Moat Hideaki 1), Akira Fujimoto 2), Eiji Fujinami 2), Hisao Nakazawa 2), Yumiko Tsubota 2), Seigo Ito 2)
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 40-44, 2002.

Japanese Article Based on the findings of role - user and the family of the present conditions and the physical therapist of the rehabilitation in our temporary nursing at home station
雨下恭子1), 寺坂晋作1), 川口富男1), 池戸佳代美1), 岩佐佳恵1), 岡倉幸1), 池田節子2)
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 45-49, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination by association between recovery and behavior - total knee replacement of the periarticular skin of the knee range of motion
米村好眞 1), Keiko Nishizawa 1), 尾崎隆伸 2), Seiichiro Shimada 3)
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 50-54, 2002.

Japanese Article Experience of the home care of staying alone hemiplegic patients
Tamae Kasashima 1), Forest country Tomoyuki 2), Watanabe かづ charges 3)
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 55-57, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the visit rehabilitation for home oxygen therapy patients
木村聡恵 1), 小嶋帰命世 1), Shizuyo Naito 1), Jujube Keiko 2)
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 58-61, 2002.

Japanese Article About the factor of one case - fall that turned over in ambulatory exercise at home
荒川真弓1), 板本直明1), 米田尚2)
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 62-64, 2002.

Japanese Article Cooperation with one case - care staff who underwent a team approach to transfer activity acquisition
Tomoji Komori 1), 関彰 2)
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 65-67, 2002.

Japanese Article It is experienced the physical therapy of the patients who had the stroke for rheumatoid arthritis
Makiko Kumagai, Etsuko Takai, Masakiyo Masui, Tatsukawa kernel road
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 68-70, 2002.

Japanese Article Experience patients with right hemiplegia with the lumbar spinal canal stenosis
Fumie Maekawa, Mitsuyo Osugi
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 71-73, 2002.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the hemiplegia that we approached being conscious of adaptation to environment after the onset from an early stage
Kazunori Tanaka, Junichi Ozawa, Ichiro Araki, Keiichi Tamaki
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 74-77, 2002.

Japanese Article One case that experienced an approach for returning to school after pediatric head trauma
北坂佳寛 1), Shade feather Ryutaro 1), Tetsuro Tsuji 2)
Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy 6(1): 78-81, 2002.