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Hospice and home care

Volume 3, Issue 2 / 1995
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Send it to treatment at home
Hospice and home care 3(2): 89-89, 1995.

Japanese Article If religion is demanded, to support religious need from the situation of the nursing person
Hospice and home care 3(2): 90-95, 1995.

Japanese Article We consider care as a priest of the Jodo Shin sect of Buddhism
Hospice and home care 3(2): 96-101, 1995.

Japanese Article Terminal care theory that we maintain a fight against illness experience
Takenori Suzuki
Hospice and home care 3(2): 102-105, 1995.

Japanese Article The substantial life
Hospice and home care 3(2): 106-108, 1995.

Japanese Article In the small and medium size general hospital which sprouted, and did not have a religious base of the volunteer activity in the Kochi welfare hospital, how did volunteer activity begin?
Tatsuhiko Yamaguchi
Hospice and home care 3(2): 109-111, 1995.

Japanese Article Outlook on Japanese religion
Hospice and home care 3(2): 112-116, 1995.

Japanese Article Study on psychology of the patients in the terminal phase
關戸啓子, Michiko Kashiwabara *, Kaori Kurokawa *, Yasuko Sugano *, 昇奈緒子 *, Emi Kuno *, Mitsunobu Yuko *, 湯川睦巳 *
Hospice and home care 3(2): 117-121, 1995.

Japanese Article Person vigor and the thing which dies
Seikyo Muchaku
Hospice and home care 3(2): 122-134, 1995.

Japanese Article For Bereavement (Part 1)
Hospice and home care 3(2): 135-145, 1995.

Japanese Article The case that sedative effect of the morphine was relieved by epidural block combination
寺井洋, 谷田憲俊
Hospice and home care 3(2): 146-147, 1995.

Japanese Article Various terminal cares
Izumi Naito
Hospice and home care 3(2): 152-152, 1995.

Japanese Article Both the medical care and the nursing care
Hospice and home care 3(2): 152-154, 1995.

Japanese Article The senility comes over to anyone
Hospice and home care 3(2): 154-154, 1995.

Japanese Article The hospice ward is now
Riyo Tamura
Hospice and home care 3(2): 154-155, 1995.

Japanese Article From informed consent to a medical frame
Hospice and home care 3(2): 155-156, 1995.

Japanese Article The patients can tell me
Hospice and home care 3(2): 156-157, 1995.

Japanese Article Thought of the family
Hospice and home care 3(2): 157-158, 1995.

Japanese Article Good-bye pains
High Katsuyoshi
Hospice and home care 3(2): 158-159, 1995.

Japanese Article People who support a home care
Mitsuko Yoneya
Hospice and home care 3(2): 159-159, 1995.

Japanese Article We live with a cancer
Hospice and home care 3(2): 160-160, 1995.

Japanese Article - that the Supreme Court decision - patients who do not listen to you are poor
Noritoshi Tanida
Hospice and home care 3(2): 161-162, 1995.

Japanese Article Impression of the third Japan hospice, home care meeting for the study participant
Hospice, home care editorial department
Hospice and home care 3(2): 162-165, 1995.

Japanese Article Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, thank you
Keiko Kitaoka
Hospice and home care 3(2): 165-167, 1995.