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Hospice and home care

Volume 20, Issue 1 / 2012
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Look back on activity 20 years of foreword Japan hospice, the home care meeting for the study
Nobuyoshi Daito
Hospice and home care 20(1): 1-1, 2012.

Japanese Article Study on short term, long-term effect of the tool "beauty clinical record & guide" for the staff education about conditioning the figure, the beauty care of elderly people
It is still 1 Jin Hirakawa, Mika Yoshida 2, Katsuyuki Akagi 3, Iwaoka eyes 3, Kazumasa Uemura 1
Hospice and home care 20(1): 2-8, 2012.

Japanese Article Therapeutic Touch as a nursing care for terminally ill patients in a general ward: how providing therapeutic touch for patients impacts on nurses' subjective tired feeling and satisfaction
Satomi Yamaguchi1, Hitomi Uematsu2, Megumi Hatashita2, Kaori Hashizume1, Yokuko Kusuba1
Hospice and home care 20(1): 9-17, 2012.

Japanese Article Examination of malaise and the evaluated splanchnodynia accessory symptom
Kunihiko Watanabe, The single Mimyou beauty, Keiko Kasai
Hospice and home care 20(1): 18-21, 2012.

Japanese Article Significance ... of the informal support by family caregiver support - volunteer of patients with at-home end-stage cancer
Goto Miyuki
Hospice and home care 20(1): 22-35, 2012.

Japanese Article About quadratus lumborum muscle, the psoas major muscle of sickly elderly people by the CT scanning, a change and an independence degree of the aging of the paraspinal column line
斉藤篤1, 松原保1, 秋本毅1, 八束満雄1, 田澤寛子2, 田澤穆2, 西脇隆志2, 伊藤敏寛2, 兼松英夫3
Hospice and home care 20(1): 36-41, 2012.

Japanese Article Death with dignity is impossible in contemporary Japan
Atsushi Asai1, Kuniko Aizawa2, Yasuhiro Kadooka1, Noritoshi Tanida3
Hospice and home care 20(1): 42-53, 2012.

Japanese Article The elderly live their remaining years by home care, letting children be free from a heavy burden of care for parents 〜by questionnaires to elderly people in Hokkaido
Hospice and home care 20(1): 54-62, 2012.

Japanese Article Development of the learning program that the local person at old and middle age and care staff learn at the end of life
Jin Hirakawa still, Kazumasa Uemura
Hospice and home care 20(1): 63-66, 2012.

Japanese Article Medical analysis of end-of-life care in the Long-Term Care Health Facility
Hospice and home care 20(1): 67-69, 2012.

Japanese Article Patient factors and the regionality are not associated with a quantity of the annual medical cost in the first half of the end very much
Editorial department
Hospice and home care 20(1): 70-70, 2012.

Japanese Article The certain subjective failure of memory can detect cognitive functional decline
Hospice and home care 20(1): 71-71, 2012.

Japanese Article Dementia is often overlooked only for a symptom
Editorial department
Hospice and home care 20(1): 72-72, 2012.

Japanese Article Participate in stricken area support activity
Hospice and home care 20(1): 73-74, 2012.

Japanese Article Activity report
Hospice and home care 20(1): 74-75, 2012.

Japanese Article Participate in activity in the aspect shallows temporary housing
Hospice and home care 20(1): 75-75, 2012.