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PNF Research

Volume 6, Issue 1 / 2006
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The influence on opposite lower extremity by isometric resistance exercise to upper extremity of PNF pattern
Hitoshi Sato1)2)
PNF Research 6(1): 1-5, 2006.

Japanese Article The Immediate Effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation on sitting scooting in seated Hemiplegic Stroke Patients
Takashi Ito1), Makoto Honda1)
PNF Research 6(1): 6-10, 2006.

Japanese Article The effects of bilateral -asymmetry- patterns of lower extremities of PNF technique on standing position center-of-gravity agitation
Hiroyuki Yumiba1), Sumihito Haseba1), Satoshi Sasaki1), Kanako Ito1), Takunori Nagatomo1), Kazumi Kawahira2)
PNF Research 6(1): 11-14, 2006.

Japanese Article Effects of resistive exercise of shoulder joint on the ROM of hip joint
Kenzo Nishiura1), Mitsuo Arai2), Eichi Shigematsu1), Yoshimi Tanaka2), Ken Yanagisawa3), Michele Eisemann Shimizu4)
PNF Research 6(1): 15-19, 2006.

Japanese Article The Immediate Effect of Pelvic Resistive Exercise on the Improvement of the Range of Motion of the Elbow Joint in Hemiparetic Patients
Sachie Myoi1), Mitsuo Arai2), Akiko Uehiro1), Yoshimi Tanaka2), Ken Yanagisawa3), Michele Eisemann Shimizu4)
PNF Research 6(1): 20-24, 2006.

Japanese Article Effect of Pelvic Resistive Exercise on Reaching Ability of the Unaffected Upper Extremity in Hemiplegic Patients
Yoshimi Tanaka1), Mitsuo Arai1), Michele Eisemann Shimizu2), Ken Yanagisawa3)
PNF Research 6(1): 25-29, 2006.

Japanese Article Effect of pelvic resistive exercises and bridging on the improvement of the range of straight leg raising in patients with a compression fracture of the spine
Takumi Nishikori1), Mitsuo Arai2), Chika Tahara1), Yoshihiro Ito3), Ayano Sakai1), Yuka Shintaku1), Ken Yanagisawa4), Michele Eisemann Shimizu5)
PNF Research 6(1): 30-34, 2006.

Japanese Article Reduction of chronic foot edema in hemiplegia: A comparison of pelvic resistive exercises and intermittent pneumatic compression
Tetsuaki Sumida1), Mitsuo Arai2), Yoshimi Tanaka2), Masato Miyano1), Kazuko Tateishi1), Yuko Shimizu3), Megumi Kinoshita4), Ken Yanagisawa5), Michele Eisemann Shimizu6)
PNF Research 6(1): 35-39, 2006.

Japanese Article The enforcement situation of PNF after the graduation from a Physical Therapist training school, and the subject in PNF technical training
Akihisa Torii1), Mayumi Kato1)
PNF Research 6(1): 40-44, 2006.

Japanese Article Effect of pelvic exercise on the shifting of the center of gravity laterally to increase weight bearing on the affected lower extremity in Hemiplegia
Kazue Masumoto1), Mitsuo Arai2), Yoshimi Tanaka2), Takeshi Endo1), Michele Eisemann Shimizu3), Ken Yanagisawa4)
PNF Research 6(1): 45-49, 2006.