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Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology

Volume 27, Issue 2 / 2000
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The history of the surgery for congenital heart disease and the future prospects
Shiho Kawasaki law of nature
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 1-6, 2000.

Japanese Article Challenge to a microelectronic equipment central dispatching
Masaki Kinoshita *, Yuka Tanaka *, Yuichi Ui *, Hideki Yamamoto *, Jin Maruyama true *, Tetsuya Hayashi *, Yoshie Ojima *, Isao Nitta children *, It is Kazuya * for the west, Hideki Wada *
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 7-9, 2000.

Japanese Article Examination of the PCPS circuit using the one-touch connector method
Yuichiro Asahi, Mitsuru Maeda virtue 1), 森脇敏成 2), Yuichi Yoneta 3), Takashi Shiozaki 3), The Teru Nakai sum
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 10-12, 2000.

Japanese Article Trial manufacture of the automatic oxygen flash device at the PCPS enforcement
倉島直樹*, 竹田博行*
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 13-15, 2000.

Japanese Article Trial of the automatic recording with the computer in our hospital
高宮哲徳*, 高橋竜也*
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 16-19, 2000.

Japanese Article For functionality, the safety that is more safer than invention - in the development of the artificial heart lung machine HAS type -
岸宗宏, Satoshi Tominaga, Katsuhiro Kamiya 1), 丸屋拓 1)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 20-23, 2000.

Japanese Article Can the brain local site oximetry index the useful perfusion during extracorporeal circulation?
Funaki Tetsuya, Kenji Naganuma, Kozo Inaba, 木村佳央, Akira Inaba way, Takashi Nakano, Hiroshi Hojo 1), Wood fire Hideaki 1)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 24-25, 2000.

Japanese Article Clinical use experience of reservoir BMR-4500SG for the suction adjuvant blood removal and the suction controller
関口敦*, 會田治男*, 大木康則*, 樺澤寛二*, 吉田譲*, 森田高志*, 笹川繁*, 佐藤智明*, 見目恭一*
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 26-30, 2000.

Japanese Article Applied fact of the computer in the extracorporeal circulation and likelihood - of future - new heart-lung machine support system and extracorporeal circulation automation
Naoki Momose
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 31-35, 2000.

Japanese Article in-vitro performance evaluation of Gyro Pump
Shuichi Kawata, 窪田將司, 鷹橋浩, Hiroshi Kuroda, Hidetoshi Aoki 1)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 36-39, 2000.

Japanese Article Comparison - with clinical use evaluation -BIO-PUMP of centrifugal pump ,GYRO-PUMP made in Kyocera Corporation
窪田將司, Shuichi Kawata, 鷹橋浩, Hiroshi Kuroda, 深田靖久 1), Akira Ito law of nature 1), Tsuyoshi Takiue 1), Toshihito Yoshida 1), Junichi Ohba 1), Hidetoshi Aoki 1)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 40-44, 2000.

Japanese Article About an artificial lung with heat exchanger made of electrostatic analysis and examination - polyethylene by the suction pump -
Masanori Takeda *, Fumie Kobayashi *, Takeshi Watanabe *, 佐藤正暢 *, Kenji Sugiyama *
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 45-48, 2000.

Japanese Article Change of the blood level of phthalate di(2-ethyl hexyl) DEHP in the open heart surgery
三船博子, 石川隆志, 山内章弘, 秋山泰一, 海江田章, 豊崎正人, 三澤健治, 福島玲奈, 服部良信1), 伊藤康宏2), 井平勝3), 日比谷信3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 49-51, 2000.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the PCPS system as the circulation assistant at left ventricle blood removal ventricular assist device secession
吉田譲, 関口敦, 会田治男, 森田高志, 笹川繁, 樺澤寛二, 大木康則, 佐藤智明, 奥村高広, 小塚アユ子, 許俊鋭1), 田邊大明1), 見目恭一
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 52-56, 2000.

Japanese Article In vitro comparison between experimental examination - covalent bond and ionic bond - about blood heparin isolation in the heparin coating circuit long-term use
Mitsunori Matsuo, Hiroshi Kitada city, Hiromi Iida, Tamotsu Okamoto 1)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 57-59, 2000.

Japanese Article Use experience of GEM - premiere PLUS in the extracorporeal circulation
Kazumi Arai, Yasuo Shindo, 細井春久 2), Toshiro Takahashi, Hiroaki Konishi 1), Yoshio Misawa 1), Katsuo Fuse 1)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 60-63, 2000.

Japanese Article Coronary blood flow distribution - of examination -Ante and Retro of the utility of Integraded blood cardioplegia
Shinya Yoshioka, Koichi Ueki, Shinichi Nishida, Yasuhito Nakajima, Daimyo's mansion Shigeki, Tadao Someya, Kazuhiro Hashimoto 1), Mitsuru Takakura 1)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 64-66, 2000.

Japanese Article The case that shifted from PCPS(VAB) to left atria Blood feed ECMO (VLAB), left ventricle blood removal LVAS combination assistance
森田高志, 関口敦, 会田治男, 笹川繁, 樺澤寛二, 吉田譲, 大木康則, 佐藤智明, 奥村高広, 小塚アユ子, 許俊鋭1), 田邊大明1), 見目恭一
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 67-69, 2000.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent Bentall surgery by no transfusion to a believer of "the Jehovah's Witnesses"
Kubota enthusiast light *, 石塚后彦 *, Akiko Takahashi *
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 70-72, 2000.

Japanese Article Invention for lower limbs ischemia at the PCPS enforcement
Rock flower Shigeki, Toshiya Tokui 1), Valley Kazuhiro 1), Forest 1, Honbo)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 73-74, 2000.

Japanese Article Experience of neonates, the childhood assisted circulation using the centrifugal pump
Norio Kamiya *, 北本憲永 *, Shinji Takaoka *, Katsuhisa Suzuki *, Tomoyo Kurita *, Yuzo Ono *, Saijo good luck will *
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 75-78, 2000.

Japanese Article Circulating control in the minimally invasive surgery
Kazutoshi Nakao, Naoya Yamauchi, 向山美果也, Isao Sato, Takao Imazeki 1), Masami Arakawa 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 79-82, 2000.

Japanese Article Use experience of Suction type stabilizer Octopus2
Toshihiro Takagi, 吉田磨, Takashi Kobayashi, Misae Ogura 1), Toshihiko Nagao 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 83-85, 2000.

Japanese Article Pulsatile flow perfusion - with extracorporeal circulation - centrifugal pump for patients with renal failure
Toru Otsuka, Masato Yoshida, Keiichi Aoki 1), Toshihisa Asakura 1), 田所雅克 1), Inai law of nature kernel 1), Shoichi Furuta 1)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 27(2): 86-88, 2000.