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Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology

Volume 32, Issue 3 / 2005
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Examination of the margin of safety at the low flow judging from 1 blood removal oxygen saturation
Tsuyoshi Kobayashi *1, Tetsushi Tominaga *1, 鳥本倫之介 *1, 石川智啓 *2, Mami Kaneko *2, Masao Takahashi *2
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 319-319, 2005.

Japanese Article About CDI500 made in use experience - TERUMO Corporation of 3 serial blood gas apparatus -
Miki Chiba, Naonori Katsumata, Ichiro Suzuki
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 320-320, 2005.

Japanese Article Examination of the PCPS support system in 6 CABG
門馬竜一郎, 千葉健, 尾越登
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 321-321, 2005.

Japanese Article Performance evaluation of the hand crank for 8 centrifugal pumps
小林靖雄, 曽山奉教, 橋本武昌, 二重実, 吉田秀人
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 322-322, 2005.

Japanese Article For prevention of infection after examination - open heart surgery about the air current in 9 operating rooms -
古平聡*1, 佐藤正憲*1, 藤井正実*1, 佐藤英治*1, 西川温*1, 新保年弘*2, 宮地鑑*3, 小原邦義*3
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 323-323, 2005.

Japanese Article About examination - long term, a great many people management of the auxiliary artificial heart treatment duties that 10 clinical engineers are involved in -
Yuzuru Yoshida *, Kyoichi Kenmoku *, Atsushi Sekiguchi *, Tomoaki Sato *, Shunnei Kyo **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 323-323, 2005.

Japanese Article The clinic of 11 autologous blood recovery devices and experimental evaluation
斎藤司 *, Hidenori Kudo *, Masahiro Goto **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 324-324, 2005.

Japanese Article Examination for 25 mini CPB system induction
又吉徹 *, Tadashi Morita religion *, Toyohiko Shibano *, Noriyuki Hirabayashi *, 稲垣利紗 *, Old Kiyokazu Kaji **, Four Tsu Ryohei **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 331-331, 2005.

Japanese Article Biocompatible evaluation by the difference in coating in 26 pre-connect circuits
深谷隆史*, 椎名盛一*, 目黒勉*, 木村壮介**
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 331-331, 2005.

Japanese Article Utility of the MUF circuit of the new method using 28 myocardial protection circuits
Old fence Tatsuya *1, Hiroshi Takahashi *1, Yuji Hiramatsu *2, Ken Sakakibara *2, 馬乗園伸一 *3
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 332-332, 2005.

Japanese Article The treatment that was effective for the angiostenosis after 31 infants live donor liver transplants and clot obstruction
前田孝雄*1, 高野友美子*2, 瀬尾憲正*2, 藤栄寿雄*3
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 334-334, 2005.

Japanese Article About increase of serum IL-6 in 32 neonates, infantile extracorporeal circulation and the rule factor
Hosoi sub-note *, 澤竹正浩 *, Akira Inoue kernel *, Three Koji Toda *, Hiroaki Kawada **, Kishimoto English sentence **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 334-334, 2005.

Japanese Article Invention to raise a safe castle of 34 children no transfusion extracorporeal circulation
北本憲永 *, Norio Kamiya *, Hideyuki Yasuda *, Makiko Okoshi *, Akira Koide autumn **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 335-335, 2005.

Japanese Article The appropriate perfusion rate in 35 low weight cases and real perfusion rate
Koji Higuchi *, Nobuo Iwama *, Yutaka Matsushita *, Ryo Imai *, Shoji Suzuki **, Shigeru Ishikawa Tsu **, Arrow Hidenori Inoue **, Masahiko Matsumoto **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 336-336, 2005.

Japanese Article Experience of aortic valve replacement carried out by 36 heartbeats lower extracorporeal circulation and all arch part artificial blood vessel replacement
Yasuyo Kasano, Yasuyuki Araki, Ryosuke Kurosaki, Upper mound wing, 川野洋眞
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 336-336, 2005.

Japanese Article 1 case that showed cold agglutination in 37 heart-lung machines
Shigeru Sano *, Manabu Sugihara *, Yuya Hatanaka *, Kaneichi Ono *, 諫本義雄 *, Shigeru Aoyagi light **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 337-337, 2005.

Japanese Article Comparison of the platelet count change during the extracorporeal circulation with 38 coating artificial lungs and non-coating artificial lung
Shinichi Ito, 與座千沙子, 河藤壮平, 中島康佑, Naoto Ito, Kenji Inoue, Kazuyuki Nagata
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 337-337, 2005.

Japanese Article Relations of a perfusion index and the hematocrit in 39 extracorporeal circulation
Hisashi Maeda *, Satoshi Hayasaka *, Shinji Suzuki *, Sweetfish Keiichi Sawa **, 椎川彰 **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 338-338, 2005.

Japanese Article Extracorporeal circulation at 40 ventricular fibrillation lower image hat valvular surgery
Atsushi Sekiguchi *, Birch Kanji Sawa *, Yuzuru Yoshida *, Yasunori Oki *, Tomoaki Sato *, Takahiro Okumura *, Kozuka sweetfish child *, Katsuhiro Takahashi *, Ryosuke Saito *, Machiko Yajima *, Kyoichi Kenmoku *, Shunnei Kyo **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 338-338, 2005.

Japanese Article Clinical application of the hypoventilation alarm in 45 assisted circulation (PCPS)
Naoki Momose, Rie Yamakoshi, Satoru Goto, Takayuki Uchida, Ayako Karasawa, Katsunobu Ando, Itsuro Nakajima
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 341-341, 2005.

Japanese Article Experimental examination of long type 7FrIAB for 46 brachial artery insertion
Koichi Ueki, Tadao Someya, Shinya Yoshioka, Yasuhito Nakajima, Shinichi Nishida, Rie Arai, Rie Kisaki
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 341-341, 2005.

Japanese Article Experience of the implantation surgery of 48 next-generation auxiliary artificial hearts
Toshihiro Igarashi *1, Kazutoshi Nakao *1, 遠山範康 *1, Junichi Nagasaka *1, Takayuki Miura *1, Asami Kitamura *1, Satoshi Saito *2, Shinichiro Kihara *2, Kenji Yamazaki *2, Hiroshi Kurosawa body *2, Shuichi Koyama *3
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 342-342, 2005.

Japanese Article Experience of 49 auxiliary artificial heart lower foreign countries conveyance
Atsushi Kato *, Takeo Hasegawa *, Nobuyuki Takagi **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 343-343, 2005.

Japanese Article It is experienced the kidney extraction 3 case after the cardiac arrest in 50 PCPS wearing case
山本英樹*, 西分和也*, 木下昌樹*, 西村良恵*, 丸山仁実*, 宇井雄一*, 田中佑佳*, 浅井志帆子*, 馬場由理*, 神谷裕介*, 名倉智美*, 山田伸**
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 343-343, 2005.

Japanese Article Experience of 1 case that Korean lawn grass rings were frequent during the P7 PCPS enforcement
安野誠, 中嶋勉, 花田琢磨
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 347-347, 2005.

Japanese Article 1 case that was given PCPS by the axillary vein blood removal for the case which had difficulty with the P8 heart-lung machine secession
山本賢*1, 石川隆志*1, 山内章弘*1, 海江田章*1, 豊崎正人*1, 三澤健治*1, 榊原未和*1, 石川正敏*1, 杉森美幸*1, 伊藤康宏*2, 日比谷信*3, 井平勝*3, 渡邉浩次*3, 山下満*4, 服部良信*5
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 347-347, 2005.

Japanese Article Manufacture of the left heart bypass circuit which misappropriated P11 myocardial protection circuit
鳥本倫之介 *, Tsuyoshi Kobayashi *, Tetsushi Tominaga *, 石川智啓 **, Mami Kaneko **, Masao Takahashi **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 349-349, 2005.

Japanese Article Examination of the extracorporeal circulation system using P12 PCPS circuit
中島康佑, 與座千沙子, 河藤壮平, 永田和之, 伊藤新一, 伊藤直人, 井上堅司
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 349-349, 2005.

Japanese Article Examination of the P14 heart-lung machine record system
中野孝, 原和信, 高橋浩子, 山根薫, 近藤宏
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 350-350, 2005.

Japanese Article Safety management of the P15 extracorporeal circulation system
山越理恵, 百瀬直樹, 後藤悟, 唐沢あや子, 内田隆行, 安藤勝信, 中島逸郎
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 351-351, 2005.

Japanese Article Examination about the flow measurement of the P17 ultrasonic volume flowmeter
Takuma Hanada, Tsutomu Nakajima, Makoto Yasuno
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 352-352, 2005.

Japanese Article Manufacture of the heart-lung machine operation simulation mat for the P19 brain separation extracorporeal circulation
赤地吏*1, 玉城聡*1, 又吉盛博*2, 新見能成*3, 神谷勝弘*4
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 353-353, 2005.

Japanese Article One suggestion of the high flow blood circuit manufacture using the quantity of P20 low packing blood filter
Takami Sato picture *, Taketa chapter period *, 福原之博 **, Azusa Hayasaka **, Dewa kernel **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 353-353, 2005.

Japanese Article Manufacture the negative pressure adjustor for the P22 stabilizer
Osamu Nagai *1, Axis shop Tomoaki *2, 佐藤謹朗 *3
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 354-354, 2005.

Japanese Article New evaluation - by the change -PMP measurement of the platelet activity by the P23 extracorporeal circulation
Dewa kernel *1, 福原之博 *1, Azusa Hayasaka *1, Takami Sato picture *2, Taketa chapter period *2
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 355-355, 2005.

Japanese Article Relations of a monitor indication value and the actual value of the P25 aorta blood pressure
山本基善, 白山美津枝, 大山真希, 岩倉珠美, 桜井修, 中根慎, 名村正伸
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 356-356, 2005.

Japanese Article One discussion for the P27 medical equipment central control
Hideaki Kikuchi, Field coign of vantage solstice, Akihiro Ozawa, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Tadashi Horiguchi length, Rope winding Takuya, Maeda British commander
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 357-357, 2005.

Japanese Article About use and the maintenance check of the P28 durability period
Tsutomu Meguro, Takashi Fukaya, Shigeru Shiina one
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 357-357, 2005.

Japanese Article Role of P29 ICD administrative work and the clinical engineer
Ken Saito *, Takafumi Yamazaki *, Oishi apricot clothes *, Ryoichi Kumai *, Makoto Suzuki **
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 358-358, 2005.

Japanese Article A method of the registration to the P30 foreign countries scientific organization and the significance
Asami Kitamura *1, 中尾円俊 *1, 遠山範康 *1, Toshihiro Igarashi *1, Junichi Nagasaka *1, Takayuki Miura *1, Kayo Ebisawa *1, Shinichiro Kihara *2, Masayoshi Nagatsu *2, New Toshiharu Oka *2, See blue; Shigeyuki *2, Hiroshi Kurosawa body *2
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 358-358, 2005.

Japanese Article Data reduction and style
Koichi Tsuzaki
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 359-365, 2005.

Japanese Article Mera cardiopulmonary bypass circuit : NSH heparin coating tube and Exce line R tube (nonDEHP)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 366-368, 2005.

Japanese Article CAPIOX RX15
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 369-370, 2005.

Japanese Article Circuit pressure sensor unit PScIII, new model level sensor unit LScIII
トノクラ medical department industry Co., Ltd.
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 371-374, 2005.

Japanese Article The University of Tokyo Hospital
柏公一, 長江祐吾, 久保仁
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 375-377, 2005.

Japanese Article Citizen's comprehensive medical care center attached to public university corporation Yokohama City University
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 32(3): 378-382, 2005.