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Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology

Volume 40, Issue 1 / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Is blood accumulation under alkalemia related to platelet aggregation or thrombus formation during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery?
Tomonori Soyama1),3), Hideto Yoshida2), Daiki Shimomura2),4), Yukihiro Takahashi3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 1-6, 2013.

Japanese Article Relations of Pao2 during extracorporeal circulation and the circulating steroid hormone
Saori Ishida 1), Masato Toyosaki 1), Takashi Ishikawa 1), Akihiro Yamauchi 1), Masaru Yamamoto 1), Kajiwara pear 1, Honioi), Tomoaki Yamashiro 1), Misako Sugiura 1), Hibiya sincerity 2), Yasuhiro Ito 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 7-13, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - with evaluation - IABP combination pulsatile flow of circuit pressure properties in the centrifugal pump pulsatile flow using one artery filter type artificial lung
篠原智誉 1), 2), Tokuko Ouchi 1), Former Takayuki 1), Dohon Shingo 1), Naoko Yamamoto 1), Masashi Nakata 1), Toshiro Hayashi 2), Noriaki Ono 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 14-22, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the slight particle count to mix in myocardial protection liquid
後藤和大, 中村智裕, 新美伸治, 原季実子, 長谷川静香, 服部哲斎, 小川美穂, 林裕樹
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 23-27, 2013.

Japanese Article Experimental examination of the line filter in the closed circuit and the bubble trap
Toshifumi Matsumoto 1), Yuichi Asai 2), Akihiro Chiba 1), Ryo Shimizu 1), Shingo Taniguchi 1), Hitomi Handa 1), Yuki Kato 1), River Satoshi Minami 1), 椎久哉良 3), Yoichi Kikuchi 3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 28-33, 2013.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the flow indication error of the ultrasonic blood flowmeter
Matsumoto Italy Tsu incense 1), Tsuyoshi Higuchi 1), Hirotaka Hishinuma 1), 吉野敬宣 1), Tatsuro Takahashi 2), Mitsuharu Mori 2), Hankei Shin 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 34-36, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - with the examination - conventional use product about the effect of the artificial lung with a built-in artery filter
Hiroyuki Oshima, Old Satoshi Taira, The number of Akira Takeda, Country incense Masami, Keiichi Tojiyo, Miyaji model
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 37-40, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination - about a timing and the quantity of extracorporeal circulation - fresh frozen plasma administration of neonates
Shuhei Iwaki, Yasuyuki Kuwahara, Takuya Hanada, Yuki Kobayashi branch, Yasunobu Yamamoto
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 41-46, 2013.

Japanese Article About effect of the platelet activation in the extracorporeal circulation
Onori Kurihara, Masuda Tetsuji, Akira Ojima, Shuzo Takeuchi
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 47-50, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience of the extracorporeal circulation for antithrombin III deficiency
Keiji Hashimoto 1), 2), Takuya Matsumoto 1), 北岡賢太 1), 西谷佑也 1)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 51-53, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience of the extracorporeal circulation for the primary macrocryglobulinemia
斎藤亮輔, 齊藤建, 五十嵐栄, 小笠原大輔, 吉田雅人
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 54-58, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of the heparinase test ACT during extracorporeal circulation
Takumi Nishinaka, Yasuyo Kasano, Upper mound wing, High sect Shinji, Shiho Eto, Yasuyuki Araki
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 59-63, 2013.

Japanese Article Of the roller pump tube run wrong and is devised the tube for the prevention
宮本聡史, 岡原重幸, 勝冶真理恵, 高橋秀暢
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 64-66, 2013.

Japanese Article Effect of damage (great earthquake disaster, tornado) and the disaster prevention drill of the natural disaster for 2 degrees
Old fence Tatsuya 1), Hiroshi Takahashi 2), 茂木芳賢 1), Tadao Moriya 1), Yasushi Kawakami 1), Ken Sakakibara 3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 67-71, 2013.

Japanese Article Improvement of the check list before extracorporeal circulation start
樋口毅, 菱沼浩孝, 松本伊津香, 吉野敬宣
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 72-79, 2013.

Japanese Article Problems in the outside the body setting type auxiliary artificial heart management at rolling blackouts and the concrete measures
1000, Umeda celebration, Naoki Momose, 草浦理恵, Kokubo area, Toru Yasuda, Norio Iwamoto, Atsushi Yamaguchi
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 80-82, 2013.

Japanese Article 1. Experience of the descending aorta replacement by the closed system extracorporeal circulation
Osamu Sakurai 1), Motoi Yamamoto good 1), Shin Nakane 1), Yasuhiro Nagayoshi 2), Katsushi Ueyama 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 83-83, 2013.

Japanese Article 2. About maintenance check of the assisted circulation apparatus
Kanameta Hiroki
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 83-83, 2013.

Japanese Article 3. A calculation method of the perioperative moisture receipt and disbursement in this hospital
Toru Hibi, 青田恭朋, The Murayama history to praise, Kawaradani Yoshitaka
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 83-84, 2013.

Japanese Article 4. The effect that the transfusion administration in the heart-lung machine circuit gives to patients circulatory dynamics
Motoi Yamamoto good, Osamu Sakurai, Shin Nakane
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 84-84, 2013.

Japanese Article 5. Examination of the fundamental experiment in the negative pressure aspiration adjuvant blood removal method
青田恭朋, Toru Hibi, The Murayama history to praise, Kawaradani Yoshitaka
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 84-84, 2013.

Japanese Article An example who had idiopathic retroperitoneal haemorrhage a large quantity of during extracorporeal circulation
川村宜寛 1), 難波健利 1), 濱田政彰 1), Hisashi Okada celebration 1), 籏厚 2), Yoichiro Miyake 2), Manabu Okabe 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 84-85, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience of the tracheoplasty under the choke type heart-lung machine and the both direction-related Glenn surgery
Yuichi Yokoyama 1), Yasuo Nakahara 2), New home chapter 2), Yoshinobu Iwamura 2), Shinji Takano 3), Tomohisa Kawahito 3), 江川善康 3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 85-85, 2013.

Japanese Article The experience that was given CPB for the case that a thoracic aortic aneurysm exploded and made perforation to pulmonary artery
Ryo Nakaya, Hirotaka Kubota, Nishino success, Noriyuki Shirakawa
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 85-85, 2013.

Japanese Article 2 cases that we introduced PCPS and made out of the hospital conveyance
Naomi Miki 1), Tetsuya Ota 1), Keiichiro Mori 1), Katsuya Tamura 2), Akira Hirono 2), Takanobu Okumura 3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 85-86, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the efficacy of DUF out of the heart-lung machine for the renal function degeneracy case
Satoshi Kubo 1), Hiroki Kimura 1), Yosuke Tabuchi 1), 小松崇俊 1), Sakamoto Kosuke 2), Yoichi Yamashita 2), 堀井泰浩 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 86-86, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison of the myocardial protection circuit pressure measuring system
Natsu Sugimura, Satoru Utsunomiya life
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 86-86, 2013.

Japanese Article To perform assisted circulation (PCPS, ECMO) safely
Makoto Yasuno
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 87-87, 2013.

Japanese Article Action to an ECMO system in our center
Dove Motohiro tree 1), Takao constipated Kei 1), Shintaro Yamazaki 1), Eight enthusiast net 1), 大慈弥裕之 1), Ei Murai 2), 石倉宏恭 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 87-87, 2013.

Japanese Article About V-VECLA of our institution and the management
Upper mound wing, Yasuyuki Araki, Yasuyo Kasano, High sect Shinji, Takumi Nishinaka, Shiho Eto, Hiji Takuya
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 87-88, 2013.

Japanese Article PCPS wearing general patient care in the Kurume University Hospital altitude critical care center
Kamatsu runs, 山香修, Kijima Ryoji, Lobe Mizuki, Hideki Kojima, Manabu Sugihara, Shigeru Sano, Kaneichi Ono
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 88-88, 2013.

Japanese Article For safe PCPS management
Takashi Yamauchi, Depths Tomoki, Koichi Nagata, Yoshihisa Ota, Kiyotaka Nakanishi
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 88-89, 2013.

Japanese Article One case that managed PCPS for the purpose of a respiratory support for patients with thyroid cancer which resulted in trachea invasion, a stenosis, and was able to perform total thyroidectomy surgery safely
Ashimura Koichi, Daisuke Ohara, Kuniaki Sato, Daisuke Yamashita, Tatsuro Yamamoto
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 89-89, 2013.

Japanese Article About PCPS management method in this hospital
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 89-90, 2013.

Japanese Article Extracorporeal circulation in the S-1. acute aortic disease
Kazutaka Nakamura
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 90-90, 2013.

Japanese Article S-2. ISO9001 and extracorporeal circulation
Takashi Yoshimi
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 90-90, 2013.

Japanese Article Hospital - attached to extracorporeal circulation - Kobe University School of Medicine in the S-3. acute aortic disease
Satoshi Tanioka
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 91-91, 2013.

Japanese Article About extracorporeal circulation by the right one side brain blood transmission using the centrifugal pump in the S-4. acute aortic dissection
Hinokio Kazumi
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 91-91, 2013.

Japanese Article Extracorporeal circulation in the acute aortic disease in the S-5. this hospital
Kazuhiko Koyama, Moat Tatsuyuki, 佐藤昌臣, Hiroki Kawasaki, Noriko Yamamoto, Yuta Naito, 松浦智敬, Ring ノ newly, Yukito Ogi
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 91-91, 2013.

Japanese Article Experimental examination of O-1. electron type gas Brenda
Yuki Nakamura, 加藤貴充, 義久靖宏, Uruno Tatsuhiko, Kenji Isomura, Yukio Masuda, 野口悟司, Takashina Masaki
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 92-92, 2013.

Japanese Article An example of the safety measures that we took from O-2. CO2 gas circuit false connection
Kazuya Fujii, Yukie Miyakawa, Takumi Minato, Yusuke Minematsu, Kohei Mori, Toshiki Okada
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 92-92, 2013.

Japanese Article Manufacture of the carbon dioxide attachment using O-3. medical care gas fitting
安見衛 1), Aki Matsumoto 1), Koji Sato 1), Ryoji Kawauchi 1), Tomoko Yano 1), Shunsuke Take 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 92-93, 2013.

Japanese Article Reinforcement and staff education of O-4. regional alliances
Tsuyoshi Kotani 1), Hiromi Ishihara 1), Masayoshi Maeda 1), Yutaka Kobayashi 2), Masami Aragaki 2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 93-93, 2013.

Japanese Article Device of the all-in-one holder in O-5. percutaneous cardiopulmonary support Endumo(R)
Taku Kawaoka good luck, 定亮志, Masuda my child, Koichi Kitamura, Hiraishi Yusu, Mitsunori Matsuo
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 93-93, 2013.

Japanese Article About a utility of the day of the surgery sampling of the O-6. self platelet transfusion
Motoi Yokota next 1), Muneo Kurokawa 1), Takeshi Matsumoto will 1), Kayashima morality 1), 山下慶悟 2), Yoshihiro Hayata 2), Tsuyoshi Abe 2, Kotobuki), Shigeki Taniguchi 2), Masaki Hayakawa 3), Masanori Matsumoto 3), Yoshihiro Fujimura 3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 93-94, 2013.

Japanese Article Review of the O-7. heart-lung machine check list
Haruhiko Sugiyama, Yasuo Kobayashi, Double fruit, Hashimoto Wuchang, Hideto Yoshida
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 94-94, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience sudden cool and warm water tank termination during O-8. extracorporeal circulation
Teruo Doi, Takuya Ogami, Hideto Yamada
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 94-94, 2013.

Japanese Article 1 case that was given false lumen blood transmission in O-9. acute aortic dissection surgery
Seiji Kawamura, Kazuya Iwamoto, Yuki Senoo
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 94-95, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of the O-10. closed circuit system
草野信悟, 辻賢, Crossroads Katsunobu, Shinichi Fujita
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 95-95, 2013.

Japanese Article Trial of the brain complications prevention in the department of distal O-11. archery aorta replacement
Description of Doi one, Umei Katsuyuki, Yudai Hirano, Takuma Onishi, 衣笠良佑
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 95-95, 2013.

Japanese Article 1 case that damaged an aorta with O-12. emergency catheter
Yasunari Shibata, Takayuki Hagiwara, Tsuyoshi Morishima, Yoshiyuki Fujikawa
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 95-95, 2013.

Japanese Article Consideration plan of the extracorporeal circulation management for the maintenance patient on dialysis using the O-13. persistent hemofiltration dialysis
Uruno Tatsuhiko, 加藤貴充, Yuki Nakamura, 義久靖宏, Naoki Kawanishi, Yukio Masuda, 野口悟司, Takashina Masaki
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 95-96, 2013.

Japanese Article Pre-connect heart-lung machine circuit system JUNKEN MEDICAL PTS custom pack
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 97-99, 2013.

Japanese Article Memory of the Great East Japan Earthquake - The day of the earthquake disaster and the subsequent course -
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 100-102, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience the Great East Japan Earthquake, nuclear-power disaster
Dewa kernel
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 40(1): 103-105, 2013.