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Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology

Volume 42, Issue 4 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The current status of the safety management in practices of cardiopulmonary bypass - Focus to the report of JaSECT safety survey 2013 -
Koji Takai1), Makoto Anno2), Makoto Sonoda3), Kiyoshi Yoshida4)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 381-392, 2015.

Japanese Article Study on relationship between quantitative evaluation of the basic operation technique skill level and scenario achievement evaluation using a check sheet
Shinya Komatsu1), Shinji Ninomiya2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 393-399, 2015.

Japanese Article The study of an artificial lung pressure gradient during cardiopulmonary bypass
大島弘之1), 東條圭一1), 古平聡1), 武田章数1), 長村茂太1), 有馬司1), 宮地鑑2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 400-406, 2015.

Japanese Article Usefulness as the end-point of the rSO2 level laterality which we measured in a coronal plane before an extracorporeal circulation start
吉田諭, 畑中祐也, 菅原浩樹, 山本知里, 吉田匡毅, 藤井舞, 高橋俊将, 小倉敬士, 八木克史
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 407-411, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination about the timing of the fresh frozen plasma administration in the department of archery aorta replacement
増井浩史, 富永滋比古, 村松明日香, 神谷典男, 北本憲永
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 412-417, 2015.

Japanese Article Effect of using 6% Voluven in priming fluid
西中巧, 笠野靖代, 上塚翼, 高宗伸次, 岩崎麻里絵, 江藤志保, 荒木康幸
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 418-423, 2015.

Japanese Article Heart-lung machine for the active stage infective endocarditis case who had the cerebral infarction extensive for acute phase
加納寛也1), 福永涼1), 稲田一樹1), 廣畑亮太1), 石黒聖也1), 松森正術2), 大北裕2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 424-427, 2015.

Japanese Article 1 case that was given extracorporeal circulation using argatroban for heparin origin-related thrombocytopenia type II antibody-positive patients
堀口敦史, 天沼健介, 野堀耕佑, 樋口知之, 市橋孝章, 春田良雄
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 428-435, 2015.

Japanese Article Case study of immediately after the start of cardiac surgeries who needed the exchange of cardiopulmonary bypass circuit for artificial lung inlet pressure rise
河端賢司, 久保公俊, 妹尾早記
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 436-439, 2015.

Japanese Article - to review team approach in medical care of - our hospital thinking about the cooperation with other types of job in the cardiovascular surgery surgery
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 440-442, 2015.

Japanese Article The 41st Japan extracorporeal circulation technology medical society meeting generalization second Asia extracorporeal circulation technology medical society academic conference (FAPS 2015) report
吉田靖, 南茂
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 443-461, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Experience the setup of heart-lung machine duties
高岡直也1), 竹森美香1), 高田恵理1), 大森政幸1), 瓦谷義隆2), 坂本滋3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 468-468, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. The experience that a copter took PCPS, the IABP insertion patients
松嶋尚志1), 櫻井修1), 祝迫周平1), 岡俊人1), 川上由貴恵1), 中道緑1), 永田庸二2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 468-468, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. One case that used V-A bypass together in Debranching TEVAR
日比亨1), 瓦谷義隆1), 村山嘉史1), 田中宏和2), 水野史人2), 野口康久2), 小畑貴司2), 森岡浩一2), 四方裕夫2), 秋田利明2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 468-469, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Experiment inspection of the negative pressure having oxygenator in recirculation at use of roller pump
油谷雅世, 山崎友基, 堀田慎吾, 笠川哲也
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 469-469, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. 1 experience that central control monitor (CCM) froze at extracorporeal circulation
妹尾淳司, 児玉悠太, 岸川源直, 高橋一臣, 土谷真基, 福井啓介, 宮川哲
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 469-470, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. New attempt of the assisted circulation education in our hospital
安藤昇, 上野征一, 中田正悟, 御手洗法江
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 470-470, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. About the comparison of the heart-lung machine record system
佐藤大輔, 松田侑己, 小山英文, 佐田真理
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 470-470, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. About point of care monitor at massive bleeding measures and coagulation disorder
上原秀一郎1), 森聡史1), 板井規夫1), 高畑智浩1), 濱本浩嗣2), 田原里美3), 岩坂日出男3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 470-471, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Experience of the extracorporeal circulation which performed clot embolectomy in the cardiopulmonary just after urgent cesarean section
小田裕一, 都留奈々瀬, 宮原史和, 福島昭博
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 471-471, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. 1 case of the meconium aspiration syndrome given ECMO in NICU for the first time
中川聖文, 渡辺直喜, 児玉博樹, 木村俊介
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 471-471, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. Efforts in our hospital for the exchange of the oxygenator
板井規夫1), 上原秀一郎1), 森聡史1), 高畑智浩1), 濱本浩嗣2), 田原里美3), 岩坂日出男3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 471-472, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. You take a sudden turn at the OPCAB enforcement, and experience On pump conversion
大澤誠之, 薮田直樹, 橋本由恵
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 472-472, 2015.

Japanese Article 9. Efforts of priming time shortening in our hospital
小田款文1), 本多俊治1), 荒倉真凪1), 溝口貴之1), 中嶋辰徳1), 宮本伸二2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 472-472, 2015.

Japanese Article 10. Examination about the choice of the oxygenator size
長元優, 前原寛理, 衛藤俊祐, 藤竹俊輔, 山口翔史, 安田まどか
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 472-473, 2015.

Japanese Article 11. About the water quality management of the cool and warm water tank
御手洗法江1), 上野征一1), 安藤昇1), 中田正悟1), 甲斐誠美2), 尾野恵2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 473-473, 2015.

Japanese Article 12. Significance of the magnesium measurement in a heart-lung machine
尾立拓弥, 笠野靖代, 上塚翼, 高宗伸次, 岩崎麻里絵, 西中巧, 江藤志保, 堀田篤史, 吉岡元気, 荒木康幸
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 473-473, 2015.

Japanese Article 13. Examination about temperature at extracorporeal circulation secession and postoperative temperature and the lactic acid
堀田篤史, 笠野靖代, 上塚翼, 高宗伸次, 岩崎麻里絵, 西中巧, 江藤志保, 尾立拓弥, 吉岡元気, 荒木康幸
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 473-474, 2015.

Japanese Article We will think about pH management and brain Autoregulation in extracorporeal circulation together!
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 474-474, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Extracorporeal circulation in the aortic valve replacement
福井啓介1), 児玉悠太1), 岸川源直1), 妹尾淳司1), 高橋一臣1), 土谷真基1), 宮川哲1), 片山雄二2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 474-475, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Of the myocardium protection law in the Kyushu University Hospital, actually
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 475-475, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. About the extracorporeal circulation in the coronary artery surgery
小柳亮1), 峰重幸1), 野田政宏1), 笹口剛志1), 吉富拡1), 谷泰寛1), 森山史彬1), 神近貴弘1), 林誠1), 江石清行2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 475-476, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. About the heart-lung machine in aortic operations
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 476-476, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Way of thinking of the allogeneic transfusion in the extracorporeal circulation
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 476-476, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. About the extracorporeal circulation infusion management by effect - blood plasma substitute that plasma osmolality and collodial osmotic pressure give in the living body -
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 476-477, 2015.

Japanese Article How to read analysis results - to learn from art - example to feel statistics close
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 477-477, 2015.

Japanese Article About safety management of the extracorporeal circulation than - JaSECT safety measures Committee incident accident count results -
薗田誠1), 安野誠2), 高井浩司2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 477-477, 2015.

Japanese Article O-1. Can the cardiac mass become the index of myocardial protection liquid doses?
澤崎史明, 佐藤勇也, 田中義範, 山口和也, 堂野隆史, 米坂直子, 窪田將司, 河田修一, 鷹橋浩
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 477-478, 2015.

Japanese Article O-2. Relation of PCPS management and the clinical engineer of our institution
江口洋幸, 若狭亮介, 佐々木雅敏, 瀧本房壽, 雲母公貴
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 478-478, 2015.

Japanese Article O-3. 1 case that was given ECMO for children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia of 0 days after birth
下斗米諒, 佐藤貴彦, 天内雅人, 本吉宣也, 南谷克明, 山崎大輔, 宗万孝次
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 478-478, 2015.

Japanese Article O-4. 1 case that introduced PCPS for the schoolchild whom idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy developed in, and was able to shift to a heart transplant wait
桑原洋平, 山内貴司, 鈴木学, 斎藤大貴, 今野裕嗣, 菅原誠一, 渡部悟, 千葉二三夫
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 479-479, 2015.

Japanese Article O-5. Microbubble abundance by the difference in extracorporeal circulation method
谷口慎吾, 岡田沙織, 清水良, 加藤裕希, 松本年史, 川南聡
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 479-479, 2015.

Japanese Article O-6. Experience MUF introduction in our hospital
鈴木祐介, 岡田敬, 斉藤麻衣, 原田智昭
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 479-479, 2015.

Japanese Article O-7. Experience - of the no transfusion surgery -2 case in the juvenile infective endocarditis surgery
菊谷浩樹1), 小塚涼平1), 佐野敏之1), 新井田周宏1), 渡邉俊貴2), 前田俊之2), 井上聡巳2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 479-480, 2015.

Japanese Article O-8. One patient who underwent coronary bypass surgery under a heart-lung machine for the right coronary artery aneurysm which became gigantic by coronary artery fistula
作山聡, 佐々木優, 金谷匡亮, 西田あさみ, 毛利尚弘, 森本誠二, 清水啓介, 山名正和, 山本浩幸
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 480-480, 2015.

Japanese Article O-9. For the surgery of the abdominal region, it is a 5 case using Veno-Venous Bypass
佐藤貴彦, 本吉宣也, 下斗米諒, 天内雅人, 南谷克明, 山崎大輔, 宗万孝次
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 480-480, 2015.

Japanese Article O-10. Experience and the measures that have poor oxygenator in open heart surgery
寒河江磨1), 法邑まなみ1), 鴇田智久1), 矢萩亮児1), 加藤伸彦1), 新宮康栄2), 大岡智学2), 若狭哲2), 橘剛2), 松居喜郎2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 480-481, 2015.

Japanese Article O-11. Extracorporeal circulation for the great vessels disease in our hospital
千葉二三夫1), 渡部悟1), 菅原誠一1), 桑原洋平1), 山内貴司1), 鈴木学1), 斎藤大貴1), 今野裕嗣1), 伊庭裕2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 481-481, 2015.

Japanese Article O-12. Air miscarriage measures training in a heart-lung machine in our hospital
南谷克明, 佐藤貴彦, 下斗米諒, 天内雅人, 本吉宣也, 山崎大輔, 宗万孝次
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 481-481, 2015.

Japanese Article S-1. Infusion and transfusion - kind and how to use and timing - in our institution
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 482-482, 2015.

Japanese Article S-2. About a timing of infusion, the transfusion in a heart-lung machine in our hospital
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 482-482, 2015.

Japanese Article S-3. Infusion, transfusion management in a heart-lung machine in our hospital
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 482-482, 2015.

Japanese Article S-4. Dilution ratio reduction program in our hospital
那須敏裕, 山下広樹, 竹浪延幸, 猫宮伸佳, 前中則武, 進藤尚樹
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 482-483, 2015.

Japanese Article MS-1. Present conditions <JaSECT guidelines on extracorporeal circulation case registration database development Committee>
高井浩司1), 日比谷信2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 483-483, 2015.

Japanese Article MS-2. It is the present from extracorporeal circulation case database introduction
柿崎哲也, 湯野一, 吉田晃大, 本間将平, 浅尾弘, 白木愉香, 白木洋平, 笹盛幹文
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 483-483, 2015.

Japanese Article MS-3. Efforts to extracorporeal circulation case database business participation
清水良, 松本年史, 川南聡, 加藤裕希, 谷口慎吾, 岡田沙織
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 483-484, 2015.

Japanese Article MS-4. Participate in extracorporeal circulation case database business
荒道昭男, 森本恭彰, 海老子貴弘, 菊地一智
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 484-484, 2015.

Japanese Article Outside the body setting-type ventricular assist device system for EXCOR(R) Pediatric children
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 485-488, 2015.

Japanese Article Medical Corporation Shinseikai General Hospital Takanohara Central Hospital Kansai Heart Center
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 42(4): 489-491, 2015.