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Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology

Volume 47, Issue 1 / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Control it by aortic operations literature introduction by the great vessels sectional meeting committee and summary - of the extracorporeal circulation in aortic operations now; -, also known as the sea bream
JaSECT学術委員会 大血管部会, 加納寛也1), 四井田英樹2), 後藤和大3), 笠野靖代4), 長澤洋一5), 松浦健6), 荒木康幸4)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 1-7, 2020.

English Article Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as an early indicator of acute kidney injury following pediatric cardiac surgery
Yoshihito Wakamatsu1), Keisuke Nakanishi2), Satoshi Matsushita2), Go Sato1), Hideaki Yasumoto1), Shiori Kawasaki2), Atsushi Amano2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 8-14, 2020.

Japanese Article Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as an early indicator of acute kidney injury following pediatric cardiac surgery
Yoshihito Wakamatsu1), Keisuke Nakanishi2), Satoshi Matsushita2), Go Sato1), Hideaki Yasumoto1), Shiori Kawasaki2), Atsushi Amano2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 15-21, 2020.

Japanese Article Impact of the tip design of the femoral arterial cannula on distal leg perfusion in minimally invasive cardiac surgery
Kohei Nagashima1,2), Yuko Matsusaka3), Natsuki Hajikano3), Nao Kozaki3), Yuichi Takahashi3), Eiichi Geshi2), Minoru Tabata4,5)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 22-27, 2020.

Japanese Article Investigation of index of optimal perfusion using oxygen delivery and venous oxygen saturation in cardiopulmonary bypass -- A two-center observational study -
Hiroshi Mukaida1,2), Satoshi Matsushita2), Kohei Nagashima3), Minoru Tabata4,5), Atsushi Amano2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 28-34, 2020.

Japanese Article An example of the severe influenza with pneumonia that we were able to save though they presented with tardive bleeding complications during the V-V ECMO enforcement
大平朋幸1), 後藤武1), 堀雅弥1), 花田慶乃1), 加藤隆太郎1), 小笠原順子1), 橋場英二2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 35-37, 2020.

Japanese Article Experience a change of the plasma isolation hemoglobin during the IMPELLA enforcement and 3 cases of consideration - different situation; and -
後藤健宏, 西川祐策, 三宅諒旺, 林達也, 木村早希, 津曲佑馬, 山崎将志, 高濱航, 冨田雅之, 佐生喬
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 38-42, 2020.

Japanese Article Experience of the extracorporeal circulation which performed all department of archery aorta replacement for aortic coarctation for adulthood
金谷太嗣1), 田辺克也2), 山下雄作2), 中田貴丈2), 鈴木奈々絵2), 飛田瑞穂2), 田中千久2), 田辺貴幸2), 佐藤耕一2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 43-46, 2020.

Japanese Article Experimental examination of the effect that warming with the warm air-type warmer gives to the dew condensation of the membrane oxygenator
羽鳥翔太1), 安野誠2), 花田琢磨2), 前田恒2), 棚橋久美子2), 角田卓哉2), 大澤達弥2), 永井寿樹2), 志賀達哉3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 47-54, 2020.

Japanese Article Development of the ECMO remote monitor system using the in-hospital LAN
田辺貴幸1), 川邉学2), 本塚旭2), 田辺克也1), 山下雄作1), 石田奈々絵1), 中田貴丈1), 田中千久1), 佐藤耕一1)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 55-60, 2020.

Japanese Article Clinical results of wet Lang measures using the exhaust warm air of the cool and warm water tank
溝口貴之1), 小田款文1), 荒倉真凪1), 萩原直樹1), 大地嘉史2), 後藤孝治2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 61-66, 2020.

Japanese Article Examination CVSAP symposium "- to think about urgent conversion - coping and the preparation to extracorporeal circulation" about the role of the extracorporeal circulation clinical technologist for the urgent extracorporeal circulation
東條圭一, 安野誠, 鈴木健一, 後藤武, 前中則武, 野田政宏, 宮本聡史, 荒木康幸
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 67-75, 2020.

Japanese Article 1. It is experience using IMPELLA for fulminant form myocarditis
津野美咲, 小川昂己, 北村太, 岡田恒典
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 76-76, 2020.

Japanese Article 2. Efforts of heart-lung machine trouble measures
井村大器, 坂本真一, 細木裕子, 市川桂助, 別府政則, 高瀬大希, 寺川一記, 明坂慎史
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 76-76, 2020.

Japanese Article 3. Examination of the leak confirmation method of the oxygenator heat exchanger
梅地拓真, 冨貞公貴, 大野晶範, 福田翔太, 常友宏樹, 山本由美子, 平賀健一, 松山法道
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 76-77, 2020.

Japanese Article 4. Performance comparison of the prevention of vein preserved blood intracisternal positive pressure valve
入谷信行, 中川雄太, 西原武志, 梶翔弥, 高木智央, 角屋天將, 石川朋宏, 秋山精彦, 山下和良
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 77-77, 2020.

Japanese Article 5. Examination about the systematization of the ECMO conveyance using the firefighting disaster prevention copter
北岡豊永1), 長田耕治1), 東山翔1), 宮本将人1), 小島洋幸1), 西内聡士1), 高松誉明1), 長田浩彰1), 福田靖2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 77-77, 2020.

Japanese Article 6. Participate in Japanese extracorporeal circulation technology medical society foreign countries institution visit tour; and comparison ... with ... our hospital
田邊圭佑, 井上一也, 光家努
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 77-78, 2020.

Japanese Article 1. Comparison by the anticoagulant administration change
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 78-78, 2020.

Japanese Article 2. Examination about the protamine administration using blood clot analyzer HMS plus in the neonates open heart surgery
花田卓哉, 早苗翼, 高田将平, 桑原靖之, 小林有紀枝, 岩城秀平
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 78-78, 2020.

Japanese Article 3. 1 case of the assisted circulation for the univentricular heart symptom that we suffered from ventricular function aggravation, but were able to leave
佐藤圭輔, 松井優人, 田邊星哉, 宮崎智行, 平栗幸太, 宮崎磨理子
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 79-79, 2020.

Japanese Article 4. 1 case that ventricular fibrillation was caused during IMPELLA supporting management, and circulation was maintained
大坪克浩, 新田功児, 前田純, 菱川将史, 奥村一史, 間瀬健太朗, 長瀬弘行, 林洋佑, 大島祥弘, 甲斐哲也, 又野暢天, 関信彦, 水野千香子, 洞垣内拓也, 奥村悠太, 神原宏明, 佐藤綾乃, 西片力, 玉村英昭
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 79-79, 2020.

Japanese Article 5. Effect - oxygenator that intravenous anesthetic and inhalation anesthetic give in extracorporeal circulation is given sevoflurane; and -
笹山幸治1), 柿本将秀1), 阪口奈央1), 松林正人1), 西村善幸2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 79-80, 2020.

Japanese Article 6. Effect of a drop of rSO2 in Femoral artery feeding and the NO supply of air to oxygenator
色川桂輔, 山本伸一, 佐合満
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 80-80, 2020.

Japanese Article 7. Brain separation extracorporeal circulation for the upper bank substitution at the right subclavian artery Blood feed
山田健太, 神園武, 小竹亮輔, 占部泰寛, 内藤達哉, 吉沢崇, 笠井悠汰
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 80-80, 2020.

Japanese Article 8. One patient who underwent the balloon occlusion method for mitral stenosis with the highly calcified ascending aorta
小島小登音, 山城知明, 磯貝隆稀, 清水弘太, 藤浦拓也, 竹内陵, 石川隆志
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 80-80, 2020.

Japanese Article 9. Examination of the myocardial protection apothecaries measure that a left ventricle cardiac mass and a cardiac arrest were got from
森雄紀1), 岡本奉之1), 縄巻卓也1), 久保田雄1), 太田原麻衣子1), 渡邉直樹1), 木村美佐1), 田形勝至1), 大倉一宏2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 80-81, 2020.

Japanese Article 10. Clinical use evaluation of Horizon AF Plus made in EUROSETS company
山城政暁, 太田早紀, 富永滋比占, 内山明日香, 増井浩史, 神谷典男, 北本憲永
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 81-81, 2020.

Japanese Article 11. Comparison about the infusion in extracorporeal circulation
安田英之1), 五十島徹也1), 村上堅太1), 柴田典寿1), 菅原恵利嘉1), 多田憲輔1), 和田英喜1), 大橋壯樹2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 81-81, 2020.

Japanese Article 12. One case that led to oxygenator exchange by poor oxygenation
最明裕介1), 森啓太1), 奥野渉1), 玉岡充弘1), 奥山浩幸1), 八木健太1), 井口亮介1), 北村拡1), 徳井俊也2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 82-82, 2020.

Japanese Article 13. Using experiment - roller pump about the temperature shifts from a blood pump to the liquid in the closed circuit and a centrifugal pump -
開正宏, 蜂須賀章友, 山口さよ子, 中井悠二, 西野遥平, 山鹿彰
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 82-82, 2020.

Japanese Article Report - training note - of the award Grant Committee activity report 2019 JaSECT Europe internship
増井浩史, 大下智也, 朝倉陽香, 吉田譲
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 83-91, 2020.

Japanese Article Do you know ELSO? - Description of APELSO 2019 participation -
光家努, 矢島真知子
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(1): 92-95, 2020.