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Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology

Volume 47, Issue 4 / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Association between chloride dose during cardiopulmonary bypass management and postoperative acute kidney injury
Satoshi Yoshida1,2), Satoshi Numata2), Sachiko Yamazaki2), Keiichi Itatani2,4), Yuya Hatanaka1), Yoshifumi Yagi1), Satoshi Teramukai3), Hitoshi Yaku2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(4): 311-320, 2020.

Japanese Article Safety and the effectiveness of the ozone water for the pollution of the cool and warm water tank
橋本圭司, 近藤力也, 禾本拓也, 山路祐生, 島津将平, 中尾祐基, 今西祥, 山口遥, 大吉真由実, 梶本敦哉
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(4): 321-326, 2020.

Japanese Article Experimental study about the insertion performance of the femoral vein cannula to use by ECMO
塚野雅幸1), 藤田惇平1), 樫本文平1), 土屋裕1), 橋詰浩二2), 武野正義3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(4): 327-332, 2020.

Japanese Article Comparison - of a myocardial protection effect and organ protection effect - inhalation anesthetic and the intravenous anesthetic by the preconditioning effect of the inhalation anesthetic administration through the oxygenator
山田健太1), 神園武1), 小竹亮輔1), 占部泰寛1), 内藤達哉1), 吉沢崇1), 笠井悠汰1), 高良麻紀子2), 上中龍2), 恒吉裕史3)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(4): 333-339, 2020.

Japanese Article Example that led to oxygenator exchange by Poor oxygenation without the oxygenator increased pressure
最明裕介1), 八木健太1), 奥山浩幸1), 森啓太1), 奥野渉1), 玉岡弘充1), 井口亮介1), 北村拡1), 村上理彦2), 徳井俊也2)
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(4): 340-344, 2020.

Japanese Article Fujita medical college Hospital
Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 47(4): 345-352, 2020.