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Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal

Volume 82, Issue 2 / 1967
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Study on first experimental arteriosclerosis (about plasma, the aortic wall of the high fat diet breeding rabbit and adeps fatty acid constitution)
Masami Kamiya, Yoshiyuki Koga
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 301-311, 1967.

Japanese Article Study on second experimental arteriosclerosis (about association with the plasma of the high fat diet breeding rabbit and cholesterol ester fatty acid fractionation of the atheromatous plaque particularly the ATP)
Masami Kamiya, Yoshiyuki Koga
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 312-322, 1967.

Japanese Article Fluorescence microscopic study of the germicidal lamp radiation effect on roundworm egg
Shigehiko Yamamura, Hiroyuki Kozukue
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 323-331, 1967.

Japanese Article About study - about the onset and the extension of the pyelonephritis particularly a nonbacterial factor -
Tadashi Sakai, Yasushi Ueda
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 331-350, 1967.

Japanese Article Effect (observation using 131I) to give to the thyroid function of the adrenal cortical hormone
榊原光利, 古閑義之
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 343-357, 1967.

Japanese Article Study on type B influenza live vaccine (the first report)
林慎, 古閑義之
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 358-370, 1967.

Japanese Article Study on type B influenza live vaccine (the second report)
林慎, 古閑義之
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 370-380, 1967.

Japanese Article Study on leukocyte agglutination response
Yutaka Aruga, Yoshiyuki Koga
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 394-413, 1967.

Japanese Article Basic study of the Hyperdiploid Ehrlich ascites cancer
Teiichiro Takahashi, Yoshikubo Kunihiko, Kazuomi Nakahara
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 417-426, 1967.

Japanese Article Study of the gastric secretion by Cl36
Yoshio Kashimura, Minoru Ooi
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 425-440, 1967.

Japanese Article About the quantitative change of the organs ingredient of the unnatural death about 8) nonprotein nitrogen and amino acid nitrogen
青木利彦, 大谷滋, 山内英徳
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 440-445, 1967.

Japanese Article About a change of ACTH test and serum PBI in metopirone test time
田那村実, 榊原光利, 岡栄, 石川正志, 八木昭介, 松永博, 高原一郎, 古閑義之
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 446-450, 1967.

Japanese Article About relations with a cytologic study of myeloid leukemia particularly specific gravity and the 3H-Thymidine uptake of leukemic cells by the multistoried multilayer centrifugal separation method and the special staining procedure
土屋喬, 古閑義之
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 451-468, 1967.

Japanese Article For diagnosis, particularly visible vascular pattern image of atrophic gastritis by gastroscope
鈴木博昭, 大井実
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 465-476, 1967.

Japanese Article About serum lipoprotein cholesterol by the sampling according to the study on arteriosclerosis compartmentation
塩崎秀司, 古閑義之
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 475-501, 1967.

Japanese Article Study of Thyroxin and the electron microscope of latte hepatocytes with the Diphtheria Toxin administration
Shozo Okada, Eisei Ishikawa, Takeshi Matsumoto Shiro
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 502-519, 1967.

Japanese Article The convalescence that we saw from a study on glomerulonephritis clinical pathology side of adults
斉藤司, 上田泰
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 510-530, 1967.

Japanese Article Histologic study on angiogram of the bleeding stomach by the tooth permeation with Indian ink
成川恒夫, 大井実
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 526-541, 1967.

Japanese Article About atmolysis for the Beckman company physiology particularly an oxygen micro electrode
黒田良和, 丹生屋公一郎, 中原一臣
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 538-540, 1967.

Japanese Article For the occurrence of clinicopathological study (knowledge Supplement) in particular brain parenchyma injury of brain aneurysm rupture
高橋紹夫, 高橋忠雄
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 541-564, 1967.

Japanese Article About ALP isozyme of a lot of study on isozyme (ALP isozyme) of the alkaline phosphatase first edition organ
中田藤重, 古閑義之
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 561-570, 1967.

Japanese Article About serum ALP isozyme at a lot of study on isozyme (ALP isozyme) of the alkaline phosphatase second edition condition of a patient
中田藤重, 古閑義之
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 570-577, 1967.

Japanese Article Electrocardiogram change at cerebrovascular injury
舟木三千代, 高橋忠雄
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 577-593, 1967.

Japanese Article Effect - of study on tubular "Na pump" - physical agent
Akira Kondo, Yasushi Ueda
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 594-609, 1967.

Japanese Article Change at effect first X-rays whole body once radiation to give to a leukocyte alkaline phosphatase of the irradiation
Hiroo Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki Koga
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 621-635, 1967.

Japanese Article Change at the effect second X-rays frequent fractionated irradiation to give to a leukocyte alkaline phosphatase of the irradiation
Hiroo Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki Koga
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 635-645, 1967.

Japanese Article Change at effect tertiary neutron whole body once radiation to give to a leukocyte alkaline phosphatase of the irradiation
Hiroo Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki Koga
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 646-659, 1967.

Japanese Article About an association between clinical study - character tendency and affect of the autonomic nervous function by the Mecholyl study -
Matsuoka Keitai, Yoshiyuki Koga
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 82(2): 658-666, 1967.