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Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal

Volume 114, Issue 4 / 1999
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Gotaro TODA
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 157-169, 1999.

Naoki TOYA, Yuka FUJIE, Yoshiyuki HOYA, Kenji IKEUCHI, Atuo SHIDA, Hideki MARUSHIMA, Hiromasa TACHIHARA, Yoshiyori ISHII, Yoji YAMAZAKI
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 171-175, 1999.

Yasuki UNEMURA, Takashi IMAI, Katsumaro SUZUKI, Takeyuki MISAWA, Susumu KOBAYASHI, Yoji YAMAZAKI
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 177-182, 1999.

Japanese Article The change of the infection and correspondence in the future
Atsushi Saito
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 183-183, 1999.

Japanese Article A1. One case of the corpus uteri carcinoma sarcoma which presented various images
春間節子*, 八木沢幸子*, 梅沢敬*, 石井幸子*, 宮沢善夫*, 加藤弘之*, 山口裕*, 安田允**
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 183-184, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of stage IV ovarian cancer treated effectively with A2. paclitaxel
Hiroshi Hayashi, Yukiko Mori, 遠藤尚江, Masashige Kawashima, The Nakano truth, 多田聖郎, Naoki Kamiya, Makoto Yasuda
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 184-184, 1999.

Japanese Article What is the mechanism of the extrauterine extension of A4. endometriosis?
Inomata appearance, Yoshio Miyazawa, Hiroyuki Kato, Yukiko Yagisawa, Takashi Umezawa, Setsuko between spring, Yukiko Ishii, Yutaka Yamaguchi
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 185-185, 1999.

Japanese Article A5. One case of squamous cell carcinoma in the primary jawbone derived from adamantine epithelioma
宇都宮忠彦*, 田中秀邦*, 白川誠二*, 太田泰人*, 森川美雪*, 山本浩嗣*, 福本雅彦**, 武田泰典***
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 185-186, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the A7. our department
Yoshikazu Nishiwaki *, Masayuki Saruta *, Manabu Onoda *, Jin Baba *, Hiroko Otsubo *, Shuichi Masuoka *, Toshio Katayama *, Masayuki Kobayashi *, Yuko Shinohara **, Yukie Fujita **, Naoko Sugawara **, Yo Aruga charges **, 7A, 7C ward hematopoietic stem cell transplantation team ***
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 186-187, 1999.

Japanese Article Perioperative care of the B1. anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome
Futoshi Kuga, Yutaka Kurata, 豊田茂芳, 佐竹司
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 187-187, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination about the INR indication in the B2. blood coagulation test
Mitsuko Sakai, Kozue Matsumoto, Castle ヶ Junko Hara, Ritsuko Fujishima, Yuichi Ikeda, Hideo Kurosawa, Kenichi Doman, 本田英比古
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 187-187, 1999.

Japanese Article Consciousness and related factor of the family at discharge of the patients with B3. cerebrovascular disorder
Yuriko Hasegawa *, Miyoko Sakurai **, Yuko Tabata **
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 188-188, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of B4. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with dementia (ALS-D)
Fumichika Sato, Yasuhiko Ito, Yasuyuki Iguchi, Masahiko Suzuki, Haruo Nakabayashi, Masayuki Kobayashi
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 188-188, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the rehabilitation initiation time for patients with cerebral infarction in the B5. this hospital
Yuichi Usui *, Masafumi Muramatsu *, Koichiro Abe *, Miki Ishii *, Senju Sakamoto *, Tomomi Ichimura *, Yukie Ihara *, Hideaki Fujimoto *, South tail Michiko *, Haruo Nakabayashi **, Yasuyuki Iguchi **
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 188-189, 1999.

Japanese Article Two cases of the spasmodic torticollis which performed B6. accessory nerve decompression procedure
石橋敏寛 *, Ichiro Yuki *, Toru Terao *, Koichi Takahashi *, 宮崎芳彰 *, Takuo Hashimoto *, Haruo Nakabayashi **
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 189-189, 1999.

Japanese Article Characteristic of patients in psychiatry due to the C1. introduction course
惣滑谷和孝, Tatsuhiko Ito, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Kada Hirohide, Tatsuro Nakanishi, Tatsuya Tsukahara, Hiroo Kasahara
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 190-191, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination by the symptom classification of C2. depression
Tatsuhiko Ito, Kada Hirohide, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Tatsuro Nakanishi, Tatsuya Tsukahara, 惣滑谷和孝, Hiroo Kasahara
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 191-191, 1999.

Japanese Article Inflection - of the mental care (2)- psychological testing of the C3. sterile room admission patients
Hiromi Saito *, 惣滑谷和孝 *, Hiroo Kasahara *, Yoshikazu Nishiwaki **, Hiroko Otsubo **, Shuichi Masuoka **, Toshio Katayama **, Masayuki Kobayashi **, 貝澤理嘉 ***, Miki Noguchi ***, South Rie ***, Hanyuu field Yuko ***, Sanae Hirohata ***, Yukiko Onuma ***, Keiko Shiina ***, Hiroko Iizuka ***, Yumi Tsuchida ***, Hiromi Shiota ***, Atsuko Kumakura ***, Yuko Shinohara ***, Yukie Fujita ***, Naoko Sugawara ***, Yo Aruga charges ***
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 191-191, 1999.

Japanese Article C5. The girls with Kawasaki's disease case that occurred for acute abdomen
小林博司, 岩澤京子, 寺本知史, 斎藤義弘, 小林尚明, 津田隆, 玉置尚司, 伊藤文之, 久保政勝
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 192-192, 1999.

Japanese Article One case that the intraarterial injection treatment in the advanced breast carcinoma of D2. Stage IIIb showed an effect
Haruo Tomita, Toshiaki Kaneta, Hirotaka Kubo, Shun Suzuki is elegant, Eiichiro Hagiwara, A bank purely, Kei Hashimoto Expo, 長剛正, Yoichi Toyama, Yasuo Toriumi, Yuji Ishii, Abe Sadanobu, Yoshiyuki Furukawa, Katsuya Hirai
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 195-195, 1999.

Japanese Article For the past four years in the D3. this hospital, we compare it with the change of the operative method of the gallbladder enucleation
森永泰良 *, Watanabe chapter *, 小村伸朗 **, Yoshiyuki Furukawa **, Hideyuki Kashiwagi **
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 195-195, 1999.

Japanese Article About a utility of D4. Tissue Harmonic Imaging initial clinical experience - in - abdominal region
Noriko Yoshizumi, Shigeo Matsuura, Kenji Otsuka, Norio Nakata, Reiko Ito, Three Kazuo Ida, Michiko Tajima, 其田梓, Junta Harada
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 196-196, 1999.

Japanese Article Obtain the questionnaire to - patients about inflection characteristics of the drug reporting in the D7. this hospital; and -
Kyoko Imamura, Suzuki Nami Sana, The Aki Nakano beauty, Keiko Takahashi, Well-maru Kimiko, Akiko Someya, West liman current of history, Tomoko Fujita, Hiroko Kimura, Tanno Airi, Numazu Misato, Chizuru Ishihara, Makiko Hirai, Yukiko Honda
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 197-197, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination by the adrenal phaeochromocytoma case and cultured cell
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 198-198, 1999.

Japanese Article Cerebral infarction and hemorheology
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 198-199, 1999.

Japanese Article Role of the pediatrician in the school non-attendance
Fumiyuki Ito
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 114(4): 199-199, 1999.