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Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal

Volume 131, Issue 6 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1. p21 dependence in the cytostatic effect of the coffee
光岡浩一郎, 福澤志保, 与五沢真吾, 柳澤裕之
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 153-153, 2016.

Japanese Article 2. Conversion to placode ectodermal state tissue in front of the neural plate by the neural plate explant cultural method
重谷安代1, 若松義雄2, 立花利公3, 岡部正隆1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 153-154, 2016.

Japanese Article 3. Transcriptome analysis according to the diaphragm part in the developmental stage
久保優芽佳1, 辰巳徳史2, 鈴木英明2, 岡部正隆2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 154-154, 2016.

Japanese Article 4. We visualize a fluctuation of the gene expression using a Light-up type fluorescent probe instantly
杉本真也, 千葉明生, 水之江義充
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 154-155, 2016.

Japanese Article 5. Nerve pathology of the HIV associated diseases
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 155-155, 2016.

Japanese Article 6. The development of the new toxoplasma diagnostic method: From a die test to TOKIO test
保科斉生1,2, 青沼宏佳1, 堀誠治2, 嘉糠洋陸1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 155-156, 2016.

Japanese Article 7. In HHV-6B encephalitis, interleukin -1 β and basic fibroblast growth factor become the growth factor of the virus
玉井将人1, 小林伸行1, 嶋田和也1, 岡直美1, 高橋麻弓1, 齋藤義弘2, 和田靖之2, 岡本愛光3, 井田博幸2, 近藤一博1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 156-157, 2016.

Japanese Article 8. Active evaluation of the zinc deficiency rat by the open field study and the zinc excessive intake rat
市川瑛美1, 飯田健介2, 木戸尊將3, 小林伸行4, 菅谷ちえ美5, 角田正史5, 近藤一博4, 柳澤裕之3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 157-157, 2016.

Japanese Article 9. Malfunction of the alpha-factor due to the new single nucleotide mutation found in enterohemorrhagic E. coli O157
西岡彩子1, 岩瀬忠行2, 水之江義充2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 158-158, 2016.

Japanese Article 10. Detective sensor in the myomere of the eccentric contraction load to strengthen a skeletal muscle
平野和宏1,2, 中原直哉1, 山内秀樹1, 平塚理恵3, 山口眞紀1, 竹森重1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 158-159, 2016.

Japanese Article 11. Development of the new long-term objective rating system of spontaneous pain in the chronic pain model animal
沼賀由佳1,2, 大藤洋介2,3,4, 杉本真理子2,3, 高橋由香里2,3, 渡部文子2,3, 加藤総夫2,3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 159-160, 2016.

Japanese Article 12. A preclinical study in manufacture technology establishment and the viral hepatitis of the humanized liver chimera mouse: Report in the Jikei University School of Medicine for 4 years
坪田昭人1,2, 松浦知和3, 相崎英樹4, 小嶋聡一5, 松本喜弘6, 阿片理恵1, 青木正隆7, 湯本陽子8, 吉澤麻貴8, 朴鍾赫3, 中村まり子3, 堀島智子9, 石野田康広9, 角田正紀9, 加藤慶三2,10, 前橋はるか3, 竹村友希1, 野村真弓1, 菊地恵美1, 斎藤英希1, 都丸慶子1, 鈴木雄太1, 藤岡宏樹1, 池田惠一1, 島田紀朋11, 岩本武夫1, 立花利公1, 馬目佳信1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 160-160, 2016.

Japanese Article 13. Possibility of the malarial control by the adjustment of the amino acid intake
齊木選射1, 長尾健児2, 石上盛敏3, 福本晋也4, クルドゥスッドゥ スリヴィッチャ5, 櫻井達也1, 坂内慎2, 狩野繁之3, 嘉糠洋陸1,6
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 161-161, 2016.

Japanese Article 14. Pathology, molecular biologic analysis of the bony lesion of the mucopolysaccharidosis type II model mouse
和田美穂1,2, 嶋田洋太1, 樋口孝1, 前田和洋2, 齋藤充3, 井田博幸2, 大橋十也1,2, 小林博司1,2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 161-162, 2016.

Japanese Article 15. Usefulness of iPS cells derived from patients on dialysis in the kidney reproduction
田尻進1, 藤本俊成1, 山中修一郎2, 松本啓2, 岡野ジェイムス洋尚1, 横尾隆2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 162-162, 2016.

Japanese Article 16. Characteristic of the topography of Tokyo judging from a radon concentration out of the spring
堀内公子1, 箕輪はるか1, 吉澤幸夫2, 朝倉正1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 163-163, 2016.

Japanese Article 17. Genetic analysis about dendritic cells / tumor cells fusion opsonic therapy effect in the polytypic glioblastoma
鎌田裕子1, 久原映子1, 赤崎安晴2, 村山雄一2, 本間定1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 163-164, 2016.

Japanese Article 18. The establishment of bromodomain inhibitor I-BET151-resistant U937 cells and the molecular biologic characteristic
菱木光太郎1, 槌谷恵美1, 阿川美幸1, 尾崎幸次1, 荒川泰弘2, 鐘ヶ江裕美1, 秋山政晴1,3, 山田尚1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 164-164, 2016.

Japanese Article 19. Elucidation of the neovascularity developmental mechanism using the molecular biologic technique in the APCA expression model rat
伊藤怜司1, 浦島崇1, 糸久美紀1, 藤本義隆2, 河内文江2, 鈴木詩央1, 森琢磨1, 飯島正紀1, 河内貞貴1, 藤原優子1, 小川潔1, 南沢享2, 井田博幸1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 165-165, 2016.

Japanese Article 20. Azithromycin inhibits transforming growth factor-beta inductivity myofibroblast differentiation through resolution sthenia of NADPH Oxidase (NOX) 4
坪内和哉1, 荒屋潤1, 皆川俊介1, 原弘道1, 市川晶博1, 斎藤那由多1, 佐藤奈穂子1, 吉田昌弘1, 栗田裕輔1, 小林賢司1, 伊藤三郎1, 内海裕文1, 和久井大1, 柳澤治彦1, 橋本典生1, 石川威夫1, 沼田尊功1, 金子由美1, 浅野久敏2, 山下誠2, 尾高真2, 森川利昭2, 中山勝敏1, 桑野和善1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 165-166, 2016.

Japanese Article 21. The glucagon secretion in alfa cells of pancreas is controlled by PKC δ dependence
塩崎正嗣, 藤本啓, 宇都宮一典
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 166-167, 2016.

Japanese Article 22. The inhibition of the Prokineticin 2 signal transduction inhibits the joint pain of the collagen inductivity joint pain mouse
伊藤晴康, 野田健太郎, 黒坂大太郎
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 167-167, 2016.

Japanese Article 23. Prenatal treatment of the myelomeningocele using the culture epidermis derived from iPS cells
梶原一紘1,2, 和田誠司3, 左合治彦3, 岡本愛光1, 梅澤明弘2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 167-168, 2016.

Japanese Article 24. Exhaustive expression of host microRNA functional analysis in the hepatitis C virus infection
政木隆博, 中村まり子, 目崎喜弘, 松浦知和
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 168-168, 2016.

Japanese Article 25. Induction of the pressure sore due to pneumonia
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 169-169, 2016.

Japanese Article 26. Are the life-style related diseases data of the hospital clinical survey testee attached to the Jikei University School of Medicine better than democracy?
和田高士1, 加藤智弘2, 加地正伸3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 169-170, 2016.

Japanese Article 27. About obese inhibitory effect for the plasma BNP density of acute heart failure: Examination using the covariance structure analysis
木下浩司, 川井真, 南井孝介, 小川和男, 井上康憲, 吉村道博
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 170-170, 2016.

Japanese Article 28. Overall mortality rate, association between serum uric acid level and mortality by cardiovascular events in maintenance haemodialysis patients of our country
菅野直希1, 丸山之雄1, 西川元1, 前田靖子1, 高根紘希1, 高橋康人1, 西尾信一郎1, 小林千紗1, 高橋大輔1, 木戸口慧1, 本田康介1, 森澤紀彦1, 遣田美貴1, 三井理華1, 原洋一郎1, 疋田美穂1, 林文宏1, 石川匡洋1, 徳留悟朗1, 大野岩男2, 栗山哲1, 横尾隆1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 171-171, 2016.

Japanese Article 29. Possibility of the regenerative therapy by adipo-cytokine with pluripotency
栗原邦弘1, 佐々木優至1, 渡辺美隆2, 石川博3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 171-172, 2016.

Japanese Article 30. After laryngectomy, we organize a new unit for the purpose of the sound acquisition
石田勝大1, 岸慶太1, 兒玉浩希1, 小林俊樹2, 濱孝憲2, 須田稔士2, 結束寿2, 西谷友樹雄2, 森恵莉2, 鈴木三千代3, 内山鮎美3, 淺沼允恵3, 松下菜美3, 今川記恵4, 近藤由似子4
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 172-172, 2016.

Japanese Article 31. The new cervical attaching type probe in the right-to-left shunt diagnosis and transcranial supersonic controlled trial
三村秀毅1, 荒井あゆみ2, 比嘉瞳1, 田邉真希1, 佐藤健朗1, 恩田亜沙子1, 池田雅子1, 松野博優1, 小松鉄平1, 作田健一1, 坂井健一郎1, 寺澤由佳1, 平井利明1, 大本周作1, 豊田千純子1, 窪田純3, 井口保之1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 173-173, 2016.

Japanese Article 32. Efforts (the ninth report) of the healthy investigation and lifestyle improvement in Hitachiota-shi, Ibaraki by the Jikei University School of Medicine epidemiology meeting for the study
知野俊文1, 井瀧亮1, 南高岳1, 太田眞2, 佐藤芳孝3, 藤枝隆4, 清水英祐5, 柳澤裕之6
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 173-174, 2016.

Japanese Article 33. It is a result after an operation of dialysis spondylosis in the Jikei University School of Medicine orthopedics lecture: A vital prognosis and patients satisfaction
梶原隆義, 曽雌茂, 木田吉城, 丸毛啓史
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 174-174, 2016.

Japanese Article 34. Hierarchy cluster analysis and examination of an assessment rate using the Mahalanobis-Taguchi method, the assessment
中島尚登, 長澤薫子, 加藤里香, 鳥海弥寿雄, 横田邦信
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 174-175, 2016.

Japanese Article 35. Thoracoscopic surgery for the lung cancer: Efforts to safe surgery and treatment result improvement
塚本遥, 柴崎隆正, 森彰平, 浅野久敏, 山下誠, 尾高真, 森川利昭
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 175-175, 2016.

Japanese Article 36. About the activity of Kashiwa Hospital clinical Ethical Review Board attached to the Jikei University School of Medicine and the clinical ethic consultation team
三浦靖彦1,2, 荒井賞枝2, 井上可奈1,2, 卯津羅雅彦1,2, 勝俣はるみ1,2, 相馬陽一1, 高橋直人1,2, 長谷川譲1, 古川はるこ1,2, 古谷伸之2, 宮城久仁子1,2, 山崎薫1,2, 吉田博1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 175-176, 2016.

Japanese Article 37. Fact-finding of the drug-related necrosis of the jaw bone (MRONJ) patients in Jikei University School of Medicine dentistry
高山岳志, 秋山浩之, 加藤友莉奈, 押岡弘子, 小泉桃子, 高倉育子, 林勝彦
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 176-177, 2016.

Japanese Article 38. Polycystic kidney, the hereditary renal disease heredity counseling outpatient department establishment in the third hospital attached to the Jikei University School of Medicine and the progress report
花岡一成1,2, 上田裕之1, 加藤順一郎1, 田中舞1, 中島章雄1, 高橋大輔1, 中村幸生2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 177-177, 2016.

Japanese Article 39. 2 cases of the critical disease case cataract surgery that a femto- second laser was useful
牧野輝美, 小川智一郎, 常岡寛
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 177-178, 2016.

Japanese Article 40. Immunohistochemical examination about lecithoma tumor in the testicular malignant mixed embryo cellular tumor
寺田怜茉, 鵜飼なつこ, 佐藤峻, 鷹橋浩幸
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 178-178, 2016.

Japanese Article 41. A route and a viewpoint of overlooking it to connect a low vision person with a social support: Attempt in the for the first time annual medicine, nursing education
大城戸真喜子1, 仲泊聡2,3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 179-179, 2016.

Japanese Article 42. Nursing department general perinatal medical center personnel training taskforce activity report
小澤かおり, 佐藤恵, 梅木妙, 田村宏美, 内藤安子, 及川香織, 吉原章子
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 179-180, 2016.

Japanese Article 43. Examination of 18 live donor liver transplants that we performed at a hospital attached to the Jikei University School of Medicine
高野裕樹, 柴浩明, 中瀬古裕一, 春木孝一郎, 鈴木文武, 恩田真二, 坂本太郎, 後町武志, 脇山茂樹, 宇和川匡, 石田祐一, 矢永勝彦
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 180-180, 2016.

Japanese Article 44. Metastases to lung case of the desmoplastic melanoma which maintained CR nivolumab administration cancellation 13 months later
金谷瑠奈1, 延山嘉眞1, 伊藤宗成1, 伊東慶悟1, 谷戸克己1, 中川秀己1, 石田勝大2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 181-181, 2016.

Japanese Article 45. About inflection of Case Match as e-learning material in the before graduation video diagnosis education
藤井百合子, 佐久間亨, 川上剛, 太田智行, 渡辺憲, 渡嘉敷唯司, 福田国彦
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 181-182, 2016.

Japanese Article What was "the real situation of Hongo's school lawn": Aspects of modern medical history in Japan
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 183-191, 2016.

Japanese Article It is ... about a kind and the management of tube feeding general remarks - enterocutaneous fistula subject 1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 193-193, 2016.

Japanese Article It is theory and practice ... of transperitubular skin management - skin care subject 2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 193-193, 2016.

Japanese Article It is a kind and the use of the nutrient for intestinal administration subject 3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 194-194, 2016.

Japanese Article Subject 4 about the transluminal administration of drug:
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 194-194, 2016.

Japanese Article Nutrition management of elderly people : Let's break down the urban legend
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 131(6): 195-195, 2016.