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Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal

Volume 136, Issue 6 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1. Pay your attention to social isolation according to effect - household constitution that a change of the overtime work of the full-time worker accompanied with the COVID-19 outbreak and the social interchange gives to mental health
伴野未沙1,2, 山内貴史2, 須賀万智2, 柳澤裕之3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 111-111, 2021.

Japanese Article 2. Functional analysis of phosphoenzyme DYRK2 in the stabilization of the genome
河村明良1,2, 吉田彩舟1, 吉田清嗣1,2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 111-112, 2021.

Japanese Article 3. Apoptotic instruction of HaCaT derived from human keratinocyte and THP-1 derived from the human monocyte which is caused by cocultivating it
大導寺清世1, 与五沢真吾2, 須賀万智2, 柳澤裕之2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 112-113, 2021.

Japanese Article 4. The proteasome inhibitor which is a new anticancer agent cannot overcome the multidrug-resistant acquisition cancer cell
原田瑠衣1, 石川杏理1, 増田秀輔1, 宮部竜太郎1, 小山由起1, 朝倉正2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 113-113, 2021.

Japanese Article 5. Cranial nerve denaturation of the model small size primate using Voxel Based Meta-analysis hard of hearing
野武幸子1,2, 畑純一1, 平林源希1,3, 吉丸大輔1, 栗原渉1,3, 岡野ジェイムス洋尚1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 113-114, 2021.

Japanese Article 6. The acetylation of the cell wall in the staphylococcus aureus promotes a bacteriolysis
馬場有夢1,2, 千葉明生2,3, 小貫友暉1,2, 金城雄樹2,3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 114-115, 2021.

Japanese Article 7. The death toll change according to the cause of death of whole country under the COVID-19 pandemic and Tokyo
田中英美理1, 浦島充佳2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 115-115, 2021.

Japanese Article 8. - to search for a basic factor of the discrimination against woman doctor by difference - mixture organon between the men and women of actions to be taken to dissatisfaction to occur by noticing gender discrimination, and the like
小貫友暉1, 中村真理子2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 115-116, 2021.

Japanese Article 9. Comparison analysis between the having many kinds to read a function of GCM2
高村穂1,2, 辰巳徳史2, 庄野孝範2, 岡部正隆2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 116-117, 2021.

Japanese Article 10. The transient myocardium long hyperextension increases relaxation speed through PKA activation
竹尾真1, 草刈洋一郎2, 暮地本宙己3, ヌール カティージャ モフド ジーン3, 南沢享3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 117-117, 2021.

Japanese Article 11. Development and implementation of the Web application for the histology
久富勇太1,2, 竹下康平2, 岡部正隆3, 村山雄一2,4
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 118-118, 2021.

Japanese Article 12. Examination of the glaucoma visual path white matter ultrastructure using the multi-contrast MRI
小川俊平1, 竹村浩昌2,3, 堀口浩史1, 宮崎淳4, 松元健二5, 増田洋一郎1, 吉川啓司1,6, 中野匡1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 118-119, 2021.

Japanese Article 13. Examination of the sleep improvement effect by the cyclosporine internal use of patients with atopic dermatitis
安田健一1, 石氏陽三1, 遠藤拓郎2, 谷戸克己3, 上出良一4, 延山嘉眞1, 朝比奈昭彦1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 119-119, 2021.

Japanese Article 14. Platelet, red blood cell in elderly people women, comparative predominance
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 119-120, 2021.

Japanese Article 15. Factor associated with the characteristic of the subjective healthy feeling of the clinical survey testee
和田高士1, 加藤智弘2, 横山啓太郎3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 120-120, 2021.

Japanese Article 16. Usefulness evaluation of the texture analysis of the MRI image in the differentiation with autoimmune pancreatitis and the pancreatic cancer
白石めぐみ, 五十嵐隆朗, 藤岡大晃, 大栄莉佳, 大木一剛, 尾尻博也
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 120-121, 2021.

Japanese Article 17. Challenge to the reproduction of kidney frame work and the nephron using the nephrogenesis mechanism of the different kind animal
齊藤弥積1, 山中修一郎1, 松井賢治1, 松本直人1, 高村毅1, 藤本俊成1, 田尻進1, 松本啓1, 小林英司2, 横尾隆1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 121-122, 2021.

Japanese Article 18. Long term prognosis of treated few metastatic breast cancer aiming at healing
永崎栄次郎1, 田村美宝1, 林和美1, 宇和川匡1, 木嶋良和2, 野木裕子3, 武山浩3, 西川正子4, 矢野真吾1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 122-122, 2021.

Japanese Article 19. We evaluate the nasal septum rhinoplasty using the 3D image after the operation of the cartilage-related crooked nose which went
川端優也1,2, 積山真也1,2, 森山壮1,2, 宮野千草1,2, 宮脇剛司1,2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 123-123, 2021.

Japanese Article 20. Endometrial reproduction by an endometrial epithelium and the frame work
横溝陵1,2,3, 藤木由貴子2, 岸上遥映2, 岸裕司1, 清野透4, 中山早苗2, 左合治彦3, 岡本愛光1, 梅澤明弘2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 123-124, 2021.

Japanese Article 21. Interim Evaluation and Future Prospects of "Ui Care Minato"
竹下保1, 南塚恵1, 大野道子1, 市川惠子1, 小沼重幸1, 高柳くみ子1, 木村さとみ2, 中島朋2, 高橋都1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 124-124, 2021.

Japanese Article 22. The skeletal muscle mass before operation is an established factor of the deglutition function after the hypopharyngeal cancer excision reconstruction operation
兒玉浩希, 岸慶太, オルグンドルック, 平山晴之, 石田勝大, 宮脇剛司
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 125-125, 2021.

Japanese Article 23. Identification of the host blood component controlling the sucking blood of the pathogen-mediated mosquito to plus, minus number
佐久間知佐子1,2, 岩本武夫3, 嘉糠洋陸1,2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 125-126, 2021.

Japanese Article 24. Than questionnaire results for the introduction - Hospital nursing manager, teacher of nursing of the giving alm University 8 institution collaboration new face nurse, nurse midwife transition stage support project -
高橋衣1, 中尾みさ子2, 佐藤紀子1, 高橋則子3, 玉上淳子4, 福田美和子1, 山下真裕子1, 小嶌順子5, 鈴木由香4, 朝倉真奈美6, 高橋明子6, 和田美恵7, 佐藤千恵子8, 那須詠子9, 高橋真喜2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 126-126, 2021.

Japanese Article 25. Participation of the Parkin-mediated mitophagy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) merger sarcopenia onset
伊藤晶彦1, 橋本典生1, 谷端淳2, 松林沙知1, 佐々木諒子1, 藤本祥太1, 川本浩徳1, 渡邉直昭1, 門田宰1, 藤田雄1, 伊藤三郎1, 竹越大輔1, 皆川俊介1, 沼田尊功1, 原弘道1, 松岡竜輝3, 宇高潤3, 荒屋潤1, 斎藤充3, 桑野和善1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 126-127, 2021.

Japanese Article 26. For patients with elderly people atrial fibrillation is compared the vitamin K blocker with the type oral anticoagulant drug directly: Meta analysis
志賀剛1, 橋口正行2, 城戸和彦3, 清水美貴子4
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 127-128, 2021.

Japanese Article 27. Elucidation of the mechanism of the biological brain science to control social hierarchy - blood sugar control linkage
浮地里佳子1,2, 高橋由香里2, 杉村弥恵2, 的場圭一郎1, 加藤総夫2, 西村理明1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 128-128, 2021.

Japanese Article 28. Inflammatory conduction of the infected human herpesvirus 6 latent to olfactory bulb
岡直美, 小林伸行, 嶋田和也, 石井梓, 近藤一博
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 128-129, 2021.

Japanese Article 29. Look at the rear of the new coronavirus infection that experienced in Jikei University School of Medicine Hospital; from mark examination - diamond princess number to the third wave -
宮本智美1, 澤木賢司1, 坂本洋平1, 宮島真希子1, 李広烈1, 中拂一彦1, 保科斉生1, 美島路恵2, 堀野哲也1, 中澤靖1, 吉田正樹1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 129-130, 2021.

Japanese Article 30. Critical abnormality before blood parameter in the necrotising fasciitis
福田将大, 延山嘉眞, 朝比奈昭彦
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 130-130, 2021.

Japanese Article 31. The clinicopathologic inspection of the each lesion constituting primary focal segmental glomerular sclerosis Colombia classification: Cross-sectional retrospective study of Japanese adults
坂口涼子1, 宮崎陽一2, 上田裕之2, 川村哲也2, 小此木英男2, 坪井伸夫2, 横尾隆2, 城謙輔1, 下田将之1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 130-131, 2021.

Japanese Article 32. Navigation, virtual reality (VR) composite operation - to perform it in development - hybrid operating room of the first Japanese reliable safe method of operation for the childhood scoliosis surgery
勝見俊介, 篠原光, 有村大吾, 小幡新太郎, 池上拓, 斎藤充
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 131-131, 2021.

Japanese Article 33. Examination of the current situation and the refinement of the insurance claim in Jikei University School of Medicine Hospital
石田祐一, 森田葉子, 鈴木紀子, 鳥海弥寿雄
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 131-132, 2021.

Japanese Article 34. The effect that the change of the thymidine phosphorylase expression level by the demethylation of the gene promoter domain gives in pyrimidine drugs sensitivity of colon cancer fluoride
小山能徹, 長田恵梨香, 秋山暢丈, 馬目佳信
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 132-133, 2021.

Japanese Article 35. Tissue imaging in the water solution with the atmospheric pressure scanning electron microscope (ASEM)
山澤徳志子1, 立花利公2, 佐藤主税3
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 133-133, 2021.

Japanese Article 36. Qualitative examination about the change that occurred in the neighborhood staff of the student attending a lecture by "family practice brushing up program" attendance
関正康1, 藤沼康樹2, 松島雅人3, 常喜達裕1, 小此木英男4, 三浦靖彦1, 大野岩男1, 平本淳1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 133-134, 2021.

Japanese Article 37. Concept analysis of the synergy in a nurse, patients relations
坂木孝輔, 中村美鈴
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 134-134, 2021.

Japanese Article 38. Concept analysis of the end of life care in the intensive care unit
榊由里1, 中村美鈴2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 134-135, 2021.

Japanese Article 39. We report it as a result of medical safe culture investigation in Jikei University School of Medicine Hospital
楠本靖幸1, 瀧浪將典2, 大城戸一郎1, 小菅誠1, 田村宏美1, 佐藤恵1, 有賀庸代1, 廣瀬俊昭1, 影井淳子1, 石垣秀城1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 135-136, 2021.

Japanese Article 40. The effect that the pulmonary vein isolation technique using various catheter ablation devices gives for a myocardium deviation enzyme and inflammatory response after the operation in the patients with atrial fibrillation
横山正明1, 山下省吾1, 佐藤秀範2, 大瀬戸宏綱1, 徳竹賢一1, 横山賢一1, 加藤美香1, 鳴井亮介1, 谷川真一2, 徳田道史2, 宮永哲1, 杉本健一2, 山根禎一1, 吉村道博1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 136-136, 2021.

Japanese Article 41. Hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy corrects lysosomal storage in the central nervous system in a murine model of GMI gangliosidosis.
角皆季樹1,2, 大橋十也3, 嶋田洋太2, 樋口孝2, 木村文香4, 松島小貴2, 渡部文子5, 小林博司1,2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 136-137, 2021.

Japanese Article 42. The higher structure formation through the Ca2+ is the step that is important in the biosynthesis of heterodimer amino acid transporter b0,+AT-rBAT
ウィリヤサムクン パッタマ1, 李勇燦2, クーブラント ヴァーナー2, 永森收志1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 137-137, 2021.

Japanese Article 43. Definition of the new characteristic of the whole brain nerve connection in the Rett syndrome model with the MECP2 gene deletion
吉丸大輔1, 畑純一1, 平林源希2, 岡野ジェイムス洋尚1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 138-138, 2021.

Japanese Article 44. Efforts of the rehabilitation department for COVID-19
芳賀直人1, 平野健大1, 藤井有沙1, 木山厚1, 来住野健二1, 保木本崇弘1, 中山恭秀1,2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 138-139, 2021.

Japanese Article 45. Possibility of the malarial control based on the nutritional knowledge
齊木選射1, 長尾健児2, 石上盛敏3, 福本晋也4, クルドゥスッドゥ スリヴィッチャ5, 櫻井達也1, 坂内慎2, 狩野繁之3, 嘉糠洋陸1,6
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 139-139, 2021.

Japanese Article 46. Effect of the DHA on cholesterol transportation of the macrophage
田島彩沙1,2, Ross Catharine A.2
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 139-140, 2021.

Japanese Article 47. Identification of HLA-DRB1 as the sensitivity gene of the autoimmune alveolar proteinosis by GWAS
廣田朝光1, 玉利真由美1, 坂上沙央里2, 岡田随象2, 山口悦郎3, 中田光4
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 140-141, 2021.

Japanese Article 48. Significance of the tissue domiciliation type macrophage derived from the endocardium in the heart valve morphosis and molecular control structure
劉孟佳1, 多田祈2, 中江隆充3, 南沢享1, 中野敦1,4
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 141-141, 2021.

Japanese Article 49. The atrium-specific Pitx2c overexpression increases superior ventricle arrhythmia by calcium adjustment abnormality
馬場俊輔1,2, 赤池徹2, 暮地本宙生2, 新庄聡子3, 南沢享2, 大石公彦1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 141-142, 2021.

Japanese Article 50. Development of the simulation education in "the infection medical care human resources training business"
万代康弘1, 挾間しのぶ2, 宮道亮輔1, 佐藤浩之1, 大瀧佑平1, 武田聡1
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 142-143, 2021.

Japanese Article 51. The pancreatic cancer 1 case which it was not able to detect in the clinical survey of the Shimbashi medical examination center
三間康之, 伊藤恭子, 湯川豊一, 小林寛子, 中田正裕, 宇都宮一典, 加藤智弘
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 143-143, 2021.

Masaichi OGAWA
Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal 136(6): 145-150, 2021.