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Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science

Volume 33, Issue 1 / 1980
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article A nutrient, food and cancer judging from epidemiology
廣畑富雄, Yoshifumi Tomita, Akira Shibata
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 33(1): 1-7, 1980.

Japanese Article Influence of Dietary Protein on Serum Total Protein and Albumin
Takako YOKOZAWA*, Tetsuro NAGASAWA*, Hikokichi OURA*, Hitomi NAKAGAWA**, Kumiko YONEHARA**
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 33(1): 9-14, 1980.

Japanese Article Tube Feeding of the Formula, Containing Casein Hydrolysate and Starch Hydrolysate, to the Subjects Received Surgery against Esophagal Carcinoma
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 33(1): 15-25, 1980.

Japanese Article Dietary Fibers and Gastrointestinal Transit Time in Mice
Fumiyuki TAKEHISA*, Toru SUZUKI**, Shuichi KIMURA***
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 33(1): 27-33, 1980.

Japanese Article Effect of Quercetin on Nutritive Value of Protein
Kiharu IGARASHI, Tomoyuki ISHII, Akiyoshi HOSOYA, Kenichiro YARIMIZU, Tadahiko YASUI
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 33(1): 35-38, 1980.

Japanese Article Components of Topnote Aroma of Soy Sauce
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 33(1): 39-40, 1980.

Japanese Article Alpha-tocopherol level out of the human red blood cell (P. 505-516)
美濃真, 西田靖彦, 木島良民, 岩越美恵, 中川茂男
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 33(1): 42-42, 1980.

Japanese Article Isolation fixed-quantity (P.517 - 523) of thiamine in a rat organ by the high performance liquid chromatography and the phosphate esters
Kazuhiko Ishii 1, Keisuke Sarai 1, True Hiroshi Mori 2, Takashi Kawasaki 2
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 33(1): 42-42, 1980.

Japanese Article Search (P. 525-542) of the effect of the amino acid mixed feed administration to give it to the lipid transportation from the liver using the liver perfusion method
片山吉穂, 西明真理
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 33(1): 42-43, 1980.

Japanese Article Two or three properties (P.543 - 552) of free isomaltase appearing to tunica mucosa intestini tenuis early in the development of the albino rat
Kazuhiko Yamada, Yukiko Moriuchi, Norimasa Hosoya
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 33(1): 43-43, 1980.