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Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science

Volume 72, Issue 3 / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 Enhances Oral Tolerance in Mice via Breastfeeding
Ayu Matsunaga1,5, Kurumi Takagi-Matsumoto2, Maya Yamashita2, Kumiko Kizu-Mori3, Junko Hirose4, Toshihide Kabuki2, Fumihiko Sakai2, Hiroshi Narita1,3
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 105-113, 2019.

Japanese Article Determination of Inorganic and Total Phosphorus Content in Processed Foods
Makiko Suzuki1, Narumi Yamashita1
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 115-120, 2019.

English Article Vitamin D Inhibits Activities of Metallopro-teinase-9/-13 in Articular Cartilage In Vivo and In Vitro
Siwei Li1,2, Guodong Niu1,3, X. Neil Dong4, Zhongjun Liu1, Chunli Song2, Huijie Leng1
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 122-122, 2019.

Japanese Article The administration of cholecalciferol effect which the decrease in CD4+CD69+T cells in the food allergy model mouse participated in
エジェ ザイム, 芦野滋, 大坂利文, 柳沢直子, 八木淳二
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 122-122, 2019.

Japanese Article The boys of the elderly pregnant woman are affected by the physique of mother in early pregnancy from birth to 18 months
福田小百合1, 田中優里佳2, 原田清美3, 猿渡綾子2,4, 北岡かおり2,5, 小谷清子2, 青井渉2, 和田小依里2, 小國龍也6, 浅野弘明3, 萩原暢子7, 東あかね2
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 123-123, 2019.

English Article Expression of MHC-I and II by Microglia and Lymphocytes in the Brain of Diet-Restricted Mice
Jose Antonio Estrada, Uriel Quijano-Juarez, Irazu Contreras
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 123-123, 2019.

Japanese Article The salt restrictions have an influence on second urinary mineral (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Zn) output early in the morning
芹澤奈保1,2,3, 西牟田守2,4, 児玉直子3,4, 島田美恵子4,5, 吉武裕4,6, 本宮暢子7, 太田昌子1,2, 矢野友啓1,2
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 123-124, 2019.

Japanese Article Remember it 1st in the estimate of the gross energy consumption of institution entrance elderly people; validity of the law: CLinical EValuation of Energy Requirements Study (CLEVER Study)
西田優紀1, 中江悟司1,2, 山田陽介3, 近藤衣美3,4, 山口美輪3,5, 白土裕之6, 平野浩彦7, 佐々木敏8, 田中茂穂1, 勝川史憲9
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 124-124, 2019.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the physiological function in the C57BL/6J mouse of the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AS385 nutrient medium powder containing 1-deoxynojirimycin and the organ distribution
Isabella Supardi Parida1, 高須蒼生1, 伊藤隼哉1, 池田亮一2, 山岸賢治3, 木村俊之3, 宮澤陽夫1,4, 永塚貴弘1, 仲川清隆1
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 124-124, 2019.

Japanese Article The intake of Lactobacillus brevis SBC8803 improves a chronic sleep disorder by the mental psychologic stress load in the mouse
山本(肥後)明花1, 山本幸織1, 宮崎歴1, 中北保一2, 金田弘挙3, 高田善浩3, 中村剛3, 大石勝隆1,4,5,6
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 125-125, 2019.

Japanese Article Antithrombotic effect with the rat oral administration of the Nemacystus decipiens (Cladosiphon Okamuranus, brown algae)
安澤俊紀1, 美馬晶2, 上嶋繁1,3,4
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 125-125, 2019.

Japanese Article An association between intake frequency and subjective sleep situation of milk of the training period in the Japanese top athlete and dairy products: Crossing study
安田純1, 吉崎貴大2, 山本かおり3, 吉野昌恵4, 太田昌子5, 川原貴4, 亀井明子4
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 125-125, 2019.

English Article A Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy of Zinc in Oral Mucositis During Cancer Chemo and/or Radiotherapy - An Evidence-Based Approach
Nallan CSK Chaitanya, Khanam Shugufta, Chintada Suvarna, Triveni Bhopal, Sujatha Mekala, Harikiran Ponnuru, Ramakrishna Madathanapalle, Mayuri Patel, Sourab Abhyankar, Charan Reddy, Pundarikakshaiah Deveneni
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 126-126, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination about the polyphenolic intake in the university student and the seasonal difference
田中千恵1, 岸本良美1, 竹内郁恵2, 田中未央里3, 岩島知未3, 福島洋一4, 近藤和雄1,2
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 126-126, 2019.

Japanese Article "Benifuki" in combination with quercetin suppresses liver fat accumulation in rats fed a high-fat high-cholesterol diet
蒲原智子1, 越口愛美1, 山本(前田)万里2, 篠田有希3, 亀谷典弘3, 平井静1, 江頭祐嘉合1
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 126-127, 2019.

Japanese Article About an antidepressant effect of the δ-opioid peptide derived from agates Colin -6, the spinach in the restraint stress load mouse
光本泰秀1, 佐藤玲菜1, 多河典子2, 加藤郁夫2
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 127-127, 2019.

Japanese Article The hesperidium skin inhibits the dopamine purinergic nerve cell death in LPS - inducibility Parkinson's disease model mouse brain in Kawachi evening
奥山聡, 神崎智子, 古谷慈美, 加藤真己, 澤本篤志, 中島光業, 古川美子
Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 72(3): 127-127, 2019.