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Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine

Volume 18, Issue 2 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the 18th Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine general meeting, academic meeting holding
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 79-79, 2015.

Japanese Article We talk about the current situation of the emergency care from a local viewpoint
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 199-199, 2015.

Japanese Article SL1(E). The history of emergency services attending physician system in the Tokyo Fire Department and the future prospects (the emergency services attending physician system that came in response to the change of social conditions)
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 200-200, 2015.

English Article SL3(D). Emergency Medical System & History of KSEM
Hyun Kim1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 202-202, 2015.

Japanese Article SL4(C). About medical policy and nursing
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 203-203, 2015.

Japanese Article EL1(D). ... which increases what we learn because there is development - horse stake to medical security of the resilience engineering and do well at
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 204-204, 2015.

Japanese Article EL2(N). An activity and education of the doctor copter flight nurse in Japan
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 205-205, 2015.

Japanese Article EL3(C). Role = of the emergency practice enforcement hospital in disaster medical care measures = area in the basic local government
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 205-205, 2015.

Japanese Article EL4(N). Activity of the Hokkaido disaster nursing support communication (we help EZO) to tie a local nurse and nurse
太田晴美1, 阿式正敏2, 山本環2, 渡部明代3, 新村智宏4, 矢橋忍5, 名塚優子3, 澤田幸子6, 小澄悦子6, 千葉美子7
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 205-205, 2015.

English Article EL5(N). Simulation-assisted planning, execution and evaluation of medical surge capacity
Helene Nilsson1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 206-206, 2015.

Japanese Article EL6(C). For rebuilding of the physician-patient relation from - conflict to collaboration from an autonomy model to a personality model
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 207-207, 2015.

Japanese Article J1-1(D). Specialist upbringing by the straight internship program
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 208-208, 2015.

Japanese Article J1-2(D). About the new specialist update standard of the emergency course domain
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 208-208, 2015.

Japanese Article J1-3(D). Emergency course domain training program in the new specialty
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 209-209, 2015.

Japanese Article J2(D). About a cranial nerve injury association in Japan
前田剛1,2, 吉野篤緒1, 片山容一1,2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 210-210, 2015.

Japanese Article J3(D). "The advice of the neurologic revival to think about with an ER doc"
1日本脳神経外科救急学会 PNLS委員会
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 211-211, 2015.

Japanese Article J3-1(D). The advice of the neurologic revival to think about with a "designated remark" ER doc
岩瀬正顕1, 栗栖薫2, 奥寺敬2, 安心院康彦2, 池田尚人2, 淺井昭雄2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 212-212, 2015.

Japanese Article J3-2(D). Introduction of the neurosurgical emergency primary care course
岩瀬正顕1, 栗栖薫2, 奥寺敬2, 安心院康彦2, 池田尚人2, 淺井昭雄2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 212-212, 2015.

Japanese Article J3-3(D). Interpretation of Primary Neurosurgical Life Support judging from a viewpoint of the neurologic revival
池田尚人1, 奥寺敬2, 岩瀬正顕2, 安心院康彦2, 高橋恵2, 伊藤勝博2, 山田実貴人2, 中村丈洋2, 谷崎義生2, 豊田泉2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 213-213, 2015.

Japanese Article J3-4(D). In the Primary Neurosurgical Life Support (PNLS) course "module C is the significance of brain herniation and nerve views"
高橋恵1, 奥寺敬1, 安心院康彦2, 池田尚人3, 岩瀬正顕4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 213-213, 2015.

Japanese Article J3-5(D). Importance of the simulation education in the neurologic revival
安心院康彦1, 金子一郎1, 竹内保男1, 石川久1, 坂本哲也1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 214-214, 2015.

Japanese Article J3-6(D). What is the condition of a patient of clinical significance - active treatment resistance factor of the intraventricular hemorrhage in the severe head trauma?
横堀將司1, 山口昌紘2, 五十嵐豊2, 亦野文宏3, 井上泰豪2, 恩田秀賢2, 桑本健太郎2, 荒木尚2, 布施明1, 横田裕行1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 214-214, 2015.

Japanese Article J3-7(D). One case of the cervical vertebrae purulent spondylitis that needed time for a diagnosis
津村龍1, 大谷直嗣1, 京道人1, 稲川嵩紘1, 田邉優子1, 廣橋伸之1, 谷川攻一1, 栗栖薫2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 215-215, 2015.

Japanese Article J3-8(D). About usefulness of PNLS in the "special remark" emergency care
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 215-215, 2015.

Japanese Article J4(D). About the cooperation project of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine, patients security promotion Committee and the Japanese medical professor system association
池上敬一1, 浅香えみ子2, 前田淳一3, 福田龍将4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 216-216, 2015.

Japanese Article J5-1(D). Process of the history of the tissue transplantation association in Japan and the development
田中秀治1, 島崎修次1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 216-216, 2015.

Japanese Article J5-2(C). Coordinator upbringing by the tissue transplantation association in Japan and the role
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 217-217, 2015.

Japanese Article J5-3(C). Authorized system of the tissue bank in the tissue transplantation in Japan
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 217-217, 2015.

Japanese Article J5-4(C). The activity of the amnion bank and the effect
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 218-218, 2015.

Japanese Article J5-5(D). About the cooperation with the Japanese organ transplantation network and tissue transplantation association in Japan
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 218-218, 2015.

Japanese Article J6(D). Trend of the Japanese nerve emergency academic conference
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 219-219, 2015.

Japanese Article J7(D). Education of the high atmospheric pressure oxygen inhalation therapy and the future prospects
三浦邦久1,2, 石原哲2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 219-219, 2015.

Japanese Article D1(D). The thing which an outline and these guidelines on seriously ill septicemic practice guidelines 2016 making special committee for Japan aim at
西田修1, 小倉裕司2, 江木盛時3, 日本版重症敗血症診療ガイドライン2016作成特別委員会4,5
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 220-220, 2015.

Japanese Article D2(D). Attempt of the disaster medical care education by Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Awaji Hospital picture and the disaster ethnography
水谷和郎1, 栗栖茂2, 山下和範3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 220-220, 2015.

Japanese Article D3(D). The death time video diagnosis necessary for an ER doc: Knowledge of Ai (Autopsy imaging)
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 221-221, 2015.

Japanese Article D4(D). From experience of the marathon medical care support - Nagoya women marathon as the trout gathering medicine -
中川隆1, 水野光規2, 田久浩志3, 喜熨斗智也4, 北川喜己5, 市原利彦6, 加納秀記7, 竹内昭憲8, 小澤和弘9, 田中秀治10, 野口宏11
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 221-221, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-1(R). The making of team which can call No the engineer who can say that it is No
森原宗憲1, 渡部敬次1, 山本浩司1, 竹下仁2, 小畑仁司3, 大石泰男3, 秋元寛3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 222-222, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-2(R). Examination of the radiography under the backboard in the Initial doctor's office
山田晃弘1, 土井智章2, 大保勇3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 222-222, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-3(R). Possibility of the bloodstream evaluation by CT-Perfusion in the acute phase cerebral infarction
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 222-222, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-4(R). Evaluation of the dehydration by the blood vessel diameter measurement in the abdominal CT image
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 222-222, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-5(R). Basic examination such as a scan conditions, and the like in the chest portable radiography to the tachypneic patients
宮安孝行1, 新井純一1, 古東正宜1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 223-223, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-6(R). The effect that a positioning position of the backboard gives to image quality of head CT scan
藤村一郎1, 西池成章1, 相良健司1, 坂下惠治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 223-223, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-7(R). Construction of the in-hospital network-adaptive emergency filmcraft manual
東丈雄1, 佐々木秀隆1, 柳川康洋1, 大西光雄2, 吉矢和久2, 射場治郎2, 嶋津岳士2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 223-223, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-1(E). About the enforcement situation of two extended acts in the Tokyo Fire Department
塩野目淑1, 石原剛1, 矢島務1, 田邉晴山2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 224-224, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-2(D). About an approach to emergency care reproduction project "general emergency practice" to bind a university hospital and a district hospital together and the future prospects
軍神正隆1, 園生智弘1, 井口竜太2, 中村謙介3, 中島勧1, 矢作直樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 224-224, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-3(D). The current situation in the Tokyo health center for the elderly to analyze from a questionnaire of the whole of Tokyo for first aid
石川秀樹1, 吉田昌文2, 坂本哲也1, 横山隆捷1, 安藤高夫1, 宮崎舜賢1, 石原哲1, 伊藤雅史1, 猪口正孝1, 新藤博3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 224-224, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-4(D). Challenge ... of ... one folk medicine institution making the new emergency care institution in a local city
冨岡譲二1, 伊地知寿1, 畑倫明1, 榮福亮三1, 岩間直1, 崔權一1, 中村隼人1, 来間裕一1, 米盛公治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 224-224, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-5(D). The emergency captain remedial education based on the inspection results of 2 extended act enforcement cases: The effect and problem
古谷良輔1, 桝井良裕1, 森村尚登1, 伊藤賢司2, 渡辺敏之2, 池谷稔2, 越智美穂2, 長嶌惣一郎2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 225-225, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-6(D). Efforts of the critical care center in one local city
小林誠人1, 佐々木妙子1, 山本奈緒1, 杉野貴彦1, 藤崎修1, 前山博輝1, 松井大作1, 番匠谷友紀1, 岡和幸1, 門馬秀介1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 225-225, 2015.

Japanese Article SY3-1(D). Example that it became the cardiac arrest by suffocation, but was able to save by appropriate cooperation
野村侑史1, 大谷義孝1, 根本学1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 226-226, 2015.

Japanese Article SY3-2(D). Introduction> of efforts <night emergent admission ward setting and hospital transfer system of the local city core hospital where an emergency patient is easy to concentrate on
高林健1, 内藤博司1, 市場稔久1, 増田利恵子1, 児玉昌子1, 小林靖孟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 226-226, 2015.

Japanese Article SY3-3(D). Invention of the emergency primary care in the local city second emergency care organization
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 226-226, 2015.

Japanese Article SY3-4(D). Problems of the critical care center accepting the seriously ill patients from 3 capital prefectures
庄古知久1, 遠藤英樹1, 千田篤1, 成田知大1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 226-226, 2015.

Japanese Article SY3-5(D). The current situation and problem (Oita) of the emergency care in the district
重光修1, 和田伸介1, 竹中隆一1, 塩月一平1, 田邊三思1, 黒澤慶子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 227-227, 2015.

Japanese Article SY3-6(D). Local DMAT activity - in efforts - Taketa-shi, Oita of the settings dispatch from a local medical institution
石井一誠1, 石井圭亮2, 山口律子1, 吉良亜季彦1, 後藤大輔1, 荒巻靖秀1, 小代武1, 後藤ゆかり1, 花宮大輔1, 橋本考広1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 227-227, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-1(D). Comprehensive medical care power of the scale secondary care hospital out of the district
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 228-228, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-2(D). Pipeline ... with the remote island emergency care support system - city Hospital
鈴木慧太郎1, 篠崎正博1, 鍛冶有登1, 薬師寺泰匡1, 伊藤嘉彦1, 山田元大1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 228-228, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-3(D). Through the questionnaire to current situation investigation - ambulancecrew of the emergency conveyance in the Futaba Soma district
西村哲郎1, 紺野愼一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 228-228, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-4(E). The multidirectional maintenance of the injury system is necessary for patients with injury lifesaving of the medical remote place
根本明1, 長谷川和俊1, 松本尚2, 益子一樹2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 228-228, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-5(D). Way - of the demographic division of medical services cooperation by the construction of current situation - wide area emergency care system of the emergency care in Oita
石井圭亮1, 田邉三思1, 黒澤慶子1, 津村弘1, 山本明彦2, 稲垣伸洋3, 玉井文洋4, 鳴海篤志5, 石井一誠6, 舛友一洋7
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 229-229, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-6(D). For establishment of the exploring - Awaji-style of the local emergency care -
吉田剛1, 坂平英樹1, 岡本浩1, 林孝俊1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 229-229, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-7(D). Development of the medical equipment about field of emergency disaster in Fukushima
島田二郎1, 田勢長一郎1, 伊関憲1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 229-229, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-1(D). Two cases of the isolated superior mesenteric artery dissection which we experienced in our hospital of the radiologist absence
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 230-230, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-2(D). Efforts to local morphology emergency care in the local cottage-hospital
横山和之1, 山地泰輝2, 作田俊博2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 230-230, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-3(D). The current situation and problem of the emergency care in the northern part of Iwate coast
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 230-230, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-4(D). Examination about a disease and the situation of late-night consultation (0-6:00) patients in the Itoshima-shi holiday, night emergency center and the risk
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 230-230, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-5(D). The change of the elderly people lifesaving emergency care in our hospital
松原康博1, 山森祐治1, 越崎雅行2, 新納教男1, 森浩一1, 川上潮1, 石田亮介1, 石飛奈津子1, 佐藤弘樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 231-231, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-6(D). Inspection of the follow-up hospitalization "night bed" in our hospital
樋口昭子1, 樋口清博1, 田澤賢一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 231-231, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-7(D). Principle and true intention ... of in-hospital medical cooperation - ER doc
松園幸雅1, 大島壽海1, 勝守高士1, 安村理沙1, 下村雅美1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 231-231, 2015.

Japanese Article SY6-1(D). A basic tone lecture: The way of the emergency primary care
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 232-232, 2015.

Japanese Article SY6-2(D). Examination of primary care that an ER doc expects
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 232-232, 2015.

Japanese Article SY6-3(D). Examination of primary care that a reviewer thinks about
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 232-232, 2015.

Japanese Article SY6-4(N). Examination of emergency primary care that an emergency visit nurse expects
隈崎聡美1, 澤村明子1, 川口いずみ2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 232-232, 2015.

Japanese Article SY6-5(ME). Examination of primary care that an emergency examination authorization engineer thinks about
森谷裕司1, 末廣吉男1, 三木靖雄2, 中川隆3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 233-233, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-1(D). Attempt of the simulation education of the emergency visit practice by the AMLS (Advanced Medical Life Support) course
園生智弘1, 三浦朋子1, 軍神正隆1, 中島勧1, 矢作直樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 234-234, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-2(D). Simulation education to support development of the emergency care
南和1, 鈴木恒夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 234-234, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-3(D). Usefulness of the disaster simulation education in the before graduation education
本多満1, 一林亮1, 八木裕希2, 横室浩樹1, 田巻一義1, 吉原克則1, 倉島大樹2, 刑部好喜2, 岸太一3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 234-234, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-4(D). Invention of the taking intravenous route model at simulation training in the measures extended class
沢本圭悟1, 鈴木靖2, 上村修二1, 水野浩利1, 井上弘行1, 長谷守1, 成松英智1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 234-234, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-5(D). Importance of the simulation education for Mastery learning in the acute medicine
武田聡1, 及川沙耶佳1, 大谷圭1, 土肥謙二1, 桐山信章1, 光永敏哉1, 大瀧佑平1, 奥野憲司1, 卯洋罹雅彦1, 小川武希1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 235-235, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-6(D). Simulation education is necessary for emergency care
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 235-235, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-7(D). For a serious wound injury case, is the simulation education useful in establishment of the team approach in medical care?
石井亘1, 榊原謙1, 飯塚亮二1, 平木咲子1, 大岩祐介1, 岡田遥平1, 市川哲也1, 荒井裕介1, 檜垣聡1, 北村誠1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 235-235, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-8(D). The acute medicine is ... from experience of ... JPTEC(TM) course holding requiring appropriate simulation education
山口順子1, 山内一2, 関谷裕美3, 森香織3, 堀智志1, 雅楽川聡1, 木下浩作1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 235-235, 2015.

Japanese Article SY8-1(D). The system of the life saver to save an urine person in a beach and the significance
中川儀英1, 石川仁憲2, 菊池太2, 福島圭介2, 風間隆弘2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 236-236, 2015.

Japanese Article SY8-2(E). From the approach of the bystander follow-up (from the attitude survey of the paramedic conducting settings activity)
広瀬勝1, 石井史子2, 奥山正晃1, 太田柊爾1, 長崎智1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 236-236, 2015.

Japanese Article SY8-3(E). The making of system to support the bystander
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 236-236, 2015.

Japanese Article SY8-4(D). Invention about the stress reduction of the bystander
西本泰久1, 林靖之1, 石見拓1, 岸本正文1, 安宅啓二1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 236-236, 2015.

Japanese Article SY8-5(E). Mental stress at basic life support enforcement: Survey for the staff of the facility for social welfare for the aged
田島典夫1, 畑中美穂2, 細川知子3, 青木瑠里4, 井上保介4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 237-237, 2015.

Japanese Article SY8-6(D). We work on the cardiopulmonary resuscitation spread to a primary schoolchild
岸本正文1, 塩野茂1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 237-237, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-1(C). Climatic condition to be associated with the development of heat stroke
登内道彦1, 村山貢司1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 238-238, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-2(D). A risk factor of the heat stroke onset and new cooling method
小田泰崇1, 鶴田良介1, 三宅康史2, 奥寺敬3, 中村俊介2, 白石振一郎4, 若杉雅浩5, 清水敬樹6, 登内道彦7, 横田裕行8
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 238-238, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-3(D). Physical impediment in the heat stroke and cooling target temperature, examination about the cooling time
中村俊介1, 三宅康史1, 小田泰崇2, 奥寺敬2, 北原孝雄2, 清水敬樹2, 白石振一郎2, 若杉雅浩2, 横田裕行2, 有賀徹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 238-238, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-4(D). Heat stroke practice guidelines (CQ9, 11): Characteristic of the treatment that is effective for organ derangement in the heat stroke and the fatal case of heat stroke
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 238-238, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-5(D). The development course and incidence of heat stroke guidelines, DIC treatment
三宅康史1, 中村俊介1, 横田裕行2, 奥寺敬2, 若杉雅浩2, 北原孝雄2, 坪倉正治2, 小田泰崇2, 清水敬樹2, 白石振一郎2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 239-239, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-6(D). CQ making (CQ5) in heat stroke practice guidelines
清水敬樹1, 中村俊介2, 三宅康史2, 若杉雅浩3, 奥寺敬3, 白石振一郎4, 小田泰嵩5, 鶴田良介5, 北原孝雄6, 横田裕行7
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 239-239, 2015.

Japanese Article SY10-1(D). Mass disaster medical care measures in Tokyo that fixed its eyes on the Tokyo Olympics Paralympics
石川秀樹1, 山澤文裕2, 伊藤雅史1, 石原哲1, 大桃丈知1, 三橋敏武2, 田中秀治2, 早野忠明3, 森下修身2, 七澤英治3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 240-240, 2015.

Japanese Article SY10-2(D). To succeed at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020
永田高志1, 橋爪誠2, 石井正三3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 240-240, 2015.

Japanese Article SY10-3(D). Fix the eyes on efforts - Tokyo Olympics toward the downtown area type critical care center resisting a disaster in our hospital; and ...
土肥謙二1, 武田聡1, 大谷圭1, 大瀧佑平1, 光永敏哉1, 桐山信章1, 大木芳美1, 奥野憲司1, 卯津羅雅彦1, 小川武希1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 240-240, 2015.

Japanese Article SY10-4(D). It cannot support a terrorism case at the Tokyo Olympics by the existing system of this country
布施明1, 五十嵐豊1, 萩原純1, 若井聡智2, 大西光雄3, 齋藤大蔵4, 横田裕行1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 240-240, 2015.

Japanese Article SY10-5(C). Examination of the means of the country, language distinction from foreign disabled and investigation of the emergency care system recognition of Japan
酒向雄二郎1, 田久浩志1, 田中秀治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 241-241, 2015.

Japanese Article SY10-6(D). Examination of the problems for the foreigner in our hospital
池田尚人1, 弘重壽一2, 上條由美3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 241-241, 2015.

Japanese Article SY11. On the basis of way ... prospective role of the social worker in the field of emergency care; and ...
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 242-242, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-1(C). Effect after critical care center MSW working full time placement and the initial assessment sheet utilization
篠原純史1, 影山美紗子1, 掛川瑶子1, 福江靖2, 小池俊明2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 243-243, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-2(C). The effect after the Gunma suicide attempter fact-finding business operation and the future prospects
掛川瑶子1, 影山美紗子1, 篠原純史1, 福江靖2, 小池俊明2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 243-243, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-3(C). With the support sought by reinstatement of the injury sixth month in patients with injury
岡野麻美1, 田村暢一朗1, 曽我比呂子1, 福岡敏雄1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 243-243, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-4(C). Do you shorten it by active intervention of MSW to an emergency course hospitalization case for the hospitalization?
鈴木信子1, 杉之内舞1, 木村敦子1, 切田学2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 243-243, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-5(D). The present situation and problem of the hospital transfer adjustment by the medical social-worker in this lifesaving center
關匡彦1, 上田尚義2, 井上剛1, 宮崎敬太1, 淺井英樹1, 北岡寛教1, 川井廉之1, 則本和伸1, 福島英賢1, 奥地一夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 244-244, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-6(C). One consideration through the returning home support example to the foreign disabled
影山美紗子1, 掛川瑶子1, 篠原純史1, 福江靖2, 小池俊明2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 244-244, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-7(C). Inspection and practice report of "hospital transfer support system (PACTAS) after the acute phase treatment"
高橋裕美1, 大西光雄1, 福森優司1, 平野匡1, 田中勇真1, 山村武1, 入澤太郎1, 嶋津岳士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 244-244, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-8(D). To promote an early hospital transfer: An institution visit and case conference with MSW
國永直樹1, 岡野麻美2, 福岡敏雄1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 244-244, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-1 (E). We think about the hospital choice of the acceptance difficulty disabled by the intervention of the hospital (physician).
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 245-245, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-2(E). Can even local wide area firefighting reduce the number of non-meeting a demand by the prior hospital choice?
木内賢一1, 内堀慧一2, 白川透3, 齋藤英一3, 田久浩志3, 田中秀治3, 島崎修次3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 245-245, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-3(E). About the current situation and a problem of the acceptance of the medical institution in Sendai-shi
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 245-245, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-4(D). Examination of the ambulance non-meeting a demand which we did by the reason of the emergency visit pressure
鈴木昌1, 渋沢崇之1, 本間康一郎1, 上野浩一1, 田島康介1, 佐々木淳一1, 並木淳1, 堀進悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 245-245, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-5(E). Efforts (the second report) for the cancellation of the case having difficulty with emergency conveyance in the East Saitama area
佐竹洋二1, 木村徹2, 松山尚弘3, 有馬健4, 池上敬一5
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 246-246, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-6(D). For problem - cancellation having difficulty with ambulance acceptance before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake -
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 246-246, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-7(D). Examination of the frequent first aid conveyance patients in our hospital
伊泊広二1, 宮崎香織1, 横矢隆宏1, 林峰栄1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 246-246, 2015.

Japanese Article SY14-1(D). Effect of the emergency car ride training of the initial resident
田口大1, 畠山広巳1, 石田浩之1, 林浩三1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 247-247, 2015.

Japanese Article SY14-2(N). Focus on an individual trait and the training instruction environment of the nurse engaged in current situation - training of the education system of the paramedic Hospital training; and -
田口裕紀子1, 城丸瑞恵2, 澄川真珠子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 247-247, 2015.

Japanese Article SY14-3(D). East Saitama area medical control council order person in charge class
有馬健1, 木村徹2, 鈴木光洋3, 池上敬一3, 折原裕之4, 星野靖彦5, 本名修6, 永易照基7, 神徹8, 池田光芳9
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 247-247, 2015.

Japanese Article SY14-4(D). Efforts of the paramedic endotracheal intubation training at multiple hospitals including the hospital only for part-time service anesthesiology specialists
山口桂司1, 小倉雅2, 前原健作3, 安田智嗣1, 二木貴弘1, 下野裕生4, 宮本昇太郎1, 寺田晋作1, 垣花泰之1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 247-247, 2015.

Japanese Article SY14-5(E). Efforts of the education to all emergency services with the Kitakyushu-shi firefighting station first aid work station
橋本義弘1, 安田英信1, 谷延正夫1, 井上征雄2, 田口健蔵2, 伊藤重彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 248-248, 2015.

Japanese Article SY14-6(D). Paramedic in Yokohama-shi, educational program of the member of communication order
桝井良裕1, 森村尚登1, 古谷良輔1, 中村京太1, 湯浅洋司2, 春成伸之1, 高橋耕平1, 伊藤賢司3, 池谷稔3, 長嶌惣一郎3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 248-248, 2015.

Japanese Article SY14-7(D). Learning design of improvement in performance of the emergency services in the local medical control system, the endotracheal intubation remedial education
杉木大輔1, 池上敬一1, 上笹貫俊郎1, 五明佐也香1, 鈴木光洋1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 248-248, 2015.

Japanese Article SY14-8(C). About cooperation of education and the MC council of the member of communication order utilizing "an education text affecting the first aid of the member of communication order"
福嶋薫1, 桝井良裕2, 太田孝1, 大竹宏明1, 峰岸弘治1, 原正利1, 松浦拓巳1, 大島いずみ1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 248-248, 2015.

Japanese Article SY15-1(E). Of ambulance service time shortening whereas about the measures (trial of the northwest post-rule)
吉田典子1, 後藤康紀1, 金城英彦1, 鈴木修平1, 猿渡希美1, 佐藤健一1, 小坂仁志1, 坂上傑1, 木庭雄至2, 小野寺潔1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 249-249, 2015.

Japanese Article SY15-2(D). Analysis ... using the fact and the problem - Osaka-shi firefighting station gnosis data of the patients with GI bleeding conveyance in Osaka-shi
山本啓雅1, 木村義成2, 林田純人3, 溝端康光1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 249-249, 2015.

Japanese Article SY15-3(D). "Fukuyama method first aid name of disease registration system" aiming at visualization of the emergency care
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 249-249, 2015.

Japanese Article SY15-4(E). It is the change of the inspection system and the effect after the document ceremony for patients with injury in the East Saitama area
白石雄介1, 山田浩二郎2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 249-249, 2015.

Japanese Article SY15-5(D). Activation of the medical control council is essential for stroke emergency care system maintenance
谷崎義生1, 中島重良2, 中村光伸3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 250-250, 2015.

Japanese Article SY15-6(D). Problem of the stroke practice in Koto-ku, Tokyo
池田尚人1, 弘重壽一2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 250-250, 2015.

Japanese Article SY16-1(E). About the current situation of disease severity, the urgent degree judgment (the Tokyo Fire Department) for the injury case
橋本寛1, 小井戸雄一2, 加藤宏2, 小笠原智子2, 石堂志直1, 黒澤英樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 251-251, 2015.

Japanese Article SY16-3(N). Effect in the triage system introduction
多賀真佐美1, 岩元美紀1, 瀧芳美1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 251-251, 2015.

Japanese Article SY16-4(D). The effect that an urgent degree evaluation by JTAS gave to emergency course practice
中島勧1, 園生智弘1, 軍神正隆1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 251-251, 2015.

Japanese Article SY16-5(D). The information management of processes from the triage in the University of Tokyo Hospital emergency department to the end of the medical examination and database making
岩井聡1, 園生智弘1, 井口竜太2, 軍神正隆1, 中島勧1, 矢作直樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 252-252, 2015.

Japanese Article SY16-6(D). Need - of all emergency patient data accumulation for the improvement of the quality of the in-hospital emergency degree judgment based on in-hospital urgent degree and prognostic examination - PDCA
森田正則1, 蝦原健1, 天野浩司1, 中田康城1, 塩地美紀2, 久保桂子2, 井田真由美2, 横田順一朗3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 252-252, 2015.

Japanese Article SY16-7(D). The present situation of the urgent degree judgment in front of the hospital: Examination to affect the precision of the Yokohama-shi serious case trauma center conveyance protocol
森村尚登1, 北野光秀1, 古谷良輔1, 林宗貴1, 桝井良裕1, 豊田洋1, 伊巻尚平1, 八木啓一1, 西山貴郁1, 伊藤賢司2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 252-252, 2015.

Japanese Article SY17-1(P). The current situation of the pharmacist duties in first aid, the intensive care section of the district hospital and future problem
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 253-253, 2015.

Japanese Article SY17-2(P). Participation in planning of the pharmacist to the critical care center duties in the local third emergency hospital
佐藤史織1, 山代栄士1, 河村聡志1, 中島竜太2, 稲垣伸洋2, 高倉健3, 森一生1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 253-253, 2015.

Japanese Article SY17-3(P). Relation of the pharmacist to the emergency department in the second emergency care organization
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 253-253, 2015.

Japanese Article SY17-4(D). Relation of the second emergency care model and pharmacist of the hub-and-spoke type
杉田学1, 野村智久1, 大久保淳史2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 253-253, 2015.

Japanese Article SY17-5(P). Relation of the pharmacist of the critical care center in the side effect relief system
西本香王里1, 南木亜里沙1, 長友真理1, 上山進1, 竹下仁2, 岡本雅雄2, 小畑仁司2, 大石泰男2, 秋元寛2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 254-254, 2015.

Japanese Article SY17-6(P). A role and duties improvement of the pharmacist by the emergency care
齊藤将之1, 中島義人2, 市原利彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 254-254, 2015.

Japanese Article SY18-1(P). From the position of the pharmacist of the type critical care center independent about pharmacist education in the emergency care
西本香王里1, 上山進1, 竹下仁2, 岡本雅雄2, 小畑仁司2, 大石泰男2, 秋元寛2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 255-255, 2015.

Japanese Article SY18-2(P). Pharmacist education (university hospital) in the emergency care
安藝敬生1, 北原隆志1, 佐々木均1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 255-255, 2015.

Japanese Article SY18-3(P). Efforts - of satisfaction evaluation - clinical emergency care pharmacy workshop of the workshop which used SGD together with the lecture in the emergency intensive care domain
中馬真幸1, 篠原高雄2, 菊池憲和1, 峯村純子3, 西澤健司4, 織田順5, 渡邉暁洋6, 添田博7, 前田幹広8, 鏑木盛雄9
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 255-255, 2015.

Japanese Article SY18-4(P). The current situation and the future image of the pharmacist duties in first aid, the intensive care domain
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 255-255, 2015.

Japanese Article SY18-5(D). Education of the acute medicine that continued from before graduation is necessary in the pharmacist
守谷俊1, 田村洋行1, 八坂剛一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 256-256, 2015.

Japanese Article SY19-1(D). System - to be concerned with the seriously ill patients until a discharge after the NST - hospitalization that emergency/ICU physician continues for 15 years
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 257-257, 2015.

Japanese Article SY19-2(D). Change of the blood incretin level at the bolus nourishment administration in the seriously ill acute phase patients
若井聡智1, 佐尾山裕生1, 服部雄司2, 大西光雄3, 定光大海1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 257-257, 2015.

Japanese Article SY19-3(N). Activity of NST in the lifesaving ICU
井上季咲1, 吉川和秀2, 渡辺真紀1, 岡本愛1, 長岡秀都1, 篠原美紀1, 池田成美1, 原田志保1, 菅智行3, 磯谷栄二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 257-257, 2015.

Japanese Article SY19-4(C). The effect that the nutrition therapy in the lifesaving ward gives to patients
齊田真理1, 風巻拓2, 五十嵐崇3, 山崎元靖2, 藤谷朝実1, 北野光秀2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 257-257, 2015.

Japanese Article SY19-5(C). Efforts of the NST activity in the critical care center
小川祐介1, 小池俊明1, 柳田奈津美1, 高橋悦子1, 村田美幸1, 佐藤慶吾1, 掛川揺子1, 相馬宏光1, 荒木朋貴1, 小川哲史1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 258-258, 2015.

Japanese Article SY20 (C). A development case of the BLS education in the school and the future prospects
千田いずみ1, 菩提寺浩2, さいたま市教育委員会3, 京都市消防局4, 吉田智子5, 桐淵博6, 文部科学省 スポーツ青年局7, 川崎真弓8
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 259-259, 2015.

Japanese Article SS1(D). Activity of the urgent disaster support team at disaster
田中秀治1, 喜熨斗智也2, 高橋宏幸2, 櫻井勝2, 杉本勝彦2, 後藤奏2, 曽根悦子2, 島崎修次2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 260-260, 2015.

Japanese Article SS2(D). Significance of a medical service and the oral rehydration therapy at disaster
下村克己1, 高階謙一郎2, 兼崎陽太3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 260-260, 2015.

Japanese Article SS3(N). Correspondence and significance to the dehydration at disaster
橋本真由美1, 奥寺敬2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 261-261, 2015.

Japanese Article SS4(C). Inflection of the ORT at disaster: Proposal from basic approach
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 261-261, 2015.

Japanese Article PD1-1(D). What is necessary for improvement in consideration pre-back obtained from the outside Parliament cardiopulmonary arrest 77 case that supported by our hospital Dr copter?
會田悦久1, 齋藤兄治2, 石澤義也2, 佐藤裕太2, 山口智也2, 山内洋一2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 262-262, 2015.

Japanese Article PD1-2(D). "Local reduced form" in Gunma doctor copter operation
町田浩志1, 中野実1, 高橋栄治1, 中村光伸1, 宮崎大1, 鈴木裕之1, 藤塚健次1, 雨宮優1, 菊川哲英1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 262-262, 2015.

Japanese Article PD1-3(D). It is a change of the doctor copter operation with becoming it a firefighting combination order
益子一樹1, 平林篤志1, 安松比呂志1, 本村友一1, 飯田浩章1, 林田和之1, 齋藤伸行1, 八木貴典1, 原義明1, 松本尚1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 262-262, 2015.

Japanese Article PD1-4(D). The current situation and problem of the activity of the firefighting disaster prevention copter in the settings first aid case
櫻井聖大1, 江良正1, 狩野亘平1, 山田周1, 北田真己1, 木村文彦1, 原田正公1, 高橋毅1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 262-262, 2015.

Japanese Article PD1-5(D). The private copter which supplements a doctor copter: First Japanese public-private agreement
冨岡譲二1, 伊地知寿1, 畑倫明1, 榮福亮三1, 岩間直1, 崔權一1, 中村隼人1, 来間裕一1, 米盛公治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 263-263, 2015.

Japanese Article PD1-6(D). The usefulness that effective doctor copter operation brings
小林誠人1, 佐々木妙子1, 山本奈緒1, 藤崎修1, 杉野貴彦1, 前山博輝1, 松井大作1, 番匠谷友紀1, 岡和幸1, 門馬秀介1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 263-263, 2015.

Japanese Article PD1-7(D). A problem and the prospects after past cooperation and three prefectures of cooperation systems with the adjacent prefecture of the Kanagawa doctor copter
青木弘道1, 飯嶋将司1, 吉崎智恵美1, 三浦直也1, 佐藤俊樹1, 関知子1, 岩瀬史明2, 柳川洋一3, 中川儀英1, 猪口貞樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 263-263, 2015.

Japanese Article PD1-8(D). About introduction of the systematic doctor copter training in the paramedic training course
中川雄公1, 日高康次2, 日田吉信2, 大西光雄1, 池側均1, 吉矢和久1, 射場治郎1, 中村洋平1, 小島将裕1, 嶋津岳士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 263-263, 2015.

Japanese Article PD1-9(D). Development - to smooth cooperation with effective operational - firefighting of the doctor copter
田邉三思1, 石井圭亮1, 黒澤慶子1, 津村弘1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 264-264, 2015.

Japanese Article PD1-10(D). Role of the doctor copter for the disabled who resulted in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
伊関憲1, 矢野徹宏1, 佐藤ルブナ1, 小澤昌子1, 鈴木剛2, 塚田泰彦2, 田勢長一郎2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 264-264, 2015.

Japanese Article PD2-1(D). The current situation of the ICT system aiming at visualization of the emergency conveyance in Nara
奥地一夫1, 福島英賢1, 則本和伸1, 關匡彦1, 川井廉之1, 大田祥子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 265-265, 2015.

Japanese Article PD2-2(D). About the construction of the medical institution choice support system utilizing the smartphone application
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 265-265, 2015.

Japanese Article PD2-3(N). Examination about the emergency information sharing system operation in our hospital emergency visit
末岡朋子1, 森田泰正2, 加藤真優2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 265-265, 2015.

Japanese Article PD2-4(C). The operational results in the area that introduced an emergency conveyance information sharing system (ETIS) for 5 years and future problem
清水茂1, 野口宏1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 265-265, 2015.

Japanese Article PD2-5(D). Construction of the medical system for the purpose of the local medical control system reinforcement using the digital pen
井上貴博1, 大川元久2, 井上千穂3, 高橋治郎1, 野里順久4, 後藤英文5, 頃末浩二6, 松村敬則6, 椎野泰和1, 荻野隆光1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 266-266, 2015.

Japanese Article PD2-6(D). Current situation - of the ICT utilization in the medical system quite in front of prefecture distant image transmission system - hospital
石井圭亮1, 田邉三思1, 黒澤慶子1, 下村剛1, 中嶋辰徳1, 津村弘1, 横田勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 266-266, 2015.

Japanese Article PD2-7(D). Grasp of the medical system in front of the hospital of the secondary care area scale by the emergency conveyance patients registry utilizing the ICT
中尾彰太1, 成田麻衣子1, 比良英司1, 水島靖明1, 松岡哲也1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 266-266, 2015.

Japanese Article PD3-1(D). Than the - Kumamoto-shi firefighting station CPA actograph examination to improve CPA prognosis as for the oral instruction -
金子唯1, 笠岡俊志1, 池田光隆2, 池松英治2, 木下順弘3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 267-267, 2015.

Japanese Article PD3-3(D). The construction of the First Responder system in "town where the first aid treatment has all the inhabitants" Tsuno-cho and establishment of the emergency care support system
杉本和彦1, 常石昭裕2, 山本賢太郎1, 三木俊史1, 竹内敦子1, 井原則之1, 根岸正敏1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 267-267, 2015.

Japanese Article PD3-4(D). The doctor copter is one policy to improve a comeback to normal life rate after the cardiac arrest revival
前山博輝1, 佐々木妙子1, 山本奈緒1, 藤崎修1, 杉野貴彦1, 番匠谷由紀1, 松井大作1, 岡和幸1, 門馬秀介1, 小林誠人1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 267-267, 2015.

Japanese Article PD3-5(E). Does emergency on-site brain oxygen saturation (rSO2) become the information as a substitute for "the presence or absence of witness?"
野村順二1, 佐藤圭一1, 岸田洋平1, 濱田康人1, 桂一哉1, 廣瀬智也3, 大西光雄3, 定光大海4, 嶋津岳士3, 林田純人2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 268-268, 2015.

Japanese Article PD3-6(D). Examination about effect prediction index Signal Integral of electronic shocks aiming at the further pre-back improvement of V.F.
中川儀英1, 網野真理1, 若井慎二郎1, 本多ゆみえ1, 関知子1, 大塚洋幸1, 野田龍也2, 林怜史3, 若林勤3, 猪口貞樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 268-268, 2015.

Japanese Article PD3-7(D). In the foundation of the treatment strategy which fixed its eyes on long term prognosis investigation - comeback to normal life of patients after the pulmonary stop revival
浅香葉子1, 渥美生弘2, 有吉孝一3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 268-268, 2015.

Japanese Article PD4-1(D). Acute myocardial infarction investigation in Aichi
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 269-269, 2015.

Japanese Article PD4-2(D). Data of the half a year give an outline after study on construction (CRITICAL) ... start of the comprehensive treatment system for the illness out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
山田知輝1, 北村哲久2, 石見拓3, 井澤純一4, 畠山稔弘4, 早川航一5, 吉矢和久1, 入澤太郎1, 小倉裕司1, 嶋津岳士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 269-269, 2015.

Japanese Article PD4-3(D). The current situation of the outside Parliament cardiopulmonary arrest case in the urban critical care center and future problem
伊巻尚平1, 石川淳哉1, 祐森章幸1, 中田駿1, 余湖直紀1, 鈴木誠也1, 町田雄樹1, 繼渉1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 269-269, 2015.

Japanese Article PD4-4(D). Examination - in factor - SOS-KANTO 2012 study group about outcome in the Post cardiac arrest syndrome case
櫻井淳1, 木下浩作2, 小松智英2, 林田敬1, 米本直裕1, 田原良雄1, 長尾建1, 矢口有乃1, 森村尚登1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 269-269, 2015.

Japanese Article PD4-5(D). Summary of the cardiopulmonary arrest case due to the suffocation conveyed to our hospital
高松純平1, 山室禎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 270-270, 2015.

Japanese Article PD4-6(D). About the current situation of the correspondence to the cardiopulmonary arrest example that showed a will not to hope for the revival in front of a hospital
田邉晴山1, 丸川征四郎2, 横田裕行3, 山本保博4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 270-270, 2015.

Japanese Article PD5-1(N). The current situation to in-hospital sudden change correspondence
藤川真人1, 池田智之1, 林薫1, 中村紀子1, 佐伯公亮1, 上村千馨子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 271-271, 2015.

Japanese Article PD5-2(D). A role and the risk of the simulation fire drill fire prevention door using the smoke
森本文雄1, 吉岡伴樹1, 澁谷正徳1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 271-271, 2015.

Japanese Article PD5-3(C). Intervention and support to the bereaved by the cooperation with the critical care center nurse
神田美佳1, 山口絵美1, 高橋眞理子2, 青木悠2, 大谷典生2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 271-271, 2015.

Japanese Article PD5-4(D). Attempt of the information exchange about the elderly people first aid with an emergency care institution and the elderly people institution
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 271-271, 2015.

Japanese Article PD5-5(D). Practice of the team approach in medical care in the injury practice: Bleeding disease severity information sharing
小倉崇以1, 中野実1, 小池伸亨2, 中村光伸1, 高橋栄治1, 宮崎大1, 町田浩志1, 鈴木裕之1, 藤塚健次1, 雨宮優1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 272-272, 2015.

Japanese Article PD5-6(N). It is efforts to maintenance more than "at-home return rate 75%" in the singularity type Miyoshi critical care center
堀口由美子1, 近重弘子1, 北角洋子1, 三宅千鶴子1, 阪本京子1, 福田真樹子1, 竹下仁1, 小畑仁司1, 大石泰男1, 秋元寛1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 272-272, 2015.

Japanese Article PD5-7(D). Efforts and problem of the multi-type of job cooperation in the urban second emergency hospital ER
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 272-272, 2015.

Japanese Article PD5-8(S). Efforts for a student to learn the multi-type of job cooperation in the emergency care
山本暁大1, 大西光雄2, 池田龍史3, 申丹&#22958;1, 山本眞由1, 上久保敦4, 安東貞喜4, 池側均2, 嶋津岳士2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 272-272, 2015.

Japanese Article PD6-1(N). Stress of the critical care center nurse working in unsociable space
宮本直1, 牧野賢1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 273-273, 2015.

Japanese Article PD6-2(D). Examination of the psychological stress of the bystander that we performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation
笠岡俊志1, 金子唯1, 池田光隆2, 池松英治2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 273-273, 2015.

Japanese Article PD6-3(E). Inspection about the need of the concrete critical incident stress measures of the person concerned with clinical first aid and the effect
八櫛徳二郎1, 久保裕也1, 久文敦行1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 273-273, 2015.

Japanese Article PD6-4(E). About health care of firefighting tissue and the personal staff who put it together from - 2013 findings -
白石鉄平1, 篠田豊和1, 谷野貴則1, 渡辺勝也1, 橋本健治1, 細田武伸2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 273-273, 2015.

Japanese Article PD6-5(E). About effective critical incident stress care to examine from the problem of the critical incident stress care measures for the ambulancecrew
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 274-274, 2015.

Japanese Article PD6-6(D). Comparison between district and stress of the ER doc in the city
岡本博照1, 照屋浩司1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 274-274, 2015.

Japanese Article PD6-7(D). The psychological condition of the emergency nurse giving medical care in front of the hospital and the characteristic
増野智彦1, 吉野美緒2, 重村朋子1, 稲本絵里3, 高田治樹4, 市村美帆5, 松井豊4, 横田裕行1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 274-274, 2015.

Japanese Article PD7-1(D). The coordinates duties of the ER which an emergency course specialist conducts by resident exclusive duty improve quality and safety of the practice
岡田昌彦1, 濱邉祐一2, 三上学2, 明石暁子2, 亀崎真2, 杉山和宏2, 大倉淑寛1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 275-275, 2015.

Japanese Article PD7-2(D). The way of the education about the medical security of the emergency care domain in the United States
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 275-275, 2015.

Japanese Article PD7-3(D). Effect to team training Team STEPPS and the emergency care safety management
永山正雄1, 横山直司2, 吉田穂波3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 275-275, 2015.

Japanese Article PD7-4(D). Relation to medical care by Rapid Response System at the end of life
有元秀樹1, 重光胤明1, 奥村将年2, 川口なぎさ1, 木村千穂1, 松村京子1, 草野沙矢香1, 宮原聡子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 275-275, 2015.

Japanese Article PD7-5(D). What does the Rapid Response System (RRS) introduction bring in a middle scale hospital?
藤原紳祐1, 山住和之1, 古川明日香1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 276-276, 2015.

Japanese Article PD7-6(D). The active introduction of the off-the-job training course with medical security as a key is connected for improvement of emergency care, the in-hospital medical security
川嶋隆久1, 柴田宗一郎1, 陵城成浩1, 田中敦1, 丸川征四郎1, 田中佑太1, 溝渕恵子1, 安部敏生1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 276-276, 2015.

Japanese Article PD8-1(C). Clues from psychological tests to a characteristic and the prevention of re-project of self-harm, the suicide attempt patients seeing
濱野学1, 橋本聡1,2, 原田正公2, 山下建昭1, 渡辺健次郎1, 高橋毅2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 277-277, 2015.

Japanese Article PD8-2(D). Proposal of the model in Kitagawa in response to needs of the patients with mental disorder practice including the suicide attempter complicated with a physical disorder
和田大樹1, 中森靖1, 丸山修平1, 岩村拡1, 早川航一1, 齋藤福樹1, 鍬方安行2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 277-277, 2015.

Japanese Article PD8-3(C). Collaboration - with person of suicide measures attempt support - Takatsuki-shi public health center
北角洋子1, 八尾みどり1, 堀口由美子1, 三宅千鶴子1, 小畑仁司1, 竹下仁1, 大石泰男1, 秋元寛1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 277-277, 2015.

Japanese Article PD8-4(D). Skill up effect of the person of attempt care by the PEEC (Psychiatric Evaluation in Emergency Care) course
橋本聡1, 大塚尚実2, 尾崎徹3, 原田正公1, 赤坂威史4, 渡辺健次郎5, 東岡宏明6, 三宅康史7, 高橋毅1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 277-277, 2015.

Japanese Article PD8-5(N). Evaluation of the activity for the own death bereaved support
池田佳奈1, 一戸美良1, 大村和花子1, 米野絵美1, 有江美紅1, 濱野学1, 頴川俊也1, 吉田庸子1, 橋本聡1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 278-278, 2015.

Japanese Article PD8-6(C). The third prevention for the suicide attempt patients: Efforts of a multi-section, the patients support by the multi-type of job in connection with the local government
今村隆1, 福岡敏雄2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 278-278, 2015.

Japanese Article PD8-7(C). Fukuoka, Kitakyushu-shi, efforts for the suicide attempter by the multi-type of job in University of Occupational and Environmental Health
末永卓也1, 高橋直樹2, 荒井秀明2, 染谷一貴2, 高間辰雄2, 大坪広樹2, 城戸貴志2, 堀輝3, 中村純3, 真弓俊彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 278-278, 2015.

Japanese Article PD8-8(D). We can prevent the re-project of the suicide attempter discharged from the emergency care organization in case management!
大塚耕太郎1, 安東友子2, 川島義高3, 山田光彦3, 有賀徹4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 278-278, 2015.

Japanese Article PD8-9(C). Practice of the care by the multi-type of job for the psychosocial problem that the suicide attempter has
安東友子1, 大塚耕太郎2, 川島義高3, 山田光彦3, 有賀徹4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 279-279, 2015.

Japanese Article PD9-1(D). Suicide prophylaxis by the holding of the suicide attempter support workshop
中永士師明1, 奥山学1, 五十嵐季子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 280-280, 2015.

Japanese Article PD9-2(D). The need of the actual situation and the other types of job cooperation of the suicide attempt patients care in the Tokai University altitude critical care center
市村篤1, 青木弘道1, 大塚洋幸1, 関知子1, 井上茂亮1, 中川儀英1, 猪口貞樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 280-280, 2015.

Japanese Article PD9-3(D). One case of the suicide attempt by the drug remedy that was made to keenly realize that the intelligence from the person concerned was important
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 280-280, 2015.

Japanese Article PD9-4(D). About the suicide attempter care skill up of the resident by the PEEC (Psychiatric Evaluation in Emergency Care) attendance
川副健太郎1, 橋本聡1, 江良正1, 狩野亘平1, 山田周1, 北田真己1, 櫻井聖大1, 木村文彦1, 原田正公1, 高橋毅1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 280-280, 2015.

Japanese Article PD9-5(E). It is ... through the holding of the smooth psychiatry emergency care - independence study session "psychiatry first aid skill laboratory" beginning in the pre-hospital
荒木龍起1, 橋本聡2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 281-281, 2015.

Japanese Article PD9-6(D). About pit fall of the person of attempt care in the "JCS0.5" acute drug intoxication case
橋本聡1, 江良正1, 狩野亘平1, 山田周1, 北田真己1, 櫻井聖大1, 原田正公1, 橋本章子1, 木村文彦1, 高橋毅1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 281-281, 2015.

Japanese Article PD9-7(E). We see the rear of the person of attempt by the means that is completed suicide in our suicide prophylactic firefighting headquarters to begin with an ambulancecrew and Violent and study a mark
添田直志1, 川崎竜太1, 高間辰雄2, 真弓俊彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 281-281, 2015.

Japanese Article PD9-8(D). Cooperation of a critical care center and the psychopathic ward in the suicide attempter care
日野耕介1, 松森響子2, 伊藤翼1, 土井智喜2, 中村京太2, 小田原俊成1, 平安良雄1, 森村尚登2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 281-281, 2015.

Japanese Article WS1-1(D). From the analysis of problem - sound record of the oral instruction for the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest -
六車崇1, 大塚剛1, 森村尚登2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 282-282, 2015.

Japanese Article WS1-2(D). Outside Parliament cardiogenic cardiac arrest and school BLS education of the child student
太田邦雄1, 三谷義英2, 新田雅彦3, 清水直樹4, 坂本哲也5, 漢那朝雄6, 石見拓7, 田中秀治8
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 282-282, 2015.

Japanese Article WS1-3(D). For relief before pediatric hospital collaboration - with - first aid work station with the future
福島亮介1, 山澤隆二1, 山本浩継2, 阿南英明2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 282-282, 2015.

Japanese Article WS1-4(D). Consideration from serious children practice system - critical outbreaks in the district
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 282-282, 2015.

Japanese Article WS1-5(D). Problems for "lifesaving chain" of the cardiogenic pediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest establishment
清水直樹1, 齊藤修1, 渡邊伊知郎1, 居石崇志1, 池山貴也2, 植松悟子5, 六車崇3, 新田雅彦5, 太田邦雄6
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 283-283, 2015.

Japanese Article WS1-6(D). Development of the education material of the relief in front of the pediatric hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 283-283, 2015.

Japanese Article WS1-7(D). The current situation and problem of Japanese serious children practice registry (JaRPAC)
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 283-283, 2015.

Japanese Article WS2-1(D). Significance of Rapid Response system (RRS) in the physician clinical practice
柴宮浩希1, 古川明日香2, 山住和之2, 藤原紳祐2, 内藤愼二1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 284-284, 2015.

Japanese Article WS2-2(C). Fusion and practice of the participation type training clinical from the student in the critical care center to a resident
加藤渚1, 安藤大吾1, 坂梨洋1, 高橋政照1, 植木穣1, 吉川和秀1, 高橋宏之1, 増田崇光1, 栗山桂一1, 磯谷栄二1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 284-284, 2015.

Japanese Article WS2-3(D). Efforts of our center to do it effectively effective in clinical practice
杉木大輔1, 鈴木達彦1, 五明佐也香1, 上笹貫俊郎1, 鈴木光洋1, 池上敬一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 284-284, 2015.

Japanese Article WS2-4(D). The simulation education is useful in acute medicine (examination using the unsigned reverse evaluation from an initial clinical resident)
本間康一郎1, 鈴木昌1, 佐々木淳一1, 並木淳1, 堀進悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 284-284, 2015.

Japanese Article WS2-6(D). Is the cardiopulmonary resuscitation course necessary for resident education?
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 285-285, 2015.

Japanese Article WS2-7(D). Medical rally for residents being aware of the multi-type of job cooperation
前田道宏1, 新井晶子1, 松岡宜子1, 山名英俊1, 栩木愛登1, 須田千秋1, 上野幸廣1, 阿竹茂1, 河野元嗣1, 大橋教良2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 285-285, 2015.

Japanese Article WS3-1(D). Use of the dry mamushi equine antitoxin in our hospital and the side effect
遠山昌平1, 田中淑恵1, 前澤翔太1, 遠藤聡1, 小林正和1, 小林道生1, 石橋悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 286-286, 2015.

Japanese Article WS3-2(D). Examination about the clinical picture which is addicted to organic phosphorus and the pre-rear predictor
高相裕司1, 堀川慎二郎1, 小倉憲一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 286-286, 2015.

Japanese Article WS3-3(E). About diagnosis of exclusion for the disabled with the drinking
向井重夫1, 林泰弘1, 西谷耕治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 286-286, 2015.

Japanese Article WS3-4(D). Examination of the coagulation disorder in the carbon monoxide poisoning
津田雅庸1, 安藤雅規1, 後長孝佳1, 波柴尉充1, 富野敦稔2, 宮部浩道1, 加納秀記1, 服部友紀1, 平川昭彦2, 武山直志1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 286-286, 2015.

Japanese Article WS3-5(D). Examination of the dangerous 66 case addicted to a drug
近野祐介1, 春成学1, 進藤健1, 権守智1, 竹村成秀1, 荘司清1, 斎藤豊1, 大城健一1, 伊藤壮一1, 田熊清継1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 287-287, 2015.

Japanese Article WS3-6(D). Can you foresee by future alcohol-related sudden death in the emergency visit?
加藤陽一1, 山畑佳篤1, 太田凡1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 287-287, 2015.

Japanese Article WS3-7(D). Examination of the conveyed case emergency after the use of dangerous drug
高見浩樹1, 小松孝行1, 高橋恵利香1, 浅子英1, 井上照大1, 水野慶子1, 坂本壮1, 関井肇1, 野村智久1, 杉田学1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 287-287, 2015.

Japanese Article WS3-8(D). Examination of the alcohol-related emergency conveyance case in our hospital
宮崎香織1, 横矢隆宏1, 伊泊広二1, 小松知己2, 林峰栄3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 287-287, 2015.

Japanese Article WS3-9(D). Histories of treatment of complicated acute renal failure of the mamushi bite
富来公一1, 大塚亜友実1, 鳴海篤志1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 288-288, 2015.

Japanese Article WS4-1(D). Construction of the majority disabled acceptance system to the own institution in the disaster
伊藤勝博1, 千葉紀之1, 矢口慎也1, 吉田仁1, 花田裕之1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 289-289, 2015.

Japanese Article WS4-2(D). Difference in consciousness to the emergency care in the mountains and the urban area
宮道亮輔1, 磯川修太郎1, 鈴木皓佳1, 遠矢希1, 田中裕之1, 三谷秀範1, 三上哲1, 望月俊明1, 大谷典生1, 石松伸一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 289-289, 2015.

Japanese Article WS4-3(D). What is necessary for local morphology emergency care with the mobility? - The need of the patients with flexible serious case transport system construction
水野光規1, 池山貴也1, 池山由紀2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 289-289, 2015.

Japanese Article WS4-4(D). The ER doc needing Miyazaki is a multi-player
安部智大1, 上田太一朗1, 西元裕二1, 長嶺育弘1, 長野健彦1, 白尾英仁1, 今井光一1, 松岡博史1, 金丸勝弘1, 落合秀信1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 289-289, 2015.

Japanese Article WS4-5(D). With "first aid synthesis surgery that sought emergency care to be mobility in the district"
荻野隆史1, 重田哲哉1, 小平明弘1, 山田拓郎1, 岩崎俊弥2, 熊倉久夫3, 藤崎正之4, 中島邦喜4, 南和友4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 290-290, 2015.

Japanese Article WS4-6(E). Efforts - medical care firefighting cooperation - of the Taketa-shi, Oita firefighting headquarters for the improvement of local emergency care
内那洋介1, 佐藤浩和1, 志賀和吉1, 後藤章八1, 工藤幸司1, 菅新司1, 阿南健二1, 吉川両介1, 石井一誠2, 石井圭亮3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 290-290, 2015.

Japanese Article WS5-1(D). A report held in 2014 of the medical emergency course in front of the Kanagawa Hospital and future problem
池田尚人1, 風間幸道2, 酒井直樹3, 藤本賢司4, 廣瀬俊之5, 八木田正敏6
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 291-291, 2015.

Japanese Article WS5-2(C). Effect - of the simulation of simulation education - urgent run and settings activity based on posterior inspection of the doctor's car
鈴木健介1, 荒井永血1, 秋田久美1, 山本裕行1, 石ヶ森重之1, 久野将宗1, 畝本恭子1, 二宮宣文1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 291-291, 2015.

Japanese Article WS5-3(D). The multi-type of job simulation using the injury photograph about the first report of settings emergency services
岩下具美1, 合津さや香1, 横山千晴1, 竹内ミカ1, 鈴木良美1, 岨手善久1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 291-291, 2015.

Japanese Article WS5-4(D). Attempt of the Advanced-ICLS course holding in the remote island
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 291-291, 2015.

Japanese Article WS5-5(D). Can our country learn "medical Care under Fire under the gunfire" through simulation medical education?
永田高志1, 橋爪誠2, 石井正三3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 292-292, 2015.

Japanese Article WS6-1(N). Relation of the nurse in the PCEC course administration
光永英紀1, 佐藤圭路2, 氏家良人2, 常原一雄1, 小林美代子1, 森岡渉1, 福山・府中地域保健対策協議会3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 293-293, 2015.

Japanese Article WS6-2(D). in-situ simulation (ISS), quality improvement through the debriefing evaluation tool and leader upbringing
池山貴也1, 水野光規2, 池山由紀2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 293-293, 2015.

Japanese Article WS6-3(D). The effect of the simulation education depends on an education design, the tissue design
池上敬一1, 杉木大輔1, 上笹貫俊郎1, 五明佐也香1, 鈴木光洋1, 浅香えみ子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 293-293, 2015.

Japanese Article WS6-4(D). What does the AMLS instructor have instruction of?
松木薗和也1, 籾博晃2, 亀之原佑介2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 293-293, 2015.

Japanese Article WS7-1(D). Acceptance advisory of patients with spinal cord injury in the area
岩瀬正顕1, 中森靖2, 斉藤福樹2, 早川航一2, 和田大樹2, 岩村拡2, 鍬方安行3, 淺井昭雄4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 294-294, 2015.

Japanese Article WS7-2(D). Examination of the conveyed hypoglycemia patients emergency in our hospital
薬師寺泰匡1, 篠崎正博1, 鍛冶有登1, 鈴木慧太郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 294-294, 2015.

Japanese Article WS7-3(D). Examination of KPSS in the patients whom a t-PA IV therapy was given in in our hospital
市川元啓1, 栗山明2, 池上徹則1, 福岡敏雄1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 294-294, 2015.

Japanese Article WS7-4(D). Stroke accuracy using IPAS (IZUMO PREHOSPITAL APOPLEXY SCALE) and future operation and view
門田勝彦1, 水原亮1, 中川知憲1, 安部哲史1, 竹田豊2, 山口修平1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 294-294, 2015.

Japanese Article WS7-5(D). Examination about the vital sign in front of the hospital of patients with emergency conveyed disturbance of consciousness
權守智1, 今野祐介1, 春成学1, 進藤健1, 竹村成秀1, 齋藤豊1, 大城健一1, 伊藤壮一1, 田熊清継1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 295-295, 2015.

Japanese Article WS7-6(D). The current situation of the stroke A choice case in our hospital
坂本壮1, 杉田学1, 野村智久1, 関井肇1, 小松孝行1, 高見浩樹1, 水野慶子1, 近藤彰彦1, 高橋恵利香1, 井上照大1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 295-295, 2015.

Japanese Article WS7-7(D). Does brain tissue oxygen saturation/total hemoglobin concentration change of NIRO-Pulse observe brain tissue? Use experience ... in ... CAS/CEA
小山泰明1, 丸島愛樹1, 宮顕1, 榎本有希1, 萩谷圭一1, 山崎裕一朗1, 下條信威1, 河野了1, 水谷太郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 295-295, 2015.

Japanese Article WS8-1(D). Having been able to see it through the first aid class to problems mountains guide of the outdoor emergency care in Japan
浅井悌1, 金田正樹1, 角谷道弘2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 296-296, 2015.

Japanese Article WS8-2(D). Record - Kobe marathon 2014 medical care relief system generalization ... of the sudden illness announced previously
有吉孝一1, 井上彰2, 須賀将文3, 岡田泰長4, 松田聡5
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 296-296, 2015.

Japanese Article WS8-3(D). Annual report - from Mass-gathering Medicine - 16th meet in the Japan right in the middle Festival
井上保介1, 青木瑠里1, 岩倉賢也2, 小澤和弘2, 高木省治3, 花木芳洋4, 北川喜己5, 三木靖雄7, 野口宏7
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 296-296, 2015.

Japanese Article WS8-4(D). Development of the short-term educational program to support a cardiac arrest in Yokohama marathon 2015
酒井和也1, 問田千晶1, 森浩介2, 高橋耕平2, 松本順2, 八木啓一3, 青山晃5, 森村尚登2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 296-296, 2015.

Japanese Article WS8-5(D). Emergency care support in the annual sports Olympic Festival of our university
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 297-297, 2015.

Japanese Article WS8-6(D). About the medical relief system in the Qingdao Pacific marathon
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 297-297, 2015.

Japanese Article WS9-1(E). Relief (PSLS) algorithmic change in front of the stroke hospital accompanied with the measures expansion
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 298-298, 2015.

Japanese Article WS9-2(E). Urgent degree judgment protocol and PSLS, PCEC
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 298-298, 2015.

Japanese Article WS9-3(E). About correspondence of the local medical control council
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 299-299, 2015.

Japanese Article WS9-4(D). It is ... led by point - cerebral infarction, transient cerebral ischemic attack of the condition of a patient and the settings correspondence of the stroke, a subarachnoid hemorrhage case
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 299-299, 2015.

Japanese Article WS9-5(D). Mainly on approach - brain herniation, hypoglycemia, convulsions for the hospital preconsciousness disorder case -
本多満1, 刑部好喜2, 一林亮1, 豊田幸樹年1, 横室浩樹1, 吉原克則1, 倉島大樹3, 八木裕希3, 佐藤大輔1, 坪田貴也1, 安心院康彦4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 300-300, 2015.

Japanese Article WS9-6(E). About the making of the case scenario which exposed a viewpoint to upbringing of the settings correspondence by the ambulancecrew accompanied with the revision of PSLS, PCEC
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 300-300, 2015.

Japanese Article WS10-1(E). Problem by the relief in front of the hospital in old man institutions, and the like
松山千恵美1, 田中秀治2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 301-301, 2015.

Japanese Article WS10-2(D). If an emergency course specialist confirms living will in an old man institution
遠藤広史1, 松田潔1, 望月徹1, 菊池広子1, 石丸直樹1, 橋詰哲広1, 山村英治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 301-301, 2015.

Japanese Article WS10-3(D). Elderly people first aid consideration and the proposal that were conveyed by an old man institution
市原利彦1, 中島義仁1, 川瀬正樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 301-301, 2015.

Japanese Article WS10-4(D). Importance of the initial correspondence for the choked on food patients
五十嵐豊1, 吉野雄大2, 萩原純1, 石井浩統1, 片桐美和1, 横堀將司1, 増野智彦1, 宮内雅人1, 布施明1, 横田裕行1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 301-301, 2015.

Japanese Article WS10-5(D). The current situation and problems of the health center for the elderly to look at from Gifu-shi PAD case six years
名知祥1, 林賢二2, 中野志保1, 橋本孝治1, 加藤久晶1, 吉田隆浩1, 熊田恵介1, 牛越博昭1, 豊田泉1, 小倉真治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 302-302, 2015.

Japanese Article WS10-6(D). In the first aid-response conveyance cause, conveyance ahead both sides of the health center for the elderly which an ER doc looked at for the first aid with the merit
金井尚之1, 伊藤礼子1, 鳥山亜紀1, 妹尾結太2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 302-302, 2015.

Japanese Article WS10-7(D). A problem and problem of the bystander CPR in the health center for the elderly of Shimada-shi
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 302-302, 2015.

Japanese Article WS10-8(D). Compare the old age assistance institution questionary survey in Osaka-shi of 2012 with first aid-response - 2006 in the health center for the elderly
大西光雄1, 高橋裕美2, 福森優司2, 入澤太郎1, 太田裕子3, 若井聡智4, 定光大海4, 嶋津岳士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 302-302, 2015.

Japanese Article WS11-1(E). Role of the training instruction emergency medical technician in the Inba MC council
松本勉1, 鈴木等2, 丸敏明3, 佐藤勝己2, 益子一樹5, 中西加寿也4, 松本尚5
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 303-303, 2015.

Japanese Article WS11-2(E). IC and service ... which are sought in 2014 by Aichi paramedic remedial education - paramedic
丸山紀子1, 吉田孝正2, 三浦政直3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 303-303, 2015.

Japanese Article WS11-3(E). Lifetime education for "settings power" improvement
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 303-303, 2015.

Japanese Article WS11-4(D). About the efforts for the extended measures of the paramedic in the Toyono demographic division of medical services
林靖之1, 東孝次2, 中川雄公3, 甲斐達朗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 303-303, 2015.

Japanese Article WS11-5(D). In the case of efforts - Gifu to lifetime education and the measures expansion led by the instruction paramedic -
山口均1, 小倉真治2, 豊田泉2, 吉田隆浩2, 白子隆志3, 上田宣夫4, 森茂5, 伊藤淳樹6, 仁田豊生7, 山田実貴人8
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 304-304, 2015.

Japanese Article WS12-1(D). Newly specific 2 act introduction in Akita and 6-month inspection
藤田康雄1, 多治見公高2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 305-305, 2015.

Japanese Article WS12-2(D). About a medical emergency relief education course in front of the emergency medical technician Hospital who met the area
長野健彦1, 濱畑貴晃2, 安部智大1, 西元裕二1, 長嶺育弘1, 今井光一1, 白尾英仁1, 松岡博史1, 金丸勝弘1, 落合秀信1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 305-305, 2015.

Japanese Article WS12-3(D). About the effect every area expected after the blood sugar determination introduction of the paramedic
上村修二1, 沢本圭悟1, 水野浩利1, 井上弘行1, 長谷守1, 成松英智1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 305-305, 2015.

Japanese Article WS12-4(D). The current situation after efforts and the start of Yamanashi for the extended measures of the paramedic
岩瀬史明1, 松田兼一2, 久保寺兼義3, 岡本優司4, 井上潤一1, 池田督司1, 宮崎善史1, 木下大輔1, 大嶽康介1, 加藤頼子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 305-305, 2015.

Japanese Article WS12-5(D). Future problem by the operational start and inspection of the measures expansion in the Shonan medical control (MC) council
関知子1, 福島亮介2, 若井慎二郎1, 名取穣治3, 中川儀英1, 猪口貞樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 306-306, 2015.

Japanese Article WS12-6(D). The measures expansion of the paramedic and the current ambulance service situation and the problems
石之神小織1, 畝本恭子1, 久野将宗1, 諸江雄太1, 小柳正雄1, 北橋章子1, 福田令雄1, 金子純也1, 磐井佑輔1, 鈴木健介1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 306-306, 2015.

Japanese Article WS13-1(N). Investigate the consciousness of the nurse in the current situation from problem - introduction after the in-hospital triage "JTAS" introduction; and -
鹿山美穂1, 土山優子1, 山田充世1, 左官可菜子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 307-307, 2015.

Japanese Article WS13-2(N). Problem after the in-hospital triage system introduction
渡辺覚1, 村岡麻樹1, 大塩節幸1, 長坂陽介1, 根本雅子1, 千葉香代子1, 蓮沼霞織1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 307-307, 2015.

Japanese Article WS13-3(N). Based on the judgment of the nurse at actual situation - inside the hospital triage paper introduction of the in-hospital triage in the emergency visit -
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 307-307, 2015.

Japanese Article WS13-4(N). The comparison of the overtriage rate under from the classification of the emergency care years of experience of the triage nurse and future problem
奈良唯唯子1, 梅澤耕学1, 中澤美和子1, 藤田大樹1, 作田翔平1, 腹子歩夢1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 307-307, 2015.

Japanese Article WS13-5(N). Result and problem of the efforts of the in-hospital triage
関由佳1, 島田佐苗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 308-308, 2015.

Japanese Article WS13-6(D). Characteristic of the expert nurse in the in-hospital triage
不動寺純明1, 長谷川務1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 308-308, 2015.

Japanese Article WS14-1(D). Inflection of the point-of-care supersonic wave by the examiner in the acute phase practice
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 309-309, 2015.

Japanese Article WS14-2(D). The way of the education about the emergency supersonic wave in the United States
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 309-309, 2015.

Japanese Article WS14-3(ME). The current situation and problem of the emergency echocardiography by the medical technologist in our hospital overtime practice
林恭子1, 伊藤真由美1, 坪井志穂1, 石野久美子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 309-309, 2015.

Japanese Article WS14-4(N). Trial of the percutaneous bladder ultrasound by the nurse
寺西広美1, 和田陽子1, 柴崎有美1, 株本杏奈1, 鈴木久美子1, 谷口隼人2, 中村京太2, 森村尚登2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 309-309, 2015.

Japanese Article WS14-5(D). Inflection of the echo as the quick evaluation in the emergency intensive care from head to foot
蒲原英伸1, 徳永健太郎1, 山下淳二1, 小寺厚志1, 鷺島克之1, 河野宏明1, 木下順弘1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 310-310, 2015.

Japanese Article WS15-1(D). From the situation of the at-home medicine to know the emergency care
佐藤陽二1, 蒲原隆1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 311-311, 2015.

Japanese Article WS15-2(N). Cooperation of the emergency nurse and health visitor for seamless patients care
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 311-311, 2015.

Japanese Article WS15-3(C). From the position of - care manager regarding cooperation of the care as medical care -
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 311-311, 2015.

Japanese Article WS15-4(C). The need (the current situation of the treatment at home that we saw from the emergency services) of the cooperation of emergency care and the treatment at home
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 311-311, 2015.

Japanese Article WS15-5(C). A role and possibility of the medical control in the local inclusion care system
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 312-312, 2015.

Japanese Article CO1(D). Relief training course in front of the pediatric hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 313-313, 2015.

Japanese Article CO3(D). Minato CIECER first aid primary care course
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 313-313, 2015.

Japanese Article CO4(E). Ambulance service protocol
前田淳一1, 池上敬一2, 兼本茂3, 天野尽4, 須賀昌彦5
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 313-313, 2015.

Japanese Article CO5(D). PEEC course
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 314-314, 2015.

Japanese Article CO6(R). What BLS by JASCA which does not work properly
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 314-314, 2015.

Japanese Article CO7(D). Training scenario making cram school by the case map
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 315-315, 2015.

Japanese Article CO9(D). Pediatric ITLS course
鶴岡信1, 小倉憲一2, 佐藤友子3, 林一夫4, 兼崎陽太5
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 316-316, 2015.

Japanese Article CO10(D). Point-of-care supersonic wave class acute abdomen edition
亀田徹1, 石井浩統2, 小淵岳恒3, 小縣正明4, 谷口信行5
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 316-316, 2015.

Japanese Article CO11(D). BLSO course
加藤一朗1, 伊達岡要2, 村井隆3, 池田武史4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 316-316, 2015.

Japanese Article CO13(D). Training before cardiopulmonary arrest
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 316-316, 2015.

Japanese Article CO14(E). "What do you expect for the establishment of emergency lifesaving academic conference workshop first aid lifesaving studies in front of the Japanese hospital in front of the hospital? "
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 317-317, 2015.

Japanese Article CO15(D). Emergency supersonic wave training course (J-POCKEYS course)
本多英喜1, 森村尚登1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 317-317, 2015.

Japanese Article CO16(D). The team power workshop which improves for emergency medical technicians
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 317-317, 2015.

Japanese Article CO17(D). Medical emergency workshop in front of the Kanagawa ambulancecrew Hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 317-317, 2015.

Japanese Article (D). Prospects and problem ... of the OHCA special committee plan opening meeting - JAAM-OHCA registry
森村尚登1, 石見拓1, 遠藤智之1, 櫻井淳1, 長谷守1, 山田知輝2, 堀進悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 318-318, 2015.

Japanese Article DS(N). Meeting in Toyama that talks about the future of the emergency care
石井美恵子1, 桐本千恵美2, 春川一樹3, 田村浩美4, 田口裕紀子5, 宮崎博之6, 山口壽美枝7
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 319-319, 2015.

Japanese Article O1-1(D). The current situation and problem of the pediatric CPA conveyance case in Toyama-shi
堀川慎二郎1, 高相裕司1, 小倉憲一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 323-323, 2015.

Japanese Article O1-2(D). Examination of the case having difficulty with the conveyance choice of the children in the urban area
新田雅彦1, 北村哲久2, 清原康介3, 林田純人4, 西山知佳5, 石見拓6, 平出敦7, 嶋津岳士8, 高須朗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 323-323, 2015.

Japanese Article O1-3(E). Emergency care of children in the Saga wide area firefighting station
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 323-323, 2015.

Japanese Article O1-4(D). There is few it, and the respirations of children with the respiration abnormal are evaluated in front of the hospital
光銭大裕1, 井上信明1, 清水直樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 323-323, 2015.

Japanese Article O1-5(D). Invention in the pediatric hospital transfer conveyance case
西山和孝1, 杉中見和1, 木村翔1, 井上貴昭1, 田中裕1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 324-324, 2015.

Japanese Article O1-6(D). Count results - for patients with actual situation - Kyoto children serious case practice information system four years of the patients with emergency pediatric service serious case fatal case in Kyoto
長村敏生1, 吉岡博1, 青谷裕文1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 324-324, 2015.

Japanese Article O1-7(D). Usefulness of pediatric Rapid Response System (RRS)
細川透1, 壷井伯彦1, 松本正太朗1, 西村奈穂1, 浦田晋2, 松井鋭2, 益田博司3, 杉澤由香里4, 中川聡1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 324-324, 2015.

Japanese Article O2-1(R). Initial correspondence simulation at patients sudden change about radiation duties
服部光良1, 林伸次1, 井上礼子2, 中野克哉3, 磯貝将男3, 加藤丈博1, 細江麻里1, 河口大介1, 猿渡裕1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 324-324, 2015.

Japanese Article O2-2(R). The need of the INARS (cardiac arrest evasion course) attendance of the radiological technologist
住田知隆1, 山田晃弘2, 大保勇3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 325-325, 2015.

Japanese Article O2-3(R). The STAT (urgently) examination report system architectural efforts accompanied with the JCI update
須田章則1, 葛西猛2, 加藤光久1, 岩上亜矢1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 325-325, 2015.

Japanese Article O2-4(R). ... which looks back on trauma cord (injury team organized for patients with injury) operation of ... our hospital than position of the radiological technologist
佐藤優1, 田畑努1, 高橋智1, 田端均1, 松本純一2, 藤原佐百合2, 平泰彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 325-325, 2015.

Japanese Article O2-5(R). Suggestion of BLS training environment "radiological technologist training course cardiopulmonary resuscitation spread Committee in Japan" in consideration of background of the radiological technologist
蘆原友里1, 佐々木健2, 渋谷孝行3, 嶋崎龍洋4, 清水良平5, 西田宗生6, 水井雅人7, 坂下惠治8
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 325-325, 2015.

Japanese Article O2-6(D). Introduce IVR-CT Initial doctor's office
杉山和宏1, 明石暁子1, 田邉孝大1, 柏浦正広1, 三上学1, 大倉淑寛1, 長尾剛志1, 濱邊祐一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 326-326, 2015.

Japanese Article O3-1(R). Comparison of the head image by the difference in backboard to use at injury CT
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 326-326, 2015.

Japanese Article O3-2(R). Examination of the contrasting method for the emergency patient using Dual-EnagyCT
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 326-326, 2015.

Japanese Article O3-3(R). Examination about a scan at the PTP mis-deglutition
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 326-326, 2015.

Japanese Article O3-4(R). Examination of the usefulness of aortic arch part - carotid bifurcation area MRA using Spiral scan
岡本淳1, 山下進2, 清水弘毅2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 327-327, 2015.

Japanese Article O3-5(R). Usefulness of the coronary CT in the emergency visit
市川宏紀1, 田中敬介1, 福島智久1, 野田孝浩1, 山口均2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 327-327, 2015.

Japanese Article O3-6(R). Renal pelvis ureter depiction ability in the injury whole body CT imaged by an administration protocol in front of the contrast media
新井純一1, 西海哲也1, 下田智之1, 古東正宜2, 石原諭3, 中山伸一3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 327-327, 2015.

Japanese Article O4-1(N). It is ... from the example of development ... patients sudden change correspondence course for Nurses KIDUKI course of the course leading to clinical practice
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 327-327, 2015.

Japanese Article O4-2(N). The current situation and problem of the KIDUKI course introduction
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 328-328, 2015.

Japanese Article O4-3(N). Inspection of the patients sudden change-response course for Nurses introduction effect as the clinical ladder education
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 328-328, 2015.

Japanese Article O4-4(N). Meeting education for a great number of people who took in KIDUKI course
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 328-328, 2015.

Japanese Article O5-1(N). Construction of the education system for PEEC course assistant upbringing
頴川俊也1, 秋山恵子2, 安東友子3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 328-328, 2015.

Japanese Article O5-2(E). The participation situation of the Kumamoto-shi firefighting station ambulancecrew in the Kumamoto PEEC course and future problem
荒木龍起1, 橋本聡2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 329-329, 2015.

Japanese Article O5-3(D). The effect of the PEEC (Psychiatric Evaluation in Emergency Care) course in Kumamoto and future directionality
橋本聡1, 荒木龍起2, 頴川俊也3, 吉田庸子1, 渡辺健次郎4, 東岡宏明5, 三宅康史6, 相澤明憲7, 池田学8
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 329-329, 2015.

Japanese Article O5-4(D). PEEC - current situation and future ...
三宅康史1, 東岡宏明2, 岸泰宏2, 橋本聡2, 三上克央2, 山田朋樹2, 大塚耕太郎2, 秋山惠子2, 柳澤八重子2, 寺地沙緒里2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 329-329, 2015.

Japanese Article O5-5(D). Attempt of the PEEC leader training course
東岡宏明1, 三宅康史2, 岸康宏3, 三上克央4, 橋本聡5, 秋山恵子6, 坂本由美子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 329-329, 2015.

Japanese Article O6-1(S). Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 increases the young obese men after the high-strength exercise
深田喜八郎1, 櫛英彦1, 高階曜衣1, 吉田明2, 天野喜一朗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 330-330, 2015.

Japanese Article O6-2(D). Examination of the conveyed foreign disabled emergency to our hospital
澁谷仁美1, 田口大1, 畠山広巳1, 石田浩之1, 林浩三1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 330-330, 2015.

Japanese Article O6-3(S). First aid, outside Parliament, the multi-field cooperation workshop held significance of the student about the in-hospital injury primary care
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 330-330, 2015.

Japanese Article O6-4(D). For the effective cooperation in front of the hospital a wide area of - prospective firefighting -
塚本菜緒1, 石井圭亮1, 田邉三思1, 黒澤慶子1, 津村弘1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 330-330, 2015.

Japanese Article O7-1(D). It is seriously ill traumatic one patient of patients after the aortic valve replacement by the mechanical valve
金谷秀平1, 萩原周一1, 金子稔1, 村田将人1, 中島潤1, 青木誠1, 大山良雄2, 田村遵一2, 中村卓郎1, 大嶋清宏1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 331-331, 2015.

Japanese Article O7-2(D). One case of the pneumococcal vaccine postvaccinal SIRS
片山彩香1, 萩原周一1, 村田将人1, 金子稔1, 中島潤1, 青木誠1, 大山良雄2, 田村遵一2, 中村卓郎1, 大嶋清宏1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 331-331, 2015.

Japanese Article O7-3(D). An example of the Lemierre syndrome complicated with pacemaker lead persistence
奥友洸二1, 遠山昌平1, 田中淑恵1, 前澤翔太1, 遠藤聡1, 小林正和1, 小林道生1, 石橋悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 331-331, 2015.

Japanese Article O7-4(D). An example of the gas gangrene that we were able to save in hip disarticulation
請田裕人1, 伊藤礼子1, 鳥山亜紀1, 金井尚之1, 栗田恵里奈2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 331-331, 2015.

Japanese Article O7-5(D). An example of the bronchial asthma attack that a Crisp aneurysm explosion became the precipitants
厚見知甫1, 切田学1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 332-332, 2015.

Japanese Article O8-1(E). Is 12-lead electrocardiogram in front of the hospital really useful in a judgment of acute myocardial infarction?
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 332-332, 2015.

Japanese Article O8-2(E). About shortening of the specific act time required of the CPA case
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 332-332, 2015.

Japanese Article O8-3(E). The first action response of the emergency services for the acute myocardial infarction case and investigation about the outcome
廣重嘉之1, 岩橋勝一1, 高須修2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 332-332, 2015.

Japanese Article O8-4(E). Was the cardiopulmonary arrest conveyance difficulty improved? - Examination - of the East Saitama area medical control council
茅野俊幸1, 有馬健2, 木村徹3, 池上敬一4, 渡辺洋介5, 蓮見太一5, 長谷川修6, 池田栄治7, 宮田晃宏8
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 333-333, 2015.

Japanese Article O8-5(D). Effect of the doctor's car in the patients with acute myocardial infarction catheter start time
石橋悟1, 小林道生1, 小林正和1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 333-333, 2015.

Japanese Article O8-6(D). Relations (SOS-KANTO Study 2012) with Response time and the number for the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients in Tokyo of ambulance dispatch
鈴木昌1, 堀進悟1, 宮崎大1, 田原良雄1, 矢口有乃1, 森村尚登1, 長尾建1, 櫻井淳1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 333-333, 2015.

Japanese Article O8-7(E). Inspection of the diagnosis ability of the acute coronary syndrome by the evaluation based on the enforcement standard
上原健一1, 南川富弘1, 木村信広1, 中尾彰太2, 松岡哲也2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 333-333, 2015.

Japanese Article O9-1(P). It is case ... of ... vancomycin about the blood level change of the renal excretion type drug in the renal clearance increase at SIRS onset
神谷裕彦1, 都築誠一郎4, 富野敦稔3, 羽柴尉充2, 宮部弘道2, 津田雅庸2, 服部友紀2, 植西憲達4, 平川昭彦3, 武山直志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 334-334, 2015.

Japanese Article O9-2(D). Pay the attention to effect - disease severity and causative disease of the thrombomodulin preparation for the sepsis-related DIC; and ...
矢田憲孝1, 廣田哲也1, 宇佐美哲郎1, 藤本善大1, 原悠也1, 堀雅俊1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 334-334, 2015.

Japanese Article O9-3(P). About the making of painkilling, the sedative protocol for the respirator management patients by the multi-type of job collaboration
末森千加子1, 杉野達也2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 334-334, 2015.

Japanese Article O9-4(D). Usefulness and safety of the orchid geo-roll for the tachyarrhythmia
栗山桂一1, 高橋政照1, 植木穣1, 吉川秀和1, 高橋宏之1, 増田崇光1, 磯谷栄二1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 334-334, 2015.

Japanese Article O9-5(P). Examination about the effectiveness of the recombinant humans thrombomodulin
加藤隆寛1, 岩澤瞳1, 萩原真生1, 松浦克彦1, 三木靖雄2, 中川隆3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 335-335, 2015.

Japanese Article O9-6(D). Effect of treatment of AN69ST-CHDF which used PMX-DHP for the septicemic hotheadedness-related renal failure together and PMMA-CHDF
成宮博理1, 檜垣聡1, 荒井裕介1, 平木咲子1, 飯塚亮二1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 335-335, 2015.

Japanese Article O9-7(D). Use experience in our hospital of Combined respiratory support (ComReS) for the purpose of the respiratory failure improvement
栗山桂一1, 高橋政照1, 植木穣1, 吉川秀和1, 高橋宏之1, 増田崇光1, 磯谷栄二1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 335-335, 2015.

Japanese Article O9-8(CE). Clinical use experience of new sustained slow expression blood filter sepxiris
小林利道1, 芝田正道1, 川名由浩1, 栗山桂一2, 増田崇光2, 高橋宏之2, 吉川和秀2, 植木穣2, 高橋政照2, 磯谷栄二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 335-335, 2015.

Japanese Article O10-1(D). About the readjustment of the concept of SCU (aviation conveyance base temporary medical facilities)
近藤久禎1, 小早川義貴1, 鶴和美穂1, 近藤裕史1, 高橋礼子1, 小塚浩1, 千島佳也子1, 小井土雄一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 336-336, 2015.

Japanese Article O10-2(N). Change of in-hospital anti-disaster measures after having experienced a joint disaster prevention drill with the administration
小林孝子1, 高橋政照2, 植木穣2, 吉川和秀2, 高橋宏之2, 増田崇光2, 栗山桂一2, 安藤大吾2, 加藤渚2, 磯谷栄二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 336-336, 2015.

Japanese Article O10-3(C). ... to think about from way - DMAT central part block training results (Aichi damage) of the medical support in the Nankai Trough earthquake
小澤和弘1, 和泉邦彦2, 川谷陽子1, 加納秀記3, 稲田真治4, 高橋礼子5, 北川喜己2, 近藤久禎5, 中川隆1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 336-336, 2015.

Japanese Article O10-4(D). Tentative plan of the way of thinking about the medical support from foreign country at large-scale disaster of the iJMAT plan our country
永田高志1, 橋爪誠2, 石井正三3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 336-336, 2015.

Japanese Article O10-5(D). Strategic innovation creation program (SIP) which we saw from the viewpoint of disaster medical care
近藤祐史1, 近藤久禎1, 小井土雄一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 337-337, 2015.

Japanese Article O10-6(P). About effective operation of wide area medical information system (EMIS)
柴田隼人1, 和泉邦彦2, 小澤和弘3, 稲田眞治4, 花木芳洋5, 北川喜己6, 中川隆3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 337-337, 2015.

Japanese Article O10-7(D). About problem extraction of a directive order and the adjustment in the Japanese disaster manual
秋冨慎司1, 梅澤耕学2, 高橋宗康3, 守川義信4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 337-337, 2015.

Japanese Article O10-8(D). Is the physician necessary for primary triage area at a disaster?
森川健太郎1, 萩原祥弘1, 鈴木茂利雄1, 濱口純1, 清水敬樹1, 三宅康史2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 337-337, 2015.

Japanese Article O11-1(D). As for the injury quick wit of the head trauma that is thought to be high in an urgent degree, overtriage may do children in JTAS
井上信明1, 光銭大裕1, 三浦英代2, 清水直樹3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 338-338, 2015.

Japanese Article O11-2(D). It is proper to lower the urgent degree of children with abnormal by Tal by the judgment of the nurse in JTAS standard
井上信明1, 光銭大裕1, 三浦英代2, 清水直樹3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 338-338, 2015.

Japanese Article O11-3(N). The pre-back prediction of patients in emergent admission using Modified Early Warning System (MEWS)
福迫詩織1, 井好昭博1, 川野マキ1, 山本直美1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 338-338, 2015.

Japanese Article O11-4(D). Usefulness of the noninvasive peripheral circulation monitoring in the triage of the emergency patient
大西新介1, 奈良理1, 高橋功1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 338-338, 2015.

Japanese Article O11-5(N). Decrease in under triage by a review and the staff education of the triage system
甲斐彰1, 池田佳奈1, 橋上卓明1, 坂本香代1, 頴川俊也1, 原田正公1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 339-339, 2015.

Japanese Article O11-6(D). A change of the triage stopping by before and after JTAS introduction: Examination in the patients who became the stroke department hospitalization
國永直樹1, 栗山明1, 多賀真佐美2, 岩元美紀2, 福岡敏雄1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 339-339, 2015.

Japanese Article O12-1(C). Characteristic - of effect - third report - vibration absorption footstool of vibration and the vibration absorption footstool of the emergency car
安田康晴1, 山本弘二1, 竹井豊1, 諌山憲司1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 339-339, 2015.

Japanese Article O12-2(E). Consideration - about the reflector supplementing the red light of - ambulance protecting the life of the disabled and the person of medical care at traffic accident occurrence during an ambulance service
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 339-339, 2015.

Japanese Article O12-4(C). Investigation - by the questionnaire to associated - firefighting headquarters with the actual situation and the error occurrence of resuscitation statistics data entry
藤江敬子1, 橋本幸一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 340-340, 2015.

Japanese Article O12-5(C). About the matching of the 119th hearing of the member of communication order and emergency contents
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 340-340, 2015.

Japanese Article O13-1(D). The emergency American football (American football)-related traumatic examination that was conveyed
春成学1, 近野祐介1, 権守智1, 伊藤壮一1, 田熊清継1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 340-340, 2015.

Japanese Article O13-2(D). 30 cases are Under triage in the injury case conveyed to our hospital recently for four years
諸江雄太1, 畝本恭子1, 久野将宗1, 小柳正雄1, 石之神小織1, 福田令雄1, 金子純也1, 北橋章子1, 磐井佑輔1, 鈴木健介1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 341-341, 2015.

Japanese Article O13-3(D). Examination of the factor having an influence on the Hb at comming to hospital in patients with injury
川井廉之1, 関匡彦1, 則本和伸1, 福島英賢1, 奥地一夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 341-341, 2015.

Japanese Article O13-4(D). Examination about the cerebral function pre-back evaluation of patients with severe head trauma using MR spectroscopy
長谷川意純1, 近藤達弥1, 亀岡佳彦1, 大瀧佑平1, 平沼浩一1, 奥野憲司1, 卯津羅雅彦1, 小川武希2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 341-341, 2015.

Japanese Article O13-5(D). Is the introduction to all cases ophthalmology necessary for an orbital floor fracture?
神谷侑画1, 浅香葉子1, 井上彰1, 蛯名正智1, 林卓郎1, 有吉孝一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 341-341, 2015.

Japanese Article O13-6(D). The on-site endotracheal intubation to patients with injury deteriorates the vital prognosis of patients with injury
白石淳1, 大友康裕1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 342-342, 2015.

Japanese Article O14-1(D). The example that medical control was effective for the person with multiple severe injuries case that we coincided
長谷川伸之1, 飯島善之1, 根本真人2, 木多秀彰2, 林堅二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 342-342, 2015.

Japanese Article O14-2(D). An example of the blunt trauma-related cardiac rupture that we were able to save by the trauma bypass which began with our hospital rapid response car dispatch
毛利智好1, 松浪周平1, 今枝政喜1, 鵜飼勲1, 二宮典久1, 鴻野公伸1, 杉野達也1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 342-342, 2015.

Japanese Article O14-3(D). The current situation after the Yokohama-shi serious case trauma center operational start in our critical care center
中村京太1, 土井智喜1, 六車崇2, 問田千晶2, 大塚剛2, 大井康史2, 谷口隼人2, 松崎昇一2, 春成伸之2, 森村尚登1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 342-342, 2015.

Japanese Article O14-4(D). 1 suggestion of the seriously ill injury practice system which is kind to both patients and the staff
中田康城1, 森田正則1, 蛯原健1, 天野浩司1, 臼井章浩1, 横田順一朗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 343-343, 2015.

Japanese Article O14-5(D). Examination of the traumatic acute subdural hematoma which received Walk in
山田哲久1, 名取良弘2, 今本尚之2, 古賀広道2, 村上信哉2, 舟越勇介2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 343-343, 2015.

Japanese Article O14-6(C). Examination of the transfer conveyance in patients with injury in our hospital
岸田全人1, 大谷義孝1, 関根康雅1, 野村侑史1, 高平修二1, 根本学1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 343-343, 2015.

Japanese Article O15-1(D). Attempt - in introduction to lifesaving first aid class - Kagawa for citizens of the prefecture
中村丈洋1, 西未紗樹2, 應武達徳2, 黒田泰弘1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 343-343, 2015.

Japanese Article O15-2(C). Practice and the effect inspection of the BLS class for childcare supporters: Based on the introduction results of a mini-quiz and the check list
淺田義和1, 鈴木義彦1, 廣田初美2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 344-344, 2015.

Japanese Article O15-3(D). Experience - career education of the lecture in the elementary school and education of the life
中田託郎1, 大岩孝子1, 望月健太朗1, 大鐘崇志1, 矢口有乃2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 344-344, 2015.

Japanese Article O15-4(C). Policy of the spread situation and the improvement of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Tama-shi
中尾誠宏1, 田中秀治1, 高橋宏幸2, 喜熨斗智也3, 白川透1, 後藤奏1, 曽根悦子2, 長谷川瑛一2, 原貴大1, 島崎修次1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 344-344, 2015.

Japanese Article O15-5(D). A head and a memorable cardiopulmonary resuscitation class cardiopulmonary resuscitation class for ... primary schoolchild and knowledge fixation investigation -
林卓郎1, 新田雅彦2, 坂本晴子3, 石川順一4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 344-344, 2015.

Japanese Article O16-1(D). Correspondence of Nagano DMAT for the Mount Ontake eruption disaster as the locality mass disaster and future problem
神頭定彦1, 武井隼人1, 塚田恵1, 下平千夏1, 井坪政和1, 山崎勝三1, 末廣賢一郎1, 福田寛文1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 345-345, 2015.

Japanese Article O16-2(N). Experience role - Mount Ontake eruption case of the flight nurse at disaster; and ...
江津篤1, 岩下具美2, 戸部理絵1, 高山浩史1, 今村浩1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 345-345, 2015.

Japanese Article O16-3(D). Count of the medical settings intervention 9 case in the August, 2014 heavy rain Hiroshima earth and sand disaster
山野上敬夫1, 多田昌弘1, 岩崎泰昌2, 鈴木慶2, 岸本朋宗3, 大賀将克4, 坂田博文4, 中川智晴4, 尾形昌克4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 345-345, 2015.

Japanese Article O16-4(N). Examination of the activity in front of the hospital of the nurse through the DMAT activity in the Mount Ontake eruption disaster
井坪政和1, 中島和子1, 常盤忠1, 山崎勝三1, 末廣賢一郎1, 福田寛文1, 神頭定彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 345-345, 2015.

Japanese Article O16-5(D). Activity report of Shinshu University DMAT in the Mount Ontake eruption disaster
小林尊志1, 秋田真代1, 新田憲市1, 高山浩史1, 望月勝徳1, 三山浩1, 市川通太郎1, 大石奏1, 浜野雄二朗1, 今村浩1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 346-346, 2015.

Japanese Article O16-6(E). The case that the taking intravenous route by the paramedic led to lifesaving of the disabled before cardiopulmonary arrest under the debris
大賀将克1, 坂田博文1, 尾村保憲1, 山野上敬夫2, 多田昌弘2, 岸本朋宗3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 346-346, 2015.

Japanese Article O16-7(D). Lesson obtained from the activity of disaster dispatch medical care team (DMAT) in the Mount Ontake eruption disaster
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 346-346, 2015.

Japanese Article O16-8(N). It is ... from effect and problem - Kamishiro, Nagano dislocation earthquake disaster correspondence of the local disaster related organizations participation type training
中村厚子1, 伊藤仁1, 坂井てるみ1, 佐藤栄一2, 高野博子3, 北川原亨4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 346-346, 2015.

Japanese Article O17-1(N). Inspection ... that we perform efforts - simulation for the introduction of the CPR record
中西紀彦1, 森藤章宏1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 347-347, 2015.

Japanese Article O17-2(N). Tendency of the reasoning pattern of the nurse in the pre-hospital automation
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 347-347, 2015.

Japanese Article O17-3(N). Nursing ... to snuggle up to from relation ... home confinement at Potter's syndrome birth in the emergency practice in front of the hospital to a hospital
高橋さやか1, 比嘉徹1, 鈴木晴敬1, 石川正太1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 347-347, 2015.

Japanese Article O17-4(N). The operation situation after the seriously ill dressing room establishment and future problem
細木美奈子1, 吉井優子1, 竹内弘美1, 原田樹1, 栗田康寿1, 渕上貴正1, 藤井真広1, 伊藤宏保1, 吉田昌弘1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 347-347, 2015.

Japanese Article O17-5(N). Operation and evaluation of the emergency injury nursing check seat
吉田真紀1, 大木亜紀1, 島美貴子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 348-348, 2015.

Japanese Article O18-1(R). Investigation of the incident accident case in the emergency practice
須賀龍也1, 平井国雄2, 西田宗生3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 348-348, 2015.

Japanese Article O18-2(D). Than the analysis of safety measures - incident accident report in the urban area university hospital ER practice ...
佐々木淳一1, 堀進悟1, 高橋孝雄2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 348-348, 2015.

Japanese Article O18-3(D). Examination of the in-hospital urgent call case in our hospital
杉浦岳1, 田口大1, 石田浩之1, 林浩三1, 畠山広巳1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 348-348, 2015.

Japanese Article O18-4(N). ... which determines a problem from analysis - inside the hospital Utstein style of the in-hospital urgent call
寺崎昌美1, 西木小百合1, 川岡和美1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 349-349, 2015.

Japanese Article O18-5(D). Extraction and analysis of the case that needed discussion in the critical care center
織田順1, 行岡哲男1, 渡邊淑子2, 三島史朗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 349-349, 2015.

Japanese Article O18-6(C). Quality evaluation of the CPR in in-situ simulation in the ward by the medical safe team
竹内保男1, 金子一郎1, 安心院康彦1, 石川秀樹1, 池田弘人1, 坂本哲也1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 349-349, 2015.

Japanese Article O19-1(N). The effect that ward rounds result in about common knowledge and start of RRS (rapid response system)
川口なぎさ1, 木村千穂1, 安宅一晃3, 松村京子1, 草野沙矢香1, 宮原聡子2, 千田多絵子2, 奥村将年2, 有元秀樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 349-349, 2015.

Japanese Article O19-2(N). From the analysis of the need ICU admission patients of the RRS (rapid response system) introduction
中村紀子1, 池田智之1, 上村千馨子1, 佐伯公亮1, 藤川真人1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 350-350, 2015.

Japanese Article O19-3(N). Inspection of RRS by the admission time for case that urgently entered a room by a ward sudden change to the ICU
木村千穂1, 川口なぎざ1, 安宅一晃2, 宮原聡子3, 千田多絵子3, 奥村将年3, 松村京子1, 草野沙矢香1, 有元秀樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 350-350, 2015.

Japanese Article O19-4(N). Effect of ward rounds of RRT which we tested from the call contents of the Code Blue team
草野沙矢香1, 川口なぎさ1, 木村千穂1, 松村京子1, 有本秀樹1, 安宅一晃2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 350-350, 2015.

Japanese Article O19-5(N). Effect of the simulation education on Rapid Response Team (RRT) nurse
森安恵実1, 黒岩政之2, 小池朋孝1, 服部潤3, 稲垣泰人3, 新井正康4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 350-350, 2015.

Japanese Article O19-6(D). The delay of the physiologic abnormal discovery gives aggravation of the in-hospital sudden change mortality: Examination of the in-hospital sudden change ICU admission case in the RRS undevelopment institution
宮崎大1, 中野実1, 高橋栄治1, 中村光伸1, 町田浩志1, 鈴木裕之1, 菊谷祥博1, 藤塚健次1, 雨宮優1, 小倉崇以1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 351-351, 2015.

Japanese Article O20-1(C). Attempt for paramedic remedial education enhancement
橋本光雄1, 米川力1, 寺山美華2, 舘野章1, 森戸英男1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 351-351, 2015.

Japanese Article O20-2(E). About the remedial education of operation and the paramedic of the emergency work station in the district
長野隆一1, 小池康雄1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 351-351, 2015.

Japanese Article O20-3(N). Approach of the participation type hospital training introduction of the paramedic
池内理恵1, 次橋幸男1, 石本真治1, 河野しづゑ1, 原里美1, 泉知里1, 井出内久昭2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 351-351, 2015.

Japanese Article O20-4(D). The correspondence case presentation of the measures range extended authorized emergency medical technician and the examination
青木瑠里1, 井上保介1, 寺島嗣明2, 三木靖雄2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 352-352, 2015.

Japanese Article O20-5(C). Examination of the member of communication order education in the paramedic upbringing process
成川憲司1, 横山正巳1, 小菅宇之1, 高梨利満1, 酒本瑞姫1, 品川頼之1, 坂本哲也2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 352-352, 2015.

Japanese Article O20-6(E). ... which receives a request for accommodation of emergency services in efforts - remedial education about the improvement in accommodation request skill
山崎裕人1, 野内剛1, 池田健一1, 浅井厚紀1, 鈴木恒夫2, 南和2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 352-352, 2015.

Japanese Article O20-7(C). The current situation and problem of use and the education of the glottic upper respiratory tract device which a paramedic uses
安田康晴1, 山本弘二1, 諌山憲司1, 竹井豊1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 352-352, 2015.

Japanese Article O21-1(C). About possibility of the private ambulance utilization
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 353-353, 2015.

Japanese Article O21-2(C). The current situation of the in-hospital paramedic in our hospital critical care center and the future prospects
藤中奈美1, 杉本和彦1, 上総麻里子1, 町田清史1, 根岸正敏1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 353-353, 2015.

Japanese Article O21-3(C). For the expansion of the role duties of the hospital paramedic
古庄祐一1, 廣岡大輝1, 伊藤礼子2, 鳥山亜紀2, 金井尚之2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 353-353, 2015.

Japanese Article O21-4(C). Activity report of "the hospital emergency medical technician" working at the Shizuoka Prefectural general hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 353-353, 2015.

Japanese Article O21-5(N). The current situation report and problem of national hospital mechanism authorization practice nurse (JNP) in our hospital
鈴木なつみ1, 山田康雄2, 上之原広司2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 354-354, 2015.

Japanese Article O21-6(D). Attempt of the early support to a traffic accident victim, a family by the cooperation of the police and the lifesaving center
大城健一1, 権守智1, 近野祐介1, 春成学1, 田熊清継1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 354-354, 2015.

Japanese Article O22-1(S). Examination of the quality of the bystander for the public AED wearing case for basic life support
西大樹1, 竹井豊2, 神藏貴久1, 太田圭亮3, 稲葉英夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 354-354, 2015.

Japanese Article O22-3(E). From civic AED introduction about the use as of ten years of AED and the survival situation
黒澤英樹1, 小井土雄一2, 加藤宏2, 小笠原智子2, 石堂志直1, 橋本寛1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 355-355, 2015.

Japanese Article O22-4(S). Fact-finding of AED setting and the PAD (Public Access Defibrillation) enforcement in the Yokohama-shi emergency regulations-designated institution
山崎将頌1, 島田航輔1, 六車崇2, 森村尚登3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 355-355, 2015.

Japanese Article O22-5(S). From inspection - PAD (Public Access Defibrillation) rate of use of the AED placement situation in Yokohama-shi -
島田航輔1, 山崎将頌1, 六車崇2, 森村尚登3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 355-355, 2015.

Japanese Article O22-6(D). CPR First Versus Shock First
竹内昭憲1, 田渕昭彦2, 徳山秀樹3, 中川隆4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 355-355, 2015.

Japanese Article O23-1(D). Summary of the course of PBEC
上山昌史1, 田中秀治1, 齋藤大蔵1, 織田順1, 松田潔1, 春成伸之1, 関根和弘1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 356-356, 2015.

Japanese Article O23-2(D). Attempt of the prospects and the burn medical care standardization of the course development of PBEC
春成伸之1, 田中秀治1, 上山昌史1, 織田順1, 松田潔1, 関根和弘1, 矢島務1, 齋藤大蔵1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 356-356, 2015.

Japanese Article O23-3(E). For future participation of PBEC course and the firefighting tissue
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 356-356, 2015.

Japanese Article O23-4(C). The attendance situation of the PBEC trial course and prospective effect
関根和弘1, 田中秀治2,8, 齋藤大蔵3,8, 上山雅史4,8, 織田順5,8, 松田潔6,8, 春成伸之7,8
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 356-356, 2015.

Japanese Article O23-5(D). Role of PBEC for the standardization of the burn Primary care in the burn medical care and hospital in front of the hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 357-357, 2015.

Japanese Article O24-1(N). Advantage ... which a nurse rides with in example - doctor's car of traumatic tension pneumothorax that we were able to save by doctor's car dispatch
田村貴子1, 松岡裕恵1, 小原徹1, 澁谷多佳子1, 佐藤哲哉2, 小林正和1, 小林道生1, 石橋悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 357-357, 2015.

Japanese Article O24-2(C). The activity of the paramedic in the doctor's car of the Kawasaki Saiwai Hospital and the future prospects
石川恭資1, 大橋聖子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 357-357, 2015.

Japanese Article O24-3(D). The operational results and problems of the Takasaki doctor's car system
福江靖1, 小池俊明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 357-357, 2015.

Japanese Article O24-4(D). The doctor's car shortens the time to practice start and improves patients prognosis
小池俊明1, 福江靖1, 相馬宏光1, 佐藤慶吾1, 村田美幸1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 358-358, 2015.

Japanese Article O24-5(D). Usefulness of the Kitasato University Hospital doctor's car system for the injury case
山谷立大1, 竹内一郎1, 服部潤1, 猪狩雄蔵1, 稲垣泰斗1, 朝隈禎隆1, 増田智成1, 神應知道1, 片岡祐一1, 浅利靖1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 358-358, 2015.

Japanese Article O24-6(D). Analysis of this critical care center import case for the doctor's car appropriate operation
八木正晴1, 米盛輝武1, 那須道高1, 儀間辰二1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 358-358, 2015.

Japanese Article O25-1(CE). Setup of duties support section (ER-Aide) in the critical care center in the local government Hospital
樋口知之1, 松本尚哉2, 中島義仁2, 市原利彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 358-358, 2015.

Japanese Article O25-2(N). Effect of the intervention of the caseworker in the emergency visit
染谷泰子1, 鶴岡信1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 359-359, 2015.

Japanese Article O25-3(N). The evaluation of the emergency practice workshop in front of the hospital in our hospital and the future prospects
内田里実1, 黒田梨絵2, 横山貴史1, 上野幸廣3, 河野元嗣3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 359-359, 2015.

Japanese Article O25-4(N). Recognition of the medical person for the meeting in the intensive care unit
中岡沙織1, 正垣淳子2, 高松純平1, 小浴健志1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 359-359, 2015.

Japanese Article O25-5(C). It is ... about the course and the approach after way - Osaka emergency cooperation network start of the cooperation in the discharge support of the third emergency acceptance patients
太田裕子1, 定光大海2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 359-359, 2015.

Japanese Article O25-6(N). It is ... about the decision of decision aiding - treatment strategy of patients, the family in the emergency visit
松崎八千代1, 小林春香1, 木澤晃代1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 360-360, 2015.

Japanese Article O25-7(D). The current situation of the body, mental complications first aid cooperation model business in Okayama-shi
高瀬真知1, 来住由樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 360-360, 2015.

Japanese Article O26-1(D). Usefulness - as the medical contribution of enforcement experience - country verge of the basic life support for the foreigner and injury initial measures education
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 360-360, 2015.

Japanese Article O26-2(D). The training about the medicine in the limit state
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 360-360, 2015.

Japanese Article O26-3(C). Care technique investigation of the ambulancecrew
細田武伸1, 松田明子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 361-361, 2015.

Japanese Article O26-4(D). The education of first aid, the emergency measure for the staff of the old age assistance institution and understanding degree, future problem
齊藤正樹1, 中村祐貴1, 野中降行1, 外山祐一郎2, 倉内麗徳3, 下濱俊1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 361-361, 2015.

Japanese Article O26-5(D). Efforts (through the prefectural police riot police JPTEC course) about the standardization education of the injury primary care in front of the hospital for the police officer
関根康雅1, 岸田全人1, 野村侑史1, 大谷義孝1, 高平修二1, 根本学1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 361-361, 2015.

Japanese Article O26-6(C). About an attitude survey for the injury education introduction in the Laotian country
曽根悦子1, 田中秀治2, 真山剛3, 田辺陽祐2, 東村めい2, 木村昭夫3, 菊野隆明4, 久野将宗5, 小井戸雄一6, 市川政雄7
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 361-361, 2015.

Japanese Article O27-1(D). The current situation of RRS in the small and medium size scale hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 362-362, 2015.

Japanese Article O27-2(C). The current situation of the conveyance from the distant place area
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 362-362, 2015.

Japanese Article O27-3(D). Summary ... of ten importance - hypothermia of the regional alliances room intervention in our hospital as the local acute phase hospital
林真也1, 國嶋憲1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 362-362, 2015.

Japanese Article O27-4(N). Possibility of the nurse practice achievement in the local emergency care
平田尚子1, 田村浩美1, 忠雅之1, 濱厚志1, 菊野隆明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 362-362, 2015.

Japanese Article O27-5(D). Efforts at the hospital which is not basic hospital for disasters for disaster
明石浩嗣1, 青木正之1, 東孝次1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 363-363, 2015.

Japanese Article O27-6(D). The significance that an ER doc receives Primary care in the eyes injury
岩崎寛1, 井上彰1, 水大介1, 有吉孝一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 363-363, 2015.

Japanese Article O28-1(D). About the usefulness of the ambulance service in front of analysis - hospital of the one-year CPA case in Wakayama -
千代孝夫1, 辻本登志英1, 浜崎俊明1, 是永章1, 山崎一幸1, 山田裕樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 363-363, 2015.

Japanese Article O28-2(D). Is the name of disease of acute myocardial infarction in the death certificate proper? - Examination - in the comming to hospital cardiopulmonary arrested case
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 363-363, 2015.

Japanese Article O28-3(E). Example that the disabled who was cardiopulmonary arrest came back to the normal life in the area that took 1 hour or more at hospital conveyance time more than 30 minutes
坂口英児1, 羽根幸雄1, 橋本忠幸2, 川崎貞男2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 364-364, 2015.

Japanese Article O28-4(E). Investigation of the effect to give the disabled in the infusion before the cardiopulmonary arrest of the paramedic
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 364-364, 2015.

Japanese Article O28-5(E). Examination ... which paid attention to usefulness - CCF of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation using the automatic sternal pressure device
木村信広1, 向井秀之1, 月木良和1, 萬田将太郎1, 中尾彰太2, 松岡哲也2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 364-364, 2015.

Japanese Article O28-6(E). Examination of the analysis of the CPA case that occurred in elderly people institution and the new problem
田坂亮1, 江口哲1, 高須修2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 364-364, 2015.

Japanese Article O29-1(N). Psychology, a behavior process in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation of the citizen who was present at out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and the associated factor
島本大也1, 石見拓2, 西山知佳3, 大浦智子4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 365-365, 2015.

Japanese Article O29-2(D). Significance of blood CO-Hb densitometry for patients with comming to hospital cardiopulmonary arrest
大出靖将1, 小日向麻里子1, 石川浩平1, 大森一彦1, 大坂裕通1, 柳川洋一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 365-365, 2015.

Japanese Article O29-3(E). One patient who came back to the normal life by elderly aged 75 or over being in cardiopulmonary arrest in the station yard, and lifesaving measures having succeeded at one time
吉田定義1, 清田和也2, 関根正明1, 高木謙一1, 武富翔太1, 河野豊1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 365-365, 2015.

Japanese Article O29-4(C). The effect that adrenalin administration start time gives to a comeback to normal life from contact on disabled
植田広樹1, 田中秀治2, 田久浩志2, 白川透2, 後藤奏2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 365-365, 2015.

Japanese Article O29-5(C). Effect on mask hold in the bag valve mask artificial respiration
小西謙次1, 島崎栄二1, 牧亮1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 366-366, 2015.

Japanese Article O29-6(D). The current situation of the outside Parliament cardiopulmonary arrest in our hospital critical care center
岩永幸子1, 藤田亮2, 中島厚士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 366-366, 2015.

Japanese Article O30-1(C). Analysis - every import EtCO2 and participation - initial wave pattern of patients with outside Parliament cardiopulmonary arrest of the revival rate
安藤大吾1, 小林利道1, 栗山桂一1, 高橋宏之1, 吉川和秀1, 植木穣1, 高橋政照1, 磯谷栄二1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 366-366, 2015.

Japanese Article O30-2(D). Examination of the drowning 80 case in our hospital
橋本忠幸1, 川崎貞男1, 足川財啓1, 益満茜1, 長尾知昭1, 森本彬人1, 木下真樹子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 366-366, 2015.

Japanese Article O30-3(E). The current situation and problem about the response of the member of communication order in the CPA case
辻章1, 田中耕一1, 松浦治人1, 中尾彰太2, 松岡哲也2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 367-367, 2015.

Japanese Article O30-4(E). Examination about the interruption cause of the sternal pressure by the citizen rescuer who can read it from AED inside record
山崎光1, 小豆畑丈夫2, 守谷俊3, 荻野裕貴1, 山口順子2, 櫻井淳2, 木下浩作2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 367-367, 2015.

Japanese Article O30-5(N). It is proposed Integrated Real Time Monitoring for patients with syndrome after the cardiac arrest
亀井拓哉1, 小林利道2, 安藤大吾2, 植木穣3, 磯谷栄二3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 367-367, 2015.

Japanese Article O30-6(D). Change (comparison with seven years ago) of the comeback to normal life rate of the in-hospital onset cardiac arrest case in our hospital
木村徹1, 齋藤淳治2, 吉留千秋3, 山下祥恵4, 高柳裕美5, 中島真憂3, 上原由美子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 367-367, 2015.

Japanese Article O31-1(D). It is ... about the enlightenment of the stroke first aid system in Wakayama and effect - ISLS, PSLS course
藤田浩二1, 吉村良2, 島幸宏3, 田中禎之4, 川崎貞男5, 上野雅巳6, 加藤正哉3, 中尾直之1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 368-368, 2015.

Japanese Article O31-2(D). With ENLS (Emergency Neurological Life Support): What should you do for a nerve emergency patient for first one hour?
小畑仁司1, 黒田泰弘2, 木下浩作3, 永山正雄4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 368-368, 2015.

Japanese Article O31-3(D). Invention of the Gunma ISLS course administration as the nerve revival basics course
谷崎義生1, 中村光伸2, 中島重良3, 清水立矢4, 安心院康彦5
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 368-368, 2015.

Japanese Article O31-4(D). Of the hybrid simulation course using a learning module of ISLS & PNLS, actually
厚見秀樹1, 松前光紀1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 368-368, 2015.

Japanese Article O32-1(E). Cooperation with the facility for social welfare for the aged in Sakai-shi and future problem
加藤昇1, 横田順一朗2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 369-369, 2015.

Japanese Article O32-2(D). Examination about the outcome of the elderly aged 75 or over outside Parliament cardiopulmonary arrest that the airway maintenance using the appliance was made in front of a hospital
菊田正太1, 石原諭1, 古賀聡人1, 松山重成1, 川瀬鉄典1, 中山伸一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 369-369, 2015.

Japanese Article O32-3(D). The current situation of the cardiac arrest (CA) patients taken by a nursing home, a nursing facility in our hospital
池田智之1, 林薫2, 上村千馨子3, 佐伯公亮4, 中村紀子4, 藤川真人2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 369-369, 2015.

Japanese Article O32-4(E). Examination about the elderly people outside Parliament cardiopulmonary arrest case that has been conveyed emergency in the emergency lifesaving center
八木裕希1, 吉原克則2, 本多満2, 岸太一3, 横室浩樹2, 坪田貴也2, 佐藤大輔2, 伊東俊秀2, 田巻一義2, 一林亮2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 369-369, 2015.

Japanese Article O32-5(D). Is the intention of DNAR observed in outside Parliament CPA case?
鈴木龍児1, 朝山彬1, 深田良一1, 高見祥代1, 櫻井瑛大1, 北川昌洋1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 370-370, 2015.

Japanese Article O32-6(D). We think about the current situation of the CPA of the elderly aged 75 or over cardiopulmonary arrest
古賀聡人1, 菊田正太1, 松山重成1, 石原諭1, 川瀬鉄典1, 中山伸一1, 鵜飼卓1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 370-370, 2015.

Japanese Article O33-1(P). Tsunami damaged training in the hospital pharmacy and the inspection
和泉邦彦1, 早瀬友和1, 二神諒子1, 北川喜己2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 370-370, 2015.

Japanese Article O33-2(P). For incompatibility zero at use of parenteral injection in the practice - acute phase treatment as the ICU permanent residence pharmacist -
篠崎浩司1, 稲野祥宗1, 仲佐啓詳1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 370-370, 2015.

Japanese Article O33-3(P). Construction of the drug information database for vein lipid microsphere (ILE) therapy in the acute drug intoxication
服部雄司1, 阿部正樹2, 田中勇真3, 平野匠3, 松本寿健5, 廣瀬智也5, 若井聡智4, 大西光雄5, 嶋津岳士5
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 371-371, 2015.

Japanese Article O33-4(P). Emergency report (than the Osaka-shi firefighting station conveyance record) which a drugstore, a drugstore was involved in
窪田愛恵1, 木下理恵1, 田口博一1, 西内辰也1, 井上知美2, 小竹武2, 林田純人3, 平出敦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 371-371, 2015.

Japanese Article O33-5(P). Examination about patients with cerebral hemorrhage associated with an antithrombocytic agent conveyed to the tertiary care facility and the anticoagulant
稲毛俊介1, 岡田慧1, 小松友梨香1, 杉山未緒1, 恩田秀賢2, 横堀将司2, 桑本健太郎2, 布施明2, 片山志郎1, 横田裕行2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 371-371, 2015.

Japanese Article O33-6(P). The drug control which is Think globally, Act locally
大谷美奈子1, 小野雄一郎2, 結城沙英子1, 伊藤岳2, 垣尾尚美1, 岸本靜佳1, 松本敏明1, 当麻美樹2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 371-371, 2015.

Japanese Article O34-1(P). Making of in-hospital guidelines at use of dry person blood clotting factor IX complex to a cerebral hemorrhage case
五味知之1, 岡田邦彦2, 佐藤栄一2, 斎藤まゆみ3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 372-372, 2015.

Japanese Article O34-2(P). Investigation of the remedy situation of a possession rate of "the prescription notebook" in the emergency patient and "the high-risk medicine"
阪井祐介1, 宮川泰宏1, 松田直之2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 372-372, 2015.

Japanese Article O34-3(P). Relation of the pharmacist for the fixed number drug for household delivery of the ICU
本多あずさ1, 國嶋憲2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 372-372, 2015.

Japanese Article O34-4(P). Evaluation of sedation, the delirium management by the pharmacist intervention in the intensive care unit
門口直仁1, 田中聡1, 小笠原恵子2, 山本創一1, 服部暁昌1, 喜多村泰輔3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 372-372, 2015.

Japanese Article O34-5(P). Possibility to be able to see it by the permanent residence of the pharmacist in the emergency visit
齋藤靖弘1, 山下友也1, 高江洲怜2, 増井伸高2, 松田知倫2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 373-373, 2015.

Japanese Article O34-6(P). Relation of the pharmacist in the Primary care of the classic amniotic fluid embolus case
玉造竜郎1, 山下智幸2, 峯村純子3, 塩田一博1, 塚本絵美1, 三宅康史2, 有賀徹2, 村山純一郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 373-373, 2015.

Japanese Article O35-1(P). Onset of impaired renal function with vancomycin and investigation about the risk of developing factor
花田聖典1, 鈴山直人1, 日宇宏之2, 高山隼人2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 373-373, 2015.

Japanese Article O35-2(P). Examination of the blood level change factor in the direct hospital admission of emergency patients during digoxin remedy
甲斐光1, 柴田啓智1, 徳永晃己1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 373-373, 2015.

Japanese Article O35-3(P). Search of the optimal medication method of the arbekacin by the population pharmacokinetics analysis sulfate
萩原真生1, 岩澤瞳1, 加藤隆寛1, 松浦克彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 374-374, 2015.

Japanese Article O35-4(P). Efforts of the pharmacist in the initial treatment room
佐野邦明1, 太内田房子2, 浅香えみ子2, 杉木大輔2, 池上敬一2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 374-374, 2015.

Japanese Article O35-5(P). Fact-finding of the delirium in the Nagasaki University Hospital critical care center
安藝敬生1, 北原隆志1, 田崎修2, 佐々木均1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 374-374, 2015.

Japanese Article O35-6(P). Fact-finding of the drug-related delirium in the ICU aftercare
萩山博史1, 山下進2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 374-374, 2015.

Japanese Article O36-1(P). Examination of the maintenance dosage in the high flow rate sustained hemofiltration dialysis of the antiMRSA medicine
宮川泰宏1, 阪井祐介1, 松田直之2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 375-375, 2015.

Japanese Article O36-2(D). It is ... mainly on an examination - blood procalcitonin (PCT), CRP level about the bacteremia prediction of the acute pyelonephritis
廣田哲也1, 矢田憲孝2, 宇佐美哲郎2, 藤本善大2, 原悠也2, 堀雅俊2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 375-375, 2015.

Japanese Article O36-3(N). Efforts to improvement in hand hygiene observance being aware of the multi-type of job cooperation in the critical care center
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 375-375, 2015.

Japanese Article O36-4(ME). The measurement significance of the pre-sepsine to be able to put of the bacterial sepsis
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 375-375, 2015.

Japanese Article O36-5(P). Usefulness of the vancomycin loading dose in the lifesaving emergency ward
近藤匡慶1, 菅谷量俊1, 長野槙彦1, 磐井佑輔2, 金子純也2, 諸江雄太2, 石之神小織2, 久野将宗2, 畝本恭子2, 村田和也1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 376-376, 2015.

Japanese Article O36-6(ME). Examination of Human Cytokine ELISA Plate Array I in patients with severe sepsis
湯澤順司1, 安斉亮1, 鈴木秀章2, 斉藤倫子2, 秋月登2, 並木みずほ2, 原田知幸2, 武田宗和2, 矢口有乃2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 376-376, 2015.

Japanese Article O36-7(D). Examination of relations with the new onset atrial fibrillation and prognosis in patients with severe sepsis
金田浩太郎1, 牛尾剛己2, 宮内崇1, 藤田基1, 河村宜克1, 小田泰崇1, 鶴田良介1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 376-376, 2015.

Japanese Article O37-1(D). The fact of the laboratory study enforcement in emergency settings in front of the hospital
間渕則文1, 中川隆2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 376-376, 2015.

Japanese Article O37-2(ME). Role of the emergency examination of our hospital authorization engineer in large quantities, the urgent transfusion
高橋政江1, 窪田健児2, 小川理2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 377-377, 2015.

Japanese Article O37-3(D). It is shortening of the time to taking effect an examination for urgent contrasting CT by becoming it point-of-care of the creatinine measurement
渋沢崇行1, 鈴木昌1, 多村知剛1, 吉澤城1, 佐藤幸男1, 上野浩一1, 本間康一郎1, 佐々木淳一1, 並木淳1, 堀進悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 377-377, 2015.

Japanese Article O37-4(ME). It is ... from the investigation questionnaire results by ... authorization mechanism registration member for the standardization of the laboratory study at the emergency primary care
久保田芽里1, 福田篤久2, 竹下仁3, 櫛引健一6, 増田詩織1, 津田喜裕4, 末廣吉男5
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 377-377, 2015.

Japanese Article O37-5(ME). The review of the examination of emergency primary care in our institution and the effect
津田喜裕1, 吉田元治1, 宇都宮康裕1, 塩野茂1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 377-377, 2015.

Japanese Article O37-6(ME). It is ... through the spread of efforts - first aid examinations of the emergency laboratory technician authorization mechanism activity under Osaka in Japan
櫛引健一1, 津田喜裕2, 久保田芽里2, 末廣吉男2, 増田詩織2, 竹下仁2, 福田篤久2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 378-378, 2015.

Japanese Article O37-7(ME). The standardization of the examination of efforts - first aid of the emergency laboratory technician authorization mechanism in Japan as an emphasis problem -
末廣吉男1, 津田喜裕2, 久保田芽里2, 増田詩織2, 櫛引健一2, 竹下仁2, 福田篤久2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 378-378, 2015.

Japanese Article O38-1(ME). Relation of the medical technologist in the critical care center
加納知紗1, 水野愛紗1, 小池香澄1, 原祥子1, 原秀雄1, 甲村稔3, 高木省治2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 378-378, 2015.

Japanese Article O38-2(ME). Role of the medical technologist at the urgent transfusion to patients with severe injury
勢井伸幸1, 田中祐介2, 福田靖3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 378-378, 2015.

Japanese Article O38-3(ME). Relation ... as efforts - medical technologist to improvement in comeback to normal life rate in Hirakata-shi, Osaka
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 379-379, 2015.

Japanese Article O38-4(ME). Relation of the medical technologist in our hospital first aid center setup
太田麻衣子1, 小林健2, 長谷川努2, 小澤優貴3, 奥脇和男3, 不動寺純明2, 大塚喜人3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 379-379, 2015.

Japanese Article O38-5(ME). The current situation and the prospects of the emergency examination in the Kagoshima University Hospital critical care center establishment first year
中村政敏1, 山口桂司2, 伊藤隆史2, 垣花泰之2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 379-379, 2015.

Japanese Article O38-6(ME). Examination of procalcitonin (PCT) in the emergency case and pre-sepsine (P-SEP)
濱田宏輝1, 竹下仁1, 堀之内圭三1, 木村仁美1, 橘高弘忠2, 小畑仁司2, 大石泰男2, 三宅千鶴子3, 秋元寛2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 379-379, 2015.

Japanese Article O38-7(D). About the participation in planning of the laboratory technician to team approach in medical care in the emergency care
神田潤1, 三宅康史1, 海老原直樹1, 中島祐理香2, 田原佐知子2, 家泉桂一2, 津田祥子2, 中村俊介1, 望月昭次2, 有賀徹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 380-380, 2015.

Japanese Article O39-1(N). Development of the Excel input form in the critical care center nurse's record
鈴木真理子1, 速水浩己1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 380-380, 2015.

Japanese Article O39-3(D). Attempt of the lifesaving health benefit application introduction for the smartphone for the citizen to support Bystander
武田聡1, 高尾洋之2, 大畠巧2, 有田浩之2, 脇田佳典3, 松本孝嗣1, 大瀧佑平1, 小川武希1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 380-380, 2015.

Japanese Article O39-4(D). The task which we saw from the operation of the emergency conveyance support system utilizing the information and communication technology in Osaka
片山祐介1, 池側恭洋2, 吉矢和久1, 小倉裕司1, 嶋津岳士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 381-381, 2015.

Japanese Article O39-5(C). The two ways of the 12-lead electrocardiogram transmission system in front of the hospital control becoming it and medical
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 381-381, 2015.

Japanese Article O40-1(E). Technical evaluation of the paramedic in the emergency parturient support
橋本貴幸1, 田中和子2, 成田哲崇1, 赤川壮太1, 八木絵里子2, 名達義晃1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 381-381, 2015.

Japanese Article O40-2(N). Obstetric emergency backup lecture held approach in the paramedic Hospital training
河野しづゑ1, 次橋幸男1, 池内理恵1, 石本真治1, 沼澤和実1, 泉知里1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 381-381, 2015.

Japanese Article O40-3(D). Examination of the Tokyo mother's body lifesaving transport system (super maternal transport) case in our hospital
早野大輔1, 沖山翔1, 水谷政之1, 六車耕平1, 小島雄一1, 林宗博1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 382-382, 2015.

Japanese Article O40-4(C). An evaluation and problem of the simulation instruction in the conduct of labor program in front of the hospital for ambulancecrews
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 382-382, 2015.

Japanese Article O40-5(D). One case that caused a cardiac arrest by participation of the amniotic fluid embolism in after giving birth
坂本千代織1, 大西俊彦1, 鍛良之1, 神津成紀1, 和気晃司1, 松島久雄1, 小野一之1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 382-382, 2015.

Japanese Article P1-1(C). Examination of the effect on survival rate of the early report before cardiac arrest
竹井豊1, 西大樹2, 神蔵貴久2, 和藤幸弘3, 稲葉英夫2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 383-383, 2015.

Japanese Article P1-2(D). Examination of the CPA case in our hospital
宇野博人1, 市原利彦1, 中島義仁1, 川瀬正樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 383-383, 2015.

Japanese Article P1-3(D). Than examination - Hakodate district pilot study about the data registration in the JAAM out-of-hospital cardiac arrest registry -
相坂和貴子1, 豊原隆1, 柿崎隆一郎1, 江濱由松1, 坂脇英志1, 坂脇園子1, 岡本博之1, 武山佳洋1, 上村修二2, 成松英智2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 383-383, 2015.

Japanese Article P1-4(S). Comparison of the effect to give to prognosis of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation out-of-hospital cardiac arrest given priority if the quick report which we defined from a factor at time is given priority
神藏貴久1, 岩崎保世1, 西大樹1, 竹井豊2, 久保実3, 太田佳祐4, 明星康裕4, 稲葉英夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 383-383, 2015.

Japanese Article P1-5(D). Examination of the nosocomial cardiopulmonary arrest case in our hospital
宮本昇太郎1, 植屋奈美1, 山口桂司1, 垣花泰之1, 安田智嗣1, 二木貴弘1, 江口智洋1, 政所祐太郎1, 寺田晋作1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 384-384, 2015.

Japanese Article P1-6(S). Characteristic of the bystander judging from the Utstein data of 0 years old - 6 years old
東村めい1, 田中秀治1, 田久浩志1, 高橋宏幸2, 喜熨斗智也2, 白川透1, 後藤奏1, 曽根悦子2, 長谷川瑛一2, 島崎修次1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 384-384, 2015.

Japanese Article P2-1(E). Is the sternal pressure in front of the hospital carried out effectively?
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 384-384, 2015.

Japanese Article P2-2(N). About a change of the quality of the CPR after the BLS course attendance using the objective evaluation function
迫田典子1, 奈良和恵2, 池田尚人3, 小菅宇之4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 384-384, 2015.

Japanese Article P2-3(C). Relations of the presence rate of airway maintenance technique and contact VFVT of patients with outside Parliament cardiopulmonary arrest
田久浩志1, 田中秀治1, 中川隆2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 385-385, 2015.

Japanese Article P2-4(E). Inspection about the effectiveness of the sternal pressure that emergency services conduct
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 385-385, 2015.

Japanese Article P2-5(S). The effect that multiple administration of adrenalin gives for prognosis on illness out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients
匂坂量1, 村岡幸彦1, 張替喜世一1, 田久浩志1, 田中秀治1, 秋濱裕之2, 島崎修次1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 385-385, 2015.

Japanese Article P3-1(E). It is one patient using the automatic pulse in the mountains accident
村上領1, 兼古稔2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 385-385, 2015.

Japanese Article P3-2(D). 1 case that came back to its normal life from intractable ventricular fibrillation
益満茜1, 川崎貞男1, 森本彬人1, 長尾知昭1, 橋本忠幸1, 足川財啓1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 386-386, 2015.

Japanese Article P3-3(E). The case that racked its brains about the judgment of the electrocardiographic complex in the CPA case of children
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 386-386, 2015.

Japanese Article P3-4(D). One patient who it became the cardiac arrest by drowning during yacht training, and came back to the normal life
内倉淑男1, 内山宗人1, 古見健一1, 橘田要一2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 386-386, 2015.

Japanese Article P3-5(D). An intracerebral local oxygen saturation (rSO2) level decreased after the heartbeat resumption, but neurologic one case that had a good prognosis
森宣人1, 大西光雄1, 廣瀬智也1, 塩崎忠彦1, 小倉裕司1, 嶋津岳士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 386-386, 2015.

Japanese Article P4-1(C). For improvement in first aid treatment diffusion rate whereas plot it (as a method to improve the first aid treatment rate of use by the bystander)
千田晋治1, 和田貴子1, 小泉健雄1, 神山麻由子1, 久保佑美子1, 久米梢子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 387-387, 2015.

Japanese Article P4-2(E). It is effect ... of ... convenience store AED about an approach to use AED for 24 hours
大脇正晴1, 桑原謙1, 八野井聡1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 387-387, 2015.

Japanese Article P4-3(E). The effect that an emergency relief duty class and past lifesaving class experience result in in will for the basic life support
松原裕樹1, 江並美紀1, 神藏貴久1, 竹井豊2, 西大樹1, 稲葉英夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 387-387, 2015.

Japanese Article P4-4(E). About the current situation and efforts of the PAD in Matsudo-shi
松井慎一1, 庄古知久2, 齊藤光雄1, 押尾昌典1, 伊藤秀明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 387-387, 2015.

Japanese Article P5-1(D). An example of the infection severe after the splenectomy with Friedlander's bacillus which had the onset just after colonoscopic examination
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 388-388, 2015.

Japanese Article P5-2(D). The local center Hospital, doctor copter, lifesaving case of the gynecologic shock by the cooperation of the critical care center
丹保亜希仁1, 川田大輔1, 藤田智1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 388-388, 2015.

Japanese Article P5-3(D). Example that became the hemorrhagic shock by atraumatic haemothorax due to the bronchial aneurysm ruptured
松本咲哉1, 大塚尚実1, 小原史衣1, 奥本克己1, 井清司1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 388-388, 2015.

Japanese Article P5-4(D). 1 lifesaving case that was thought to fall into cardiac tamponade, a cardiac arrest for a rib cartilage bone fracture by the sternal pressure, right ventricle injury
芝誠次1, 北岸英樹1, 友田新二2, 山岡恭子2, 藤田周作1, 坂田育弘1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 388-388, 2015.

Japanese Article P5-5(D). An example of a large quantity of haemothorax which seem to be due to sternal pressure
内山宗人1, 内倉淑男2, 古見健一1, 橘田要一3, 白澤彩1, 川村祐介1, 藤井裕人1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 389-389, 2015.

Japanese Article P6-1(D). The actual situation of the malignant syndrome in our hospital
米田晃敏1, 高間辰雄1, 高橋直樹1, 荒井秀明1, 染谷一貴1, 香月あすか2, 大坪広樹1, 城戸貴志1, 真弓俊彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 389-389, 2015.

Japanese Article P6-3(S). Effective evaluation of de-escalation according to the disease severity in sepsis
萱野純史1, 永尾香菜子1, 平山敬浩2, 座間味義人1, 鵜川豊世武2, 氏家良人2, 名倉弘哲1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 389-389, 2015.

Japanese Article P6-4(P). Is the administration of antibiotics started within one hour by the septicemic patients?
山口瞳1, 伊在井淳子1, 渡邊一也1, 伊藤晶子1, 郷古親夫1, 佐々木隆徳1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 390-390, 2015.

Japanese Article P6-5(D). One patient who came to the main complaint, and was able to give a common cold-like symptom a diagnosis of a thyroid crisis
畑典孝1, 植地貴弘1, 新井舞1, 佐野勇貴1, 得津敬之1, 宮内弘子1, 小林敬明1, 柴田茂貴1, 松田剛明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 390-390, 2015.

Japanese Article P7-1(D). An example who had the syndrome malignant for compartment syndrome
高橋直樹1, 高間辰雄1, 小西勇輝3, 荒井秀明1, 染谷一貴1, 竹内慶法1, 大坪広樹1, 鈴木仁士1, 善家雄吉2, 真弓俊彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 390-390, 2015.

Japanese Article P7-2(D). An example of the severe respiratory failure by the gasoline aspiration that we were able to save by V-V ECMO
丸山修平1, 早川航一1, 岩村拡1, 和田大樹1, 齊藤福樹1, 中森靖1, 鍬方安行2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 390-390, 2015.

Japanese Article P7-3(D). One case of the fat emboli syndrome associated with the multiple injuries that presented circulatory failure, fulminant hyperthermia, and suffered from treatment
木下大輔1, 原間智子1, 池田督司1, 加藤頼子1, 大嶽康介1, 松本学1, 宮崎善史1, 小林辰輔1, 井上潤一1, 岩瀬史明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 391-391, 2015.

Japanese Article P7-4(D). One patient whom we were not able to save for idiopathic rectus abdominis muscle hematoma
山田周1, 山下幾太郎1, 江良正1, 狩野亘平1, 北田真己1, 櫻井聖大1, 原田正公1, 橋本聡1, 橋本章子1, 高橋毅1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 391-391, 2015.

Japanese Article P8-1(D). Successive prognostic comparison of patients with heat stroke serious case in Heatstroke STUDY (four points of heat stroke disease severity score or more)
神田潤1, 三宅康史1, 中村俊介1, 有賀徹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 391-391, 2015.

Japanese Article P8-2(D). One case of the cardiac arrest due to the accidental hypothermia that we managed it, and temperature was a neurologic good prognosis at normal temperature after the heartbeat resumption
畑中公輔1, 礒井直明1, 田中良弘1, 阪本敏久1, 池内尚司1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 391-391, 2015.

Japanese Article P8-3(D). Examination of the heat stroke case conveyed to our hospital
竹重加奈子1, 服部理夫1, 関口幸男1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 392-392, 2015.

Japanese Article P8-4(E). About the usefulness in the emergency settings of the thermometer which can measure severe hypothermia
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 392-392, 2015.

Japanese Article P8-5(D). The diagnostic criteria and disease severity classification of the heat stroke practice guidelines heat stroke
若杉雅浩1, 奥寺敬1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 392-392, 2015.

Japanese Article P9-1(D). One case of the carbon monoxide poisoning that occurred in opening space
吉田隆浩1, 小倉真治1, 豊田泉1, 吉田省造1, 中野通代1, 加藤久晶1, 中野志保1, 山田法顕1, 橋本孝治1, 池庄司遥1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 392-392, 2015.

Japanese Article P9-2(D). An example of the perforated esophagitis by the sodium hypochlorite drinking by mistake cured by conservative medical treatment
大倉淑寛1, 三上学1, 亀崎真1, 長尾剛至1, 加藤雅也1, 濱邉祐一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 393-393, 2015.

Japanese Article P9-3(E). It is ... about the importance of the situation evaluation of one - settings that fell into acute carbon dioxide poisoning during dry ice delivery
松永亮1, 瀧澤習栄1, 佐藤博香1, 廣瀬保夫2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 393-393, 2015.

Japanese Article P9-4(D). One patient who is addicted to ethylene glycol who was treated using haemodialysis filtration
矢野徹宏1, 佐藤ルブナ1, 大久保怜子3, 鈴木剛3, 根本千秋3, 塚田泰彦3, 伊関憲1, 島田二郎3, 田勢長一郎3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 393-393, 2015.

Japanese Article P9-5(D). Two cases of the carbon monoxide poisoning that followed the interesting course
安藤雅規1, 後長孝佳1, 波柴尉充1, 富野敦稔2, 宮部浩道1, 加納秀記1, 津田雅庸1, 服部友紀1, 平川昭彦2, 武山直志1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 393-393, 2015.

Japanese Article P9-6(D). An example of the hyperkalemia with suspected nonfreezing fluid poisoning treated effectively with dialysis
松井恒太郎1, 若杉雅浩2, 有嶋拓郎2, 奥寺敬2, 藤田友嗣3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 394-394, 2015.

Japanese Article P10-1(D). Two cases of the paraquat intoxication
木村貴明1, 北澤康英1, 村尾佳則1, 植嶋利文1, 丸山克之1, 松島知秀1, 太田育夫1, 中尾隆美1, 濱口満英1, 石部琢也1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 394-394, 2015.

Japanese Article P10-2(D). An example of the lithium poisoning that occurred by ARB combination in bipolar disorder treatment
恒石鉄兵1, 國嶋憲1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 394-394, 2015.

Japanese Article P10-3(D). Importance ... of the information sharing with the specialist in 1 fatal case - prescription by the vegetamin (R) large quantities medication
高間辰雄1, 高橋直樹1, 荒井秀明1, 染谷一貴1, 長谷川潤1, 竹内慶法1, 大坪広樹1, 城戸貴志1, 鈴木仁士1, 真弓俊彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 394-394, 2015.

Japanese Article P10-4(D). One patient who presented with significant lactic acidosis by metformin hydrochloride large quantities remedy
寳住肇1, 鍛良之1, 大西俊彦1, 内田雅俊1, 坂本千代織1, 菊池仁1, 神津成紀1, 和氣晃司1, 松島久雄1, 小野一之1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 395-395, 2015.

Japanese Article P10-5(D). One patient who he died of zinc chloride poisoning, and conducted an autopsy demanded by an authority
蛯名正智1, 井上彰1, 水大介1, 有吉孝一1, 近藤武史2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 395-395, 2015.

Japanese Article P10-6(D). 2 cases that resulted in ileus after the active carbon administration
服部潤1, 増田智成1, 朝隈禎隆1, 花島資1, 樫見文枝1, 上條吉人1, 浅利靖1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 395-395, 2015.

Japanese Article P11-1(D). An example of the liver subcapsular hematoma which the rise of the liver enzyme was not seen in
大谷義孝1, 野村侑史1, 根本学1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 395-395, 2015.

Japanese Article P11-2(D). One patient who suffered a face injury and a forearm fracture by a steam iron explosion
金賢淑1, 金子直之1, 長島真理子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 396-396, 2015.

Japanese Article P11-3(D). Activity in shooting settings to the back of the head, activity in the ER
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 396-396, 2015.

Japanese Article P11-4(D). An example of the multiple injuries that it was cardiac standstill, but restarted a self-heartbeat, and survived for 24 days at comming to hospital
筧裕香子1, 北川喜己1, 金原佑樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 396-396, 2015.

Japanese Article P11-5(D). 1 case that was given unilateral costal fixation for bilateral multiple rib fractures
石井浩統1, 金史英1, 松居亮平1, 吉田良太郎1, 萩原純1, 片桐美和1, 増野智彦1, 新井正徳1, 辻井厚子1, 横田裕行1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 396-396, 2015.

Japanese Article P11-6(D). Example that needed cardiorrhaphy in Initial doctor's office for a cardiac rupture
礒井直明1, 畑中公輔1, 田中良弘1, 齋藤大蔵1, 池内尚司1, 阪本敏久1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 397-397, 2015.

Japanese Article P11-7(D). One case that came again for systemic subcutaneous emphysema on day two after injury
白澤彩1, 内山宗人1, 古見健一1, 藤井裕人1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 397-397, 2015.

Japanese Article P12-1(D). One case of the bee sting that showed apparent significant APTT prolonged with the bee toxin
近木亜衣1, 石川雅巳1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 397-397, 2015.

Japanese Article P12-2(D). Example that presented rhabdomyolysis with the bee venom
伊藤宏保1, 原田樹1, 栗田康寿1, 藤井真広1, 吉田昌弘1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 397-397, 2015.

Japanese Article P12-3(D). 3 cases of the PTP mis-deglutition in our hospital
北村友喜宏1, 岡田昌彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 398-398, 2015.

Japanese Article P12-4(D). An example of the oesophageal perforation due to the fish bone who had hematoma in the pericardium
西口毅1, 寺岡麻梨1, 亀岡聖史1, 生越智文1, 本間正人1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 398-398, 2015.

Japanese Article P13-1(D). One patient who was bitten by a mamushi during pregnancy
石川浩平1, 柳川洋一1, 大出靖将1, 大坂裕通1, 大森一彦1, 三島健太郎1, 小日向麻里子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 398-398, 2015.

Japanese Article P13-2(D). One case of the DIC by the Rhabdophis tigrinus bite which we saved using antitoxin
藤塚健次1, 中野実1, 堺淳2, 高橋栄治1, 中村光伸1, 田中由基子1, 雨宮優1, 小倉崇以1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 398-398, 2015.

Japanese Article P13-3(D). Clinical examination of adrenalin self injection prescription 108 cases
本村知華子1, 岡部公樹1, 赤峰裕子1, 若槻雅敏1, 岩田実穂子1, 松崎寛司1, 村上洋子1, 田場直彦1, 柴田瑠美子1, 小田嶋博1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 399-399, 2015.

Japanese Article P13-4(D). Cooperation with the paramedic about the adrenalin self injection
岡部公樹1, 岩田実穂子1, 赤嶺裕子1, 松崎寛司1, 田場直彦1, 村上洋子1, 本荘哲1, 本村知華子1, 柴田瑠美子1, 小田嶋博1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 399-399, 2015.

Japanese Article P14-1(D). Hematoma in the vertebral canal which comes over when we forgot it
平松玄太郎1, 井口浩一2, 城下翠1, 酒庭康孝1, 橋本昌幸1, 中村元洋1, 大貫学1, 澤野誠2, 杉山聡2, 輿水健治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 399-399, 2015.

Japanese Article P14-2(D). One patient who presented with a spinal cord extradural haematoma from a vertebral body hemangioma
竹口史織1, 丹保亜希仁2, 妹尾一誠2, 藤田智2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 399-399, 2015.

Japanese Article P14-3(D). 4 cases of PRES (reversible white matter of occipital lobe encephalopathy)
直江康孝1, 小川太志1, 中野公介1, 横田裕行2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 400-400, 2015.

Japanese Article P14-4(D). 2 case of severe subarachnoid hemorrhage that medical intervention in front of the aggressive hospital contributed to the pre-back improvement
伊藤岳1, 当麻美樹1, 佐野秀1, 小野雄一郎1, 板垣有亮1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 400-400, 2015.

Japanese Article P14-5(D). An example of the reversible cerebrovascular spasm syndrome that resulted in subarachnoid hemorrhage all over the course
三瓶想1, 川口奉洋2, 中川敦寛2, 佐藤健一2, 野村亮介1, 久志本成樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 400-400, 2015.

Japanese Article P14-6(D). Example that developed, and was not able to save cerebral infarction by traumatic vertebral artery occlusion complicated for a cervical cord injury
竪良太1, 林友和1, 山田哲久1, 出雲明彦1, 鮎川勝彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 400-400, 2015.

Japanese Article P14-7(D). Become the emergency conveyance for both lower extremities weakness, occipital headache, an example with suspected anterior cerebral artery dissection
清水千華子1, 佐藤幸男1, 本間康一郎1, 堀進悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 401-401, 2015.

Japanese Article P15-1(D). Two cases of the adrenal crisis which assumed disturbance of consciousness main complaint
富永直樹1, 金子純也1, 磐井佑輔1, 福田令雄1, 北橋章子1, 小柳正雄1, 久野将宗1, 諸江雄太1, 石之神小織1, 畝本恭子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 401-401, 2015.

Japanese Article P15-2(D). AV block and one patient of 3 branch coronary arteries lesions whom it was conveyed doctor's car to for disturbance of consciousness
金田淑枝1, 市原利彦1, 中島義仁1, 川瀬正樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 401-401, 2015.

Japanese Article P15-3(N). Review of the conveyed patients background and DOC patients correspondence flowchart emergency in our hospital in disturbance of consciousness (DOC)
山口祐介1, 福江亜紀1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 401-401, 2015.

Japanese Article P15-4(D). Two cases of the vertebral canal internal hemorrhage that we experienced recently
切田学1, 厚見知甫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 402-402, 2015.

Japanese Article P15-5(D). An acute pain of the waist back which had the onset suddenly is one case of the spinal cord extradural haematoma of the main complaint
成尾浩明1, 濱川俊朗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 402-402, 2015.

Japanese Article P15-6(D). An example of the tonic muscular dystrophy discovered with an injury
栗家亜実1, 高安弘美1, 山本学1, 渡邉兼正1, 佐々木純1, 林宗貴1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 402-402, 2015.

Japanese Article P16-1(D). It is ... current situation and problem ... about experimental operation of the doctor's car in the Ichinomiya City municipal hospital
土井智章1, 白井邦博1, 竹村春起1, 山田晃弘2, 永田二郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 402-402, 2015.

Japanese Article P16-2(D). About the characteristic of patients carried in emergency from the Nara suburbs
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 403-403, 2015.

Japanese Article P16-3(D). We launch the local emergency center and: Consideration about the change before and after the setup
樋口清博1, 田澤賢一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 403-403, 2015.

Japanese Article P16-4(D). Medical difference between the areas that a doctor copter dissolves
小野雄一郎1, 伊藤岳1, 宮本哲也1, 当麻美樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 403-403, 2015.

Japanese Article P16-5(D). The navigation system of the Southern Hokkaido doctor copter to support in an area
武山佳洋1, 岡本博之1, 豊原隆1, 柿崎隆一郎1, 江浜由松1, 相坂和貴子1, 坂脇英志1, 豊原つばさ1, 坂脇園子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 403-403, 2015.

Japanese Article P17-1(D). One case that became the mitral incompetence after myocardial infarction that became IABP-dependent after ER return
水谷裕樹1, 市原利彦1, 中島義仁1, 川瀬正樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 404-404, 2015.

Japanese Article P17-2(D). Example that caused the coronary spasm (Kounis syndrome) with the anaphylactic shock by iodine contrast media
筒井徹1, 藤井隆2, 平田旭1, 河村夏生1, 櫻谷正明1, 吉田研一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 404-404, 2015.

Japanese Article P17-3(D). One case that the esophagus was able to stop bleeding of by the covered stent custody for the left subclavian artery explosion that we made penetration
日野裕志1, 木谷直司1, 岸本正文1, 加藤昇1, 塩野茂1, 古市欣也2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 404-404, 2015.

Japanese Article P17-4(D). Two cases of the thoracic aortic aneurysm explosion that followed the good course by conservative treatment
田中敏春1, 小林かおり1, 関口博史1, 宮島衛1, 熊谷謙1, 広瀬保夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 404-404, 2015.

Japanese Article P17-5(D). An example of the pulmonary embolism that it was thought that it was caused by a pill
成松裕之1, 古庄正嗣1, 木田吉俊1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 405-405, 2015.

Japanese Article P17-6(D). An example of acute myocardial infarction that occurred in the course after the dead drunkenness accident fall
川床慎一郎1, 酒井賢一郎1, 菊池幹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 405-405, 2015.

Japanese Article P18-1(D). Examination of the reliability of the quick D dimer test kit for pulmonary embolism early exclusion
本間洋輔1, 溝辺倫子1, 中島義之1, 高橋仁1, 舩越拓1, 志賀隆1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 405-405, 2015.

Japanese Article P18-2(D). Examination D-Dimer quantitative usefulness of DVT/PE case in the lifesaving center
重光修1, 和田伸介1, 竹中隆一1, 塩月一平1, 石田健朗1, 田邊三思1, 黒澤慶子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 405-405, 2015.

Japanese Article P18-3(D). Examination of the case that resulted in retroperitoneal hematoma under the use of antithrombotic drug
小村聡一朗1, 小林良三1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 406-406, 2015.

Japanese Article P18-4(D). An example of the congenital long QT syndrome that presented with pleomorphic and monomorphic ventricular tachycardia, and racked its brains about a diagnosis
秋津克哉1, 木下利雄1, 野口晃司1, 一林亮1, 坪田貴也1, 本田満1, 吉原克則1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 406-406, 2015.

Japanese Article P18-5(D). Use experience of the acute phase beta-blocker in the tachycardia-related atrial fibrillation case who had the heart failure
島田恵1, 原田厚子1, 芹澤宏1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 406-406, 2015.

Japanese Article P19-1(D). Comparison of the BLS effect on all ambulancecrews measurement of the Kitakyushu-shi firefighting station
井上征雄1, 伊藤重彦1, 田口健蔵1, 谷延正夫2, 安田英信2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 406-406, 2015.

Japanese Article P19-2(N). Result - that we continued efforts - in-hospital medical rally to improvement of the sudden change-response ability for six years
春川一樹1, 山本鉄也1, 宮沢寿1, 保科寛子1, 宮島衛2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 407-407, 2015.

Japanese Article P19-3(E). Efforts - in the Niigata ISLS/PSLS course - prefecture holding course
田辺博之1, 赤岩靖久2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 407-407, 2015.

Japanese Article P19-4(N). The efforts of the primary lifesaving class (BLS) in the Saitama Medical University-affiliated institution and future problem
内藤茜1, 高平修二2, 岸田全人2, 大谷義孝2, 長坂浩3, 園田健一郎2, 野村侑史2, 根本学2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 407-407, 2015.

Japanese Article P19-5(E). Efforts of the basic medical rally in the emergency care workshop which we host
三木大輔1, 若井聡智2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 407-407, 2015.

Japanese Article P19-6(N). The effect that a leader obtained by simulating it in an own department, and having received training
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 408-408, 2015.

Japanese Article P20-1(C). Basic investigation about the ground plan of the construction of the urgent medical first-aid center
江川香奈1, 太田祥一2, 依田育士3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 408-408, 2015.

Japanese Article P20-3(D). Examination of the current situation and the utilization method of the dormancy bed in the basic hospital for disasters
高橋礼子1, 小井土雄一1, 近藤久禎1, 小早川義貴1, 鶴和みほ1, 河嶌譲1, 近藤祐史1, 中川隆2, 小澤和弘2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 408-408, 2015.

Japanese Article P20-4(D). Problems of the airport medical care system
井上彰1, 有吉孝一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 409-409, 2015.

Japanese Article P20-5(D). Siege determination by the Nankai Trough major earthquake to learn from Ise Bay typhoon
北川喜己1, 和泉邦彦1, 中川隆2, 小澤和弘2, 高橋礼子3, 近藤久禎3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 409-409, 2015.

Japanese Article P20-6(D). The new efforts by the local disaster medical care measures meeting: Establishment of the training system every secondary care area
川瀬鉄典1, 中山伸一1, 石原諭1, 松山重成1, 甲斐聡一郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 409-409, 2015.

Japanese Article P20-7(N). Multi-type of job cooperation training - in 2014 Government wide area medical care conveyance training report - Kagoshima
千島佳也子1, 鶴和美穂2, 近藤久禎2, 小井土雄一2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 409-409, 2015.

Japanese Article P21-1(R). The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster-response ... reflection of the second Sendai medical center which is urgently radiation exposure medical facilities and future problem ...
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 410-410, 2015.

Japanese Article P21-2(E). Usefulness of the original triage tag
吉川文隆1, 池田健一1, 浅井厚紀1, 鈴木恒夫2, 南和2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 410-410, 2015.

Japanese Article P21-3(D). Importance of medical care team and the other organizations cooperation in disaster settings to learn through a medical rally
鶴和美穂1, 近藤久禎1, 小井土雄一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 410-410, 2015.

Japanese Article P21-4(D). Attempt of the outside training in the hospital actual work disaster training for information
山田康雄1, 上之原広司1, 加賀谷知己雄1, 櫻井睦美1, 手島伸2, 湯目玄2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 410-410, 2015.

Japanese Article P21-5(D). About the establishment of the disaster chart (disaster standard clinical record)
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 411-411, 2015.

Japanese Article P21-6(E). The effective mass disaster training method that anyone can host
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 411-411, 2015.

Japanese Article P21-7(E). Suggestion of the practical enforcement method of the emergency command post in the mass disaster
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 411-411, 2015.

Japanese Article P22-1(D). The in-hospital current situation and problem in our hospital for sudden change
小川太志1, 米沢光平1, 中野公介1, 直江康孝1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 411-411, 2015.

Japanese Article P22-2(D). Experience of the personal opinion book making using the Web meeting
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 412-412, 2015.

Japanese Article P22-3(E). It is approach ... to medical care security in ... firefighting about the medical safe class that we conducted in local MC among a firefighting organization
桑原謙1, 青木卓真5, 小澤和弘2, 加納秀記3, 竹内昭憲2, 市原利彦4, 中川隆2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 412-412, 2015.

Japanese Article P22-4(N). Evaluation of the emergency cart training using the simulation in the A Hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 412-412, 2015.

Japanese Article P23-1(D). The portal vein gas blood symptom case that it was thought that it was caused by α glucosidase inhibitor and carbon dioxide
鈴木あい1, 成尾浩明1, 濱川俊朗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 412-412, 2015.

Japanese Article P23-2(D). An example of the septic shock due to the purulent portal vein phlebitis
柏浦正広1, 田邉孝大1, 杉山和宏1, 明石暁子1, 濱邊祐一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 413-413, 2015.

Japanese Article P23-3(D). One patient who presented with pneumoretroperitoneum by an alien substance
植田史朗1, 井上剛1, 植山徹1, 尾中敦彦1, 松阪正訓1, 岡本倫朋1, 宮崎敬太1, 中村達也1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 413-413, 2015.

Japanese Article P23-4(D). An example of the upper mesentery arterial thrombosis that we saved by an extensive enterectomy
竹本安宏1, 木庭雄至1, 有馬孝博1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 413-413, 2015.

Japanese Article P23-5(D). One case of the superior mesenteric vein thrombosis complicated with necrotic appendicitis
宮崎敬太1, 植山徹1, 植田史朗1, 尾中敦彦1, 中村達也1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 413-413, 2015.

Japanese Article P23-6(D). One case of the wall emphysematosa between the bowels which were complicated for a progressive muscular dystrophy symptom, and caused septic shock
岸田康雅1, 戸高雅広1, 鳴海篤志1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 414-414, 2015.

Japanese Article P24-1(D). Examination of the obturator hernia 7 case
出口勝也1, 上田英史1, 柿木里枝1, 大林孝吉1, 大同毅1, 中川達哉2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 414-414, 2015.

Japanese Article P24-2(D). One case of the appendicitis perforated that developed in malrotation
田澤賢一1, 樋口昭子2, 樋口清博3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 414-414, 2015.

Japanese Article P24-3(D). One case of the large intestine lymphangioma which caused invagination of intestine
中島晋1, 松本辰也1, 小西智規1, 飯高大介1, 梅原誠司1, 藤山准真1, 増山守1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 414-414, 2015.

Japanese Article P24-4(D). An example of protein C deficiency which produced deep vein thrombosis, a superior mesenteric artery clot with multiple injuries
富野敦稔1, 後長孝佳2, 安藤雅規2, 波柴尉充2, 植西憲達2, 津田雅庸2, 加納秀記2, 服部智紀2, 平川昭彦1, 武山直志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 415-415, 2015.

Japanese Article P24-5(D). Superior mesenteric artery confinement dissociated example where was able to be treated with the Jail method
小林辰輔1, 岩瀬史明1, 井上潤一1, 宮崎善文1, 松本学1, 大嶽康介1, 加藤頼子1, 池田督司1, 木下大輔1, 名田屋辰規1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 415-415, 2015.

Japanese Article P25-1(D). 1 lifesaving case of the elderly people O-157 epidemic infection that showed the significant wall hypertrophy of the right colon in CT, and developed HUS
窪木大悟1, 目黒由行1, 小池輪太郎1, 小島正幸1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 415-415, 2015.

Japanese Article P25-2(D). One case of the idiopathic oesophageal branches injury that TAE was effective
陳淑懿1, 池田光憲1, 小倉裕司1, 嶋津岳士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 415-415, 2015.

Japanese Article P25-3(D). One case of retroperitoneal isolated fibrous tumor which was conveyed, and led to extraction surgery subsequently emergency for disturbance of consciousness by the hypoglycemia
山岸利暢1, 湯川高寛1, 横山太郎1, 小林未央子1, 阿部裕之1, 柏浦正広1, 田邊孝大1, 杉山和宏1, 明石暁子1, 濱邊祐一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 416-416, 2015.

Japanese Article P25-4(D). One case of the rhegmatogenous abdominal aortic aneurysm that it was thought that mesh traction and the bilateral anterior layer of rectus abdominis sheath inversion method were useful
新井正徳1, 金史英1, 石井浩統1, 萩原純1, 増野智彦1, 小山敦2, 土佐亮一3, 横田裕行1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 416-416, 2015.

Japanese Article P25-5(D). One case of the severe Salmonella enterocolitis
中村周道1, 柳瀬豪1, 永川寛徳1, 久城正紀1, 前谷和秀1, 則尾弘文1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 416-416, 2015.

Japanese Article P26-1(D). Histories of treatment of two sodium valproate poisoning that recovered early though we took medicine in large quantities
島居傑1, 中西加寿也1, 奥怜子1, 栗田健郎1, 柄澤智史1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 416-416, 2015.

Japanese Article P26-2(D). One case of the acute therapeutic agent poisoning (acetaminophen, caffeine, and the like) that presented multiple organ failure
浅岡峰雄1, 中野浩1, 本田倫代1, 長谷智也1, 佐藤敏1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 417-417, 2015.

Japanese Article P26-3(D). Is conveyed for disturbance of consciousness, and is hospitalized for the diagnosis that is addicted to organic phosphorus by an examination for poison in medicine thing; by conservative medical treatment light; excellent; example that changed hospitals
林友和1, 出雲明彦1, 鮎川勝彦1, 長谷一憲1, 松浦辰也1, 鮫島一郎2, 小山雄平3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 417-417, 2015.

Japanese Article P26-5(D). An example of the multiple organ failure with the potash bichromate
植山徹1, 宮崎啓太1, 岡本倫明1, 植田史朗1, 井上剛1, 尾中敦彦1, 中村達也1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 417-417, 2015.

Japanese Article P26-6(D). One case of the aggravated caffeinism
有馬孝博1, 竹本安宏1, 木庭雄至1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 418-418, 2015.

Japanese Article P27-1(D). Four cases during the emergency elderly people institution entrance that came to the hospital for lips, lingual swelling by use of the commercial mouthwash
木下理恵1, 窪田愛恵1, 久村正樹1, 田口博一1, 小川智永1, 木村貴明1, 西内辰也1, 平出敦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 418-418, 2015.

Japanese Article P27-2(P). Making of the disease severity score for triage in front of the hospital of patients with acute drug intoxication and the evaluation
今井徹1, 岩渕聡1, 堤大輔1, 山内貴史1, 飯塚俊介1, 中馬真幸1, 菊池憲和1, 小豆畑丈夫2, 木下浩作2, 吉田善一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 418-418, 2015.

Japanese Article P27-3(D). One patient whom acetaminophen metformin poisoning by the remedy was able to save for complicated ischemic enteritis in large quantities
宮川乃理子1, 古川宗1, 藤田基生1, 久志本成樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 418-418, 2015.

Japanese Article P27-4(D). One patient who is addicted to glyphosate who presented with acute renal failure
原田正公1, 山下幾太郎1, 江良正1, 狩野亘平1, 山田周1, 櫻井聖大1, 北田真己1, 橋本聡1, 木村文彦1, 高橋毅1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 419-419, 2015.

Japanese Article P27-5(D). Two patients whom rhabdomyolysis developed in after the use of dangerous drug
小林未央子1, 柏浦正広1, 明石暁子1, 濱邉祐一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 419-419, 2015.

Japanese Article P27-6(D). Epidemic food poisoning case by the thorn apple
佐藤ルブナ1, 矢野徹宏1, 大久保怜子2, 鈴木剛2, 塚田泰彦2, 伊関憲1, 田勢長一郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 419-419, 2015.

Japanese Article P28-1(D). One case of the organized pneumonia that suffered from management after the super elderly people open heart surgery with the COPD
黒川英輝1, 市原利彦1, 中島義仁1, 川瀬正樹1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 419-419, 2015.

Japanese Article P28-2(D). An example of the Paget-Schroetter syndrome
宇野克明1, 山下幾太郎1, 江良正1, 狩野亘平1, 山田周1, 北田真己1, 櫻井聖大1, 原田正公1, 木村文彦1, 高橋毅1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 420-420, 2015.

Japanese Article P28-3(D). One case of the drug-related thrombophlebitis that came to the hospital in Walk-in
増澤佑哉1, 本間康一郎1, 江原佳恵1, 鈴木昌2, 佐々木淳一2, 並木淳2, 堀進悟2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 420-420, 2015.

Japanese Article P28-4(D). One case of the pulmonary artery haemangiosarcoma which we were conveyed for cardiopulmonary arrest and were hard to differentiate from pulmonary thromboembolism for acute phase
浅井英樹1, 福島英賢1, 則本和伸1, 関匡彦1, 川井廉之1, 北岡寛教1, 多田祐介1, 西尾健治2, 奥地一夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 420-420, 2015.

Japanese Article P28-5(D). One case that the point-of-care sonography of the lungs was useful for a diagnosis of the acute pneumonia with the pleuritic pain
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 420-420, 2015.

Japanese Article P29-1(D). One case of the acute epiglottitis that we were able to save in airway maintenance by the urgent cricothyrotomy
佐保明1, 上塘彩子1, 立野太郎2, 牟禮洋2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 421-421, 2015.

Japanese Article P29-2(D). Perioperative seriously ill pneumonia of patients with the esophagus reconstruction operation history with suspected aspiration to be repeated from pathological finding
土手尚1, 峯田健司1, 眞喜志剛1, 諏訪大八郎1, 渥美生弘1, 田中茂1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 421-421, 2015.

Japanese Article P29-3(D). An example of the severe inhalation burn that we were able to save by VV-ECMO introduction
菊川哲英1, 早野江里加1, 小倉崇以1, 藤塚健次1, 町田浩志1, 宮崎大1, 中村光伸1, 高橋栄治1, 中野実1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 421-421, 2015.

Japanese Article P29-5(D). An example of the young man who presented with an unidentified pharyngeal oedema
安藤雄和1, 河野匡彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 422-422, 2015.

Japanese Article P30-1(D). Questionary survey about the effect that emergency telephone consultation business gives to the emergency care organization
山村仁1, 山本朋納1, 山本啓雅1, 溝端康光1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 422-422, 2015.

Japanese Article P30-2(N). Viewpoint - not to overlook current situation - acute myocardial infarction of the triage of acute myocardial infarction that came to the hospital in walk-in
岩元美紀1, 多賀真佐美1, 栗山明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 422-422, 2015.

Japanese Article P30-3(D). Trend of the patients who judged it to be mild by emergency visit triage, and pushed forward the consultation of the medical office on a holiday in the Utsunomiya night
藤井公一1, 宮武諭1, 加瀬建一1, 北岡千絵2, 落合祥美2, 阿相忠輔2, 直井みつえ2, 小林健二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 422-422, 2015.

Japanese Article P30-4(N). At comming to hospital time of patients of the emergency degree "low emergency" that became examination - hospitalization of the validity of the in-hospital triage in the A Hospital from analysis of the main complaint -
櫻井瑛大1, 高見祥代1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 423-423, 2015.

Japanese Article P30-5(N). Problem ... obtained from the analysis of patients with a chief complaint of nosocomial triage - chest pain in the municipal Sakai Hospital emergency visit
塩地美紀1, 妻谷美奈子1, 井田真由美1, 久保桂子1, 森田正則2, 中田康城2, 横田順一朗3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 423-423, 2015.

Japanese Article P30-6(N). The actual situation of patients, the family instruction to be able to connect to the use of ambulance appropriateness in the A Hospital
宮林千鶴子1, 長谷川薫1, 若杉雅浩1, 奥寺敬1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 423-423, 2015.

Japanese Article P31-1(N). Urgent degree judgment of patients with chest pain in the emergency visit
前原幸雄1, 田中こず枝1, 梶山優子1, 木村恵美子1, 小池伸享1, 高寺由美子1, 中野実2, 中村光伸2, 宮崎大2, 町田浩志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 423-423, 2015.

Japanese Article P31-2(C). About the under triage rate according to 17 items by JTAS and an overtriage rate
作田翔平1, 梅澤耕学1, 藤田大樹1, 奈良唯唯子1, 中澤美和子1, 腹子歩夢1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 424-424, 2015.

Japanese Article P31-3(N). About comparison before and after the intervention of the neurologic under triage case
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 424-424, 2015.

Japanese Article P31-4(D). It is examined the lifesaving department hospitalization case by the ER in our hospital (ER juxtaposition type third emergency care institution)
中江晴彦1, 岸正司1, 山吉滋2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 424-424, 2015.

Japanese Article P31-5(N). Analysis of the case that was urgently judged the revival in the in-hospital triage
六本木陽子1, 松崎八千代1, 鴻巣有加1, 木澤晃代1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 424-424, 2015.

Japanese Article P31-6(C). Emergency conveyance between a hospital, the institutions by the paramedic in our hospital
市成卓也1, 金井信恭1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 425-425, 2015.

Japanese Article P32-1(N). Making of the paramedic educational program of our hospital
鈴木紗矢佳1, 小杉一江1, 岡下和代1, 望月俊明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 425-425, 2015.

Japanese Article P32-2(D). Introduction effect of the simulation training that focused on a service and the electrocardiogram judgment in the firefighting school
藤田尚宏1, 福岡友起1, 平川千津子1, 甘利香織1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 425-425, 2015.

Japanese Article P32-3(E). At the remedial education of the paramedic about an approach of the physician ride training utilizing (lifetime education)
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 425-425, 2015.

Japanese Article P32-4(E). Educational program before new paramedic employment
辻学1, 笠原征爾1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 426-426, 2015.

Japanese Article P32-5(D). Invention of the role playing training (a great many people on desk simulation training) in the firefighting school first aid course
大川元久1, 藤田計介2, 岸誠司2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 426-426, 2015.

Japanese Article P32-6(C). Investigation of a language study level, the necessary degree of the student in the paramedic training school
酒向雄二郎1, 田久浩志1, 田中秀治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 426-426, 2015.

Japanese Article P33-1(D). The case conference of M and M pattern and the Workshop pattern promotes the independent participation of the emergency medical technician
増井伸高1, 松田知倫1, 高江洲怜1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 426-426, 2015.

Japanese Article P33-2(D). The effectiveness of the paramedic Hospital training who paid attention to securing of median cubital vein road
次橋幸男1, 泉知里2, 石丸裕康2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 427-427, 2015.

Japanese Article P33-3(E). Taking intravenous route education to be able to see from the comparison between blood vessel palpation sense and taking intravenous route success rate
佐々木亮1, 横地雄介1, 増野智彦2, 田山英樹2, 池田慎平2, 五十嵐豊2, 吉田良太朗2, 萩原純2, 塚本剛志2, 横田裕行2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 427-427, 2015.

Japanese Article P33-4(C). About the puncture-response simulated vascular development that is cheap, and is attachable in the human body
高梨利満1, 横山正巳1, 小菅宇之1, 藤崎竜一1, 岩田和博1, 成川憲司1, 品川頼之1, 酒本瑞姫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 427-427, 2015.

Japanese Article P33-5(D). Attempt (the fourth report) of the educational material making to feed back the posterior inspection results for patients with injury in the area
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 427-427, 2015.

Japanese Article P34-1(D). About the appropriate use of problems - ambulance of medical resources in the elderly people first aid, the issue of charge -
山下寿1, 古賀仁士1, 瀧健治1, 島弘志2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 428-428, 2015.

Japanese Article P34-2(D). About the end-of-life medical system of our hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 428-428, 2015.

Japanese Article P34-3(C). One case of patients with cardiopulmonary arrest not to hope for emergency conveyed cardiopulmonary resuscitation to our hospital
坂庭弘晃1, 白田武志1, 吉田文哉2, 吉田直人1, 田邉晴山3, 小川理郎4, 三田恵美子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 428-428, 2015.

Japanese Article P34-4(N). We look back on the nursing to patients, a family conducting the organ donation in the critical care center
太内田房子1, 榎本真実1, 芳川智子1, 安藤和子1, 浅香えみ子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 428-428, 2015.

Japanese Article P34-5(E). The explanation of ... emergency services is understood about civic end-of-life recognition in the relief in front of the hospital; or ...
松山千恵美1, 田中秀治2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 429-429, 2015.

Japanese Article P35-1(D). An example of the legal declare of brain death that suffered from an apneic evaluation by the trigger operation of the respirator
平尾朋仁1, 竹田昭子2, 上木智博1, 泉野浩生1, 山野修平1, 田島吾郎1, 猪熊孝実1, 山下和範1, 田崎修1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 429-429, 2015.

Japanese Article P35-2(D). Histories of treatment of the 90 years or older elderly person pneumothorax, hemopneumothorax case
小延俊文1, 金田浩由紀1, 齊藤朋人1, 谷口洋平1, 中野隆仁1, 齊藤幸人1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 429-429, 2015.

Japanese Article P35-3(D). The delirium patients are at increased risk of the aspiration
一林亮1, 鈴木銀河1, 横室浩樹1, 吉原克則1, 本多満1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 429-429, 2015.

Japanese Article P35-4(N). The difficulty that a nurse supporting angel care to the family in the emergency visit faces
渡辺悦子1, 渡邉晴子1, 古見浩二1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 430-430, 2015.

Japanese Article P35-5(D). Experience of the group conveyance by the accident that a day service pick-up bus was had a side impact of, and fell to the irrigation canal
山田実貴人1, 水谷喜雄1, 伊藤照久1, 斎藤史郎1, 金田英巳1, 林剛史2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 430-430, 2015.

Japanese Article P36-1(D). Annual change of the objection in the critical care center
鮎川勝彦1, 出雲明彦1, 山田哲久1, 林友和1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 430-430, 2015.

Japanese Article P36-2(N). Introduction effect of the weekdays precedent multi-type of job combination conference in the critical care center ICU
清水正子1, 和田陽子1, 藤田玲1, 鈴木久美子1, 土井智喜2, 六車崇2, 中村京太2, 森村尚登2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 430-430, 2015.

Japanese Article P36-3(P). Intervention effect in pain, unrest, delirium (Pain, Agitation, Delirium: PAD) team rounds
佐藤智人1, 吉川博1, 畝井浩子1, 大田浩平2, 田邉優子2, 廣橋伸之2, 谷川功一2, 木平健治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 431-431, 2015.

Japanese Article P36-4(D). Hospital transfer examination (the second report) based on the scoring of the social medical factor that patients have for adjustment
土井智喜1, 松森響子1, 日野耕介3, 春成伸之1, 中村京太1, 安藝聖衣子4, 大橋剛4, 森村尚登1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 431-431, 2015.

Japanese Article P37-1(D). Physical therapy to begin with the emergency visit
白井知佐子1, 山本基佳1, 谷内耕平2, 野崎惇貴2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 431-431, 2015.

Japanese Article P37-2(P). Efforts of the pharmacist participating in Respiratory Support Team
吉廣尚大1, 櫻谷正明2, 荒田晋二3, 平田旭2, 田中恵子3, 石井真弓6, 八幡謙吾5, 村中好美4, 橋本佳浩1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 431-431, 2015.

Japanese Article P37-3(N). Construction and efforts of the multi-type of job collaboration PCPS expert team in our hospital
前田美香子1, 伊藤美穂1, 川村梨紗1, 奥原夕季1, 向山奈津子1, 坂井孝之2, 唐澤秀明1, 北林浩3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 432-432, 2015.

Japanese Article P37-4(D). The general rehabilitation training is useful in all physicians about emergency care
多鹿昌幸1, 高良剛ロベルト2, 山口裕2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 432-432, 2015.

Japanese Article P38-1(R). The alien substance mis-deglutition 3 case that it was thought that Slab MIP (MinIP) by the CT was useful
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 432-432, 2015.

Japanese Article P38-2(R). Attitude survey of the physician for the CT interpretation of radiogram report of the radiographer in the overtime first aid practice
福島智久1, 市川宏紀1, 田中敬介1, 野田孝浩1, 久保寺敏2, 坪井重樹2, 山口均2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 432-432, 2015.

Japanese Article P38-3(R). Statistics investigation ... from emergency statistics - first aid department establishment about the radiographic examination in the Sunakawa Municipal Hospital of 3 years
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 433-433, 2015.

Japanese Article P38-4(R). Inspection of the total exposure time in the injury whole body CT examination conducted in our hospital
田代雅実1, 永井千恵1, 渡部直樹1, 島田二郎2, 鈴木剛2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 433-433, 2015.

Japanese Article P38-5(R). About usefulness of the examination of contrasting pronephros function measurement using portable quickness creatinine measuring assembly in the emergency care
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 433-433, 2015.

Japanese Article P38-6(D). An example of the infants cardiopulmonary arrest who contrast media were given after the revival from intramedullary infusion road (IO), and examined systemic CT
大場彦明1, 木口雄之1, 渡辺篤1, 山本篤史1, 梅村穣1, 松田宏樹1, 松嶋麻子1, 藤見聡1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 433-433, 2015.

Japanese Article P39-1(D). Use experience of the genetically-modified thrombomodulin for the super elderly people sepsis-related DIC2 case
吉川徹二1, 原田佐智夫1, 今西努1, 望月洋介1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 434-434, 2015.

Japanese Article P39-2(D). One case of pneumococcal meningitis that developed hearing loss for main complaint
小張祐介1, 小林正和1, 田中淑惠1, 前澤翔太1, 遠藤聡1, 小林道生1, 石橋悟1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 434-434, 2015.

Japanese Article P39-3(D). An example of the purpura fulminans complicated for MSSA bacteremia
山下幾太郎1, 江良正1, 狩野亘平1, 山田周1, 櫻井聖大1, 北田真己1, 原田正公1, 橋本聡1, 木村文彦1, 高橋毅1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 434-434, 2015.

Japanese Article P39-4(D). An example of fulminant form pneumococcal infection associated with the spleen hypoplasia and the purpura fulminans
牟田隆則1, 中村覚粛1, 屋良卓郎1, 吉富有哉1, 甘利香織1, 松本康1, 小山敬1, 佐藤友子1, 平原健司1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 434-434, 2015.

Japanese Article P39-5(D). An example of the around the cervical vertebrae abscess who had the bacterial meningitis that did not lead to a definitive diagnosis during the lifetime
藤田亮1, 阪本雄一郎1, 井上聡1, 岩村高志1, 小網博之1, 永嶋太1, 三池徹1, 今長谷尚史1, 鳴海翔悟1, 後藤明子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 435-435, 2015.

Japanese Article P39-6(D). One case of the super elderly people who needed septicemic treatment
花城和彦1, 冨加見昌隆1, 大内元1, 玉城佑一郎1, 近藤豊1, 久木田一朗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 435-435, 2015.

Japanese Article P40-1(D). One case of the necrotising fasciitis by Citrobacter freudii
小島直樹1, 澄田奏子1, 渡邉隆明1, 今村剛朗1, 松吉健夫1, 佐々木庸郎1, 山口和将1, 稲川博司1, 岡田保誠1, 小田智三2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 435-435, 2015.

Japanese Article P40-2(D). One case of the eosinophilia that had difficulty in differentiation with the bacterial necrotising fasciitis
加賀谷知己雄1, 山田康雄1, 櫻井睦美1, 上之原広司1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 435-435, 2015.

Japanese Article P40-3(D). One case of the fulminant form A group streptococcus hemolyticus infection which caused Symmetrical Peripheral Gangrene
三宅のどか1, 山田康雄1, 加賀谷知己雄1, 櫻井睦美1, 上之原広司1, 伊勢福修司2, 鳥谷部荘八3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 436-436, 2015.

Japanese Article P40-4(D). An example of sclerosing necrotic mediastinitis that came to the hospital for main complaint for back pain
佐野勇貴1, 小林敬明1, 畑典孝1, 新井舞1, 植地貴弘1, 宮内弘子1, 柴田茂貴1, 松田剛明2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 436-436, 2015.

Japanese Article P40-5(D). Example that repeated A group and gonarthritis due to G group hemolytic streptococcus, and became fulminant
野口晃司1, 坪田貴也1, 坂野彩1, 三浦康之1, 一林亮1, 伊東俊秀1, 本多満1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 436-436, 2015.

Japanese Article P40-6(D). An example of the necrotising fasciitis that was under the medical treatment while confirming the lesion by MRI
峯田健司1, 土手尚1, 眞喜志剛1, 諏訪大八郎1, 渥美生弘1, 田中茂1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 436-436, 2015.

Japanese Article P41-1(D). One case of the severe febrile thrombocytopenia syndrome that held an autopsy
森山直紀1, 安念優1, 松本紘典1, 馬越健介1, 菊池聡1, 竹葉淳1, 相引眞幸1, 北澤理子2, 北澤荘平2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 437-437, 2015.

Japanese Article P41-2(D). Example that accepted agranulocytosis by a tropical infection
木村公紀1, 米田晃敏1, 高橋直樹1, 染谷一貴1, 高間辰雄1, 大坪広樹1, 城戸貴志1, 鈴木克典2, 金澤保3, 真弓俊彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 437-437, 2015.

Japanese Article P41-3(D). An example of sepsis due to the prostatic abscess caused by the B group streptococcus
宮顕1, 萩谷圭一1, 高尾幾子1, 小山泰明1, 榎本有希1, 下條信威1, 西野衆文1, 山崎裕一朗1, 河野了1, 水谷太郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 437-437, 2015.

Japanese Article P41-4(D). 1 case that caused septic shock by Edwardsiella tarda
山室禎1, 高松純平1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 437-437, 2015.

Japanese Article P42-2(D). Urgent examination ... of plane conveyance - conveyance case of the past ten years from Minami Torishima
城川雅光1, 中島幹男2, 中野智継2, 藤原翔2, 小山茂2, 後藤英昭2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 438-438, 2015.

Japanese Article P42-3(D). Of the Shinshu doctor copter current; wear; an anteroposterior request standard and the operational situation
望月勝徳1, 木下竜一2, 森川卓洋2, 新田憲市1, 高山浩史1, 今村浩1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 438-438, 2015.

Japanese Article P42-4(E). About the effect of a load and go case and the doctor copter
八木裕樹1, 矢野賢一2, 小久江賢一1, 池谷和之1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 438-438, 2015.

Japanese Article P42-5(E). One ... which became ROSC in doctor copter cooperation case - restaurant
光岡陽一1, 西原千晴1, 宮家美博1, 石川敏美1, 三木靖雄2, 井上保介2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 439-439, 2015.

Japanese Article P42-6(D). The current situation of the use of rendezvous point in the doctor copter activity
笠井弘起1, 三村誠二1, 田根なつ紀1, 森勇人1, 大村健史1, 川下陽一郎2, 奥村澄枝3, 住友正幸3, 林秀樹4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 439-439, 2015.

Japanese Article P43-1(E). Examination (the fifth report) of puncture time, the settings sojourn time utilizing the intravenous line evaluation classification
横地雄介1, 佐々木亮1, 増野智彦2, 横堀將司2, 金史英2, 宮内雅人2, 辻井厚子2, 新井正徳2, 布施明2, 横田裕行2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 439-439, 2015.

Japanese Article P43-2(E). One case of the arms perfection transection that earlier treatment and the re-adhesion became available for by the cooperation with the doctor copter
石津智昭1, 藤本健一1, 尾道恭紀1, 小川恵美子2, 宇根一暢3, 楠真二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 439-439, 2015.

Japanese Article P43-3(D). A paramedic measures extended example report: The carbohydrate solution administration example that the condition of a patient of the shock was mixed with hypoglycemia
樽本浩司1, 宮本拓1, 清水弘毅1, 山下進1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 440-440, 2015.

Japanese Article P43-4(D). An example of patients with multiple injuries captivated by the conveyance posture with the doctor copter
酒庭康孝1, 高本勝博1, 城下翠1, 平松玄太郎1, 松枝秀世1, 橋本昌幸1, 中村元洋1, 安藤陽児1, 大貫学1, 輿水健治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 440-440, 2015.

Japanese Article P43-5(E). Analysis of the taking intravenous route accompanied with the measures range expansion of the paramedic in Kobe-shi
外園拓1, 菊池悠1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 440-440, 2015.

Japanese Article P44-1(C). Comparison of the healthcare worker in front of the hospital in Asia
原貴大1, 田中秀治1, 田久浩志1, 高橋宏幸2, 喜熨斗智也3, 白川透1, 後藤奏1, 長谷川瑛一1, 東村めい1, 島崎修次1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 440-440, 2015.

Japanese Article P44-2(E). The current situation and problem for a paramedic extended the measures range to assist medical care under the debris
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 441-441, 2015.

Japanese Article P44-3(D). What can the paramedic whom we employed in an emergency care organization speak?
冨岡譲二1, 内山圭2, 上田広人2, 湯原康太2, 井手涼太2, 阿波根昌威2, 那須紫帆2, 吉田侑未2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 441-441, 2015.

Japanese Article P44-4(C). Maintenance policy of the clinical experience in the private paramedic
後藤奏1, 鈴木健介2, 畝本恭子2, 久野正宗2, 田中秀治1, 高橋宏幸3, 喜熨斗智也4, 白川透1, 曽根悦子3, 島崎修次1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 441-441, 2015.

Japanese Article P45-1(D). Do all and the emergency visit primary care course function in other institutions?
今村友典1, 宮本大輔1, 村野光和1, 中野貴明2, 平野雅巳3, 中山祐介1, 伊藤敏孝1, 柳川洋一4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 441-441, 2015.

Japanese Article P45-2(D). Current situation - second report ... of the medical student four years after the chest injury lecture introduction that took in JATEC
小延俊文1, 金田浩由紀1, 齊藤朋人1, 谷口洋平1, 中野隆仁1, 齊藤幸人1, 奥地一夫2, 今西正巳3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 442-442, 2015.

Japanese Article P45-3(N). Result of the majority disabled acceptance training in the emergency visit
鈴木陽子1, 赤坂美佐子1, 中山知桂子1, 片山弘美1, 岡田昌彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 442-442, 2015.

Japanese Article P45-4(D). Injury practice education using the scenario simulation for the medical scientific life
池側均1, 嶋津岳士1, 小倉裕司1, 中川雄公1, 吉矢和久1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 442-442, 2015.

Japanese Article P45-5(D). Emergency initial clinical practice in the Nagoya City Univ. Hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 442-442, 2015.

Japanese Article P45-6(S). Effect of the quality management seminar (QMS) enforcement in emergency care settings
高橋絹代1, 奥寺敬1, 若杉雅浩1, 長谷川友紀2, 瀬戸加奈子3
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 443-443, 2015.

Japanese Article P46-1(P). It is ... through the pharmacist training course that is strong for examination - first aid of the emergency regional class acquirement degree targeted for a pharmacist in the student attending a lecture background
井上知美1, 窪田愛恵2, 小竹武1, 木下理恵2, 田口博一2, 西内辰也2, 平出敦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 443-443, 2015.

Japanese Article P46-2(ME). Authorized Basic Life Support course to hold regularly in the comedical staff center
志水貴之1, 住田知隆1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 443-443, 2015.

Japanese Article P46-3(N). Result and problem of the advanced life support class by the simulation education
筏弘樹1, 中村マリ子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 443-443, 2015.

Japanese Article P46-4(D). The effect of the simple type cardiopulmonary resuscitation class on non-medical engagement staff of the university hospital: Change - second report - of the lifesaving awareness that we saw according to the number of attendance
古家信介1, 廣瀬智也1, 松本寿健1, 小倉裕司1, 城戸靖章1, 池内友子1, 森岡佳菜1, 瀬尾恵子1, 藤野裕士2, 嶋津岳士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 444-444, 2015.

Japanese Article P46-5(N). Efforts ... for the improvement in lifesaving rate that ... multi-type of job cooperated in the class of the life for the primary schoolchild
望月俊明1, 安田清1, 長島尚子1, 伊藤宏和1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 444-444, 2015.

Japanese Article P47-1(D). The thing which cardiopulmonary resuscitation class (ICLS) for the nursing university student first grader brought in a knowledge standard about the cardiopulmonary resuscitation after the graduation
柳川洋一1, 柳川良子1, 石川浩平1, 大森一彦1, 大坂裕通1, 小日向麻里子1, 三島健太郎1, 大出靖将1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 444-444, 2015.

Japanese Article P47-2(N). The current situation and problem of the education in the in-hospital sudden change correspondence
山下直美1, 丸尾明代1, 松嶋麻子1, 森田孝1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 444-444, 2015.

Japanese Article P47-3(D). To make personnel get AHA-BLS qualification in the second emergency hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 445-445, 2015.

Japanese Article P47-4(D). About a lifesaving class inside the hospital for members of general office work that we conducted in our hospital
東孝次1, 明石浩嗣1, 青木正之1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 445-445, 2015.

Japanese Article P47-5(C). Examination of the enforcement method that the class is effective a lot for the cardiopulmonary resuscitation short time in the pulling in customers event
田邉陽祐1, 田中秀治1, 高橋宏幸2, 喜熨斗智也3, 白川透1, 後藤奏1, 曽根悦子2, 長谷川瑛一2, 原貴大1, 島崎修次1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 445-445, 2015.

Japanese Article P48-1(P). Examination of the effect of the common use medicine before hospitalization for patients with ICU admission
浅香倫子1, 大西敦子1, 安井友佳子1, 石坂敏彦1, 八野芳已1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 445-445, 2015.

Japanese Article P48-2(P). Comparison about the pharmacist intervention contents for the vancomycin hydrochloride administration of an intensive care unit and the regular hospital
戸田州俊1, 成瀬国男1, 伊藤匡伸1, 戸倉由美子1, 植松夏子1, 田中映美1, 酒井幹康1, 吉田厚志1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 446-446, 2015.

Japanese Article P48-3(P). Efforts in our hospital for drug fever and the drug-related liver damage
片岡優1, 矢田憲孝2, 菊田正太3, 三木豊和4
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 446-446, 2015.

Japanese Article P48-4(P). The efforts to the ward drug duties of the pharmacist in HCU and future problem
田村研太郎1, 多地貴則1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 446-446, 2015.

Japanese Article P48-5(P). Use of Activacin fact-finding in our hospital
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 446-446, 2015.

Japanese Article P48-6(P). Significance of the pharmacist for the medical treatment of the acute phase patients
高野秀仁1, 小守陽介1, 佐々木忠徳1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 447-447, 2015.

Japanese Article P49-1(P). Corrected examination with the underdosing to be caused when amiodarone IV infusion medicine was given with a dribbling control type infusion pump
大西敦子1, 浅香倫子1, 石坂俊彦1, 柳澤有子1, 八野芳美1, 杉本憲彦2, 藤井宏一2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 447-447, 2015.

Japanese Article P49-2(P). Role of the pharmacist in SCU (Stroke Care Unit) at the Musashino Red Cross hospital
細谷龍一郎1, 田中一平1, 宮前玲子1, 堀治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 447-447, 2015.

Japanese Article P49-3(P). Examination of the transluminal medication method of fact-finding and herbal medicinal products of the drug transluminal administration in the emergency ward
座間味義人1, 伊藤剛志1, 名倉弘哲1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 447-447, 2015.

Japanese Article P49-4(P). 2 cases that a hyperglycemic comatose cause was regarded as non-fixed form antipsychotics
大塚実可子1, 横山智恵1, 日高大輔1, 高松秀和1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 448-448, 2015.

Japanese Article P49-5(D). An example who had anemia and cerebral hemorrhage severe by antimicrobial increase in quantity during warfarin internal use
平木咲子1, 成宮博理1, 飯塚亮二1, 檜垣聡1, 石井亘1, 榊原謙1, 荒井裕介1, 岡田遥平1, 市川哲也1, 大岩祐介1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 448-448, 2015.

Japanese Article P50-1(P). Role of the pharmacist in CCU (Coronary Care Unit) in the Musashino Red Cross hospital
田中一平1, 細谷龍一郎1, 宮前玲子1, 堀治1
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 448-448, 2015.

Japanese Article P50-2(P). About the effect that apothecaries measure unification and syringe pump introduction resulted in after the dissolution, the dilution at the circulation agonist administration in the ICU
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 448-448, 2015.

Japanese Article P50-4(P). About the early nourishment start in the intensive care unit with the role of the ward pharmacist?
菅原順子1, 本多英喜2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 449-449, 2015.

Japanese Article P50-5(P). About the appropriate pharmaceutical products management in the extensive critical care center and medical safety measures
藤江直輝1, 仲桝哲2, 松嶋麻子2, 藤見聡2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 449-449, 2015.

Japanese Article ES1(D). Need of the cerebral function monitor ring in the emergency primary care and domestic and foreign latest trend - cranial nerve first aid, intensive care, progress - of the cranial nerve revival
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 453-453, 2015.

Japanese Article ES2(D). An approach to general emergency practice using JTAS in the University of Tokyo Hospital and POCT and future expandability
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 454-454, 2015.

English Article ES3(D). Ebola outbreak in western africa in 2013 - 2015 : Could this disaster be prevented from lessons of previous outbreaks on the same continent ?
Mwanatambwe Milanga1,2
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 18(2): 455-455, 2015.