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The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo

Volume 40, Issue 5 / 1992
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About perinatal infection screening and neonates B group hemolytic streptococcus (GBS) infection in our hospital
北澤淳一*, 神鳥理子*, 佐藤宣貴*, 高橋義博*, 今福伴江**, 高橋秀身**, 神部憲一**
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 40(5): 193-195, 1992.

Japanese Article Two cases of the hepatoblastoma which responded to postoperative chemotherapy
西條政幸*1,*, 吉河道人*1, 清水重男*1, 室野晃一*1, 鈴木豊*1, 岡敏明*1, 藤田晃三*1, 大島宏之*2, 宮本和俊*2, 鮫島夏樹*2, 岡村俊二*3, 高橋庸二*4
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 40(5): 197-201, 1992.

Japanese Article One case of the imperforate anus of the cloaca type with the severe respiratory disorder
藤原正貴*1, 鎌崎穂高*1, 竹内亨*1, 森田泰行*1, 千葉裕*2, 若松章夫*3, 秋原実*3, 幡洋*4, 平間敏憲*5, 西野千郷*5
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 40(5): 203-207, 1992.

Japanese Article One case of childhood thyroid cancer with disseminated metastases to lung
梅内孝倫, 神鳥理子, 渡部潤子, 須藤善雅, 佐藤宣貴, 伊藤悦朗, 河内暁一, 佐藤雅一, 横山まさる
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 40(5): 209-213, 1992.

Japanese Article One case of bilateral striatum degeneration with Nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia
藤田繁*, 吉田雅喜*, 水江伸夫*, 伊藤希美*, 佐熊泰彦*, 布施茂登**, 佐々木公男**, 館延忠**
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 40(5): 215-220, 1992.

Japanese Article One case of the brain abscess receiving genetically-modified human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhG-CSF)
石川丹*, 福島直樹*, 高瀬愛子*, 我妻義則*, 今泉俊雄**
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 40(5): 221-223, 1992.

Japanese Article From an examination - Hokkaido Prefectural children comprehensive health care service center ICU, NICU hospitalization case of the heart disease case that is early for neonates, infancy -
池田和男*,***, 津田哲哉*, 新飯田裕一*, 梅津征夫*, 本谷尚*, 樫野隆二**
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 40(5): 225-229, 1992.

Japanese Article Clinical study of Hypertension - 3 infant patients -
池田和男*1,*, 津田哲哉*1, 梅津征夫*1, 本谷尚*1, 西野千郷*2, 小林尚*2, 五十嵐千春*3, 森田泰行*4
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 40(5): 231-239, 1992.