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The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo

Volume 41, Issue 2 / 1993
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About densitometric usefulness out of the Eosinophil Cationic Protein serum in patients with childhood bronchial asthma
武隈孝治, 篠本雅人, 河島尚志, 千葉友幸, 星加明徳
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 41(2): 57-60, 1993.

Japanese Article One case of the myelitis transverse that a bladder presented an abdominal mass form by urinary retention
小久保雅代*, 西條政幸*, 滝本昌俊*, 高橋庸二*, 北原学**
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 41(2): 61-66, 1993.

Japanese Article One month boys with Lowe syndrome case
高橋悟, 斉野朝幸, 印鑰史衛
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 41(2): 67-73, 1993.

Japanese Article The clinical examination of patients with pertussis in our hospital and administration experience of the intravenous gamma globulin
住谷晋1, 亀田桂司, 鈴木敞謙, 荒木義則, 曽根滋巳2
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 41(2): 75-79, 1993.

Japanese Article 1 boy with Ornithin transcarbamylase (OTC) part deficiency case discovered with mumps meningitis
平元東*,***, 石岡透*, 坂田宏*, 森善樹*, 丸山静男*, 楠祐一**
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 41(2): 81-85, 1993.

Japanese Article 1 case that had the onset for the symptom of the multi-joint type of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), and had difficulty in differentiation with the systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
棚橋祐典*, 高橋富彦, 外岡立人
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 41(2): 87-92, 1993.

Japanese Article Examination of the unsuccessful percutaneous balloon angioplasty: From a technical aspect
富田英*, 池田和男*, 長田伸夫*,*1, 沢田陽子*,*2, 東舘義仁*,*3, 千葉峻三*, 安喰弘**, 水江伸夫***
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 41(2): 93-98, 1993.

Japanese Article One case of chronic osteomyelitis with the ossifying fibroma-like histology that Interferon-α was effective
東寛*, 上田大輔*, 坂田葉子*, 佐々木一弘*, 奥野晃正*, 小野沢司**, 宮津誠**
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 41(2): 99-104, 1993.

Japanese Article 4 years old boy case of the ITP which developed aseptic meningitis by intravenous globulin preparation
井関憲一, 斉藤隆*1, 吉河道人*2
The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo 41(2): 105-108, 1993.