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Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi

Volume 35, Issue / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the foreword arts and sciences meet magazine publication
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 1-1, 2014.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient and rehabilitation of the disuse atrophy
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 4-7, 2014.

Japanese Article Look at 1 mirror; importance of the range of motion acquisition early after lower rotator cuff surgical repair
武井健児1), 阿部洋太1), 高橋和宏1), 長谷川信1), 田澤昌之1), 白倉賢二1),2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 8-10, 2014.

Japanese Article It is a case using the antigravity treadmill for a gait improvement purpose for 2 above-knee prosthesis patients
堀弘明, 堀享一
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 11-14, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the training effect using the robot suit HAL on patients with 3 osteoarthritis
有安諒平1),2), 江口清1),3), 上野有希子1),2), 久保田茂希1),3), 河本浩明2), 中田由夫3), 坂根正孝1),3), 山海嘉之2),4)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 15-17, 2014.

Japanese Article 4 Reliability of the 10m gait test - Examination in the total hip replacement application patients -
尾藤貴宣1), 青木隆明2), 伊藤芳毅2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 18-20, 2014.

Japanese Article Experience of the physical therapy for the legendary man with long legs difference after the total hip replacement that used 5 trochanter lower shortening osteotomy together
杉山恭二1), 高木啓至1), 木村佳記1), 多田周平1), 上野紗智1), 橋田剛一1), 坂井孝司2), 西井孝3), 菅野伸彦3)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 21-24, 2014.

Japanese Article After preoperation, an operation to influence a 6-month motor function after 6 TKA technique about the factor of three weeks
上條寛司1), 泉博則1), 小西尚則1), 金井和明1), 前原達哉1), 中村梢1), 渡辺恵美1), 目昭仁2), 関万成2), 田口敏彦2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 25-27, 2014.

Japanese Article About a preoperation function to influence during a period required for crutch walking independence after 7 total hip replacement
藤岡修司1), 森田伸1), 三村真士2), 岩田憲3), 有馬信男3), 山本哲司3)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 28-30, 2014.

Japanese Article Quantitative evaluation of the exercise intensity using one case - tongue pressure measuring instrument that tongue elevation motion by the isometric contraction was effective for dysphagia after 8 injury of larynx―
黒川清博1), 川崎未来1), 池内英里菜1), 森田伸1), 有馬信男1), 山本哲司1), 森照茂2), 印藤加奈子2), 森望2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 31-34, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... from a viewpoint of appropriate evaluation - ST before and after the deglutition formula diet revision in the hospital attached to 9 Tsukuba University
加藤寿々恵1), 浅見暁子2), 川村美幸3), 戸塚久美子2), 石川公久1), 上野友之1), 江口清1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 35-37, 2014.

Japanese Article Foreign group training of patients with 10 higher brain function disorder
小川圭太, 澤村大輔, 角井由佳, 大澤惠留美, 堀享一, 生駒一憲
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 38-42, 2014.

Japanese Article Example that deltoid muscle, triceps brachii muscle were resected by the wide excision for 11 upper arm malignancy soft part tumors
小林亜里沙, 堀江翔, 西悦子, 麦井直樹, 八幡徹太郎
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 43-46, 2014.

Japanese Article Inspection using - ultrasonic diagnostic imaging apparatus of 12 big finger courses of a pitched ball thickness and pinch power concerned―
樫山あさみ1), 松田悠嗣1), 宮本誠也1), 小尾伸二1), 佐藤信隆2), 大北弦樹2), 齋藤正憲2), 波呂浩孝2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 47-50, 2014.

Japanese Article About extension and reduction rank early kinesitherapy after the tendon transfer for 13 flexor digitorum profundus muscle tendon skin lower tear
久保潤一郎1), 仁木隆之1), 間島礼香1), 亀山美穂1), 加地良雄2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 51-53, 2014.

Japanese Article Case ... which had a hard time for walk acquisition by one - course and quantity of right lower extremity load drop given all thighbone replacement for 14 thighbone osteosarcomas
田中優貴1), 八木野孝義1), 山内正樹1), 遠藤浩1), 不動田恵里1), 小尾伸二1), 佐藤栄一2), 安藤隆2), 市川二郎2), 波呂浩孝2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 54-57, 2014.

Japanese Article An example of the concentration autologous bone marrow blood transplant post-operative rehabilitation for 15 idiopathic necrosis of femoral head symptom
船越香苗, 鈴木康裕, 岸本圭司, 石川公久, 吉岡友和, 江口清
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 58-61, 2014.

Japanese Article Development of the air mattress helping 16 getting up support
上島隆秀1), 高杉紳一郎1), 田尻由季1), 瓜生充恵1), 御崎晶嗣2), 岩本幸英3)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 62-65, 2014.

Japanese Article Safe examination of Electrical Muscle Stimulation for patients with 17 serious cases
丸山剛1), 亀田裕美1), 塩見耕平1), 鈴木康裕1), 石川公久1), 上野友之1), 江口清1),2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 66-69, 2014.

Japanese Article Introduction of the nail clippers self-help instrument of the toes for 18 hip joint flexure limit cases
近藤優樹1), 井戸芳和1), 田島泰裕1), 伊坪敏郎2), 石垣範雄3), 畑幸彦3), 加藤博之2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 70-72, 2014.

Japanese Article Change over time ... in gait analysis ... one patients by the three-dimensional movement analysis after 19 single-stage bilateral total hip replacement
雲野康紀1), 戸島美智生2), 中原康雄1), 伊藤英也3), 芳賀信彦1),2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 73-77, 2014.

Japanese Article The effect that less intensive kinesitherapy gives to physical active mass, a body, neurologic manifestation and quality of life on patients with cancer which 20 conservative treatment is indicated for
石井瞬1), 坂本淳哉1), 上原ひろの1), 山下正太郎1), 夏迫歩美1), 神津玲1), 中野治郎2), 沖田実3)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 78-82, 2014.

Japanese Article Case report of 21 breast cancer postoperative articulus humeri function and quality of life evaluation
日石智紀1), 服部良1), 青木隆明1),2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 83-85, 2014.

Japanese Article The case that a walk function improved by performing ambulatory exercise using 22 antigravity treadmill
梶本泰志, 堀弘明, 千葉健, 由利真, 堀享一
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 86-89, 2014.

Japanese Article The nutritional status of patients with 23 strokes and association with the FIM
高橋和宏1), 藤原亜希子1), 萩原晃1), 長谷川信1), 田澤昌之1), 白倉賢二1),2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 90-91, 2014.

Japanese Article One case that 24 intervened in for the purpose of bowling competition return for the paralysis of obturator nerve that occurred postoperatively
清水紀仁1), 日石智紀1), 服部良1), 尾藤貴宣1), 青木隆明2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 92-93, 2014.

Japanese Article 25 lifesaving first aid and construction of the many types of job cooperation education model to promote the rehabilitation in the intensive care domain
皿田和宏1), 對東俊介1), 河江敏広1), 佐々木康介1), 関川清一2), 和田美咲3), 岡本美穂3), 川野知子3), 岩崎泰昌4), 廣橋伸之4), 谷川攻一4), 木村浩彰5), 植田一幸1), 伊藤義広1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 94-98, 2014.

Japanese Article Cooperation for an action to the hematopoietic cells transplant rehabilitation introduction in our 26 Houses and enforcement days improvement
湯原民, 上野友之, 谷詩織, 中川のりこ, 石川公久, 江口清
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 99-101, 2014.

Japanese Article Construction of the professional training model for 27 lifesaving first aid and physical therapist upbringing to give medical care, and to engage in the intensive care domain
對東俊介1), 皿田和宏1), 河江敏広1), 佐々木康介1), 関川清一2), 岩崎泰昌3), 廣橋伸之3), 谷川攻一3), 木村浩彰4), 植田一幸1), 伊藤義広1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 35: 102-106, 2014.