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Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi

Volume 37, Issue / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In a foreword arts and sciences meeting report and official journal of a scientific society publication
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 1-2, 2015.

Japanese Article Multidisciplinary practice for limb hypoplasia : Pediatric rehabilitation with an eye to post-adult
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 3-6, 2015.

Japanese Article It is the intervention using the exercise of patients illusion for the phantom limb pain after 1 above-knee amputation
小田翔太, 芥川知彰, 山本貴裕, 室伏祐介, 近藤寛, 高橋みなみ, 橋田璃央, 前田貴之, 細田里南, 永野靖典, 池内昌彦
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 7-10, 2015.

Japanese Article Is there the difference in ability for physical movement in the skeletal muscle mass decrease group in patients with 2 hospitalization cancers and a normal group?
松森圭司1), 山鹿隆義2), 中曽根沙妃1), 岡本梨江3), 大津勇介1), 上野七穂2), 吉村康夫4)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 11-14, 2015.

Japanese Article A rehabilitation effect on exacerbation of patients with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis in 3 our hospital and examination of the exacerbation predictor
川内翔平1), 倉島美穂1), 山鹿隆義1), 市山崇史2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 15-18, 2015.

Japanese Article Change of the quality of life of the acute lymphoid leukemia children patient which received the occupational therapy that paid its attention to 4 play
堺彩夏1), 近藤優樹1), 西川良太2), 井戸芳和1), 吉村康夫1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 19-23, 2015.

Japanese Article It is the occupational therapy to girls who had the cerebral infarction after 5 ventricular assist device wearing
西村輝1), 石原早紀子1), 山鹿隆義1), 井戸芳和1), 吉村康夫1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 24-28, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the convalescence predictor in the walk acquisition of 6 Shinshu stroke regional alliances pass patients with stroke that we used
佐藤正彬1), 山鹿隆義1), 小林裕子2), 吉村康夫1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 29-33, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the super elderly people who became available for a diet in the handedness after having performed shoulder blade complete removal by 7 right shoulder blade malignant tumors
勝呂咲1), 吉田彬人1),2), 加古誠人1), 西川貴久子1), 松井泰行1), 後藤有沙1), 小澤英史3)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 34-39, 2015.

Japanese Article Pay the attention to elongation of leg using 8 Taylor Spatial Frame and physical therapy experience - ankle dorsiflexion range of motion for one heteromorphic corrected case; and -
村松僚太1), 吉田信也1), 櫻井吾郎1), 麦井直樹1), 八幡徹太郎2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 40-43, 2015.

Japanese Article 9 For healthy side muscle strength and walking ability of the thigh soft tissue sarcoma after surgery
石田昂彬1), 田中厚誌2), 山鹿隆義1), 吉村康夫1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 44-46, 2015.

Japanese Article About the artificial leg of the hip disarticulation patients due to 10 thighbone osteosarcomas
高橋みなみ1), 室伏祐介1), 橋田璃央1), 細田里南1), 永野靖典1), 杉村夏樹2), 青山直樹3), 高谷将吾4), 川崎元敬4)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 47-50, 2015.

Japanese Article Use situation investigation of the air pressure-type weight relief treadmill in 11 our hospital
梶本泰志1), 千葉健1), 堀弘明1), 阿部隆宏1), 小島尚子1), 河内綾乃1), 二階堂茜1), 堀享一1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 51-54, 2015.

Japanese Article The effect that arms botulinum therapy gives for a walk on 12 chronicity stroke hemiplegia patients
加治哲也, 大串幹, 冨口 (砥上) 若菜, 小山雄二郎
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 55-58, 2015.

Japanese Article Long-term effect of the game console in 13 day services
上島隆秀1), 河野一郎1), 高杉紳一郎2), 高橋みゆき3), 河村吉章4), 禰占哲郎5), 岩本幸英6)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 59-61, 2015.

Japanese Article The present conditions and the outcome situation of the cancer rehabilitation in 14 our hospital
山内正樹1), 遠藤浩1), 松田悠嗣1), 宮本誠也1), 小尾伸二1), 波呂浩孝1), 中嶌絵美2), 大芝まゆみ2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 62-65, 2015.

Japanese Article Usefulness - of the examination - Dubowitz neurologic evaluation of the evaluation to predict development convalescence of 15 premature baby
落石慶衣1), 草葉隆一1), 上島隆秀1), 藤田曜生1), 樋口妙1), 宮里幸1), 海山京子1), 北里直子1), 井上普介2), 落合正行2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 66-70, 2015.

Japanese Article The analysis that it is characterized of the women who are resistant to 16 for a short term intensive floor of the pelvis muscle exercise programs
松永明子1), 吉田美香子2), 横田一彦1), 亀井潤3),4), 新美文彩3), 相澤直樹4), 藤村哲也3), 篠田裕介5), 芳賀信彦5), 井川靖彦4), 本間之夫3)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 71-75, 2015.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the cerebrovascular disease charge team in the hospital attached to 17 Nagoya University faculty of medicine
眞鍋朋誉, 森友洋, 永谷元基, 西川貴久子, 佐藤幸治
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 76-78, 2015.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the rehabilitation of patients with brain tumor in comparison with the patients with cerebral infarction in 18 our hospital
栢本あずさ1), 眞鍋朋誉1), 松井泰行1), 杉浦淳子1), 門野泉2), 森友洋1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 79-83, 2015.

Japanese Article Efforts to patients with fatty liver by the many types of job cooperation in 19 our hospital
筆保健一1), 河江敏広1), 福原幸樹1), 岩城大介1), 中島勇樹1), 平松憲2), 伊藤義広1), 三上幸夫3), 木村浩彰3)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 84-87, 2015.

Japanese Article An example of the Parkinson's disease which subjective pain reduced by the work activity that 20 was interested in
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 88-90, 2015.

Japanese Article About the effect that the nutritional status at hospital discharge gives to the everyday life activity at convalescent hospital discharge for the acute phase in patients with 21 strokes
山鹿隆義1), 佐藤正彬1), 小林裕子2), 吉村康夫1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 91-95, 2015.

Japanese Article The experience that we returned to school and supported of boys with brain tumor childhood through 22 school conference
松井泰行1), 西川貴久子1), 杉浦淳子1), 本村和也2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 96-99, 2015.

Japanese Article 23 One example that has become possible to communication and social networks by using the iPad
山根直哉1), 窪優子1), 中西一1), 金山亜希1), 下西直美1), 砂川加奈子1), 木村浩彰2), 皿田和宏1), 植田一幸1), 伊藤義広1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 100-104, 2015.

Japanese Article In example - language function and an operation with the slight Broca aphasia given 24 awakening poorness operations about a problem -
池内英里菜1), 黒川清博1), 川崎未来1), 森田伸1), 加地良雄1), 三宅啓介2), 田宮隆2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 105-109, 2015.

Japanese Article 25 Consideration of indirect swallowing training for laryngeal elevation movement: Using a surface EMG
中平真矢, 室伏祐介, 高橋朝妃, 西浩平, 矢野川大輝, 細田里南, 永野靖典
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 110-112, 2015.

Japanese Article 26 A case was wearing remaining hearing utilizing type cochlear implant
斉藤綱樹1), 樋紀信1), 嶋田誠一郎1), 山田武千代2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 113-116, 2015.

Japanese Article About dysphagia after 27 cervical vertebrae front decompression fixation through a -3 case -
赤池洋1), 樫山あさみ1), 松田悠嗣1), 遠藤浩1), 山内正樹1), 小尾伸二1), 初鹿恭介3), 江幡重人2), 波呂浩孝2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 117-120, 2015.

Japanese Article Inspection - for the development - spinal cord injury case of the sole sense feedback apparatus for the purpose of 28 gait improvement
細田里南1), 小田翔太1), 片田秦椰1), 橋田璃央1), 前田貴之1), 高橋みなみ1), 芥川知彰1), 永野靖典1), 池内昌彦1), 榎勇人2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 121-124, 2015.

Japanese Article An example after the tumor resection for 29 shoulder blade tumors
伊藤郁恵1), 塚本利昭1), 柳澤道朗2), 大鹿周佐2), 津田英一2), 石橋恭之2)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 125-129, 2015.

Japanese Article As for the ADL maintenance improvement in 30 Hiroshima University Hospital, it is the enforcement situation and a problem of the system addition
皿田和宏1), 平田和彦1), 西川裕一1), 對東俊介1), 植田一幸1), 木村浩彰2), 伊藤義広1)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 130-133, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the purulent spondylitis to have against a backdrop of operable chronic renal failure by 31 iodine supported implants
櫻井吾郎1), 麦井直樹1), 八幡徹太郎2), 加藤仁志2),3), 土屋弘行3)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 134-138, 2015.

Japanese Article Relations with the dynamic balance ability and lower limbs muscular strength in the healthy subject whom we looked after according to the 32s
加藤秀典, 鈴木康裕, 丸山剛, 岩渕慎也, 田邉裕基, 石川公久, 羽田康司
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 139-142, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination - of effect - natural history and the intervention effect of stretching and the posture instruction in patients with 33 chronic nonspecific low back pain
高見沢圭一1), 山口正貴1), 後藤美和1), 横田一彦1), 小林里美2), 原慶宏3), 芳賀信彦4)
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi 37: 143-150, 2015.