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Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics

Volume 27, Issue 1 / 2004
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Renal Malformation in the Calves with Weak Calf Syndrome
S.Takahata1), M.Chiba3), K.Numatsu2), A.Watanabe3), T.Ichijo1), S.Yomogida1), T.Yashima1), K.Matsuda2), A.Kawana2)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 27(1): 1-6, 2004.

Japanese Article Morphological and Numerical Changes of Round Cells Derived from Seminiferous Epithelium in Equine Epididymides
M. Kikuchi, N. Yamada, Y. Oiwa, M. Kubota, M. Koike, H. Miura, Y. Ohnami
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 27(1): 7-12, 2004.

Japanese Article Relationship between Periparturient Disorders and Simple Clinical Parameters for the Ruminal Contents and Urine during the Close-up Period in Dairy Cows
N. Yamagishi1), I. Lee2), K. Oboshi1), M. Ando3), M. Takagi4), A. Nakagawa5)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 27(1): 13-19, 2004.

Japanese Article Evaluation of Antibiotics Uses for Treatment of White Diarrhea in Japanese Black Calves
K. Miura1), T. Miura1), K. Kikuchi1), K. Okada2)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 27(1): 20-24, 2004.

Japanese Article About a mass outbreak case of respiratory illness in one dairy farm
坂本公一, 小森良彦, 鈴木直人
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 27(1): 25-26, 2004.

Japanese Article For the individual practice that is reliable by security
大澤健司1, 大塚浩通2
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 27(1): 27-29, 2004.

Japanese Article -Participate in milk cow clinical present conditions - in the U.K.
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 27(1): 30-31, 2004.