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Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics

Volume 29, Issue 3 / 2006
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Study on immunologic pathologic analysis and prevention of the loose bowels in the black-haired Japanese cow calf
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 78-87, 2006.

Japanese Article 1. Card plastic state in the abomasum of in small quantities frequent lactation calf
加藤惇郎1), 小松司1), 佐藤めぐみ1), 田村倫也1), 丹野貴備1), 折橋毅典2), 酒井清高2), 岡田啓司1), 内藤善久1)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 88-89, 2006.

Japanese Article 2. A comparison between group of TMR lactation period one group management cows and two management cows group in the milk cow
Megumi Sato, Keiji Okada, Yoshihisa Naito
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 90-91, 2006.

Japanese Article 3. About the association between disease and figure before and after the delivery of the milk cow
Shinpei Miura 1), Authority of Hiroshi Otsuka 1), Small equal winding Masayuki 2), 安藤貴朗 1), Daisaku Watanabe 1)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 92-93, 2006.

Japanese Article 4. One case of the Friesian in acknowledgment of shortening of the neck which was remarkable by cervical vertebrae union
Jin Ogawa 1), 安藤貴朗 1), Authority of Hiroshi Otsuka 1), 朴天鎬 1), Yoshioka one 1), Saruyama Yumi 2), Yutaka Yamada 2), Beach Hideo 2), Toshifumi Oyamada 1), Daisaku Watanabe 1)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 94-95, 2006.

Japanese Article 5. About the clinical examination of the burn cow and blood findings
Yamamoto Takane 1), Kazuaki Shoji 1), Toshihide Kato 2)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 96-97, 2006.

Japanese Article 7. The clinical significance of the hCG endurance test in the bilateral cryptorchism cow
Kenji Osawa 1), Hiroshi Ishikawa 2), Jin Sato 2), Note field Toshifumi 1), Mikiko Togashi 1), Honjo good luck incense 1), Yoshihiko Ushio 1), Territory Masanobu 1), Norio Yamagishi 1), Keiji Okada 1)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 100-101, 2006.

Japanese Article 8. Improvement of the parous milk cow reproduction efficiency by the GnRH analog administration in the post partum early stage or the in utero instillation
高橋正弘1), 大澤健司2), 三宅陽一3)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 102-103, 2006.

Japanese Article 9. A trial of the dairy farming management improvement by the participation type technique that used in cooperation with an organization concerned
Moat north Tetsuya 1), Eiichiro Mizutani 1), Hiroshi Otsuka success 2), City swamp three incense 3), End sect Noriko 4), Hisafumi Jinbo 5), 門平睦代 6)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 104-105, 2006.

Japanese Article 10. The trial of the class of the "workshop" type for the women of the dairy farmer
Nukata Satoko 1), Yasuko Kondo 1), Hiroko Fujita 1), Noriko Shimizu 1), Toshie Takahashi 2), Amano はな 3), Moat north Tetsuya 2)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 106-107, 2006.

Japanese Article 11. Basic examination about an alkaline phosphatase activity level and the isozyme of the black-haired Japanese cow cow
Chikako Takahashi 1), Numazu Takaharu 1), Akio Watanabe 1), Hideya Ono 1), Yukiko Takahata 1), Keiichi Matsuda 2), 一條俊浩 1), 高橋史昭 3)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 108-109, 2006.

Japanese Article 12. Development and clinical application of blood vitamin A assay by the fluorescence microtiter tray leader
渡辺大作1), 羽瀬水奈子1), 宮本亨2), 阿部省吾3), 安藤貴朗1), 大塚浩通1)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 110-111, 2006.

Japanese Article 13. The blood gases reference value of the black-haired Japanese cow calf
Sadayuki Higuchi 1), 角田元成 2)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 112-113, 2006.

Japanese Article 14. A black-haired Japanese cow calf 4 case and the calf fatal accident situation investigation in the grazing land that presented remarkable decreased growth
Hiroki Usami, Hiroyuki Abe, Hideo Togashi, 伴顕
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 114-115, 2006.

Japanese Article 15. 2 cases of pneumonia that nature type humans interferon alpha preparation administration was effective
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 116-117, 2006.

Japanese Article 16. Milk cow cystitis treatment case with the bearberry leaf extract oral administration
富澤宏樹, 野口泰幸, 高木綾子, 渡部志朗, 加藤徳光
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 118-119, 2006.

Japanese Article 17. Coccidiosis of the Japanese beef calf which seemed to die suddenly of severe low sodium / hyperkalemia
山田裕, 内山史一, 磯日出夫
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 120-121, 2006.

Japanese Article 18. One case of the Holstein calf with suspected bronchial hypoplasia
風祭浩之1), 大塚浩通1), 安藤貴朗1), 佐野忠士1), 小比類巻正幸2), 渡辺大作1)
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 122-123, 2006.

Japanese Article 19. Application to the breeding examination of the portable supersonic wave dislocation device
高畑幸子, 沼津敬治, 渡辺昭夫, 小野秀弥, 高橋千賀子
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 124-125, 2006.

Japanese Article From the situation of message - pediatricians from a dining table to the shop floor -
Kazuhiko Tsunoda
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 127-136, 2006.

Japanese Article 1) As likelihood - esterus discovery adjuvant tool of the thermography application in the veterinarian clinic -
Kenji Osawa
Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics 29(3): 138-139, 2006.