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Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine

Volume 17, Issue 4 / 2012
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Why Dolphins Get Gastritis? ―Aquarium Medicine and Evolutionary Medicine―
Hajime IWAO
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 17(4): 139-144, 2012.

English Article Temporal Changes in the Testes and Baculum of the Siberian Weasel (Mustela sibirica coreana) in Tsushima Islands, Japan
Tsukasa OKANO, Manabu ONUMA
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 17(4): 145-151, 2012.

Japanese Article Gnathostoma larvae from muscle of Peregrine Falcons in Japan
Takashi IWAKI1), Miyako TSURUMI2), Sayaka KOBAYASHI2), Yasuko IWAMI2)
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 17(4): 153-155, 2012.

English Article First record of Sarcocystis sp.infection in Ryukyu long-furred rats (Diplothrix legata)
Tsukasa OKANO1), Manabu ONUMA1), Takashi NAGAMINE2), Yumiko NAKAYA2)
Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 17(4): 157-160, 2012.