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Nihon University Journal of Oral Science

Volume 34, Issue 2 / 2008
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Changes of the Frontal Facial Soft Tissues in Patients with Jaw Deformities and Mandibular Deviation after Orthognathic Surgery
Katsura Oikawa, Katsuhiko Saitoh
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 39-47, 2008.

Japanese Article Effects of Changes in the Thickness of Palatal Plates on Eustachian Tube Function
Masayasu Ito, Toru Daikuhara, Morio Iijima, Toshihiko Matsumoto
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 48-51, 2008.

Japanese Article Assessments of the newly formed bone quality around implants using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Hiroshi Nakada1, Yasuko Numata1, Toshiro Sakae2, Taketoshi Suwa1, Hiroyuki Saeki1, Yasuhiro Tanimoto3, Takao Kato4, Yasuhiko Kawai1, Eisaku Kanazawa5, Kihei Kobayashi6, Racquel Z.LeGeros7
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 52-62, 2008.

Japanese Article The Opening Direction of Apical Foramen on Roentgenogram in Human Extracted Lower Incisors
Natsuko Watanabe*, Mikae Matsui*, Hidefumi Teshima*, Yukiko Odaka*, Maya Fukuda*, Fumie Yamazaki*, Satoshi Matsui1, Tatsu Okabe1, Naoto Kamio1, Hiroshi Miura1, 2, Masahiro Kozuka1, 2, Yasuhisa Tsujimoto1, 2, Kiyoshi Matsushima1, 2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 63-68, 2008.

Japanese Article Relationship Between Wedge-Shaped Defect and Exposure of Dentin on Incisal Edge in Human Extracted Lower Incisors
Maya Fukuda*, Fumie Yamazaki*, Natsuko Watanabe*, Mikae Matsui*, Hidefumi Teshima*, Yukiko Odaka*, Satoshi Matsui1, Tatsu Okabe1, Naoto Kamio1, Hiroshi Miura1, 2, Masahiro Kozuka1, 2, Yasuhisa Tsuj imoto1, 2, Kiyoshi Matsushima1, 2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 69-72, 2008.

Japanese Article Clinical Study of the Alveolar Bone Height for the Dental Implant using Preoperative Computed Tomographic Examination
Keiko Sekiya, Shintaro Mori, Kotaro Sekiya, Masataka Kato, Masashi Sakayanagi, Miya Kato, Yoshiya Kato, Toyoshige Tsutsurni, Ichiro Tominaga, Takashi Kaneda
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 73-78, 2008.

Japanese Article Clinico-Statistical Study of Preoperative Examination for the Dental Implant using Multi-detector Row Computed Tomography
Keiko Sekiya, Shintaro Mori, Kotaro Sekiya, Masataka Kato, Masashi Sakayanagi, Miya Kato, Yoshiya Kato, Toyoshige Tsutsumi, Ichiro Tominaga, Takashi Kaneda
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 79-84, 2008.

Japanese Article Oral Healthcare of Intellectually Disabled Person -Evaluation from Activities of Daily Living-
Masayuki Ito1, Noriyuki Narita2, Yoko Tanaka1, Masakazu Sato3, Junichi Mega1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 85-90, 2008.

Japanese Article Acanthomatous Epulis with Bone Formation on the Gingiva in a Dog
Hideo Kiba1, 5, Tamotsu Nohara6, Kayoko Sasaki2, 5, Yoshiharu Kouno3, 5, Kazuhiko Hayashi4, 5
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 91-95, 2008.

Japanese Article About fixative, effect on oral exfoliative cytology by the difference of the sampling tool and the utility
Miyuki Morikawa, Tomomi Kawai *, Makoto Kobayashi Rie *, 澤本圭南子 *, 中村紀裕 *, Sisilia Fusi Fifita, Kayo Kuyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 96-99, 2008.

English Article 2. Establishment of cell line highly expressing BCRP (Breast cancer resistance protein) and investigation of its drug resistant mechanism
Yan Sun1, 2, Kayoko Kuyama1, Hirotsugu Yamamoto1, Huaqing Wang2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 104-105, 2008.

Japanese Article 6. Including role - case report of the dietitian in the dental clinic―
加藤杏子, 康本征史
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 106-107, 2008.

Japanese Article 7. About the placement situation of the dental hygienist working in the cities, towns and villages in Chiba
Kazuhiro Yoshimori
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 107-107, 2008.

Japanese Article 8. Adhesion durability - in front tooth aesthetic appreciation repair case - lower jaw front tooth amputation stump attrition (attrition) using the composite resin
It is still me Wakamatsu, Hideto Takahashi
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 107-107, 2008.

Japanese Article 11. A proposal about the unification of the examination method in the oral cancer examination
Old marsh Hirokazu, 中山宙久, Kamasaki Naoto, Flower Hiroyuki Sawa, Yagi Koichi, Kazuhiko Enomoto, Yabe cloth will husband
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 108-108, 2008.

Japanese Article 12. Using 1 case -MTM which tried the improvement of the scissors byte -
Nobuhiko Inagaki
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 108-109, 2008.

Japanese Article 13. 1 case that tried orthodontic extrusion for the dental preservation that a tooth crown collapsed
安田直正1, 平野治朗2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 109-109, 2008.

Japanese Article 14. Ten years pass…
大八木孝昌1, 平野治朗2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 109-110, 2008.

Japanese Article 15. The mouth care for patients with oral cancer which I conduct (the patients who underwent maxillary prosthesis primarily)
Toshiaki Kimura 1, Kunio Suzuki 2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 110-110, 2008.

Japanese Article 16. The statistical observation of patients in hospital visiting one-year after establishment in "the pain outpatient department of mouth, a face, the head"
Hitoshi Nishimura, Naoko Ono, Osamu Komiyama, Masakazu Okubo, Noriyuki Narita, Takayuki Uchida, 下坂典立, Hiroyuki Wake, Koichi Iizuka, Kyoko Ogura, Takashi Iida, Yasuhide Makiyama, 平山晃康, Yoshiaki Akimoto
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 110-111, 2008.

Japanese Article 18. The activity aspect in the bridge just before the clenching with the magnetoencephalogram
Takashi Iida, Osamu Komiyama, 淺野隆, Koji Suzuki, Shunichi Kuroki, Ryuichi Takigawa, Yuka Matsubara, Yoshimura ten thousand Yuko, Hiroshi Aono, 川良美佐雄
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 111-112, 2008.

Japanese Article 19. One case of the lumpy jaw that showed a typical symptom
Asuka Fukazawa 1, Naoko Ono 1, Sakurako Yamaguchi 2, Kazuhiro Hasegawa 2, Makiko Ono 2, Shigeo Tanaka 2, Masamichi Komiya 2, 平山晃康 3, Tatsuro Mori 3, Yasuhide Makiyama 4, Hideo Niwa 4, Takashi Kaneta 5, Hirotsugu Yamamoto 6, Yoshiaki Akimoto 2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 112-112, 2008.

Japanese Article 20. A localized change of MARCKS in the parotid amylase secretion signal
Keitaro Sato 1, Sumi Nakao 2, 3, Takanori Narita 1, Osamu Katsumata 1, 3, Junko Yoshigaki 1, 3, Mt. Tadashi Asano 4, Moro lap 5, Yasuhiro Kosuge 6, Yoshihisa Ito 6, Dr. Sugitani 1, 3
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 112-113, 2008.

Japanese Article 21. Birc6 gene expression on the peptide fixation titanium derived from Fibronectin of osteoblasts
Nobuyuki Watanabe 1, Pugdee Kamolparn1, Toru Hayakawa 2, 3, 安孫子宜光 1, 3
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 113-113, 2008.

Japanese Article 22. The effect that MTA (Mineral torioxide aggregate) gives to the hard tissue formation of the rat pulp
Seiji Arai 1, Satoshi Matsui 2, Noboru Kuboyama 3, 辻本恭久 2, Matsune Kensuke 1, Yoshinori Arai 4, Kiyoshi Matsushima 2, Takahide Maeda 1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 113-113, 2008.

English Article 23. Effects of Inorganic Polyphosphates on the Expression of BSP
Zhitao Wang, Hideki Takai, Yeko Sasaki, Masaru Mezawa, Shouta Araki, Youhei Nakayama, Yorimasa Ogata
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 114-114, 2008.

Japanese Article 24. Patients satisfaction investigation in the hospital attached to the Nippon University Matsudo school of dentistry
内山敏一1, 木本統2, 後藤田宏也3, 有川量崇3, 郡司敦子2, 長濱文雄1, 西谷知子1, 田口裕美子1, 河野哲朗1, 田名網宏樹1, 黒木俊一4, 笹井啓史5, 坂巻達夫6, 渋谷鑛7, 和田守康1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 114-115, 2008.

Japanese Article 25. Think about the new role of the mouth guard
Koji Suzuki 1, Shunichi Kuroki 1, Osamu Komiyama 1, Takashi Asano 1, Takashi Iida 1, Kenji Kuwahara 2, 鈴木雄祐 2, Mayumi Yuzawa 2, 川良美佐雄 1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 115-115, 2008.

Japanese Article 28. 1 discussion of the error decrease at the face photograph measurement by a front side synchronization scan
Shuichi Ono, Kazutaka Kasai
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 116-117, 2008.

Japanese Article 29. Height of the bite decision device by Dynamic Compliance
松本敏彦1, 久保田佳孝1, 高村雅雄2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 117-117, 2008.

Japanese Article 32. A trial of the radiation exposure reduction of 64 lines of multi-detector CT in the examination with implant
阪柳雅志, Takashi Kaneta, Shintaro Mori, Masataka Kato, Yoshihiro Kato, Keiko Sekiya, Sasaki Yusuke, Toyoshige Tsutsumi
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 119-119, 2008.

Japanese Article 33. Of the treatment with implant of elderly people in our(DM) department, actually
桜井甫, 寺西真理, 大久保弘記, 安岡沙織, 毛塚和哉, 小平真倫亜, 金丸裕美, 中台麻美, 玉木大之, 井下田繁子, 村上洋, 林幸男, 中田浩史, 矢崎貴啓, 飯島守雄, 石井智浩, 北川剛至, 橋爪英城, 古賀幸恵, 鈴木若葉, 古宇田悠美, 吉岡美奈, 加藤仁夫
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 119-120, 2008.

Japanese Article 34. About importance of periodontal surgical cure particularly Periodontal Plastic Surgery!
Miyoko Matsue 1, Hiromi Kanemaru 2, Kazuya Kezuka 2, 1000, Somei Yoshiko 3, Emi Nagata child 4, Yuki Takeo 4
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 120-120, 2008.

Japanese Article 36. One case of the mandibular desensitization induced from apical periodontitis in proximity to foramen mentale
Satoshi Matsui 1, Ko Ito 2, 辻本恭久 1, Toshiro Kondo 2, Kiyoshi Matsushima 1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 121-121, 2008.

Japanese Article 37. Examination - about the understanding degree at summary and end of "drafting - workshop of the treatment plan based on the EBM" carried out in clinical residents
Shinichiro Aoki 1, River aspect Yasuhiko 2, Kyoko Sugano 2, 伊藤孝訓 1, Kanazawa Eisaku 3, Kazutaka Kasai 4, 和田守康 5
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 121-122, 2008.

Japanese Article 39. The investigation about eating, the deglutition rehabilitation outpatient in a certain hospital
Tanaka bud pear, Nomoto たかと, Sachiyo Hayashi, Wife deer Junichi
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 34(2): 122-122, 2008.