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Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X)
Volume 33, Issue / 2006
English Article Japanese Article
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By a percutaneous transhepatic cholangiole drainage, the patients with gallbladder cancer with the pancreas, bile duct junction abnormality present with metabolic acidosis 加藤明彦1), 金本秀行2), 上坂克彦2), 菱田明3) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 5-8, 2006. |
1 case of the chronic renal failure that bladder complete removal and ileal conduit ostomy were performed because of bladder cancer, and showed significant metabolic acidosis 宮田幸雄1), 金丸勝弘1), 柳場悟1), 武藤重明1), 草野英二1), 安士正裕2), 森田辰男2) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 9-12, 2006. |
Occur for Fanconi syndrome, renal tubular acidosis; is myeloma and the 1 case that became clear one year later Masashi Suzuki 1), Kazuhisa Miyashita 1), Rie Kodera 1), Keisuke Nishiyama 1), Atsuo Goto 1), Tamiko Takemura 2) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 13-17, 2006. |
1 case of the distal type renal tubular acidosis discovered by disturbance of consciousness Masahiro Yamashita, Kenzo Odaka, Masahiro Kosuge, Tamura antiquarianism, The Akimoto Kansho era, Toshiya Uchida Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 19-23, 2006. |
1 case of the Fanconi syndrome which presented severe osteomalacia Koji Hika 1), Milk Yoshifumi Hara 1), Naoki Sawa 1), Tetsuo Tanoe 1), Junichi Hoshino 1), Tatsuya Suwabe 1), Satoshi Kadoguchi 1), Yuka Jinbo 1), Hideyuki Katori 1), Fumiyoshi Takemoto 1), Noriaki Takaichi 1), Shigeko Hara 2), Kenichi Ohashi 3) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 25-30, 2006. |
Examination of the metabolic acidosis in the very low birth weight infant using the urinalysis Jiro Mori, Castle Hiroyuki, Maiko Kita, Tomoko Yokosuka, Shinji Fukushima, Shimabukuro Shu Hayashi, Takuya Matsushima, Miwako Fukuda, Kenichiro Fujioka, Masahiko Sato, County Takeo Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 31-34, 2006. |
1 case of the lactic acidosis with metformin which saved sustained hemofiltration dialysis at a turning point Masanori Aoyama 1), Takashi Sano 1), Masayoshi Naito 1), Mineko Kanemitsu 1), Hamura element 1), 長場泰 1), Rika Moriya 1), Yasuo Takeuchi 1), Takashi Sakamoto up 1), 鎌田貢壽 1), Taro Kamiyama 2), Yoshikuni Fujita 2) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 35-35, 2006. |
1 cases of type 2 diabetes who developed lactic acidosis during oral the Buformin 星均, 山内康弘, 友利浩司 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 37-41, 2006. |
1 case that had difficulty in diagnosis of the Gitelman syndrome by coexistence of the SIADH 榛沢亮, Jun Shiota, Tetsuro Miyazaki, Hisashi Harada, 片江正冶, Naoko Furuhata, Mio Masuda, 村嵜範康, Toko Shimamoto Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 43-46, 2006. |
1 case that was congenital, and resulted in a low Ca blood symptom low Mg 林宏樹1), 深谷奈津子1), 小野木健詞1), 中村智信1), 坂本いずみ1), 森永貴理1), 佐藤文彦1), 森田良樹1), 丸山彰一1), 湯澤由起夫1), 松尾清一1), 伊藤恭彦2) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 47-47, 2006. |
Renal function degeneracy depression effect with the combined modality treatment Eiichiro Kanda, 前田益孝, Tatsuo Shiigai Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 49-53, 2006. |
1 case of hyponatremia secondary to the whole chemotherapy for the oropharyngeal cancer 松井勝臣, Mamiko Ohara, Yoshihiko Watanabe, Ken Yamaguchi children, Manabu Kamio, Aya Eguchi, Takahiro Mochizuki Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 55-58, 2006. |
The metabolic alkalosis that we showed during plasmapheresis treatment day after day for the thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Yoshiko Nagai, Mayuko Mizutani, The Mitsu Itabashi world, Tetsuya Ogawa, Takeshi Tsuchiya, Kazuko Yumura, Kosaku Nitta Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 59-63, 2006. |
1 case of acute renal failure that presented significant metabolic alkalosis Izumi Yamamoto, Hiroshi Hayakawa, So Takahashi, Hiroyasu Yamamoto, Keitaro Yokoyama, Tatsuo Hosoya Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 65-68, 2006. |
The old patients with hypertension case that presented the condition of a patient of Syndrome of Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess(AME) 小林賛光1), 川口良人1), 加藤順一郎1), 岡田秀雄1), 小坂直之1), 吉川晃司1), 長谷川俊男1), 岡田和久1), 早川洋2), 横山啓太郎3), 山本裕康3), 細谷龍男3), 海老澤高憲4) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 69-73, 2006. |
1 case of the heavy drinker which was complicated with rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure for frequent diarrhea, and accepted metabolic alkalemia 小林和裕, 岡田浩一, 有馬博, 正田純子, 高根裕史, 池田直史, 菅野義彦, 菅原壮一, 中元秀友, 鈴木洋通 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 75-80, 2006. |
1 case of diabetes that resulted in disturbance of consciousness from severe alkalemia, hyperglycemia, hyponatremia Yoshie Takahashi 1), Uchida University 1), Yoshihiko Noguchi 2), Ichiro Tatsuno 2) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 81-84, 2006. |
Elucidation of the etiology clinical condition of the tubular dysfunction Takashi Igarashi Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) 33: 87-94, 2006. |