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Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317)
Volume 41, Issue / 2014
English Article Japanese Article
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Greetings of the 45th clinical body fluid meeting for the study opening of a meeting 横山啓太郎 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 1-1, 2014. |
[I] Dane dialysis case with sudden elevated blood pressure and the drop 田邉菜摘, 高根紘希, 横山啓太郎, 大城戸一郎, 山本泉, 丹野有道, 横尾隆 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 3-3, 2014. |
[II] 1 case that showed Na level drop 20mEq/L or more in a day during the hospitalization 内田篤志, 芳賀亮太, 長山郁惠, 山口嘉土, 岡樹史, 今北菜津子, 長門谷克之, 山内淳 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 4-4, 2014. |
[III] 1 case that a merger of the inappropriate ADH secretion syndrome (SIADH) was suggested in addition to hypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiency as a cause of the low Na blood symptom 藤倉知行1), 辻尚子1), 岩倉考政1), 磯部伸介1), 小野雅史1), 辻孝之1), 大橋温1), 安田日出夫1), 坂尾幸俊2), 加藤明彦2), 藤垣嘉秀3) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 5-10, 2014. |
[IV] Examination about the effect of the tolvaptan on our hospital CKD case 福岡利仁, 早川哲, 清水秀樹, 遠藤彰子, 磯村杏耶, 齋藤督芸, 川嶋聡子, 要伸也, 有村義宏, 山田明 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 11-15, 2014. |
[V] 1 case of the decompensated cirrhosis with the chronic renal failure that tolvaptan was effective 山田友春, 大木隆正, 青江麻里*, 三浦理加*, 土屋綾子*, 近森正智*, 本田智子*, 菅原真衣*, 石澤健一*, 齊藤克典*, 戸田信夫, 田川一海, 三瀬直文* Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 16-20, 2014. |
[VI] 1 case of the rapid malignant lymphoma which resulted in bilateral adrenal swelling and low Na blood symptoms 永田総一朗, 荻野修平, 内田真一, 池谷直樹, 板谷三紀子2), 籾田葵2), 篠崎真吾2), 大浦正晴2), 菱田明2), 杉山和隆3), 太田信隆3), 久力権4), 深谷哲昭5) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 21-24, 2014. |
[VII] 1 case that excessive drinking, polyuria developed by lithium preparation for the manic depressive illness, and diabetes insipidus worsened approximately one year after cancellation 川守田洋介, 本間仁, 檜垣昌士, 久保英二, 加藤秀樹, 太田樹, 種本雅之, 藤垣嘉秀, 内田俊也 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 25-27, 2014. |
[VIII] 1 case of Guillain-Barre syndrome who had the significant low Na blood symptom 岡田麻里1), 武田真一1), 古谷裕章2), 山本尚史1), 秋元哲1), 齋藤修1), 竹本文美1), 安藤康宏1), 武藤重明1), 草野英二3) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 28-32, 2014. |
[IX] The establishment of the thiazide in urinary exosome-sensitive NaCl cotransporter assay and the clinical significance 磯部清志1), 森崇寧1), 千賀宗子1), 蘇原映誠1), 頼建光1), 浅野貴子2), 川口裕之2), 野々山恵章2), 熊谷直憲3), 鎌田文顕3), 森本哲司4), 林松彦5), 内田信一1), 佐々木成1) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 33-38, 2014. |
[X] About effect of the impaired renal function to give to water, Na metabolic disorders with the adrenal insufficiency 酒井健史, 島田義隆, 正木貴教, 竹内和博, 古谷昌子, 林みゆき, 鎌田真理子, 翁千香子, 村野順也, 岡本智子, 青山東五, 佐野隆, 竹内康雄, 鎌田貢壽, 坂本尚登* Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 39-39, 2014. |
Blood pressure and Na and water metabolism: New development from a heredity disease 佐々木成 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 40-47, 2014. |
Greetings of the 45th clinical body fluid meeting for the study closing 内田俊也 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 41: 48-49, 2014. |