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Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317)
Volume 43, Issue / 2016
English Article Japanese Article
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Greetings of the 47th clinical body fluid meeting for the study opening of a meeting 安藤亮一 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 1-1, 2016. |
[I] One case of the metabolic acidosis that a multiple bone fracture was seen in in the 19th year after performing use of small intestine bladder dilatation technique 曾田瑛子, 中田泰之, 山本泉, 丹野有道, 大城戸一郎, 横山啓太郎, 横尾隆 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 3-8, 2016. |
[II] One case of the common use drinker who presented with convulsions in acknowledgment of a significant low Ca blood symptom and low Mg blood symptom 能瀬勇馬1),2), 河野圭志1),2), 渡邉周平1),2), 北村謙2), 西慎一1) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 9-13, 2016. |
[III] Two cases of the hypokalemia that Gitelman syndrome is strongly suspected 大橋忠将, 早川惠理, 長沢美樹, 杉山徹 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 14-17, 2016. |
[IV] An example of the low K blood symptom by autoimmune lymphoproliferation syndrome (ALPS) 河本亮介, 渡邉誠之, 須佐紘一郎, 飯盛聡一郎, 野村尚弘, 内藤省太郎, 蘇原映誠, 岡戸丈和, 頼建光, 内田信一 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 18-22, 2016. |
[V] One case of the renal carcinoma merger terminal chronic renal failure in acknowledgment of metabolic alkalosis and nephrocalcinosis 村上琢哉, 小林高久, 川又睦, 竹井尚子, 秋元哲, 武藤重明, 長田太助 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 23-27, 2016. |
[VI] One case of disturbance of consciousness due to the significant high Na blood symptom 市川雅大, 近森正智, 安倍寛子, 古川恵美, 倉田遊, 青江麻里, 大原健, 本田智子, 三浦理加, 古瀬智, 齊藤克典, 三瀬直文 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 28-31, 2016. |
[VII] An example of the patients on dialysis who presented with remarkable high phosphorus, high potassium, azotemia after a stroke 佐藤由利子, 福岡利仁, 増古紳太郎, 川嶋聡子, 要伸也, 有村義宏 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 32-32, 2016. |
[VIII] Effect on urinary Na excretion of the vasopressin V2 receptor blocker in patients with ADPKD 石垣さやか1), 片橋尚子1), 佐藤太一1), 辻尚子1), 内藤善隆1), 岩倉考政1), 磯部伸介1), 辻孝之1), 大橋温1), 安田日出夫1), 小野雅史2), 加藤明彦2) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 33-36, 2016. |
[IX] Short term impact of tolvaptan withdrawal in patients with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) 池田まり子, 森田めぐみ, 渡辺容子, 平間章郎, 藤田恵美子, 金子朋広, 酒井行直, 鶴岡秀一 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 37-42, 2016. |
[X] One case after the hypophysectomy that developed a highly low Na blood symptom with severe pancreatitis 佐藤紗映子, 田山陽資, 長谷川元 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 43-43, 2016. |
[XI] A case of symptomatic hyponatremia after administration of anticancer drug 山内佑, 梶本幸男, 中村隼, 妻鹿旭, 森田将史, 芳賀亮太, 山口嘉土, 長門谷克之, 山内淳 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 44-48, 2016. |
[XII] One patient who presented with various kinds of electrolyte abnormality during platinum therapy 藤井航, 根本佳和, 森本幾之, 眞祥子, 井上玲子, 新井繁幸, 田村好古, 太田樹, 柴田茂, 藤垣嘉秀, 内田俊也 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 49-53, 2016. |
[XIII] Relations of the disproportion of the Body Mass Index, extracellular fluid volume / intracellular fluid volume ratio in patients with chronic kidney disease and the surplus fluid volume 大橋靖1), 田井怜敏1), 青木敏行1), 大谷隆俊1), 田中仁英1), 相川厚1), 酒井謙1), 水入苑生2), 小倉豊子3) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 54-61, 2016. |
[XIV] Relations of the disproportionate and surplus fluid volume and cerebral natriuresis peptide of the extracellular fluid volume / intracellular fluid volume ratio in patients with chronic kidney disease 大橋靖, 斉藤彰信, 山崎恵介, 田井怜敏, 相川厚, 酒井謙 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 62-68, 2016. |
[XV] Urine electrolyte views of patients with infectious gastroenteritis 沼部敦司, 横田徳継, 斎藤鉄男 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 69-72, 2016. |
The onset and serine protease of edema, the high blood pressure 北村健一郎 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 74-83, 2016. |
The 47th Clinical Hydraulic Study Group Closing Ceremony 内田俊也 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 43: 84-84, 2016. |