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Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317)
Volume 44, Issue / 2017
English Article Japanese Article
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Greetings of the 48th clinical body fluid meeting for the study opening of a meeting 深川雅史 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 1-1, 2017. |
[I] One patient who had a diagnosis of the neuromyelitis optica spectrum disease that they received consulting about a low Na blood symptom, and complicated SIADH 山田剛久1), 肥後清一郎1), 柏木哲也1), 小澤明子2), 戸田諭補2), 山崎峰雄2) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 3-7, 2017. |
[II] One case that caused increased urine volume during low Na blood symptom treatment with the Rathke's cleft cyst 中村隼, 増山慧, 梶本幸男, 森田将史, 芳賀亮太, 山内佑, 長門谷克之, 山内淳 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 8-13, 2017. |
[III] One case that presented rhabdomyolysis after the sudden revision of the low Na blood symptom due to the water intoxication 倉田遊, 羽柴豊大, 安倍寛子, 古川恵美, 市川雅大, 古瀬智, 齊藤克典, 三瀬直文 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 14-17, 2017. |
[IV] One case that received orthopedics department for the numbness of four extremities, and became our hospital introduction for a high K blood symptom 軽部美穂1), 佐藤綾1), 國沢恭平1), 宮澤さやか1), 早川哲2), 要伸也1), 有村義宏1) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 18-18, 2017. |
[V] One case of the polycystic kidney with the primary aldosteronism that a low K blood symptom was manifested after tolvaptan administration 國沢恭平, 星野純一, 早見典子, 山内真之, 関根章成, 水野裕基, 小黒昌彦, 小堀清子, 高市憲明, 乳原善文 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 19-19, 2017. |
[VI] In acknowledgment of renal calcification; one case of the juxtaglomerular hyperplasia with hyperaldosteronism who had nephrogenic diabetes 大木里花子, 守矢英和, 松井賢治, 川井有紀, 小丸陽平, 真栄里恭子, 持田泰寛, 石岡邦啓, 日高寿美, 大竹剛靖, 小林修三 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 20-20, 2017. |
[VII] One case in acknowledgment of improvement of the high Ca blood symptom significant after renal carcinoma extraction 後藤俊介, 藤井秀毅, 西慎一 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 21-21, 2017. |
[VIII] One case that was conveyed emergency after heat stroke and diagnosis return for disturbance of consciousness due to a high Ca blood symptom, the high Mg blood symptom 佐藤太一1), 永田総一朗1), 片橋尚子1), 内藤善隆1), 石垣さやか1), 辻尚子1), 磯部伸介1), 岩倉考政1), 小野雅史2), 辻孝之1), 大橋温1), 安田日出夫1), 加藤明彦2) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 22-27, 2017. |
[IX] Examination of the effect that SGLT2 inhibitor gives to water-electrolyte balance 大原健, 増田貴博, 今井利美, 岡田麻里, 茗荷宏昭, 伊藤千春, 秋元哲, 齋藤修, 武藤重明, 長田太助 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 28-32, 2017. |
[X] Serum Na concentration and vital prognosis - Tokai dialysis cohort study - in patients on dialysis 川端千晶1), 小泉賢洋1), 駒場大峰1), 和田健彦1), 角田隆俊1), 飛田美穂2), 須賀孝夫3), 深川雅史1) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 33-33, 2017. |
[XI] One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor consulted for for disturbance of consciousness, significant alkalosis, a low K blood symptom 竹原慧理子, 高橋大栄, 近藤勲, 鈴木聡一郎, 坂本絵美, 宮崎崇, 松本優子, 高橋直宏, 庄司紀和, 須佐紘一郎, 銭谷慕子, 佐藤英彦, 飯盛聡一郎, 野村尚弘, 内藤省太郎, 蘇原映誠, 岡戸丈和, 頼建光, 内田信一 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 34-39, 2017. |
[XII] Bladder complete removal, one case that they presented with renal failure with the significant metabolic acidosis 40 years after the rectal ureteral anastomosis enforcement and showed disturbance of consciousness during urgent dialysis 藤井航, 谷口敬, 新井繁幸, 太田樹, 柴田茂, 藤垣嘉秀, 内田俊也 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 40-46, 2017. |
[XIII] Complementary utilization - by the common practice of one - Stewart method of the anion gap dilatation-related metabolic acidosis that developed in the patients after the ileal conduit ostomy with significant diarrhea and classic method 荒谷紗絵, 楊朋洋, 平間章郎, 酒井行直, 鶴岡秀一 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 47-48, 2017. |
[XIV] One case of the ketoacidosis that it was judged that an anion gap was normal, and racked its brains about a diagnosis 齊藤弥積, 中田泰之, 内山威人, 山本泉, 大城戸一郎, 坪井伸夫, 横山啓太郎, 横尾隆 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 49-49, 2017. |
[XV] Low Na blood symptom, high P blood symptom, one case of the severe diabetic ketoacidosis with the acute renal failure 小林沙和子, 宮内隆政, 松本直人, 石井太祐, 伊藤雄伍, 山本博之, 瀧史香, 二ツ山みゆき, 長浜正彦, 小松康宏 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 50-55, 2017. |
Science and art of water, the electrolyte abnormality consultation 小松康宏 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 57-64, 2017. |
The 48th Clinical Body Fluid Study Group Closing remarks 内田俊也 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 44: 65-65, 2017. |