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Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317)

Volume 46, Issue / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Greetings of the 50th clinical body fluid workshop opening of a meeting
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 1-1, 2019.

Japanese Article 1-1. One case of the low K blood symptom that we racked our brains about a diagnosis, and genetic screening led to a definitive diagnosis
清水真央, 後藤俊介, 原明子, 大田健人, 野津寛大, 藤井秀毅, 西愼一
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 3-3, 2019.

Japanese Article 1-2. A case of emergency hospitalization due to multiple fractures, multiple muscle abscesses, and severe inflammation, and systemic symptoms of ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome were suspected
酒井一広, 山崎修, 上野雅樹, 盛田幸司, 新井繁幸, 田村好古, 藤垣嘉秀, 柴田茂
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 4-6, 2019.

Japanese Article 1-3. An example of the pseudo hypoaldosteronism type 2 due to the WNK4 mutation in the gene that led to a diagnosis at 29 years old for the first time
酒匂崇史1), 関根章成1), 星野純一1), 水野裕基1), 川田真宏1), 長谷川詠子1), 澤直樹1), 藤丸拓也2), 森崇寧2), 蘇原映誠2), 内田信一2), 乳原善文1), 高市憲明1)
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 7-7, 2019.

Japanese Article 1-4. An example with suspected Fanconi syndrome with the renal acidosis tubular with cadmium
石垣さやか, 青木太郎, 後藤大樹, 田代傑, 永田総一郎, 松山貴司, 佐藤太一, 内藤善隆, 藤倉知行, 大橋温, 加藤明彦, 安田日出夫
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 8-8, 2019.

Japanese Article 1-5. One case of the maintenance patients on dialysis who caused metabolic alkalosis by short bowel syndrome
増山慧, 河岡孝征, 川西早秀, 野見洋基, 藁田明希, 徳山敦之, 芳賀亮太, 森大輔, 長門谷克之, 山内淳
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 9-9, 2019.

Japanese Article 2-1. One case of the haemodialysis reintroduction that showed significant metabolic alkalosis, a high PTH blood symptom, a high Ca blood symptom
中井健太郎, 石松由季子, 井上めぐみ, 古原千明, 山本修太郎, 高江啓太, 黒木裕介, 満生浩司
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 10-13, 2019.

Japanese Article 2-2. An example of pseudohypoparathyroidism that a symptomatic low Ca blood symptom developed with acute hepatitis due to the EB virus
磯崎雄大, 板山律子, 高橋浩雄, 駒場大峰, 小泉賢洋, 和田健彦, 深川雅史
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 14-14, 2019.

Japanese Article 2-3. Is discovered by electrolyte abnormality; an example of intestinal tract Behcet disease who had the vitamin D deficiency
中村裕美子, 叶澤浩一, 下郷優, 安田邦彦, 肥田徹, 小暮裕太, 黒澤明, 原宏明, 羽田野実, 岩下山連, 清水泰輔, 小川智也, 長谷川元
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 15-15, 2019.

Japanese Article 2-4. A case with hypomagnesemia and hypocalcemia
植村祐公1), 大島一憲1), 内田真一1), 池谷直樹1), 酒井直樹2), 関常司3), 菱田明3)
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 16-16, 2019.

Japanese Article 2-5. Kidney transplant case with ectopic intrapulmonary calcification
久松加奈1), 村松真樹1), 湯浅玲奈1), 米倉尚志1), 斎藤彰信1), 田井怜敏2), 小口英世1), 荒井太一1), 河村毅1), 宍戸清一郎1), 酒井謙1)
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 17-21, 2019.

Japanese Article 3-1. Application to the dehydration diagnosis of the small urinary Na/K ratio measuring instrument
沼部敦司, 横田徳継, 福嶋博道, 前田真由美, 斎藤鉄男
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 22-22, 2019.

Japanese Article 3-2. Crossing study - to have estimation of change - fluid balance of the age-related cells inside and outside fluid volume in 15-88 years old of Japanese people
大橋靖1), 常喜信彦2), 山崎恵介1), 河村毅1), 田井怜敏3), 小口英世3), 湯浅玲奈3), 酒井謙3)
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 23-26, 2019.

Japanese Article 3-3. Clinical examination about the serum Na level in pneumonia
福岡利仁, 兵動智夏, 要伸也
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 27-27, 2019.

Japanese Article 3-4. Reconsideration of the usefulness of TTKG in the hypokalemia
鈴切恒平, 吉田駿, 鈴木総一郎, 千野蘭, 崔賢姫, 高桑章太朗, 飯田禎人, 土岐徳義, 九鬼隆家, 紀平裕美, 羽田学, 西尾康英
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 28-31, 2019.

Japanese Article 4-1. One case that presented salt-losing nephropathy in high-dose sulfamethoxazole - trimethoprim medical mixture to pneumocystis pneumonia
中島大輔, 長浜正彦, 種本史明, 孫楽, 河野桃子, 伊藤雄伍, 瀧史香, 丹野有道, 中山昌明
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 32-32, 2019.

Japanese Article 4-2. It is one patient of the pulmonary disorder after the self-peripheral blood stem cell transplantation that accepted a significant low Na blood symptom after the tacrolimus internal use start
久保沙記, 田中春奈, 安藤史顕, 飯盛聡一郎, 磯部清志, 須佐紘一郎, 森崇寧, 野村尚弘, 内藤省太郎, 蘇原映誠, 岡戸丈和, 頼建光, 内田信一
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 33-36, 2019.

Japanese Article 4-3. Examination of two low Na blood symptoms which presented urinary Na excretion sthenia, the adrenal insufficiency-like condition of a patient
羽柴豊大, 森典子, 小倉吉保, 稲葉達郎, 竹中悠人, 田中翔士, 安倍寛子, 古川恵美, 真弓健吾, 平澤麗子, 小澤瞳, 古瀬智, 五十川陽洋, 三瀬直文
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 37-40, 2019.

Japanese Article 4-4. An example of the severe hyponatremia complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis
孫楽, 長浜正彦, 種本史明, 中島大輔, 河野桃子, 伊藤雄伍, 瀧史香, 中山昌明
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 41-41, 2019.

Japanese Article 4-5. A case of marked hypernatremia in a very short period of time
寺嶋理沙, 内山威人, 小池健太郎, 小林賛光, 山本泉, 松尾七重, 丸山之雄, 大城戸一郎, 横山啓太郎, 横尾隆
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 42-42, 2019.

Japanese Article We review the clinical practice of the low Na blood symptom
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 44-47, 2019.

Japanese Article Greetings of the 50th clinical body fluid workshop closing
Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 46: 48-48, 2019.