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Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317)
Volume 48, Issue / 2021
English Article Japanese Article
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Greetings of the 52nd clinical body fluid workshop opening of a meeting 小松康宏 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 1-1, 2021. |
1-1. The case that presented with hyponatremia during lung cancer chemotherapy, and had a diagnosis of a merger of the ACTH-secreting aplasia and adrenal cortical insufficiency 山崎修, 小林このみ, 鈴木有季, 長瀬洋之, 岡本かおり, 盛田幸司, 石川敏夫, 内田俊也, 藤垣嘉秀, 柴田茂 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 3-5, 2021. |
1-2. Example that caused a treatment-resistant low Na blood symptom against a backdrop of cancer of endometrium 星野幹, 萬代新太郎, 内藤省太郎, 赤木祐一朗, 安藤史顕, 森崇寧, 須佐紘一郎, 飯盛聡一郎, 蘇原映誠, 頼建光, 内田信一 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 6-10, 2021. |
2-1. Renal failure and electrolyte abnormality with the immune checkpoint inhibitor 石井太祐1), 小松康宏2) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 11-12, 2021. |
3-1. An example of the central diabetes insipidus that occurred with meningitis 嶋田啓基, 瀧史香, 濱田隆行, 渡邉公雄, 伊藤雄伍, 藤丸拓也, 長浜正彦, 中山昌明 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 13-13, 2021. |
3-2. Example that they presented with a high Na blood symptom for the perioperative period of colon cancer, and idiopathic diabetes insipidus was diagnosed 末廣耀平, 上田莉紗, 淺野裕, 中島章雄, 山本泉, 上田裕之, 大城戸一郎, 横尾隆 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 14-14, 2021. |
4-1. An example of the chronic kidney disease with the ileal conduit which accepted significant metabolic acidosis after the digestive organ surgery 玉井慎二郎1), 徳地真帆1), 井上夏実1), 河合秀亮1), 島田直幸1), 野見洋基1), 芳賀亮太1), 森大輔1), 長門谷克之1), 加藤一哉2), 長谷川順一2), 山内淳1) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 15-15, 2021. |
4-2. One case of the rapidly progressive low K blood symptom found in patients with prostate cancer during Abiraterone internal use 岩倉考政, 江間智映実, 青木太郎, 佐藤太一, 磯部伸介, 藤倉知行, 大橋温, 加藤明彦, 安田日出夫 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 16-17, 2021. |
5-1. A case in which serum uric acid level decreased with Iguratimod administration 福岡利仁1), 佐藤徹2), 李恵怜1), 田中弦3), 木村徹3), 川上貴久1), 岸本暢将1), 駒形嘉紀1), 櫻井裕之3), 要伸也1) Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 18-18, 2021. |
5-2. An example of patients with intestinal tract imperfection that presented a highly low Mg blood symptom during cyclosporine administration 小川公己, 岩下山連, 山本亮, 小暮裕太, 清水泰輔, 小川智也, 前嶋明人, 黒澤明, 長谷川元 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 19-19, 2021. |
New viewpoint of the CKD-MBD treatment in the aging era 駒場大峰 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 21-21, 2021. |
Greetings of the 52nd clinical body fluid workshop closing 内田俊也 Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) 48: 22-22, 2021. |